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The life history of the red alga Ahnfeltiopsis paradoxa (Suringar) Masuda (Phyllophoraceae, Gigartinales) from Japan was completed in laboratory culture. Carpospores isolated from field-collected plants germinated to form circular crusts that were composed of a monostromatic hypothallium consisting of radiating filaments, a polystromatic perithallium consisting of tightly coalescent erect filaments, and hypobasal tissue derived from the hypothallium. The crusts were induced to sporulate by transferring them from short-day to long-day regimes at 15° and 2°C. Each crust produced several nemathecia along 1-4 concentric rings. Intercalary, cruciately or decussately divided tetrasporangia were formed in 4-6 (1-2 at the margin of the nemathecium) successive cells of a single filament of the nemathecia. Tetraspore germlings gave rise to basal discs from which upright axes developed. The upright axes first grew without branches or were sparsely branched and later bore many marginal reproductive proliferations. Procarps and spermatangia were formed in the proliferations on different individuals. Carposporophytes developed on female plants that were co-cultured with male plants. Gonimoblast filaments were formed from an auxiliary cell that fused with a carpogonium. Carposporangia developed from gonimoblast filaments and medullary cells contacted by the gonimoblast filaments. Carpospores were discharged through carpostomes formed in the thickened cortex. Tetraspores were cultured from field-collected crusts of a morphology similar to that of cultured tetrasporophytes. They gave rise to upright gametophytic axes similar in morphology to this species as seen in the field.  相似文献   

A review of the life history,reproduction and phenology of Gracilaria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The basic life history of the red alga Gracilaria is of the three-phase Polysiphonia type but a number of species show deviations. Plants can bear both gametangia and tetrasporangia, either on separate parts of the thallus or on the same. Explanations include the in situ germination of tetraspores (allowing gametophytic thalli to be epiphytic on tetrasporophytes), the coalescence of spores or developing discs (resulting in chimaeras), mitotic recombination during cell division in the mature diploid thallus (resulting in patches of diploid male and female cells on the tetrasporophyte), a mutation eliminating the repression of female expression allowing haploid male plants to be bisexual and initial failure of cell walls to form during the development of tetraspores. Polyploids can be produced from plants with diploid gametangia. The sexes and phases are usually morphologically identical but gametophytes or their parts may be smaller. The growth rates of the sexes may differ and diploid juveniles may survive better than haploid. Neither polyploidy nor hybridization results in superior growth. The sex ratio is probably 1:1 but females may appear to be more abundant. Diploid and haploid phases are usually either about equal or diploids predominate, often depending on the type of substratum. At high latitudes reproduction peaks in late summer whereas in the tropics it may be high all year. In temperate regions growth rate is fastest and biomass highest in late summer; in the tropics peak biomass is mainly in the winter. Spermatia are effective for only a few h. Spores vary in size around 25 \m, diploid ones usually being larger. Cystocarps or tetrasporangia in the field may not currently be releasing spores. In the laboratory spore release shows a diurnal rhythm, peaking during the night or day according to the species. All the above attributes are potentially important in planning and executing Gracilaria cultivation.  相似文献   

Turnerella (Gigartinales) withT. mertensiana known from northern Japan was studied to determine its life history. Carpospores cultured from foliose female plants gave rise on germination to crustose plants containing tetrasporangia, as noted previously inT. pennyi from the Atlantic. The crusts were slow to develop and required 3–5 years to achieve reproductive maturity. Tetraspores liberated in culturedT. mertensiana gave rise on germination eventually to thalli similar to gametophyticT. mertensiana. Thus this species may be said to adhere to the pattern of life history in which a large, foliose gametophyte alternates with a small crustose tetrasporophyte. The erect filaments of the small sporophytes branch laterally and tetrasporangial mother cells are found there, exemplifying an unusual method for crustose species to produce tetrasporangia.  相似文献   

Korstad  J.  Olsen  Y.  Vadstein  O. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,(1):43-50
A detailed study of the life history of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis was done at 20 °C, 20 ppt salinity, and 90 mg C 1–1 food concentration. Rotifers were grown individually in culture plate wells (150 µl culture volume) and fed Isochrysis galbana Tahiti, Tetraselmis sp., Nannochloris atomus, or a l : 1 mixture (weight) of two of the algae. Observations were made every 2–8 hr and rotifers were sized and transferred to new food daily. A total of 19 different parameters were compared. Rotifers fed Isochrysis averaged 21 offspring per female, a 6.7 day reproductive period, a lifespan of 10.5 days and a mean length of 234 µm. After Isochrysis, the foods giving the highest growth, survival, and reproduction in decreasing order were Isochrysis + Nannochloris, Nannochloris, Isochrysis + Tetraselmis, Tetraselmis + Nannochloris, and Tetraselmis. Although the small volume culture system used in this study seems appropriate for studying life history of B. plicatilis, the results cannot always be directly applied to larger cultures.  相似文献   

Relationships between Artemia monica life history characteristics and salinity were determined using data from four published studies and three experiments presented here. Salinity explained 40 to 93 percent of the variation in ten life history characteristics. Reductions in hatching success, survival, length, weight, ovigery, and brood size were observed as salinity increased from 76 to 168 g l–1. Inter-brood duration, and time to hatching and reproduction were protracted as salinity was elevated. Salinity effects on life history characteristics appeared to be gradual and continuous rather than exhibiting thresholds. The one exception was naupliar survival, which was constant between 76 and 133 g l–1 followed by a decrease above 133 g l–1.  相似文献   

大型海藻富含多种活性物质,具有抗衰老等生物活性;轮虫是良好的潜在抗衰老研究模式生物。本研究以褶皱臂尾轮虫(Brachionus plicatilis)作为实验对象,研究了不同浓度的大型海藻龙须菜抽提液(0,250,500,750,1000 mg/L)和不同浓度的食物(蛋白核小球藻和普通小球藻)对褶皱臂尾轮虫生命表参数的影响。结果表明:与对照组相比,食物浓度为1.0×10~6个/mL蛋白核小球藻时,不同浓度龙须菜抽提液对轮虫产卵数、平均寿命、净生长率以及世代时间有显著促进效应(P0.05);轮虫平均产卵数及寿命在龙须菜抽提液浓度750 mg/L处达到最高,分别为16只和13.9d(P0.05)。食物浓度为2.0×10~6个/mL普通小球藻时,轮虫平均产卵数和寿命在抽提液浓度为500 mg/L处达到最高,分别为16只和13.6d(P0.05),轮虫平均寿命和净生长率均有显著提高(P0.05)。相同龙须菜抽提液浓度下,食物浓度为1.0×10~6个/mL蛋白核小球藻下轮虫的净生长率、世代时间均显著高于食物浓度为2.0×10~6个/mL蛋白核小球藻培养的轮虫(P0.05);食物浓度为2.0×10~6个/mL时,普通小球藻培养轮虫的净生长率和世代时间均显著高于蛋白核小球藻实验组(P0.05)。交互作用分析显示,龙须菜抽提液与小球藻的交互作用对褶皱臂尾轮虫的内禀增长率有显著影响(P0.05)。研究结果表明,大型海藻龙须菜抽提液对褶皱臂尾轮虫的生长与生殖有促进作用,延长轮虫寿命。  相似文献   

Xi  Yi-Long  Huang  Xiang-Fei  Jin  Hong-Jun 《Hydrobiologia》2001,(1):95-98
This study describes the life history characteristics of amictic, unfertilized mictic and fertilized mictic females of the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus cultured individually on two different algae at 0.1 mg ml–1 food concentration and 27 °C. The duration of the juvenile period of amictic females was significantly shorter on Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chick than on Scenedesmus obliquus Kütz or both algae together. The duration of the juvenile period of unfertilized mictic females was significantly longer, and the number of eggs produced by amictic females was significantly larger on Chlorella pyrenoidosa than on S. obliquus. When fed the same type of alga, the duration of the juvenile period of the fertilized mictic females was the longest among the three types of females, and the durations of the reproductive period of the amictic females and the post-reproductive period of the fertilized mictic females were longer than, or equal to those of the other two types of females, respectively. The number of eggs produced by an unfertilized mictic female was the largest among the three types of females, and that of amictic females was larger than or equal to that of fertilized mictic females, depending on the type of diet.  相似文献   

Xenodexia ctenolepis (Hubbs, 1950) is a uniquely asymmetrical species in the fish family Poeciliidae that is endemic to a remote region of Guatemala. In the present study, we describe its life history based on the dissection of 65 adult females from three different collections. We show that it is a livebearer, has superfetation, or the ability to carry multiple litters of young in different stages of development, and has matrotrophy, or placentation, which results in the dry mass of young at birth being three- to four-fold greater than the egg at fertilization. The size distribution of males is non-normal in a fashion that suggests a genetic polymorphism for age and size at maturity. Most phylogenies place Tomeurus gracilis as the sister taxon to the remaining members of the family Poeciliidae. Because Tomeurus is the sole egg-layer in the family, egg-laying is thought to represent the life history of the common ancestor. Because Xenodexia possesses three supposed derived traits (livebearing, superfetation and matrotrophy), this phylogenetic hypothesis suggests that Xenodexia has a highly derived life history with respect to other members of the family. By contrast, the most recent DNA-based phylogeny suggests Xenodexia is the sister taxon to the remainder of the family. If this proves to be true, it suggests that some or all of these life history traits may have been characteristic of the common ancestor to the family, then lost and re-evolved multiple times within the family.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 77–85.  相似文献   

Since 1992, as part of a study to circumscribe the genus Porphyra in New Zealand, an extensive culture programme has been developed at the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. This collection currently houses more than 800 cultures and 150strains. We currently recognise at least 20 species in New Zealand, most of which are undescribed. Close observation of reproduction and the development of conchocelis-phase filaments grown in the laboratory, under controlled conditions of temperature, irradiance and photoperiod, has enabled the recognition of characters that can assist in species separation. The comparative taxonomic value of a range of such characters is discussed, including reporting a novel reproductive mode. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Juanes  José A.  Puente  Araceli 《Hydrobiologia》1993,260(1):139-144
Vegetative reproduction is an important phenomenon in the propagation of Gelidium species, having significant implications for its ecology and commercial cultivation. This work is an experimental study of one of five sequential processes included in the vegetative propagation of Gelidium sesquipedale: the reattachment of rhizoidal filaments differentiated from apical fragments.Two different factors: light (25 µmol m–2 s–1 and long-day conditions, and 50 µmol m–2 s–1 and short-day conditions) and life history phases (female gametophytes and tetrasporophytes) were combined in a 2 × 2 factorial experiment. Reattachment of apical portions was induced in the laboratory under spray cultivation conditions and occurs mainly at the first stage of development when in contact with the substratum. Light conditions in these experiments (photoperiod + instantaneous photon flux densities) had no effect on the percentage of reattached neofilaments per fragment. Significant differences between percentages corresponding to both phases suggest, however, a probable competitive advantage of sporophytic fronds.  相似文献   

Chemical cues from a predator Chaoborus sp. induce morphological defense (neck spine) and life history shifts (later reproduction, decreased fecundity but larger juvenile size) in the waterflea Daphnia pulex. These shifts have been interpreted either as costs of defense or as separate adaptation. In order to investigate if the life history shifts can be separated from the morphological defense, Daphnia pulex individuals were exposed to chemical cues from Chaoborus at different stages of life for variable periods. The daphnids that were exposed to Chaoborus started their reproduction later than the controls, although the differences were not statistically significant. Neck spine was induced only if daphnids were exposed to Chaoborus in an early stage of their life. Numbers of eggs produced were not affected by the different treatments, but egg mortality was higher in mothers exposed to Chaoborus. With these treatments it was possible to see neck spine induction without measurable life history changes or costs. On the other hand, irrespective of neck spine presence, the Chaoborus chemical(s) had an effect on Daphnia pulex mothers.Publication no 2159. Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Centre for LimnologyPublication no 2159. Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Centre for Limnology  相似文献   

Bolton  J. J.  Joska  M. A. P. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,260(1):191-195
An intertidal population of Iridaea capensis in the south-western Cape Province of South Africa has been studied in detail for a year. The species is generally restricted to sand-inundated rocky shores, which appears not to be the case for Iridaea species in the Pacific. In early winter (June) biomass, plant density and plant size were at a minimum. A small increase in these parameters occurred in August, but there was a massive increase in plant numbers and biomass in October. The largest plants were recorded in summer (February). The population was over 70% sporophytes in April, but switched to almost 80% gametophytes following heavy recruitment between August and October, and remained significantly gametophyte-dominated through April of the following year. Carrageenan levels were high (ca 42% of dry weight) in late winter-spring, and lowest (ca 30–35%) in summer-autumn. Strong offshore wind conditions in early summer caused a reduction in biomass, and it is hypothesized that the associated upwelling of nutrient rich water may be implicated in the lower carrageenan levels at this time.  相似文献   

I conducted the first long- term study of the life history patterns of Propithecus diadema edwardsi—Milne- Edward’s sifaka— in the rain forests of southeastern Madagascar, beginning in 1986. I report behavioral observations on a total of 33 individuals from three groups over a 9- year span. We captured,marked, and released 21 individuals. Individual group size ranged from three to nine sifakas. Two breeding females lived in groups I and II until 1993. A newly formed group (III) had one breeding female. Age at first reproduction is 4 years for females and 5 years for males. Gestation length is 179 days (n =2). Most births occurred in June (n = 17), but infants were also born in May (n = 2) and July (n =2). Nine of 21 (43%) infants born died before the age of 1 year, and 15 (67%) died before the age of reproduction. One female bred in her natal group after the death of the resident male and the immigration of an adult male. Another two females disappeared at 4 and 5 years of age;they could have emigrated or died. All 5- to- 6- year- old males (n = 4) have emigrated from their natal groups to adjacent groups. Two have committed infanticide. Five or more individuals were killed by Cryptoprocta ferox.Despite high mortality and offspring dispersal, the number of individuals in the two main groups remained nearly the same over the 9- year study.  相似文献   

Field sampling of an Iowa population of Lymnaea stagnalis appressa Say indicated an annual generation pattern, with survivorship to maturity of i percent or less. Estimates of adult fecundity ranged from about 300 to 800 eggs.Density and food manipulations were performed to determine whether density dependent limitation of growth rates, maturation, or fecundity occurs in this fresh water pulmonate snail. Addition of a high quality food resource, spinach, accelerated growth rates, but did not drastically accelerate maturity, nor increase fecundity. Density increments lowered growth rates, delayed maturity, and lowered fecundity, and the addition of spinach did not counteract high densities. Adult densities are fairly low in the field population, and adults are randomly dispersed, indicating little density dependent regulation of fecundity in this population. However, the low survivorship to maturity, response in growth rates with food addition, and increasing survivorship with age and size indicate that juvenile mortality may play an important role in structuring life history patterns in this population.  相似文献   

The taxonomic placement of four antarctic species of the marine red algal family Phyllophoraceae (Gigartinales) is assessed within a preliminary molecular phylogeny of the family based on direct sequence analysis of the chloroplast gene rbcL. Parsimony analysis of rbcL sequences indicates that Gymnogongrus antarcticus and Gymnogongrus turquetii cluster in a clade consisting predominantly of southern hemisphere species currently placed in Gymnogongrus and Ahnfeltiopsis, whereas Phyllophora ahnfeltioides and Phyllophora antarctica cluster in a separate clade that is widely divergent from the northern hemisphere Phyllophora clade. Results from molecular and morphological data challenge the current taxonomic concept that type of life history is a phylogenetically valid criterion for recognition of genera in the Phyllophoraceae.  相似文献   

Adults of the temnocephalan Diceratocephala boschmai, an ectocommensal on the crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus, deposited eggs on the host carapace. After 15 to 20 days at 28 °C, the eggs hatched into ciliated miniature adults with undeveloped reproductive organs, that remained attached to the host alongside the eggs. They grew and became gravid within 53 to 70 days if they were not dislodged. Most oviposited on the host on which they had hatched. Although larval temnocephalans have been described from in vitro work, this is the first temnocephalan life history to be described in vivo.Juvenile worms frequently changed their position on the carapace. Adult worms were sedentary just prior to, and during oviposition, and were frequently found at the base of the large chelae, the ventral surface of the antennae and antennules, and at the base of the walking legs. The ventral margins of the abdomen, the mouthparts, and the interorbital-rostral area were secondarily inhabited.It was calculated using an indirect regression that adult Diceratocephala boschmai survived on average 91 days when removed from the host but they did not produce eggs in vitro. On the host, adult worms lived an average of 48 days after the commencement of oviposition.Abbreviations C cilia - E eyespot - Es ejaculatory sac - Ex excretory canal - G gut - Gl glands - I intertentacular flange - M muscular peduncle - O ovary - P penis - Pg pharyngeal glands - Ph pharynx - R rhabdites - S seminal vesicle - T tentacles - Te testes - U uterus - Vd vas deferens - Vit vitelline glands  相似文献   

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