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海洋浮游介形类(Ostracods)是一类分布较广的小型甲壳动物, 在海洋碳循环中起重要作用。目前国内海洋浮游动物采样常使用505μm网目孔径的浮游生物网, 从而导致个体较小的介形类被忽略。文章根据2006年7—8月(夏季)和2006年12月—2007年1月(冬季)在南海西北部海域分别使用网目孔径为505μm和160μm浮游生物网采集的样品, 比较不同网目所获浮游介形类种类和丰度的差异, 分析介形类种类和丰度的分布特征, 探讨环境因素对其时空分布的影响。160μm网目采集的浮游介形类种类和丰度均高于505μm。基于160μm网目数据分析浮游介形类群落结构: 1) 鉴定浮游介形类32种, 其种数由近岸向外海递增, 等深线100m以浅海域的种数显著高于100m以深海域(p<0.01); 2) 夏季浮游介形类的丰度高于冬季, 夏季丰度高值区主要出现在雷州半岛东部和琼东近岸, 显著高于外海(p<0.05), 冬季介形类丰度分布较为均匀; 3) 优势种针刺真浮萤(Euconchoecia aculeata)是近岸高丰度的主要贡献种; 4) 介形类种数与温度和水深呈显著正相关, 丰度与叶绿素a浓度呈正相关, 而与温度和盐度呈负相关。夏季琼东沿岸上升流和粤西沿岸流有助于浮游介形类在雷州半岛和海南岛东部近岸海域形成较高的丰度, 最高达1252个·m-3。同时, 建议今后研究浮游介形类采用网目孔径小的浮游生物网进行采集以便全面评估其群落结构特征。  相似文献   

Continuous observation in late April 2005 on the northwestern shelf of the South China Sea reveals vigorous strong currents, the maximum velocity of which exceeds 3.8 m/s. The strong currents occurred around spring tide period, when the internal tide waves were also expected to be vigorous. Analysis shows that the major peaks of the current power spectrum are in low frequency band. Using a numerical method applied to the actual ocean stratification, we find that the amplitude profiles of the strong current are similar to that of the currents induced by some low-mode internal waves (at diurnal or semi-diurnal frequency). It indicates that the temporal and spatial features of strong currents were possibly induced by low frequency internal waves.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTheSCSisthelargestmarginseainthewestoftheNorthPacificOcean .Theprevailingwindinwinterisnortheast,whileinsummeritissouthwest .Itisstilluncertainthathowthecirculationandtemperature -salinityfieldassociatewiththemonsoonforcingandaccompanywithseveralkindsofvariationsbeforeorafterthesummermonsoonburst .DuringSECMEXin 1 998,twointensiveobservationperiods (IOP)havebeencarriedoutntheSCS (Fig 1 ) :IOP1 ,from 1 0Aprilto 5May ;IOP2 ,from 1 2JunetoJuly 6 ,inordertounderstandthe…  相似文献   

This study examines species composition and abundance of appendicularians in the northwestern coastal waters of South China Sea based on in situ data obtained by 169 μm planktonic nets during summer and winter, and discusses the influence of environmental factors on their distribution and assemblages. A total of 19 appendicularian species (including one unidentified species) was collected. Species richness is higher in summer than in winter, and it increases from inshore to offshore waters. Average abundance of appendicularians is 103.1 (±198.1) and 54.6 (±111.1) ind. m−3 in summer and winter, respectively. The abundance distribution of appendicularians is generally high around inshore waters during summer and winter, and with a higher abundance assemblage along the eastern coast from Leizhou Peninsula to Hainan Island, especially at the eastern mouth of Qiongzhou Strait in summer. Oikopleurids accounted for 97.5% and 99.6% of total appendicularians abundance in summer and winter, and the region of high values was the same to that of total appendicularians abundance. Oikopleura longicauda, Oikopleura rufescens, and Oikopleura fusiformis are dominant species during summer and winter. Results showed that spatial distribution of species richness of appendicularians is considered to be the result of physical factors such as temperature and salinity in summer and winter, while variations in abundance of appendicularians are affected by the combination of physical and biological factors. In particular, variations of appendicularians abundance are affected by food availability in summer.  相似文献   

夏季南海上层环流动力机制的数值研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过利用一个分区性的正压-斜压衔接模式来探讨夏季南海的上层环流特征及其动力机制,结果表明:夏季期间,由于风生环流的不稳定性促使在东沙群岛附近的气旋涡的强度及位置发生变化,并间接导致黑潮侵入南海北部的程度变化以及气旋涡南侧的反气旋式环流、西沙群岛西南侧的气旋涡的强度和范围出现波动现象;在南海南部的北向西边界流由于离岸的西南季风所驱动在中南半岛中部沿岸脱离岸线往东北方向的流动,导致沿岸的水体大量流失而在沿岸形成一支南向补偿流并在西沙群岛西南侧诱生一气旋涡,而上述的离岸西边界流则作顺时针方向流动,从而在南海南部形成反气旋式大环流;在南沙海槽附近出现的局地气旋涡和万安滩附近的气旋涡分别受β效应、底形效应的作用而形成.  相似文献   

1998年南海夏季风爆发前环流的三维海流诊断计算的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于1998年南海夏季风爆发前航次(4月22日至5月24日)获得的水文资料和NCEP提供的风场资料,采用三维海流诊断模式计算南海环流,结合同时期高度计资料T/P推得的水位高度距平分布,获得了一致的南海环流的流态,主要环流特性概括如下:(1)黑潮入侵南海较弱,黑潮的大部分绕过吕宋海峡作反气旋弯曲,向东北方向流向台湾以东,但小部分在300m以浅向西入侵,并局限于中国大陆以南较狭窄的陆架坡内,不扩展到所有的西边界,这与Qu的观点一致.(2)南海北部环流,在300m以浅主要由海盆尺度的气旋环流支配,它以两个气旋式涡C1与C2为核心组成.在300m以深,南海北部环流被反气旋环流以暖涡W4为核心分离成两个尺度不大、分别以气旋涡C2和C3为核心的环流.冬季时海盆尺度气旋式环流的范围比4~5月大得多.(3)南海中部环流,主要由海盆尺度的反气旋环流支配.在300m以浅海盆尺度的反气旋式环流分别以暖涡W1,W2和W3为核心组成.在反气旋式涡W1东南存在一个以C1为核心气旋式环流.但在300m以深,海盆尺度的反气旋环流分别以暖涡W1,W2和W4为核心组成,并向北扩展到20°N.(4)在越南以东近岸存在一支较强的沿岸北向流,其强度比6月时沿岸的北向流强.这支较强的北向的沿岸流一直可达17°15'N附近,比6月时更往北大约3°15'.(5)产生1998年4~5月南海环流的动力机制有两个:最重要的动力因子为斜压场与地形相互作用项,其次为东南风作用下风应力与地形相互作用项.Sverdrup关系在南海环流不满足.  相似文献   

Plankton respiration is an important part of the carbon cycle and significantly affects the balance of autotrophic assimilation and heterotrophic production in oceanic ecosystems. In the present study, respiration rates of the euphotic zone plankton community(CR_(eu)), size fractionated chlorophyll a concentration(Chl a), bacterial abundance(BAC), and dissolved oxygen concentration(DO) were investigated during winter and summer in the northern South China Sea(n SCS). The results show that there were obvious spatial and temporal variations in CR_(eu) in the n SCS(ranging from 0.03 to 1.10 μmol/(L·h)), CR_(eu) in winter((0.53±0.27) μmol/(L·h)) was two times higher than that in summer((0.26±0.20) μmol/(L·h)), and decreased gradually from the coastal zone to the open sea. The distribution of CR_(eu) was affected by coupled physical-chemical-biological processes, driven by monsoon events. The results also show that CR_(eu) was positively correlated with Chl a, BAC, and DO, and that BAC contributed the highest CR_(eu) variability. Furthermore, the results of the stepwise multiple linear regression suggest that bacteria and phytoplankton were the dominant factors in determining CR_(eu)(R~2 = 0.82, p0.05) in the n SCS. Based on this relationship, we estimated the integrated water column respiration rate(CRint) within 100 m of the investigated area, and found that the relationship between the biomass of the plankton community and respiration may be nonlinear in the water column.  相似文献   

The wind data from NCEP and hydrographic data obtained from April 22–May 24, 1998 have been used to compute the circulation in the South China Sea (SCS) using three dimensional diagnostic models. The main numerical results with SSHA derived from T/P altimeter are as follows: most of intruded Kuroshio bypasses. However, a part of Kuroshio intrudes westward above 300 m levels. This intruded westward flow is narrowly confined to the continental slope south of China, in agreement with the findings of Qu et al. (2000). The basin-scale cyclonic gyre dominates in the northern SCS and consists of two cyclonic eddies, C2 and C3, above 300 m levels. However, it is separated into two parts by an anti-cyclonic eddy, W4, below 300 m. The basin-scale anti-cyclonic gyre dominates in the central SCS and consists of three anti-cyclonic eddies, W1, W2 and W3, above 300 m levels. However, below 300 m it consists of the anti-cyclonic eddies W1, W2 and W4 and extends northward to near 20°N. A northward coastal jet is present near the coast of Vietnam at depths above 300 m, and develops northward further to about a distance of 3°15′ N than that in cruise 2. The most important dynamical mechanism is due to the joint effect of the baroclinity and relief. The second dynamical mechanism is due to the interaction between the wind stress and relief. The topography effect is more important than the β effect. The Sverdrup relation cannot be satisfied in the SCS.  相似文献   

南海盐度对南海夏季风响应的初步分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为分析南海盐度对南海夏季风的响应情况,采用1967-2001年共35年的月平均海洋同化数据(SODA)等资料,利用合成等分析方法,探讨了南海上层盐度与净淡水通量、风应力、Ekman抽吸速度的关系以及不同海域盐度对南海夏季风爆发以及季风强度的响应.结果表明,随着南海夏季风建立,南海北部、东部的盐度降低,南部盐度增加.在强季风年,南海北部沿岸、东部盐度偏低,南海南部马来西亚以北海域盐度偏高;弱季风年南海盐度异常分布则为北部、东部盐度偏高,南部盐度偏低.南海上层盐度对南海夏季风爆发和季风强度的响应均与南海的净淡水通量、风应力、Ekman抽吸速度存在密切关系.  相似文献   

On the basis of hydrographic data obtained from 12 June to 6 July, 1998, the three-dimensional structure of circulation in the South China Sea (SCS) is computed using a three-dimensional diagnostic model. The combination of sea surface height anomaly from altimeter data and numerical results provides a consistent circulation pattern for the SCS, and the main circulation features can be summarized as follows: In the northern SCS there are a cyclonic eddy C1 near Dongsha Islands and an anti-cyclonic eddy W1 west of Luzon Island. In the central SCS a strong anti-cyclonic eddy W3 and a cyclonic eddy C3 compose a quasi-dipole southeast of Vietnam. A coastal northward jet is present at the western boundary near the Vietnam coast above 300 m level. This northward coastal jet flows northward and turns eastward at about 14°N, and then flows southeastward into the area between eddies W3 and C3. In the southern SCS the current is weaker. The most important dynamic mechanism underlying the circulation in the SCS is the joint effect of the baroclinicity and relief (JEBAR), and the second dynamical mechanism is the interaction between the wind stress and relief (IBWSR). Comparison of the characters of circulation in the SCS during summer 2000 with that during summer 1998 reveals no obvious variability of the main characteristics.  相似文献   

本文通过南海北部冬、夏季航次的现场观测,研究了海表浮游植物光合作用速率对光强的响应特征(P-E曲线)。结果表明南海北部浮游植物P-E曲线存在明显的季节变化。在冬季,P-E曲线呈现高PmB、高α、高β的特征,这表明冬季浮游植物在低光照环境中光合作用速率增加迅速,其最大光合作用速率较高但容易受到光抑制。与冬季相反,夏季P-E曲线呈现低PmB、低α、低β的特征,浮游植物受光抑制影响小,但最大光合作用速率低于冬季。水温和粒级结构等指标与P-E参数存在显著相关,这意味着环境和群落的季节变化可能对光合作用特性有一定影响。通过P-E参数模拟得到真光层内光合作用速率,模拟值与现场结果之间呈明显的线性相关但存在高估。此研究有助于认识南海浮游植物光合作用特征,并为初级生产力模型研究提供依据。  相似文献   

黄海夏季近岸海区环流的初步分析及其与风速的关系   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:9  
2008年夏季,青岛近海海域浒苔大规模暴发,引起人们对黄海夏季近海环流的特别关注。该文通过分析江苏外海一个观测站点上的近26 d的夏季海流观测资料,发现这里存在一支流向比较稳定的北向流,垂向平均流速约3.4 cm/s,最大流速8 cm/s。研究表明,该北向流的变化主要受局地风场控制,南北向的流动与南北向风速的大小关系密切。  相似文献   

夏季南海北部沙壳纤毛虫种类组成及空间分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年8月夏季中国科学院南海海洋研究所南海北部开放航次期间,在北纬18°-22°,东经107°-122°范围内使用"实验三号"科考船进行了水体中沙壳纤毛虫的采样研究,探讨了沙壳纤毛虫的空间分布和种类组成。在36个站位中共鉴定出24属44种沙壳纤毛虫,其中优势种为长形旋口虫Helicostomella longa和根突拟铃虫Tintinnopsis radix,沙壳纤毛虫丰度变化范围为0–2200cell/L,平均丰度为221cell/L,从沿岸向外海方向,沙壳纤毛虫种类和丰度逐渐减少,其中A1站丰度最高(2200cell/L),种类数最多(10)。夏季南海北部沙壳纤毛虫丰度与叶绿素a呈显著正相关,而与温度相关性不明显。夏季南海北部的上升流和珠江冲淡水携带的营养盐刺激了浮游植物的生长,影响着南海北部沙壳纤毛虫的种类组成和空间分布。  相似文献   

Tectonically, the northwestern South China Sea (SCS) is located at the junction between three micro-plates, i.e., the Indochina, South China and Zhongsha-Xisha micro-plates, and involves three basins, i.e., the Yinggehai Basin, the Qiongdongnan Basin and Xisha Trough in the east, and the Zhongjiannan Basin in the south. Since the Pliocene (5.3 Ma), the Yinggehai Basin has experienced repeated accelerating subsidence, high thermal fluid, and widely developing mud-rich overpressure chambers, abundant mud diapers and crust-mantle mixed CO2. While a large central canyon was developed in the Qiongdongnan Basin, new rift occurred in the Xisha ~rough. These characteristics demonstrate a single tectonic unit for the northwestern SCS, for which we have undertaken stress field modeling to understand its plate deformations and sedimen- tary responses. Our results demonstrate that an extension tectonic event occurred after 5.3 Ma in theYingge- hal-Qiongdongnan-Xisha trough area, which is characterized by thinner crust C〈16000 m), half-graben or graben structural style and thicker sedimentary sequences (〉3 500 m). A new rift system subsequently was developed in this area; this event was mainly driven by the combined effects of different movement veloc- ity and direction of the three micro-plates, and the far-field effect of the continental collision between the Indian Plate and the Tibetan Plateau, and subduction of the Pacific Plate underneath the Eurasian Plate.  相似文献   

Using the hydrographic data obtained during two nearly simultaneous surveys in June 2015, we carried out semidiagnostic calculations with the help of a finite element model and a modified inverse method, to study the circulation in the northern South China Sea(NSCS) during the early summer of 2015. A number of new circulation features were found.(1) In most of the observation region, a large, basin-scale anticyclonic gyre appeared south of the 50-m isobath, which contained anticyclonic eddies. One anticyclonic eddy existed from the sea surface to 50-m depth, whose center showed no tilt, while the center of another eddy tilted eastward from the sea surface to 500-m depth. In the eastern part of the observation region, which is west of the Dongsha Islands, there was a sub-basinscale cyclonic gyre containing a cyclonic eddy whose center tilted southward from the sea surface to 200-m depth.(2) There was a cross-continental slope current(CCSC) in the area southwest of the Dongsha Islands. Its volume transport was about 2.0×10~6 m~3/s.(3) From the estimated order of magnitude of the stream function equation, the joint effect term of the baroclinity and relief(JEBAR) and β-effect term are two important dynamic mechanisms affecting the variation of the circulation in the NSCS.(4) The JEBAR, as a transport-generating term, resulted in the dynamic mechanism determining the pattern of the depth-averaged flow across the contours of potential vorticity fH~(–1). Furthermore, we show that the negative values of the JEBAR were the most dominant dynamic mechanism, causing the CCSC southwest of the Dongsha Islands to deflect from the isobaths and veer toward the deep water. The CCSC around the Dongsha Islands was located further southwest during the early summer of2015 than during the fall of 2005(revealed by a published study), which suggests that the location of the CCSC around the Dongsha Islands may vary with season.  相似文献   

利用卫星遥感资料和区域海洋数值模式ROMS(regional ocean modeling system)高分辨率数值模拟结果, 对南海西部夏季上升流锋面的次中尺度特征及其非地转过程进行了探讨。高分辨率卫星遥感观测和数值模拟结果显示, 南海西部夏季锋面海域存在活跃的次中尺度现象, 其水平尺度约为1~10km, 且具有O(1)罗斯贝数(Rossby number, Ro)的典型次中尺度动力学特征。进一步的诊断分析表明, 在夏季西南风的驱动下, 沿锋面射流方向的风应力(down-front wind stress)引起的跨锋面埃克曼输运有利于将海水由锋面冷水侧向暖水侧输运, 减小了锋面海域的垂向层结和Ertel位涡, 加剧了锋面的不稳定, 并形成跨锋面的垂向次级环流。高分辨率模拟结果显示, 锋面海域最大垂向流速可达100m?d -1, 显著增强了上层海洋的垂向物质交换。因此, 活跃在锋面海域的次中尺度过程可能是增强南海西部上升流海域垂向物质交换的重要贡献者。  相似文献   

2005年7月28日热带风暴天鹰(Washi)在南海东沙群岛西南海域生成,并向西北偏西推进,在7月29日增强为一个热带风暴,于7月30日在海南岛登陆。布放在南海西北部大陆架海域的锚系测站记录了天鹰过境期间温度和海流的响应过程。分析结果表明,伴随着热带风暴的强风应力引起强烈的垂向混合作用,使海表面温度下降2℃,混合层加深20 m,并且8 m以下各水层也都有明显的降温过程,但降温幅度低于8 m层,降温开始的时间也随着深度的增加而延后。台风过后,观测海域的近惯性内波显著,其频率为8.1×10?6 Hz,略高于当地的惯性振荡频率(7.75×10?6 Hz)。滤波后的海流数据分析显示,近惯性波动是从海面向深海处传播的,其影响大约持续了10 d。本研究丰富了南海在台风期间响应过程的认识,可为近海海洋工程设计提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Based on in-situ time series data from the acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) and thermistor chain in Wenchang area, a sequence of internal solitary wave (ISW) packets was observed in September 2005, propagating northwest on the continental shelf of the northwestern South China Sea (SCS). Corresponding to different stratification of the water column and tidal condition, both elevation and depression ISWs were observed at the same mooring location with amplitude of 35 m and 25 m respectively in different days. Regular arrival of the remarkable ISW packets at approximately the diurnal tidal period and the dominance of diurnal internal waves in the study area, strongly suggest that the main energy source of the waves is the diurnal tide. Notice that the wave packets were all riding on the troughs and shoulders of the internal tides, they were probably generated locally from the shelf break by the evolution of the internal tides due to nonlinear and dispersive effects.  相似文献   

基于2000年8月在南海调查航次得到的水文资料,首次采用广义随底坐标形式的改进POM模式对南海夏季环流进行了数值研究.用正交曲线性水平网格覆盖观测区域,在垂向上对近表海面层次采用近似z坐标,而近底层则为随底坐标.在计算海区实际地形及假设的水平均匀而垂直层化的密度分布下,实施的两个数值计算试验表明,本模式采用的垂直坐标方案比传统的σ坐标方案优越,随底坐标模式因压力梯度项在起伏地形下产生的系统计算误差将变得十分的微小.在南海2000年夏季环流的实际计算中,首先对观测资料进行了60d的诊断计算,然后在诊断已得到的动力场结果基础上,又进行了10d左右的预报运行得到半诊断结果.从计算结果来看,它依赖于参数Cvis与Cdif的选择,特别是参数Cvis,文中取值为Cvis=Cdif=008.比较诊断与半诊断两个计算过程的结果,它们在定性上较为一致,在定量上有些差别.这是因为半诊断计算的方法对密度场作适当的动力调整,使其与地形、风场等更加匹配.在大尺度环流结构不受影响的情况下,尽可能地消除了小尺度噪声,可使计算得到的流场更为清晰.2000年8月南海计算区域环流的最大特点是多涡结构,其中有些反气旋暖涡和气旋式冷涡相间分布.在越南东南海域自表层至1000m水层稳定存在着一个显著的反气旋暖涡,其中心位置在11°51'N,112°07'E(诊断计算),水平尺度约为300km.此暖涡以东存在一个气旋式冷涡,这两个冷、暖涡是研究海区夏季环流的重要环流特征之一.在计算区域东北部夏季环流以反气旋环流系统为主;在计算区域东南部夏季环流以气旋系统为主;南海夏季环流分布,明显出现西部强化特征.  相似文献   

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