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Oxygen uptake rates and yolk-inclusive dry weiGhts were measured during the egg and yolk-sac larval stages of milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskal). Oxygen uptake by eggs and yolk-sac larvae was measured to assess the effects of four salinities (20,25,30,35 ppt) at 28°C. The effects of three temperatures (23,28,33°C) on oxygen uptake by yolk-sac larvae were determined at a salinity of 35 ppt. Dry weights were measured throughout embryonic development at 28°C and the yolk-sac stage at 23.28 and 33°C.
Oxygen uptake rates of eggs increased more than fivefold during embryogenesis (0.07±0.03 to 0.40 ± 03 μl O2 egg −1 h −1;blastula to prehatch stage). Larval oxygen uptake did not change with age but was affected by rearing temperature (0.33 ± 0.08, 0.44 ± 0.07 and 0.63 ± 0.13 μl O2 larva −1 h−1 at 23, 28 and 33°C, respectively; Q10= 1.93). Acute temperature changes from 28 to 33°C caused significant increases in oxygen uptake by embryos (Q 10= 1.69–3.58) and yolk-sac larvae (Q 10=2.55). Salinity did not affect metabolic rates.
Dry weight of eggs incubated at 28°C decreased 13% from fertilization to hatching. Incubation temperatures from 23–33°C did not affect dry weights at hatching. Rearing temperatures significantly affected the rate of larval yolk absorption (Q 10= 2.25).  相似文献   

饶小珍  林岗  张殿彩  陈寅山  许友勤 《生态学报》2010,30(23):6530-6537
龟足(Capitulum mitella Linnaeus)在我国主要分布于长江口以南海浪剧烈冲击的暴露型岩相海岸的中、高潮区,是一种颇具养殖潜力和市场前景的新品种。研究温度(24、27、30、33℃)和盐度(28,31,34)对龟足胚胎发育和幼虫生长的协同影响,可为龟足的人工育苗提供依据。结果如下(1):33℃-28温盐度组合胚胎发育时间最短144h,27℃-28温盐度组合胚胎相对孵化率最高。温度与盐度对胚胎发育时间没有显著影响;但温度和盐度对胚胎孵化率有极显著影响,温度与盐度间的交互作用显著。胚胎发育最适宜的温盐度组合是27℃-28。(2):27℃的3个盐度组、30℃-31温盐度组合无节幼虫持续时间最短。在同一盐度条件下以27℃的存活率较高,在同一温度条件下以盐度31的存活率较高,其中以27℃-31温盐度组合的存活率最高;存活率1和存活率2分别高达99.0%、90.7%。27℃-28、27℃-31温盐度组合变态率最高,变态率分别为81.8%、73.7%。34高盐组幼虫的存活率和变态率均很低甚至为零。温度和盐度对幼虫存活率和变态率有极显著影响,两者的交互作用极为显著。综合无节幼虫持续时间、存活和变态情况,27℃-31温盐度组合为幼虫生长发育的最佳组合条件。龟足胚胎发育、无节幼虫的生长和变态对温度盐度的敏感性有所不同,这是由龟足的自身繁殖特点及生活环境决定的。  相似文献   

The effects of starvation on daily growth and increment formation in the otolith were examined using a double oxytetracycline-labelling method on larval milkfish, Chanos chanos (Forsskål), reared under different feeding regimes. The results indicated that the differences in body and otolith growth between the larvae fed once and three times a day were not significant, and that the otolith growth increment was deposited daily in both groups of fed larvae. In contrast, the starved larvae grew at a slower rate than fed larvae in body length and otolith dimensions, and the otolith growth increment in the starved larvae was not deposited on a daily basis. After undergoing starvation, the larvae were unable to recover their normal growth either in otolith increment deposition or in body and otolith growth even though they were fed. Therefore, the application of ageing techniques based on counting otolith growth increments seems to be inaccurate for starved larvae.  相似文献   

Juvenile croakers from a brackish water bay showed minimal oxygen consumption rates at salinities between 17–19.  相似文献   

We subjected juvenile spot, Leiostomus xanthurus , to eight different salinity fluctuation schedules to evaluate the effects of magnitude, rate, mean, and direction of salinity changes on their routine metabolism. Routine respiration stabilized within 3 h after all salinity changes and no fish died. Very rapid rates of change and changes at low mean salinity elicited short-term stress responses in 40–70 mm spot. Spot adapted more rapidly to increasing salinity changes than to decreasing changes, but the acclimation state of the fish apparently did not affect their salinity tolerance. Our results also indicated that spot undergo size-dependent changes in sensitivity to salinity fluctuation which correspond to seasonal shifts in distribution.  相似文献   

盐度对军曹鱼胚胎和仔鱼发育的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
孙丽华  陈浩如  王肇鼎 《生态科学》2006,25(1):48-51,55
观察比较了不同盐度梯度(20、23、26、29、32、35、38、41和44)下军曹鱼受精卵的沉浮性、孵化率和畸形率以及测定了不同盐度梯度(10、14、18、22、26、30、34、38、42和44)下仔鱼不投饵存活系数SAI值。结果表明,受精卵在海水盐度32以上为完全浮性,26以下为完全沉性。军曹鱼受精卵孵化的最适盐度范围为29~38,适宜盐度范围为26~41,其中23~26和41~44分别视为受精卵孵化在低盐区和高盐区的两个临界区域,在此盐度上下,军曹鱼受精卵孵化率大幅度下降而仔鱼畸形率大幅度上升。试验盐度范围内军曹鱼仔鱼SAI值为2.32~16.24,仔鱼生长和存活的最适盐度范围为26~34,适宜盐度范围为22~38,而盐度18~22及38~42可分别视为军曹鱼仔鱼存活率在低盐区和高盐区的两个临界区域。  相似文献   

Water strider Aquarius paludum (Fabricius) is a cosmopolitan species colonizes mainly freshwater but occasionally brackish habitats throughout the Palearctic and Oriental regions. Water strider Gerris latiabdominis (Miyamoto) is a common species in Japan lives in temporary habitats as freshwater paddy fields. These two species often occur syntopically. We investigated differences in the developmental response to brackish water during embryonic and larval stages between the two species. Eggs were exposed to 0–1.8% NaCl solutions within 24 h of oviposition. Larvae of G. latiabdominis were exposed to salinities of 0, 0.5%, and 0.9% from the first instar until adult emergence. Limits of NaCl concentration for hatching were 1.3% and 1.0% for A. paludum and G. latiabdominis, respectively. The hatching rate of G. latiabdominis was lower than that of A. paludum at salinities ≥0.9%. The period of embryonic development of G. latiabdominis was more prolonged than that of A. paludum at a given salinity. Although the salinity tolerance of G. latiabdominis was lower than that of A. paludum, our results suggest G. latiabdominis has the physiological capacity to expand into brackish waters. High and low salinity tolerances of A. paludum and G. latiabdominis, respectively, reflect the relatively wide range of habitat salinities utilized by A. paludum and the relatively restricted habitats preferred by G. latiabdominis. The high salinity tolerance of A. paludum could be an important factor contributing to their cosmopolitan distribution because high tolerance to salinity means the possibility of them to be dispersed via ocean or sea to other continents and islands.  相似文献   

温度、盐度和体长对西藏拟溞耗氧率的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
赵文  张琳  霍元子 《生态学报》2005,25(7):1549-1553
在实验室内研究了盐度(S=5、10、15、20和25)、温度(T=3、8、14、20和22℃)和体长(L=0.83、1.25、1.49、1.87和2.42mm)对西藏拟耗氧率的影响。结果表明,在试验盐度内该的个体耗氧率(IO)和比耗氧率(SO)均随盐度(S)升高而升高,其回归方程分别为IO=0.0014S 0.0126和SO=0.115S0.5612,数值范围为0.02~0.045μg/(indh)和0.31~0.67μg/(mg·h)。个体耗氧率和比耗氧率在温度试验中有同样的趋势,回归方程分别为IO=0.0049e0.1574T和SO=0.0678e0.1605T,数值分别为0.0076~0.13μg/(ind·h)和0.10~1.71μg/(mg·h)。体长试验中个体耗氧率随体长增大而增大,而比耗氧率则降低,回归方程分别为:IO=0.0545L2.5962和SO=-0.2059L 0.7908,数值范围为0.036~0.68μg/(ind·h)和0.38~0.63μg/(mg·h)。讨论了盐度、温度和体长对西藏拟耗氧率的影响。  相似文献   

The combined effects of temperature and salinity on early development of the sea urchinParacentrotus lividus (Lmk, 1816) are reported. The optimal temperature-salinity combinations for development are 18 °–20 °C and 34–35‰; there is a significant temperature-salinity interaction. The optimal conditions found in the experiments are above the mean yearly values for the sampled population's environment (North Adriatic Sea), being more similar to those of the Tyrrhenian Sea. These results suggest that embryonic tolerances to temperature and salinity are under genetic and not environmental control.  相似文献   

Consumption and growth rates of juvenile bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix increased with increasing temperature and decreased with increasing fish size in short-term (7 days) experiments. Salinity had no effect on growth or consumption rate in a short-term experiment. In a long-term (90 days) mesocosm experiment, consumption and growth rates declined with increasing body size. Predictive equations developed from short-term experiments did not adequately predict observed consumption rates in the mesocosm experiment. However, growth in the mesocosm experiment was similar to field growth. Also, mesocosm consumption rates and consumption rates calculated using field growth and mesocosm growth efficiencies were similar to published independent field estimates of consumption rate. Our results indicate that experiments to determine the effects of temperature and the allometry of body size on growth and consumption rates should be conducted over long time periods simulating field conditions. Juvenile bluefish have rapid growth and their individual cumulative consumption is large. This result suggests that bluefish may have a large effect on their prey populations. This effect has yet to be quantified.  相似文献   

During the spawning season of the estuarine prawn Metapenaeus bennettae (Racek & Dall), laboratory and field experiments were conducted to examine the combined effects of temperature and salinity on hatching success of eggs and the survival, growth and development of larvae. Response surface analysis showed that optimal levels of temperature and salinity for maximum hatching success varied depending on conditions during spawning. Similarly, temperature and salinity conditions that produced maximum survival and growth of larvae depended on conditions during rearing prior to experimental temperature/salinity treatments. At the onset of feeding, larvae showed the lowest tolerance to changes in temperature and salinity. Supplementary feeding experiments in the laboratory, and survival rates in field experiments indicated that starvation was a more potent factor than the effects of temperature and salinity in determining survival through the protozoeal larval stages. Late larval stages were relatively indifferent to the effects of temperature and salinity. It is suggested that, during early development, adaptive response to the prevailing physical conditions enhances survival in an estuarine environment.  相似文献   

Effects of salinity on the ionic balance and growth of juvenile turbot   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The effects of salinity changes (27, 19 and 10‰) on seawater-adapted juvenile turbot were studied on their plasma osmolarity and ion concentrations, on oxygen consumption, on gill Na+,K+-ATPase activity after 3 months and on growth parameters. All plasma concentrations (except chloride) were unchanged, suggesting that fish were well adapted to their environment. Oxygen consumption was significantly decreased in the 19 and 10‰ groups, where fish weighed significantly more 105 days after transfer than fish maintained in sea water. These results, and the fact that apparent food conversion rates were lower in a diluted environment, suggest that on a long term schedule growth conditions could be improved by adaptation to brackish waters (salinities between 10 and 19‰). The effects of transfer from sea water to 27, 19, 10 and 5‰ were also followed during the first 3 weeks. With salinity 10‰ a steady state was reached on day 21 with all plasma values within the same range. The significant differences observed in osmolarity, plasma ion concentrations and Na+,K+-ATPase activity 3 weeks after transfer of juveniles to 5‰ salinity, compared with transfers in higher salinities, suggest that there is a threshold of acclimation of turbot to a hypotonic environment.  相似文献   

温度、盐度对强壮箭虫耗氧率和窒息点的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Liu Q  Zhu HY  Liu F  Ding ZY 《应用生态学报》2011,22(11):3081-3086
研究了不同温度、盐度下强壮箭虫的耗氧率和窒息点.结果表明:温度和盐度均对强壮箭虫的耗氧率和比耗氧率有显著影响.试验温度在5℃-25℃,强壮箭虫个体耗氧率(IO)和比耗氧率(SO)开始随温度的升高而升高,之后呈明显下降趋势.其回归方程分别为y=0.0058x3 -0.2956x2+4.415x-8.7816(R2=0.99,P<0.05)和y=0.0011x3 -0.0546x2+0.8161x-1.6232(R2=0.99,P<0.05),数值分别为6.30~11.71μg·ind-1·h-1和1.22 ~2.16μg· mg-1·h-1,窒息点为4.18~6.87 mg·L-1.盐度10 ~40条件下,IO和SO随盐度的升高逐渐下降,回归方程分别为y=-0.0068x2 -0.1412x+21.702(R2=0.89,P<0.05)和y=-0.0013x2-0.0261x+4.0114( R2 =0.89,P<0.05),数值分别为4.98~17.73μg ·ind-1·h-1和0.92~3.56 μg·mg-1 ·h-1,窒息点为4.02~6.24 mg·L-1.对强壮箭虫与其他水生动物的耗氧率和窒息点进行比较得出,强壮箭虫是一种狭氧性浮游动物.  相似文献   

B. H. Ng 《Plant and Soil》1987,103(1):123-125
The growth, nodulation and nitrogen fixation ofCasuarina equisetifolia were compared at six levels (0–500mM NaCl) of salinity in sand culture. Dry weight of nodules, shoots and roots and N content of shoots increased at intermediate levels of salinity (50–100 mM) but decreased at 500 mM NaCl. Nodulation occurred at all NaCl levels, but at 500mM NaCl level, the nodule dry weight declined by 50% from the control. Increasing NaCl concentration of up to 200mM had little effect on the N2-fixation rate, but at 500mM NaCl level the rate decreased to 40% of the control value.  相似文献   

A bioenergetics model for juvenile age‐0 year walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma was applied to a spatially distinct grid of samples in the western Gulf of Alaska to investigate the influence of temperature and prey quality on size‐specific growth. Daily growth estimates for 50, 70 and 90 mm standard length (LS) walleye pollock during September 2000 were generated using the bioenergetics model with a fixed ration size. Similarities in independent estimates of prey consumption generated from the bioenergetics model and a gastric evacuation model corroborated the performance of the bioenergetics model, concordance correlation (rc) = 0·945, lower 95% CL (transformed) (L1) = 0·834, upper 95% CL (transformed) (L2) = 0·982, P < 0·001. A mean squared error analysis (MSE) was also used to partition the sources of error between both model estimates of consumption into a mean component (MC), slope component (SC), and random component (RC). Differences between estimates of daily consumption were largely due to differences in the means of estimates (MC= 0·45) and random sources (RC= 0·49) of error, and not differences in slopes (SC= 0·06). Similarly, daily growth estimates of 0·031–0·167 g day?1 generated from the bioenergetics model was within the range of growth estimates of 0·026–0·190 g day?1 obtained from otolith analysis of juvenile walleye pollock. Temperature and prey quality alone accounted for 66% of the observed variation between bioenergetics and otolith growth estimates across all sizes of juvenile walleye pollock. These results suggest that the bioenergetics model for juvenile walleye pollock is a useful tool for evaluating the influence of spatially variable habitat conditions on the growth potential of juvenile walleye pollock.  相似文献   

林岗  饶小珍 《生态学报》2022,42(21):8628-8639
刺巨藤壶(Megabalanus volcano)是沿海污损生物的优势种,也是沿岸居民常食用的海鲜之一。为探究刺巨藤壶幼虫室内培养的适宜条件,采用生态学单因子梯度实验方法,研究饵料种类及密度、盐度(18、22、26、30、34、38和42)和温度(14℃、18℃、22℃、26℃、30℃和34℃)等生态因子对刺巨藤壶幼虫生长发育的影响,以Ⅵ期无节幼虫存活率、Ⅵ期无节幼虫发育时间、金星幼虫存活率、金星幼虫发育时间和金星幼虫体长等为观察指标。中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)和牟氏角毛藻(Chaetoceros muelleri)均设置5×104个/mL、10×104个/mL、20×104个/mL、40×104个/mL和80×104个/mL 5个密度梯度,亚心形扁藻(Platymonas subcordiformis)设置2.5×104个/mL、5×104个/mL、10×104个/mL、15×10<...  相似文献   

鞭角华扁叶峰幼虫期的呼吸代谢   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
李周直 《昆虫学报》2001,44(3):311-315
报道了鞭角华扁叶蜂Chinolyda flagellicornis幼虫不同发育时期的耗氧量,试验表明,鞭角华扁叶蜂的耗氧量随着幼虫的生长发育而增加,在同一龄期内,耗氧量与虫体鲜重呈2次曲线相关;在不同的龄期之间,耗氧量则与虫体鲜重的0.8299次方成正比,在同一龄期内,幼虫的代谢速率呈抛物线状;在整个幼虫期随着龄期的增加而呈下降趋势。  相似文献   


Reductions in salinity can have adverse effects on larval development and larval survival in some invertebrate taxa but not others. Salinity tolerance of larvae may be particularly important in echinoderms because they are both poor ion regulators and stenohaline. I examined the effect of six levels of salinity (15, 18, 21, 24, 27 and 33 PSU) on survival and rate of development of larvae in the subtropical sea urchin Echinometra lucunter. In the short-term, mortality rate was significantly lower in 33 PSU than in all other salinities except 27 PSU, and it was significantly greater in 15 and 18 PSU than in all higher salinities. In the long-term, daily and cumulative mortality were significantly greater in 15 PSU than in most other salinities over 11 days of development (except for cumulative mortality in 18 PSU). They were significantly greater in 18 PSU than in 21 PSU or 33 PSU over a period of 13 days. Furthermore, daily mortality was significantly greater in 18 PSU than in 24 PSU or 27 PSU at 13 d after fertilization. Daily and cumulative mortality were significantly lower in 33 PSU than in 21, 24 or 27 PSU over a period of 17 days. Although in the control (33 PSU) 75% of larvae completed development to the 8-arm stage at 35 d, no larvae developed further than the 4-arm stage in 18, 21, 24 or 27 PSU; in 15 PSU, ~60% of larvae did not develop further than swimming blastulae. Since prolonged exposure to salinities as high as 27 PSU (frequently recorded in the adult habitat) can result in great larval losses, adaptive behaviours that prevent larvae from entering water layers of low salinity will enhance their chance for survival.  相似文献   

Leaf beetles of the genus Macroplea live permanently under water. Species‐specific preferences for either freshwater or brackish water are available in the literature. To detect potential physiological differences, the oxygen consumption of Macroplea mutica and Macroplea appendiculata from habitats with differing salinities is measured at two different salinities (0 and 10). The specific oxygen consumption does not depend on oxygen saturation of the water (values in the approximate range of 25–100% occur during the experiments). There is no difference between species or sampling locations. Similarly, the salinity during the measurements does not affect the oxygen consumption of the beetles, either when compared as salinity per se (0 versus 10), or when classified as home salinity or atypical salinity. Comparisons with other chrysomelid beetles and aquatic insects (using available published data) reveal that the two Macroplea species have relatively low metabolic rates. This finding is discussed in the light of activity patterns and morphology, especially the reduction of flight muscles, which comprise a highly metabolically active tissue.  相似文献   

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