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In distributed-memory multicomputers, minimizing interprocessor communication is the key to the efficient execution of parallel programs. In order to reduce the amount of communication overhead, parallel programs on multicomputers must be carefully scheduled by parallelizing compilers. This paper proposes some compilation techniques for partitioning and mapping nested loops with constant data dependences onto linear array multicomputers. First, a systematic partition strategy is proposed to project ann-dimensional computational structure, representing ann-nested loop, onto a line to form a one-dimensional projected structure with low communication overhead. Then, a mapping algorithm is proposed for mapping the partitioned loops onto linear arrays in a way that balances the workload and minimizes the communication cost among processors. Finally, parallel execution codes can be automatically generated for such linear array multicomputers.  相似文献   

The paper focuses on the problem of partitioning and mapping parallel programs onto heterogeneous embedded multiprocessor architectures for real-time applications. Such applications present unique constraints and challenges. In addition to heterogeneity, the proposed partitioning and mapping algorithms satisfy memory, task throughput, task placement, intertask communication bandwidth, and co-location constraints. They do so for architectures that utilize circuit-switched (rather than packet-switched) interprocessor communication and optimize latency and throughput in addition to load-balancing. Finally, these mapping algorithms make use of knowledge of the local scheduling discipline to accommodate real-time scheduling constraints. Our focus is on unstructured parallel programs that fall into one of two classes: (i) the class of computations characteristic of control applications in a real-time environment where tasks execute concurrently, periodically exchanging information, and (ii) pipelined computation graphs found in sensor data processing applications. The algorithms are implemented in a set of tools that operate with commercial CASE tools at one end, and present an interface to multiprocessor simulators at the other end. Collectively, the algorithms form a significant component of an interactive design environment for the development and mapping of real-time embedded parallel programs. The paper describes the algorithms, the encapsulating toolset, and presents an example of their application to an existing embedded application—an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle application.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous multiprocessor systems-on-chip (MPSoCs) are emerging as a promising solution in deep sub-micron technology nodes to satisfy design performance and power requirements. However, shrinking transistor geometry and aggressive voltage scaling are negatively impacting the dependability of these MPSoCs by increasing the chances of failures. This paper proposes an offline (design-time) task remapping technique to minimize the communication energy and task migration overhead of an application mapped on a heterogeneous multiprocessor system for all processor fault-scenarios. The proposed technique involves two steps–(1) Communication Energy driven Design Space Exploration (CDSE) to select an initial mapping and (2) Communication energy and Migration overhead aware Task Mapping (CMTM) for different fault-scenarios. The CDSE is formulated as a Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming (MIQP) problem and solved using an energy-gradient based heuristic. The CMTM problem is solved using a fast heuristic with the starting mapping selected using CDSE step. The proposed two steps technique is compared with state-of-the-art approaches through rigorous simulations with synthetic and real application graphs. Results demonstrate that the proposed CDSE reduces design space exploration time by 99% with a maximum variation of 5% from the optimal solution obtained by solving the MIQP problem directly. Further, the proposed CMTM reduces communication energy by an average 35% and migration overhead by an average 20% for all single and double fault-scenarios as compared to the existing fault-tolerant techniques. The CMTM also achieves over 30x reductions in execution time for large problem sizes with a maximum deviation of 15% from the minimum communication energy achievable with the given application on a given architecture. For streaming multimedia applications, the proposed technique delivers 50% higher throughput per unit energy as compared to the existing approaches.  相似文献   

A new methodology is proposed for mapping and partitioning arbitrary n-dimensional nested loop algorithms into 2-dimensional fixed size systolic arrays.Since planar VLSI arrays are easy to implement,our approach has good feasibility and applicability.In the transformation process of an algorithm,we take into account not only data dependencies imposed by the original algorithm but also space dependencies dictated by the algorithm ransformation,Thus,any VLSI algorithm generated by our methodology has optimal parallel execution time and yet remains space-time conflict free.Moreover,a theory of the least complete set of interconnection matrices is proposed to reduce the computational complexity for finding all possible space transformations for a given algorithm.  相似文献   

《Parallel Computing》1997,22(12):1621-1645
A framework is described in which a class of imperfectly nested loops can be restructured using unimodular transformations. In this framework, an imperfect loop nest is converted to a perfect loop nest using Abu-Sufah's Non-Basic-to-Basic-Loop transformation. Conditions for the legality of this transformation and techniques for their verification are discussed. An iteration space, which extends the usual concept so as to represent explicitly the executions of individual statements, is proposed to model the converted loop nest. Since the converted loop nest is a perfect loop nest, data dependences can be extracted and optimal transformations can be selected for parallelism and/or locality in the normal manner. To generate the restructured code for a unimodular transformation, a code generation method is provided that produces the restructured code that is free of if statements by construction.  相似文献   

A general method for the identification of the independent subsets in loops with constant dependence vectors is presented. It is shown that the dependence relation remains invariant under a unimodular transformation. Then a unimodular transformation is used to bring the dependence matrix into a form where the independent subsets are obtained by a direct and inexpensive partitioning algorithm. This leads to a procedure for the automatic conversion of a serial loop into a nest of parallel DO-ALL loops. Another unimodular transformation results in an algorithm to label the dependent iterations of an n-fold nested loop in O(n2) time. This provides a multithreaded dynamic scheduling scheme requiring only one fork and one join primitive  相似文献   

Suppose identical processors, each subject to random failures, are available for running a single job of given duration . The failure law is operative only while a processor is active. To guard against the loss of accrued work due to a failure, checkpoints can be made, each requiring time ; a successful checkpoint saves the state of the computation, but failures can also occur during checkpoints. The problem is to determine how best to schedule checkpoints if the goal is to maximize the probability that the job finishes before all processors fail. We solve this problem first for and an exponential failure law. For given and we show how to determine an integer and time intervals such that an optimal procedure is to run the job on one processor, checkpointing at the end of each interval , until either the job is done or a failure occurs. In the latter case, the remaining processor resumes the job starting in the state saved by the last successful checkpoint; the job then runs until it completes or until the second processor also fails. We give an explicit formula for the maximum achievable probability of completing the job for any fixed . An explicit result for , the optimum value of , seems out of reach; however, we give upper and lower bounds on that are remarkably tight; they show that only a few values of need to be tested in order to find . With the failure rate normalized to 1, we also derive the asymptotic estimate and calculate conditional expected job completion times. For the more difficult problem with processors, we formulate a computational approach based on a discretized model in which the failure law is the analogous geometric distribution. By proving a unimodality property of the optimal completion probability, we are able to describe a computation of this optimum that requires time, where is the job running time. Several examples bring out behavioral details. Received: 29 September 1995 / 29 January 1997  相似文献   

The execution time of FORTRAN programs can be decreased by putting solutions to problems in their maximally parallel forms. The most important issue is the DO-loop. In this study nested DO-loops were considered and analysis of parallellism was performed on matrix multiplication using a PROLOG program. When processed by the AIDS system, the maximally parallel graph was produced. This indicates the number of processors that could be used in parallel to execute the FORTRAN program. The study shows that the maximally parallel program can run in considerably less time than that needed to run the original sequential FORTRAN program. N×N matrix multiplication programs are speeded up by a time-saving ratio that is always greater then (1:N2), but it cannot exceed (1:N3), since N3 is the maximum number of processors used in parallel at any time. These time-saving ratio evaluations assume that all operations have equal execution time and initialization overhead is ignored.  相似文献   

多机系统调试诊断关键技术与方法研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
多机系统规模和复杂度的增加,给测试人员带来了新的挑战。分析了多机系统调试阶段和运行阶段便于测试和诊断的软硬件技术,提出了一种基于边界扫描技术的层次化调试网络结构,给出了通过笛卡儿乘积构造(t,k)-可诊断系统的方法以及通过预处理降低诊断难度、加快诊断速度的思想。  相似文献   

The paper describes the implementation of the Successive Overrelaxation (SOR) method on an asynchronous multiprocessor computer for solving large, linear systems. The parallel algorithm is derived by dividing the serial SOR method into noninterfering tasks which are then combined with an optimal schedule of a feasible number of processors. The important features of the algorithm are: (i) achieves a speedup Sp O(N/3) and an efficiency Ep 2/3 using P = [N/2] processors, where N is the number of the equations, (ii) contains a high level of inherent parallelism, whereas on the other hand, the convergence theory of the parallel SOR method is the same as its sequential counterpart and (iii) may be modified to use block methods in order to minimise the overhead due to communication and synchronisation of the processors.  相似文献   

Allocating fixed-priority periodic tasks on multiprocessor systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, we study the problem of allocating a set of periodic tasks on a multiprocessor system such that tasks are scheduled to meet their deadlines on individual processors by the Rate-Monotonic scheduling algorithm. A new schedulability condition is developed for the Rate-Monotonic scheduling that allows us to develop more efficient on-line allocation algorithms. Two on-line allocation algorithms—RM-FF and RM-BF are presented, and shown that their worst-case performance, over the optimal allocation, is upper bounded by 2.33 and lower bounded by 2.28. Then RM-FF and RM-BF are further improved to form two new algorithms: Refined-RM-FF (RRM-FF) and Refined-RM-BF (RRM-BF), both of which have a worst-case performance bound of 2. We also show that when the maximum allowable utilization of a task is small, the worst-case performance of all the new algorithms can be significantly improved. The worst-case performance bounds of RRM-FF and RRM-BF are currently the best bounds in the class of on-line scheduling algorithms proposed to solve the same scheduling problem. Simulation studies show that the average-case performance of the newly proposed algorithms is significantly superior to those in the existing literature.  相似文献   

This paper generalizes the traditional dataflow model of computation and defines the essential problems in multiprocessing: control implementation, program partitioning, scheduling, synchronization, and memory access. The paper assumes that these essential problems are axes of a multiprocessor design space and that the solutions to these problems are values on the axes. Each point in the space represents a multiprocessor including a computational paradigm that a user must follow to achieve high performance and efficiency on the particular machine. Thus, a classification of machines from the user's point of view is introduced naturally. Five well-known multiprocessors are compared using this classification scheme.  相似文献   

Partitioning of processors on a multiprocessor system involves logically dividing the system into processor partitions. Programs can be executed in the different partitions in parallel. Optimally setting the partition size can significantly improve the throughput of multiprocessor systems. The speedup characteristics of parallel programs can be defined by execution signatures. The execution signature of a parallel program on a multiprocessor system is the rate at which the program executes in the absence of other programs and depends upon the number of allocated processors, the specific architecture, and the specific program implementation. Based on the execution signatures, this paper analyzes simple Markovian models of dynamic partitioning. From the analysis, when there are at most two multiprocessor partitions, the optimal dynamic partition size can be found which maximizes throughput. Compared against other partitioning schemes, the dynamic partitioning scheme is shown to be the best in terms of throughput when thereconfiguration overhead is low. If the reconfiguration overhead is high, dynamic partitioning is to be avoided. An expression for the reconfiguration overhead threshold is derived. A general iterative partitioning technique is presented. It is shown that the technique gives maximum throughput forn partions.  相似文献   

介绍ASIC设计中多重循环的自动处理方法,说明循环加速器的基本原理,详细阐述后端设计这一主要难点,分析和论述硬件综合过程中功能单元分配、基于硬件代价的模调度、寄存器文件设计方法及数据路径生成等关键技术,并具体给出实现过程中功能模块的划分、主要数据结构及模块间接口.该技术对设计和构造高性能硬件加速器系统具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

A new class of graphs, B-banyan, and a new class of multistage interconnection networks based on B-banyans, B-delta networks, in multiprocessor environments are proposed in this paper. A B-banyan is a regular rectangular SW-banyan augmented with a backward link at each vertex, in a way that preserves the destination control. A backward link can be taken when there is a conflict at a node, or when a faulty link or node is encountered. As such, backward links in B-delta networks significantly increase the network performance while at the same time providing a degree of fault tolerance. The performance of B-delta networks is analyzed and shown to be comparable to that of single-buffered delta networks. Different switches and control complexities of these two types of delta networks are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the recurrences from the breakability of the dependence links formed in general multi-statements in a nested loop. The major findings include: (1) A sin k variable renaming technique, which can reposition an undesired anti-dependence and/or output-dependence link, is capable of breaking an anti-dependence and/or output-dependence link. (2) For recurrences connected by only true dependences, a dynamic dependence concept and the derived technique are powerful in terms of parallelism exploitation. (3) By the employment of global dependence testing, link-breaking strategy, Tarjan’s depth-first search algorithm, and a topological sorting, an algorithm for resolving a general multi-statement recurrence in a nested loop is proposed. Experiments with benchmark cited from Vector loops showed that among 134 subroutines tested, 3 had their parallelism exploitation amended by our proposed method. That is, our offered algorithm increased the rate of parallelism exploitation of Vector loops by approximately 2.24%.  相似文献   

An important issue for the efficient use of multiprocessor systems is the assignment of parallel processors to nested parallel loops. It is desirable for a processor assignment algorithm to be fast and always generate an optimal processor assignment. The paper proposes two efficient algorithms to decide the optimal number of processors assigned to each individual loop. Efficient parallel counterparts of these two algorithms are also presented. These algorithms not only always generate an optimal processor assignment, but also are much faster than the exiting optimal algorithm in the literature. The paper discusses improving the performance of parallel execution by transforming a nested parallel loop into a semantically equivalent one. Three loop transformations are investigated. It is observed that, in most cases, the parallel execution time is improved after applying these transformations  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe how our computational model can be used for the problems of processor allocation and task mapping. The intended applications for this model include the dynamic mapping problems of shrinking or spreading an existing mapping when the available pool of processors changes during execution of the problem. The concept of problem edge class and other features of our model are developed to realistically and efficiently support task partitioning and merging for static and dynamic mapping. The model dictates realistic changes in the computation and communication characteristics of a problem when the problem partitioning is modified dynamically. This model forms the basis of our algorithms for shrinking and spreading, and yields realistic results for a variety of problems mapped onto real systems. An emulation program running on a network of workstations under PVM is used to measure execution times for the mapping solutions found by the algorithms. The results indicate that the problem edge class is a crucial consideration for processor allocation and task mapping  相似文献   

The processor queuing model provides memory-hierarchy and system-design evaluation of memory-intensive commercial online-transaction-processing workloads on large multiprocessor systems. It differs from detailed cycle-accurate and direct-execution simulations in that it does not simulate instruction execution. Instead, as in analytical models, the authors build processor and workload characteristics that are easy to collect and estimate. Because the authors believe that the processor model's function is to accurately generate memory traffic to the rest of the system, they model a minimal set of processor and workload characteristics that captures the important interactions between a complex processor and the system-memory hierarchy.  相似文献   

Most real-time scheduling algorithms schedule tasks with regard to their worst case computation times. Resources reclaiming refers to the problem of utilizing the resources left unused by a task when it executes in less than its worst case computation time, or when a task is deleted from the current schedule. Dynamic resource reclaiming algorithms that are effective, avoid any run time anomalies, and have bounded overhead costs that are independent of the number of tasks in the schedule are presented. Each task is assumed to have a worst case computation time, a deadline, and a set of resource requirements. The algorithms utilize the information given in a multiprocessor task schedule and perform online local optimization. The effectiveness of the algorithms is demonstrated through simulation studies  相似文献   

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