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The first P-arrival-time data from 513 local earthquakes were analyzed to study lateral variation of the depth to the Conrad and Moho discontinuities beneath the Chugoku and Shikoku districts, southwest Japan, as well as to determine earthquake hypocenters and P-wave station corrections. The depth to the discontinuity was estimated by minimizing the travel-time residuals of more than 8700 first P arrivals observed at 55 seismic stations. The Conrad and Moho discontinuities are located within depth ranges of 15–25 km and 30–40 km, respectively. The Moho is deeper under the mountain area than under the Seto Inland Sea area, and especially deep under the Pacific Coast of the Shikoku district and the mountain area in the Chugoku district. The depth variation of the Moho is quite similar to the Bouguer gravity anomaly distribution and the lateral variations of the P-wave velocity. The deep Moho under the southern Shikoku is located at the portion in which the continental Moho under the island arc meets the oceanic Moho that is the boundary interface between the oceanic crust and the Philippine Sea (PHS) plate dipping toward the back arc. Although there are high mountains in the northern and middle Shikoku, the Moho is not so deep because subduction of the PHS plate prevents the Moho from getting deep, while the Moho is deep due to isostatic balance under the mountain area in the Chugoku district. In addition, we indicated the possibility that the upper boundary of the oceanic crust just above the high-velocity PHS plate is in contact with the deep Moho under the western Chugoku. The contact of the Moho with the oceanic crust can explain the markedly negative gravity anomaly observed in the western Chugoku and the later phase that appears just after the first P arrival from local earthquakes.  相似文献   

Abstract Seven chronostratigraphic stages were established based on the correlation of magneto‐biostratigraphic marker horizons within the Deep Sea Drilling Project and Ocean Drilling Program cores from the forearc of the Japan Trench. Because the stages are coeval with changes in the rate of sedimentation, lithofacies, magnetic intensity and composition of fossil assemblages, they probably reflect the tectonic situation in the Japan Trench forearc and also in the arc–trench system. The stages correlate to the tectonic events of the Japanese Island Arcs; for example, evolution of the Boso triple junction, initiation of Philippine Sea Plate subduction and the Japan Sea opening.  相似文献   

The Hyuganada region, a forearc region of Southwest Japan, is characterized by several interesting geological and geophysical features, i.e., significant aseismic crustal uplift of 120 m during the past 120 thousand years at the Miyazaki Plain, negative free-air gravity anomalies with the maximum magnitude of −130 mgal, and relatively less cohesive interplate coupling compared with that for off the Shikoku and Kii Peninsula. In order to examine the causes of these observations, we determined a detailed three-dimensional seismic velocity structure based on the seismic data observed by ocean bottom seismometers (OBS) and land stations. P- and S-wave tomographic velocity structures clearly indicate the subducting slab and also the zones of high Poisson's ratio at 25–35 km depth along the coastline of the northeastern part of the Hyuganada. The region with high Poisson's ratio may correspond to the serpentinized mantle wedge as suggested for other mantle wedges, and appears to be coincident with the zone for observed aseismic slips such as the slow-slip and after-slip events. Also, the detection may be related to a relatively weak interplate coupling in the Hyuganada region. The tomographic structures also indicate low velocity zones with a horizontal scale comparable to the Kyushu-Palau Ridge in and around the subducting slab. If we assume that the low velocity zones correspond to the subducted Kyushu-Palau Ridge, then the predicted gravity anomaly due to the density contrast between the low velocity zones and the surrounding region can explain about 60% of the gravity anomaly in the Hyuganada region. The buoyancy is probably an important factor for the crustal uplift observed in the Miyazaki Plain, the steep bending of the subducting slab and the normal fault-type earthquakes around the Hyuganada region.  相似文献   

Volcanic history and tectonics of the Southwest Japan Arc   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Remarkable changes in volcanism and tectonism have occurred in a synchronous manner since 1.5–2 Ma at the junction of the Southwest Japan Arc and the Ryukyu Arc. Although extensive volcanism occurred in Kyushu before 2 Ma, the subduction-related volcanism started at ca 1.5 Ma, forming a NE–SW trend volcanic front, preceded by significant changes in whole-rock chemistry and mode of eruptions at ca 2 Ma. The Median Tectonic Line has intensified dextral motion since 2 Ma, with a northward shift of its active trace of as much as 10 km, accompanied by the formation of rhomboidal basins in Central Kyushu. Crustal rotation and incipient rifting has also occurred in South Kyushu and the northern Okinawa Trough over the past 2 million years. We emphasize that the commencement age of these events coincides with that of the transition to the westward convergence of the Philippine Sea plate, which we interpret as a primary cause of these synchronous episodes. We assume that the shift in subduction direction led to an increase of fluid component contamination from subducted oceanic slab, which then produced island-arc type volcanism along the volcanic front. Accelerated trench retreat along the Ryukyu Trench may have caused rifting and crustal rotation in the northern Ryukyu Arc.  相似文献   

The Nankai Trough, Japan, is a subduction zone characterized by the recurrence of disastrous earthquakes and tsunamis. Slow earthquakes and associated tremor also occur intermittently and locally in the Nankai Trough and the causal relationship between slow earthquakes and large earthquakes is important to understanding subduction zone dynamics. The Nankai Trough off Muroto, Shikoku Island, near the southeast margin of the rupture segment of the 1946 Nankai earthquake, is one of three regions where slow earthquakes and tremor cluster in the Nankai Trough. On the Philippine Sea plate, the rifting of the central domain of the Shikoku Basin was aborted at ~15 Ma and underthrust the Nankai forearc off Muroto. Here, the Tosa-Bae seamount and other high-relief features, which are northern extension of the Kinan Seamount chain, have collided with and indented the forearc wedge. In this study, we analyzed seismic reflection profiles around the deformation front of accretionary wedge and stratigraphically correlated them to drilling sites off Muroto. Our results show that the previously aborted horst-and-graben structures, which were formed around the spreading center of the Shikoku Basin at ~15 Ma, were rejuvenated locally at ~6 Ma and more regionally at ~3.3 Ma and have remained active since. The reactivated normal faulting has enhanced seafloor roughness and appears to affect the locations of slow earthquakes and tremors. Rejuvenated normal faulting is not limited to areas near the Nankai Trough, and extends more than 200 km into the Shikoku Basin to the south. This extension might be due to extensional forces applied to the Philippine Sea plate, which appear to be driven by slab-pull in the Ryukyu and Philippine trenches along the western margin of the Philippine Sea plate.  相似文献   

K–Ar ages have been determined for 14 late Miocene to Pliocene volcanic rocks in the north of the Kanto Mountains, Japan, for tracking the location of the volcanic front through the time. These samples were collected from volcanoes located behind the trench–trench–trench (TTT) triple junction of the Pacific, Philippine Sea, and North American plates. This junction is the site of subduction of slabs of the Pacific and the Philippine Sea plates, both of which are thought to have influenced magmatism in this region. The stratigraphy and K–Ar ages of volcanic rocks in the study area indicate that volcanism occurred between the late Miocene and the Pliocene, and ceased before the Pleistocene. Volcanism in adjacent areas of the southern NE Japan and northern Izu–Bonin arcs also occurred during the Pliocene and ceased at around 3 Ma with the westward migration of the volcanic front, as reported previously. Combining our new age data with the existing data shows that before 3 Ma the volcanic front around the TTT junction was located about 50 km east of the preset‐day volcanic front. We suggest that northward subduction of the Philippine Sea Plate slab ended at ~3 Ma as a result of collision between the northern margin of the plate with the surface of the Pacific Plate slab. This collision may have caused a change in the subduction vector of the Philippine Sea Plate from the original north‐directed subduction to the present‐day northwest‐directed subduction. This indicates that the post ~3 Ma westward migration of the volcanic front was a result of this change in plate motion.  相似文献   

Abstract Temporal–spatial variations in Late Cenozoic volcanic activity in the Chugoku area, southwest Japan, have been examined based on 108 newly obtained K–Ar ages. Lava samples were collected from eight Quaternary volcanic provinces (Daisen, Hiruzen, Yokota, Daikonjima, Sambe, Ooe–Takayama, Abu and Oki) and a Tertiary volcanic cluster (Kibi Province) to cover almost all geological units in the province. Including published age data, a total of 442 Cenozoic radiometric ages are now available. Across‐arc volcanic activity in an area approximately 500 km long and 150 km wide can be examined over 26 million years. The period corresponds to syn‐ and post‐back‐arc basin opening stages of the island arc. Volcanic activity began in the central part of the rear‐arc ca 26 Ma. This was followed by arc‐wide expansion at 20 Ma by eruption at two rear‐arc centers located at the eastern and western ends. Expansion to the fore‐arc occurred between 20 and 12 Ma. This Tertiary volcanic arc was maintained until 4 Ma with predominant alkali basalt centers. The foremost‐arc zone activity ceased at 4 Ma, followed by quiescence over the whole arc between 4 and 3 Ma. Volcanic activity resumed at 3 Ma, covering the entire rear‐arc area, and continued until the present to form a Quaternary volcanic arc. Adakitic dacite first occurred at 1.7 Ma in the middle of the arc, and spread out in the center part of the Quaternary volcanic arc. Alkali basalt activities ceased in the area where adakite volcanism occurred. Fore‐arc expansion of the volcanic arc could be related to the upwelling and expansion of the asthenosphere, which caused opening of the Japan Sea. Narrowing of the volcanic zone could have been caused by progressive Philippine Sea Plate subduction. Deeper penetration could have caused melting of the slab and resulted in adakites. Volcanic history in the Late Cenozoic was probably controlled by the history of evolution of the upper mantle structure, coinciding with back‐arc basin opening and subsequent reinitiation of subduction.  相似文献   

The first P-arrival time data from local earthquakes are inverted for two-dimensional variation of the depths to the Conrad and Moho discontinuities in the Kyushu district, southwest Japan. At the same time, earthquake hypocenters and station corrections are determined from the data. The depths to the discontinuities are estimated by minimizing the travel time residuals of first P-arrival phases for 608 earthquakes observed at 57 seismic stations. In the land area of Kyushu, the Conrad and Moho discontinuities are located within the depth ranges of 16–18 and 34–40 km, respectively. The Conrad discontinuity is not as largely undulated as the Moho discontinuity. The depth to the Moho is deep along the east coast of Kyushu, and the deepest Moho is closely related to markedly low velocity of P wave. We regard the deepest Moho as reflecting the Kyushu–Palau ridge subducting beneath the Kyushu district, together with the Philippine Sea slab. In western Kyushu, the shallow Moho is spreading in the north–northeast–south–southwest direction in the Okinawa trough region. Based on the presence of low-velocity anomaly in three-dimensional velocity structure and seismogenic stress field of shallow crustal earthquakes, the shallow Moho is interpreted as being due to lower crustal erosion associated with a small-scale mantle upwelling in the Okinawa trough region. The velocity discontinuity undulation basically has insignificant effect on hypocenter determination of the local earthquakes, but the Moho topography makes changes in focal depths of some upper mantle earthquakes. The depth variation of the Moho discontinuity has a good correlation with the Bouguer gravity anomaly map; i.e., the shallow Moho of western Kyushu and the deep Moho of eastern Kyushu closely correlate with the positive and negative Bouguer gravity anomalies, respectively.  相似文献   

A key requirement for any model of mantle evolution is accounting for the high 3He/4He ratios of many ocean island basalts compared to those of mid-ocean ridge basalts. The early, popular paradigm of primitive, undegassed mantle stored in a convectively isolated lower mantle is incompatible with geophysical constraints that imply whole mantle convection. Thus it has been suggested more recently that domains with high 3He/U ratios have been created continuously from the bulk mantle throughout Earth history. Such models require that the 3He/4He ratio of the convecting mantle was at least as high as the highest values seen in OIB at the time the OIB source was generated. These domains must also be created with sufficient He to impart distinctive He isotopic signatures to ocean island basalts. However, the He isotope evolution of the mantle has not been consistently quantified to determine if such scenarios are plausible.

Here a simple model of the He evolution of the whole mantle is examined. Using a wide range of possible histories of continental extraction and He degassing, the bulk convecting mantle was found to have had 3He/4He ratios as high as those seen in the Iceland hotspot only prior to 3 Ga. Such high 3He/4He ratios can only be preserved if located in domains that are not modified by convective mixing or diffusive homogenisation since that time. Further, there are difficulties in producing, with commonly invoked magmatic processes, domains with sufficiently high 3He/U ratios and enough 3He to be able to impart this signature to ocean island basalts. The results are consistent with models that store such He signatures in the core or a deep layer in the mantle, but are hard to reconcile with models that continuously generate high 3He/4He domains within the mantle.  相似文献   

统计分析了1962~2016年菲律宾海板块与欧亚板块挤压带俯冲带强地震活动与地球自转角加速度变化间的关系。结果显示,研究时段菲律宾海板块西边缘带的25次强地震活动(MS≥7.5)有21次都发生在地球自转角加速度上升期,表明该地区强地震活动与地球自转角加速度之间存在相关性,最后讨论了这种相关性可能的力学机理。  相似文献   

The Seto Inland Sea (SIS) receives waste runoff from ∼24% of Japan’s total population, yet it is also important in regional fisheries, recreation and commerce. During August 2006 we measured carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes of particulate organic matter (POM) and zooplankton across urban population gradients of the SIS. Results showed a consistent trend of increasing δ15N in POM and zooplankton from the western to eastern subsystems of the SIS, corresponding to increasing population load. Principal components analysis of environmental variables indicated high positive loadings of δ15N and δ13C with high chlorophyll-a and surface water temperatures, and negative loadings of low salinities related to inputs from large rivers and high urban development in the eastern SIS. Anthropogenic nitrogen was therefore readily integrated into the SIS food web from primary production to copepods, which are a critical food source for many commercially important fishes.  相似文献   

Abstract We carried out paleomagnetic measurements and K–Ar dating on Neogene andesitic lavas and sills of the Shigarami Formation in North Fossa Magna, central Japan. The Shigarami Formation is distributed in the axial part of the Komiji Syncline in the folding zone of the southwestern North Fossa Magna. Results of the present study indicate that the Komiji Syncline was formed shortly after 4.42 ± 0.12 Ma during the Pliocene. The sedimentary rocks of the Shigarami Formation consist of shallow marine and fluvial deposits. Intrusions of andesitic sills are found in the shallow marine deposits and two andesitic lava flows are present in the fluvial deposits. Oriented samples were taken from the sills at four sites and from the lavas at three sites. The samples produced stable remanent magnetization through stepwise alternating field and thermal demagnetizations. Results of a positive fold test indicate that the stable remanent magnetizations concentrate around a mean reversed polarity of declination = 169.0°, inclination = ?58.5° and 95% confidence limit = 9.0° after corrections have been made according to the direction of the bedding of the sedimentary rocks. Four fresh samples were selected for K–Ar dating from the samples used for paleomagnetic measurements. The groundmass of three samples taken from the sills yield ages of 4.42 ± 0.12, 4.49 ± 0.22 and 4.69 ± 0.13 Ma, whereas the one taken from the lower lava has an age of 5.91 ± 0.26 Ma. We believe that the Komiji Syncline was formed after the emplacement of lavas and sills in the area, because the descending Miocene strata were folded concordantly with the Shigarami Formation. The Pliocene and Pleistocene strata rest unconformably on the folded strata. The deformation might have progressed during the Pliocene, then slowed down in the Early Pleistocene. Our results suggest that the northwestward motion of the Philippine Sea Plate and the collision of the Tanzawa Block affected not only the South Fossa Magna, but also the North Fossa Magna.  相似文献   

Surface and subsurface water samples for 137Cs and 239,240Pu analysis were collected in the East Sea (Sea of Japan) during August 1993. The 137Cs levels of the surface waters are quite homogeneous in the East Sea (average = 3.1±0.2 mBq kg−1). The 239,240Pu levels vary from 6 to 10 μBq kg−1 in the surface. 239,240Pu to 137Cs ratios in the surface water are within 0.002 to 0.003. The East Sea may be regarded as a part of the North Pacific Ocean in terms of 137Cs dispersal in the surface, where the 137Cs contents of the surface seawater seem to be controlled primarily by the atmospheric input. However, since our sampling was made just two months prior to the widely publicized Russian dumping incident on the 17th October 1993, our measurements may provide background data to assess the immediate impact of the Russian dumping on the levels of 137Cs and 239,240Pu in the East Sea.  相似文献   

The spatiotemporal distribution of Cretaceous–Paleogene granitic rocks in southwestern Japan is investigated to understand the origin of the granitic batholith belt and to reconstruct the tectonic setting of emplacement. New U–Pb zircon ages for 92 samples collected from a region measuring 50 km (E–W) by 200 km (N–S) reveals a stepwise northward younging of granitic rocks aged between 95 and 30 Ma with an age‐data gap between 60 and 48 Ma. Based on the spatiotemporal distribution of granite ages, we examine two plausible models to explain the pattern of magmatic activity: (i) subduction of a segmented spreading ridge and subsequent slab melting (ridge‐subduction model), and (ii) subduction with a temporally variable subduction angle and corresponding spatial distribution of normal arc magmatism (subduction angle model). We optimize the model parameters to fit the observed magmatism in time and space, and compare the best‐fit models. As to ridge subduction model, the best‐fit solution indicates that the spreading ridge started to subduct at approximately 100 Ma, and involved a 45‐km‐wide section of the ridge segment, a subduction obliquity of 30°, and a slow migration velocity (~1.6 cm/y) of the ridge. These values are within the ranges of velocities observed for present‐day ridge subduction at the Chile trench. On the other hand, the best‐fit solution of subduction angle model indicates that the subduction angle decreases stepwise from 37° at 95 Ma, 32° at 87 Ma, 22° at 72 Ma, to 20° at 65 Ma, shifting magmatic region towards the continental side. These results and comparison, together with constraints on the geometry of the tectonic setting provided by previous studies, suggest that the ridge subduction model better explains the limited duration of magmatism, although both models broadly fit the data and cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the anomalous vertical crustal movement in the Izu peninsul, Honshu, Japan, many repeated precise levellings have been carried out by the Geographical Survey Institute. Trilaterations covering the entire Izu peninsula have also been carried out by the Geographical Survey Institute. A new technique is developed to adjust the results of levellings, because they had been carried out for different epochs along each levelling route and because of rapid vertical crustal movements. In conventional least-squares adjustment of levelling network, only corrections to the approximate height are assumed to be unknown, while in the present analysis a special model in which rates of vertical deformation at any bench marks are also assumed to be unknown, is adopted. In addition, tidal stations along the coast of the Izu peninsula yield the rate of vertical crustal movement from analysis of tidal data independent of levelling data. We select several special bench marks in which rates of vertical movement are determined by tidal analysis, thereafter special adjustment is applied according to the type of network.The results show that the peninsula is inclined to the south-west. Uplift in the northeastern part of the peninsula is accompanied by remarkable subsidence in the southwest. The rate of contemporary inclination is many times higher than the rate during the period from 1929 to 1972.The deformation is concentrated in the area whereNakamura (1979, 1980) pointed out the bending of the Philippine Sea plate. The mode and rate of the detected crustal deformation suggest the accelerated bending of the peninsula. There are some local uplift that deviate from the general pattern of deformation. The most remarkable land uplift was observed near Ito, a city within the peninsula, and the focus of this uplift migrated with time. The accelerated plate bending will produce an extension at the earth's surface and contraction in the deeper part of the subcrustal layer, additionally it triggered the intrusion of magma from the deeper part to the shallower. Moreover, the accelerated plate bending also triggered seismic swarms and destructive, earthquakes in and around the peninsula.  相似文献   

王志 《应用地球物理》2014,11(2):119-127
本文提出了一种新的反演方法:通过采用纵、横波走时数据对(从相同的震源产生的P和S波被同一台站记录)来联合反演纵波速度(Vp)和纵、横波速度比(Vp/Vs),然后单独反演横波速度Vs,在反演过程中同时对地震参数进行定位。该方法不需要假设P和S波的射线路径一致,它是沿着P和S波射线路径计算相对慢度扰动值。该方法直接把Vp/Vs作为一个模型参数,由此能获得比采用从独立反演获得的Vp和Vs计算出Vp/Vs的方法更精确的速度比值。该新方法被应用到反演日本东北地区的壳幔速度及波速比结构的研究中,获得了较好的效果。反演结果表明,在日本东北地区,太平洋俯冲板块为一高Vp,高Vs和低Vp/Vs异常区,而在活火山下方的浅部地幔楔以及背弧深部地区为低Vp,低VS和高Vp/VS异常。虽然这些特征在前人的研究中已经报道过,但与前人的研究结果相比,本次研究所获得的Vp/Vs的空间分布具有较小的分散性,同时,它的分布特征能较好的与地震波速度结构相吻合。  相似文献   

A detailed study of the geochemistry of a new suite of early Iceland plume picrites shows that extremely high 3He/4He ratios (up to 50 Ra) are found in picrites from Baffin Island and West Greenland. High 3He/4He picrites display a wide range in 87Sr/86Sr (0.70288–0.70403), 143Nd/144Nd (0.51288–0.51308) and incompatible trace element ratios (e.g. La/Smn = 0.5–1.6). These overlap the complete range of compositions of mid-ocean ridge basalts and most northern hemisphere ocean island basalts, including Iceland. Crustal contamination modelling in which high-grade Proterozoic crustal basement rocks for the region are mixed with a depleted parent cannot account for the trend displayed by the Baffin Island and West Greenland picrites. This rules out the possibility that the incompatible trace element, Sr and Nd isotope range of the high 3He/4He picrites is due to crustal contamination. The compositional range at high 3He/4He is also inconsistent with derivation from a primordial-He-rich reservoir that is a residue of ancient mantle depletion. This implies that the composition of the high 3He/4He mantle cannot be determined simply by extrapolating ocean island basalt He–Sr–Nd–Pb–Os isotope data.The apparent decoupling of He from trace element and lithophile radiogenic isotope tracers is difficult to attain by simple mixing of a high-[He], high 3He/4He reservoir with various depleted and enriched He-poor mantle reservoirs. The possibility that primordial He has diffused into a reservoir with a composition typical of convecting upper mantle cannot be ruled out. If so, the process must have occurred after the development of existing mantle heterogeneity, and requires the existence of a deep, primordial He-rich reservoir.  相似文献   

The June 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo, Philippines breached a significant, pre-eruptive magmatic-hydrothermal system consisting of a hot (>300 °C) core at two-phase conditions and surrounding, cooler (<260 °C) liquid outflows to the N and S. The eruption created a large, closed crater that accumulated hydrothermal upwellings, near-surface aquifer and meteoric inflows. A shallow lake formed by early September 1991, and showed a long-term increase in level of ~1 m/month until an artificial drainage was created in September 2001. Comparison of the temporal trends in lake chemistry to pre- and post-eruptive springs distinguishes processes important in lake evolution. The lake was initially near-neutral pH and dominated by meteoric influx and Cl–SO4 and Cl–HCO3 hydrothermal waters, with peaks in SO4 and Ca concentrations resulting from leaching of anhydrite and aerosol-laden tephra. Magmatic discharge, acidity (pH~2) and rock dissolution peaked in late 1992, during and immediately after eruption of a lava dome on the crater floor. Since cessation of dome growth, trends in lake pH (increase from 3 to 5.5), temperature (decline from 40 to 26 °C), and chemical and isotopic composition indicate that magmatic degassing and rock dissolution have declined significantly relative to the input of meteoric water and immature hydrothermal brine. Higher concentrations of Cl, Na, K, Li and B, and lower concentrations of Mg, Ca, Fe, SO4 and F up to 1999 highlight the importance of a dilute hydrothermal contribution, as do stable-isotope and tritium compositions of the various fluids. However, samples taken since that time indicate further dilution and steeper trends of increasing pH and declining temperature. Present gas and brine compositions from crater fumaroles and hot springs indicate boiling of an immature Cl–SO4 geothermal fluid of near-neutral pH at approximately 200 °C, rather than direct discharge from magma. It appears that remnants of the pre-eruptive hydrothermal system invaded the magma conduit shortly after the end of dome emplacement, blocking the direct degassing path. This, along with the large catchment area (~5 km2) and the high precipitation rate of the area, led to a rapid transition from a small and hot acid lake to a large lake with near-ambient temperature and pH. This behavior contrasts with that of peak-activity lakes that have more sustained volcanic gas influx (e.g., Kawah Ijen, Indonesia; Poas and Rincón de la Vieja, Costa Rica).Editorial responsibility: H. Shinohara  相似文献   

Water samples were collected from cold and warm karst springs for stable isotopes (δ18O and δD) and 3H from SE of Kashmir valley (western Himalayas) to distinguish the sources of recharge and infer their recharge areas. The spring water samples were most depleted in heavier isotopes in May (average δ18O: ?8.87‰ and δD: ?50.3‰) and enriched in September (average δ18O: ?7.58‰ and δD: ?48.1‰). The depleted 18O and 2H of spring waters bear the signatures of winter precipitation while as the enriched 18O and 2H of spring waters bear the signature of summer rainfall. D‐excess and 3H corroborate with the stable isotope results that the spring flow in spring season (May) and autumn (September) is dominantly controlled by the melting of winter snowmelt and summer rainfall, respectively. The results showed that unlike δD, the δ18O value in the karst spring waters decreases in January suggesting δ18O shift. The spring water samples also fall above the Local Meteoric Water Line and Global Meteoric Water Line indicating the δ18O shift due to interaction of groundwater with the host carbonate rocks during its traverse. The mean elevation of the recharge areas of the springs using δ18O and δD tracers was also estimated. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Masakazu  Ohtake 《Island Arc》1995,4(3):156-165
Abstract Based on the spatial distribution of the focal areas from previous large earthquakes, a significant seismic gap was found off the coast of the Akita Prefecture at the eastern margin of the Sea of Japan. We forecast that the 75 km segment of plate boundary may be ruptured by a large thrust earthquake with a magnitude of 7.5 in the near future. The time of occurrence is uncertain, but the recurrence interval of large earthquakes in this region suggests that it will be no later than the end of next century. The time sequence of large earthquakes in the eastern margin of the Sea of Japan shows a systematic shortening of the earthquake interval for the past 250 years. This feature is simulated successfully by a simple mechanical model that represents a plate boundary by segmented blocks, each of which is composed of a spring friction slider system. We further propose to revise the conventionally accepted plate boundary between the Eurasian and Okhotsk plates in the eastern margin of the Sea of Japan; the observed data of seismic activity and recent crustal deformation indicate that the southern part of the plate boundary traverses the land region from Niigata to Otari along the Shinanogawa seismic belt. The fault geometries of previous large earthquakes show that the mode of plate convergence in the eastern margin of the Sea of Japan is a collision type rather than a simple eastward subduction as was postulated in early studies.  相似文献   

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