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adaptable适应性强的active主动的,活跃的aggressive有进取心的amicable友好的analytical善于分析的apprehensive有理解力的aspiring有志气的,有抱负的audacious大胆的,有冒险精神的capable有能力的,有才能的careful办理仔细的competent能胜任的cooperative有合作精神的creative富创造力的dedicated有奉献精神的dependable可靠的diplomatic老练的,有策略的disciplined守纪律的dutiful尽职的well--educated受过良好教育的efficient有效率的energetic精力充沛的learned精通某门学问的logical条理分明的methodical有方法的modest谦虚的pun…  相似文献   

“好的设计是创新的。好的设计是实用的。好的设计必须是美的。好的设计是易于理解的。好的设计是诚实的。好的设计应该尽可能少的设计。好的设计是不显限的。好的设计是耐用的。好的设计贯穿每一细节。好的设计是环保的。”——迪特尔·拉姆斯(Dieder Rams),10条优秀设计准则  相似文献   

由于现在高校信息化的全面推进,需要越来越多的硬件需求,这势必对经济实力薄弱的学校带来了巨大的经济压力。同时迅速增长的服务器数量,也给每个学校的数据机房的管理带来了挑战。这些需求的正快速增长给学校的运维管理带来不小的压力。而现在的服务器性能的快速增长,又导致服务器的性能没有充分的发挥出来,这势必造成了巨大的浪费。而现在的虚拟化技术的快速发展,为学校的资源的从新组合带来新的方式。虚拟化,同时是云平台的强有力的技术支持。虚拟化的建设为云的开发应用提供基本平台。本文主要探讨学校的虚拟化的建设的主要方式方法。  相似文献   

信息系统的网络安全问题是每一所医院都必须关注的问题,信息系统的安全问题可以直接的影响到医院的所有工作的运行情况,信息系统的故障或者是病毒入侵会直接的使得医院的工作遭到严重的干扰和破坏。一般的网络安全问题是要保护系统的正常运行和资源以信息的安全浏览和下载。医院的信息系统安全问题需要得到比较好的关注,并且需要专门的技术人员来维持和进行修复工作。研究针对目前的医院信息系统存在几种问题以及安全问题容易出现的状况、产生的后果等问题,结合一些日常的管理经验从几个方面得出一般的维护医院信息系统的安全的策略。该文主要从系统的硬件方面、软件方面实体机房方面以及网络的系统方面的问题出发,分别分析了主要的问题以及应对的策略,以期对医院的信息系统网络安全建设提供一定的积极帮助。  相似文献   

今天,我们在这里从人文科学的角度,来讨论网络科技的发展,它对今天的世界所产生的影响以及所产生的一个新世界。以往的历史已经有很多这样的事实,这里我们举一个简单的例子:电梯的出现。如果没有电梯,那么今天的建筑物都只是比较低矮的建筑,不会有现代的高楼大厦。纸的发明,汽车的出现,电的发明,都是如此。网络的产生所带来的人文的变化,将对整个世界产生根本性的影响。  相似文献   

在当今的社会,计算机已经慢慢的深入人心,计算机的网络化和数据通信已经是人们所关注的重点内容。只有拥有着交换能力的网络可以称得上是网络,怎么样才能更好的完成数据的通信,只有不断的扩展网络的规模,才能高效的实现数据之间的交换,在通信系统的最低层的硬件上面,来实现信号的传输,来实现通讯双方的数据交换,这样才是一个完成的通讯过程。  相似文献   

概要:纵观各种各样的创新,表现方式为商业的创新是一个公司最为必要的创新,我们把创新作为一个公司的管理和技术创新的基本形式。失去商业方式的创新,其他形式的创新就会缺少连续前进的动力与获得利润的机会。对网络最重要的就是自己进行的符合自己发展的创新,它是不会因为某些原因而有所变动的,继而,对网络独特创造的商业模式进行进一步的探讨具有很重的理论的与实际上的重要作用。  相似文献   

在当今的网络监控、电信数据管理、传感器数据监控等应用中,数据采取的是多维的、连续的、快速的、随时间变化的流式数据的形式,对数据的访问也是多次和连续的,并要求即时的响应.数据流独特的特点,对传统数据的处理方法带来很大的挑战.数据流应用的出现,带动了相关技术的研究,其中包括数据流挖掘的研究.文中介绍了数据流的基本概 念,讨论了数据流挖掘的研究现状及相关技术,包括数据流的介绍、流行的数据流处理技术和数据挖掘中的相关算法.  相似文献   

在技术不断提升的基础上,人们的娱乐方式在不断的增加.从目前的具体发展来看,广播电台不仅是人们获取娱乐的一个重要渠道,也是了解资讯、加强对外认知的一个重要通道,所以说积极的进行广播电台的发展十分的重要.在目前的网络化大环境中,广播电台的网络化发展倾向越明显,虽然说网络化的发展可以为广播电台的覆盖范围面扩大起到重要的作用,但是网络环境的复杂性使其安全受到了严重的威胁.因此,重视广播电台的网络安全建设,积极的做好安全防护十分的重要.本文就广播电台网络安全的防护技术进行全面性的探讨.  相似文献   

王泉 《网友世界》2014,(5):97-97
人的本质是由人的类本质和人的现实本质构成的一个对立统一体。人的类本质是人区别于其他自然物的活的规定性,在人的活动中表现出自由自觉性、主动创造性和自我意识性;人的现实本质是人与人之间的社会关系的区别的特性,表现为"一切社会关系的总和"。[1]只有将人的类本质、人的现实本质对立统一起来对待,才能对人有一个完整全面的理解。根据马克思的文本,马克思关于人的本质有三个界定,即:劳动是人的本质,人的本质是一切社会关系的总和,人的需要即人的本质。这三个界定不是彼此孤立、互不相干的,而是有其内在联系的。只有从这三个界定及其内在联系上考察人的本质,才能全面深刻地理解马克思关于人的本质的理论。  相似文献   

This article discusses the history and design of the special versions of the bombe key-finding machines used by Britain’s Government Code & Cypher School (GC&CS) during World War II to attack the Enigma traffic of the Abwehr (the German military intelligence service). These special bombes were based on the design of their more numerous counterparts used against the traffic of the German armed services, but differed from them in important ways that highlight the adaptability of the British bombe design, and the power and flexibility of the diagonal board. Also discussed are the changes in the Abwehr indicating system that drove the development of these machines, the ingenious ways in which they were used, and some related developments involving the bombes used by the U.S. Navy’s cryptanalytic unit (OP-20-G).  相似文献   

Multisim8是一款优秀仿真软件,使用该软件可对电路进行各种参数分析。我们在享受其便利的同时,也遇到因缺少元器件导致电路仿真无法进行的阻力。解决此问题的方法就是为元件建立仿真模型并新建或扩充已有的元器件库。在不熟悉Spice编程原理的情况下,我们可通过相关网址查找到元件厂商提供的元件模型,利用模型导入的方法来建立需要的新元件。通过对新元件应用电路的仿真分析,新元件完全符合要求。在此基础上,使用元件的导入与导出功能还可对新元件进行文件备份并实现新元件在不同用户间的资源共享。  相似文献   

针对追踪器使用卷积网络提取出来的特征模板进行目标位置匹配时,易产生响应噪声的问题,本文提出一种联合外形响应和卷积响应的深度目标追踪方法。在当前帧中,由前一帧提供的目标信息先分别提取卷积特征和外形信息,然后获得相应的卷积位置响应和外形位置响应;最后利用外形位置响应对卷积位置响应进行修正,从而有效地抑制响应噪声。实验表明:这种方法具有较高的位置精度,能够提高目标跟踪的准确性。  相似文献   

The new method of defuzzification of output parameters from the base of fuzzy rules for a Mamdani fuzzy controller is given in the paper. The peculiarity of the method is the usage of the universal equation for the area computation of the geometric shapes. During the realization of fuzzy inference linguistic terms, the structure changes from the triangular into a trapezoidal shape. That is why the universal equation is used. The method is limited and can be used only for the triangular and trapezoidal membership functions. Gaussian functions can also be used while modifying the proposed method. Traditional defuzzification models such as Middle of Maxima − MoM, First of Maxima − FoM, Last of Maxima − LoM, First of Suppport − FoS, Last of Support − LoS, Middle of Support − MoS, Center of Sums − CoS, Model of Height − MoH have a number of systematic errors: curse of dimensionality, partition of unity condition and absence of additivity. The above-mentioned methods can be seen as Center of Gravity − CoG, which has the same errors. These errors lead to the fact that accuracy of fuzzy systems decreases, because during the training root mean square error increases. One of the reasons that provokes the errors is that some of the activated fuzzy rules are excluded from the fuzzy inference. It is also possible to increase the accuracy of the fuzzy system through properties of continuity. The proposed method guarantees fulfilling of the property of continuity, as the intersection point of the adjustment linguistic terms equals 0.5 when a parametrized membership function is used. The causes of errors and a way to delete them are reviewed in the paper. The proposed method excludes errors which are inherent to the traditional and non- traditional models of defuzzification. Comparative analysis of the proposed method of defuzzification with traditional and non-traditional models shows its effectiveness.  相似文献   

This paper provides the author's personal views and perspectives on software process improvement. Starting with his first work on technology assessment in IBM over 20 years ago, Watts Humphrey describes the process improvement work he has been directly involved in. This includes the development of the early process assessment methods, the original design of the CMM, and the introduction of the Personal Software Process (PSP)SM and Team Software Process (TSP){SM}. In addition to describing the original motivation for this work, the author also reviews many of the problems he and his associates encountered and why they solved them the way they did. He also comments on the outstanding issues and likely directions for future work. Finally, this work has built on the experiences and contributions of many people. Mr. Humphrey only describes work that he was personally involved in and he names many of the key contributors. However, so many people have been involved in this work that a full list of the important participants would be impractical.  相似文献   

面向查询的多文档摘要技术有两个难点 第一,为了保证摘要与查询密切相关,容易造成摘要内容重复,不够全面;第二,原始查询难以完整描述查询意图,需进行查询扩展,而现有查询扩展方法多依赖于外部语义资源。针对以上问题,该文提出一种面向查询的多文档摘要方法,利用主题分析技术识别出当前主题下的子主题,综合考虑句子所在的子主题与查询的相关度以及子主题的重要度两方面因素来选择摘要句,并根据词语在子主题之间的共现信息,在不使用任何外部知识的情况下,进行查询扩展。在DUC2006评测语料上的实验结果表明,与Baseline系统相比,该系统取得了更高的ROUGE评价值,基于子主题的查询扩展方法则进一步提高了摘要的质量。  相似文献   

A method of synthesis of fuzzy stabilization systems for a broad class of dynamic objects under the assumption that the mathematical model of the object is not known a priori is proposed. The control is formulated in the form of a proportional law of adjustment as a function of a macro-variable; the square of the Euclidean norm of the phase variables is adopted as the macro-variable. An analogous variable characterizes the distance of the object from the equilibrium position. Despite the simplicity of the control law, its sign remains constant due to the fact that the macro-variable is positive-definite over the entire phase space. The switching times of the signals are determined by fuzzy identification of the system’s dynamic modes on the basis of measurement of the derivatives of the macro-variable.  相似文献   

程康明  熊伟丽   《智能系统学报》2019,14(4):689-696
针对一些工业过程中存在的有标签样本少,而传统的半监督学习无法保证对无标签样本准确预测的问题,提出一种双优选的半监督回归算法。首先,确定有标签样本密集区中心,并计算无标签样本与该中心的相似度,实现对无标签样本的优选,同时根据有标签样本间相似度优选有标签样本;然后,利用高斯过程回归方法对选出的有标签样本建立辅学习器,以对优选出的无标签样本预测标签;最后,利用这些伪标签样本提升主学习器的预测效果。通过数值例子以及实际脱丁烷塔过程数据进行建模仿真,证明了所提方法在有标签样本较少的情况下有良好的预测性能。  相似文献   

CCD camera modeling and simulation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper we propose a modeling of an acquisition line made up of a CCD camera, a lens and a frame grabber card. The purpose of this modeling is to simulate the acquisition process in order to obtain images of virtual objects. The response time has to be short enough to permit interactive simulation. All the stages are modelised: in the first phase, we present a geometric model which supplies a point to point transformation that provides, for a space point in the camera field, the corresponding point on the plane of the CCD sensor. The second phase consists of modeling the discrete space which implies passing from the continous known object view to a discrete image, in accordance with the different orgin of the contrast loss. In the third phase, the video signal is reconstituted in order to be sampled by the frame grabber card. The practical results are close to reality when compared to image processing. This tool makes it possible to obtain a short computation time simulation of a vision sensor. This enables interactivity either with the user or with software for the design/simulation of an industrial workshop equipped with a vision system. It makes testing possible and validates the choice of sensor placement and image processing and analysis. Thanks to this simulation tool, we can control perfectly the position of the object image placed under the camera and in this way, we can characterise the performance of subpixel accuracy determining methods for object positioning.  相似文献   

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