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Conidia ofTrichoderma reesei QM 9414 were treated with colchicine in order to obtain polyploids (diploids; tetraploids). Cellulase production by diploids (mononucleate conidia) was almost twice as great as that of the original strain, but that of tetraploids (binucleate conidia) was not increased. When these latter conidia were re-treated with 2.0% (w/v) colchicine, multiple nuclei were produced in each conidium, and their diameter was almost the same as that of the original nucleus. Cellulase production of the diploid was almost the same in either mononucleate or multinucleate nature. However, cellulase production by the tetraploid which produced multinucleate conidia was greater than that of the binucleate tetraploid and that of the diploid. The multinucleation technique can contribute to enhancing cellulase production.  相似文献   

The interactions between biocontrol fungi and bacteria may play a key role in the natural process of biocontrol, although the molecular mechanisms involved are still largely unknown. Synergism can occur when different agents are applied together, and cell wall degrading enzymes (CWDEs) produced by fungi can increase the efficacy of bacteria. Pseudomonas spp. produce membrane-disrupting lipodepsipeptides (LDPs) syringotoxins (SP) and syringomycins (SR). SR are considered responsible for the antimicrobial activity, and SP for the phytotoxicity. CWDEs of Trichoderma spp. synergistically increased the toxicity of SP25-A or SRE purified from P. syringae against fungal pathogens. For instance, the fungal enzymes made Botrytis cinerea and other phytopathogenic fungi, normally resistant to SP25-A alone, more susceptible to this antibiotic. Pseudomonas produced CWDEs in culture conditions that allow the synthesis of the LDPs. Purified bacterial enzymes and metabolites were also synergistic against fungal pathogens, although this mixture was less powerful than the combination with the Trichoderma CWDEs. The positive interaction between LDPs and CWDEs may be part of the biocontrol mechanism in some Pseudomonas strains, and co-induction of different antifungal compounds in both biocontrol bacteria and fungi may occur. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Nanaia sp. was collected onOpuntia pascoensis Britton & Rose in Peru and introduced into South Africa for biological control ofOpuntia aurantiaca Lindley. Since this is a new insect-plant association the chances of successful biological control could theoretically be enhanced. However, pre-release insectary studies showed that apart from the adverse affects of insectary rearing, larval development was slower, less larvae survived, smaller adults emerged and reproduction was suppressed onO. aurantiaca compareded toO. pascoensis. The new association ofNanaia sp. onO. aurantiaca will probably not succeed and, although field trials should be conducted to confirm this, an extensive mass-rearing and release programme would be a waste of time, finances and effort.   相似文献   

Hydrogen and a bioflocculant could be produced simultaneously by anaerobic culture of Enterobacter sp. BY-29. For production of hydrogen and the bioflocculant by cell culture of the bacterium in batch cultures, cultivation at 37 °C in a medium containing glucose as a carbon source and Polypepton as a nitrogen source was found to be suitable. In continuous production of hydrogen and the bioflocculant by cell culture or immobilized cells of the bacterium, the hydrogen production rate and hydrogen yield by the immobilized cells on porous glass beads in stirred and column reactors were higher than those by the cell culture in a stirred reactor. However, production of the bioflocculant by the cell culture was superior to that by the immobilized cells in continuous production.  相似文献   

【背景】粮食在生长和收储期极易受到病原真菌或产毒真菌的污染,造成严重的损失。众多实践证明木霉属(Trichoderma)可以有效防治植物病原真菌。【目的】鉴定和筛选能有效抑制粮食常见危害真菌的木霉生防菌株,开发生防菌剂,保障粮食生产安全。【方法】从粮食上分离筛选出35株木霉,通过多基因系统发育分析和形态学观察方法进行菌种鉴定,利用平板对峙试验筛选出对粮食常见危害真菌有抑制作用的菌株。【结果】35株木霉分属于8个种,分别为非洲哈茨木霉(Trichodermaafroharzianum)、类棘孢木霉(Trichodermaasperelloides)、 Trichoderma amoenum、近深绿木霉(Trichoderma paratroviride)、Trichoderma obovatum、长枝木霉(Trichoderma longibrachiatum)、东方木霉(Trichodermaorientale)和深绿木霉(Trichodermaatroviride)。对峙试验结果表明,这8种木霉对于粮食上分离到的10种危害真菌均具有较好的抑制效果。非洲哈茨木霉(T.afroharzi...  相似文献   

Two open reading frames denoted as cpcE and cpcF were cloned and sequenced from Synechococcus sp. PCC 6301. The cpcE and cpcF genes are located downstream of the cpcB2A2 gene cluster in the phycobilisome rod operon and can be transcribed independently of the upstream cpcB2A2 gene cluster. The cpcE and cpcF genes were separately inactivated by insertion of a kanamycin resistance cassette in Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 to generate mutants R2EKM and R2FKM, respectively, both of which display a substantial reduction in spectroscopically detectable phycocyanin. The levels of - and -phycocyanin polypeptides were reduced in the R2EKM and R2FKM mutants although the phycocyanin and linker genes are transcribed at normal levels in the mutants as in the wild type indicating the requirement of the functional cpcE and cpcF genes for normal accumulation of phycocyanin. Two biliprotein fractions were isolated on sucrose density gradient from the R2EKM/R2FKM mutants. The faster sedimenting fraction consisted of intact phycobilisomes. The slower sedimenting biliprotein fraction was found to lack phycocyanin polypeptides, thus no free phycocyanin was detected in the mutants. Characterization of the phycocyanin from the mutants revealed that it was chromophorylated, had a max similar to that from the wild type and could be assembled into the phycobilisome rods. Thus, although phycocyanin levels are reduced in the R2EKM and R2FKM mutants, the remaining phycocyanin seems to be chromophorylated and similar to that in the wild type with respect to phycobilisome rod assembly and energy transfer to the core.  相似文献   

A chitinase producing bacterium Enterobacter sp. NRG4, previously isolated in our laboratory, has been reported to have a wide range of applications such as anti-fungal activity, generation of fungal protoplasts and production of chitobiose and N-acetyl D-glucosamine from swollen chitin. In this paper, the gene coding for Enterobacter chitinase has been cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3). The structural portion of the chitinase gene comprised of 1686 bp. The deduced amino acid sequence of chitinase has high degree of homology (99.0%) with chitinase from Serratia marcescens. The recombinant chitinase was purified to near homogeneity using His-Tag affinity chromatography. The purified recombinant chitinase had a specific activity of 2041.6 U mg−1. It exhibited similar properties pH and temperature optima of 5.5 and 45°C respectively as that of native chitinase. Using swollen chitin as a substrate, the Km, kcat and catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km) values of recombinant chitinase were found to be 1.27 mg ml−1, 0.69 s−1 and 0.54 s−1M−1 respectively. Like native chitinase, the recombinant chitinase produced medicinally important N-acetyl D-glucosamine and chitobiose from swollen chitin and also inhibited the growth of many fungi.  相似文献   

Two endoglucanases (1,4--d-glucan-4-glucanohydrolase, EC were purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from the culture filtrate of a mutant strain Trichoderma sp. M7. The purified endoglucanases had Mr of 57.4 and 55 kDa, and estimated pI values of 4.1 and 3.95/3.75, respectively. Optimal activity for the first cellulase was at pH 4.5 and 50 °C, and at pH 5.5 and 60 °C for the other. Carbodiimide inactivated the one of the purified endoglucanases, while the other was inhibited by iodoacetamide, indicating the involvement of carboxylic or thiol groups in the catalysis. N-Bromsuccinimide strongly inhibited both endoglucanases, suggesting that tryptophan residues are essential for the activity and binding to the substrate.  相似文献   

In naturally infested soil containingPythium ultimum, P. acanthicum andPhytophthora megasperma, onlyP. ultimum was associated with root rot and damped-off seedlings. Damping-off was promoted by low soil temperatures and by flooding. Seedling stands were markedly reduced when seed was pre-incubated in soil at 12°C but not at 25°C or 35°C. Dusting carrot seed with metalaxyl significantly increased seedling stands in the field at rates from 1.5–6 g kg−1 seed and in both flooded and unflooded, naturally infested soil at 3.15 g kg−1. In greenhouse experiments using artifically infested soil,P. ultimum andP. paroecandrum caused damping-off of carrot seedlings andRhizoctonia solani reduced root and shoot weights.R. solani caused damping-off in nutrient-enriched soil.P. acanthicum andP. megasperma were not pathogenic to seedlings, although both fungi colonized roots. Soil populations of allPythium spp., particularlyP. ultimum, increased during growth of seedlings and population growth ofP. megasperma was promoted by periodic flooding. Infestation of soil withP. acanthicum did not reduce damping-off of carrot seedlings byP. ultimum orP. paroecandrum, but significantly increased root and shoot weights and decreased root colonization byR. solani P. acanthicum has potential as a biocontrol agent againstR. solani.  相似文献   

A bacterial strain able to degrade dichloromethane (DCM) as the sole carbon source was isolated from a wastewater treatment plant receiving domestic and pharmaceutical effluent. 16S rDNA studies revealed the strain to be a Xanthobacter sp. (strain TM1). The new isolated strain when grown aerobically on DCM showed Luong type growth kinetics, with μmax of 0.094 h−1 and S m of 1,435 mg l−1. Strain TM1 was able to degrade other aromatic and aliphatic halogenated compounds, such as halobenzoates, 2-chloroethanol and dichloroethane. The gene for DCM dehalogenase, which is the key enzyme in DCM degradation, was amplified through PCR reactions. Strain TM1 contains type A DCM dehalogenase (dcmAa), while no product could be obtained for type B dehalogense (dcmAb). The sequence was compared against 12 dcmAa from other DCM degrading strains and 98% or 99% similarity was observed with all other previously isolated DCM dehalogenase genes. This is the first time a Xanthobacter sp. is reported to degrade DCM.  相似文献   

The plastid DNA of higher plants contains eleven reading frames that are homologous to subunits of the mitochondrial NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I). The genes are expressed, but a plastid NAD(P)H dehydrogenase has not yet been isolated and the function of the enzyme in plastid metabolism is unknown. Cyanobacteria also contain a NADH dehydrogenase that is homologous to the mitochondrial complex I. The enzyme is sensitive to rotenone and is located on the cytoplasmic and the thylakoid membrane. We report here the sequence of five subunits (ndhA, -I, G, -E and -D) of the NADH dehydrogenase from the unicellular cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803. As in plastid DNA, the genes ndh(A-I-G-E) are clustered and probably constitute an operon. The ndhD gene is associated with a gene encoding an iron-sulphur protein of photosystem I (psaC) as in plastid DNA. In contrast to the situation in plastids, psaC and ndhD are not cotranscribed but transcribed from opposite strands. The deduced amino acid sequence of the cyanobacterial polypeptides is more similar to the corresponding plastid (40-68% identity) than to the corresponding mitochondrial subunits (17-39% identity). Thus, the cyanobacterial NADH-dehydrogenase provides a prokaryotic model system which is more suitable to genetic analysis than the enzyme of plastids.  相似文献   

The gall wasp,Trichilogaster sp., was imported from Australia to assess its potential as an agent for the control of the invasive shrub/treeAcacia pycnantha Benth. in South Africa. Host specificity tests indicate safety for release; of 19 tree/shrub species tested, including 16 species closely related toA. pycnantha, galls developed only onA. pycnantha. However, galling intensity remained consistently low on the host plant; only 21–29% of the branches exposed to the wasp were galled during 3 years of rearing. Neither the prolonged presence of males in test cages (someTrichilogaster species are thelytokous) nor the stage of maturity of reproductive buds exposed to oviposition affected the percentage of branches galled. It is not recommended thatTrichilogaster sp. be released before the possibility of insect-plant homeostasis or mis-matching of wasp and host plant populations/strains/subspecies is investigated, especially since galling intensities of 30% were ineffective in reducing seed production of a relatedTrichilogaster species/Acacia association.   相似文献   

The catalytic domain encoded by an adenine–thymine (AT)-rich xylanase gene (xynA) of the anaerobic fungus Orpinomyces was expressed in Hypocrea jecorina under the control of the cel7A promoter and terminator. No XynA protein was detected in H. jecorina culture supernatants when the original sequence was fused to the H. jecorina cel5A region coding for its signal peptide, carbohydrate-binding module, and hinge. Replacing the xynA (56% AT content) with a synthetic sequence containing lower AT content (39%) supported the extracellular production (150 mg l−1) of the fusion xylanase by H. jecorina. Northern analysis revealed that successful production after the decrease in AT content was related to higher levels of the xylanase-specific mRNA. Another construct with an RDKR-coding sequence inserted between the cel5A linker and the xynA catalytic domain allowed production of the fully processed active xylanase catalytic domain. Both the fusion (40 kDa) and the fully processed (28 kDa) forms displayed enzymatic properties of family 11 xylanases. Both the R and the Kex2-like KR sites were recognized during secretion, resulting in a mixture of two amino termini for the 28-kDa xylanase. The work demonstrated for the first time that glycoside hydrolases derived from anaerobic fungi can be produced by H. jecorina. The mention of firm names or trade products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the US Department of Agriculture over other firms or similar products not mentioned.  相似文献   

Sixty-four strains ofRhizobium and seven other rhizosphere bacteria were evaluated by streak-plate, double-layer, and spent-culture methods to determine their antibiotic activity againstMacrophomina phaseolina, causative agent of ashy stem blight of beans. Expression of inhibition varied among strains and depended on growth media and screening method. The streak-plate method with yeast extract/mannitol was the best bioassay. Results indicate that root-nodule bacteria have weak biofungicidal potential. A strain ofPseudomonas cepacia (UPR 5C) consistently restricted fungal growth.F. Perdomo, M. Alameda and E.C. Schröder are with the BNF Laboratory, Department of Agronomy and Soils, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, PR 00681-5000, USA; R. Echávez-Badel is with the Department of Crop Protection, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, PR 00681-5000, USA.  相似文献   

The objective of this work is to obtain an abundant source of cholesterol oxidases for industrial and medicinal needs. Thirteen bacterial strains that express high level of inducible extracellular cholesterol oxidase (COX) were isolated from carnivore feces. One of these strains, named COX8-9, belonging to the genus Enterobacter, was found to produce the highest level of cholesterol oxidase. COX from strain COX8-9 was purified from the culture supernatant by ultrafiltration followed with two consecutive Q-Sepharose chromatographies at different pH values, and then by Superdex-75 gel filtration. The purified enzyme was a monomer with a molecular weight of 58 kDa, and exhibited maximum absorption at 280 nm. The K m value for oxidation of cholesterol by this enzyme was 1.2 × 10−4 M, with optimum activity at pH 7.0. Enzymatic activity of COX was enhanced 3-fold in the presence of metal ion Cu2+, and the enzyme was stable during long-term aqueous storage under various temperatures, indicating its potential as a clinical diagnostic reagent. Preparation and characterization of cholesterol oxidases from the other selected strains are under way. Deping Ye and Jiahong Lei are contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Summary In this study flake chitin, crab shell chitin, mushroom stalk, fungal cell wall, wheat bran and rice bran were used as substrate for chitinase production by Enterobacter sp. NRG4 under submerged and solid state fermentation (SSF) conditions. Enterobacter sp. NRG4 produced 72 and 49.7 U/ml of chitinase in presence of cell walls of Candida albicans and Fusarium moniliforme in submerged fermentation. Under SSF, maximum chitinase production was 965 U/g solid substrate with flake chitin and wheat bran (1:3 ratio) at 75% moisture level after 144 h. The purified chitinase inhibited hyphal extension of Fusarium moniliforme, Aspergillus niger, Mucor rouxi and Rhizopus nigricans. The chitinase was effective in release of protoplasts from Trichoderma ressei, Pleurotus florida, Agaricus bisporus and Aspergillus niger. Protoplasts yield was maximum with 60 mg of 24 h old fungal mycelium incubated with 60 U of chitinase and 60 U of cellulase.  相似文献   

J. Klingler 《BioControl》1988,33(3):325-331
Experiments were conducted to study the efficacy of the insect parasitic nematodeHeterorhabditis sp. (HW79) as a biological control agent ofOtiorrhynchus salicicola. This weevil species is reported as a pest of ornamental plants in Switzerland and Italy. Dipping plastic boxes containing heavily infested cuttings of laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) in a nematode suspension resulted in approximately 100% parasitisation of full-grown larvae, pupae and non-emerged young adults. The average dose resulting from dipping varied between 56,000 and 62,000 nematodes per liter soil. This experiment was run under natural outdoor conditions. In a further outdoor experiment, pottedLigustrum plants were inoculated with eggs ofO. salicicola and later 20,000 infective juvenile nematodes per liter soil were added to the soil surface. The resulting weevil mortality in the treated pots was 78%. In seven greenhouse tests using the same nematode dose in pots with horticultural soil to which weevil larvae had been added, weevil mortality varied between 76% and 100%, the arithmetic average being 90%. These results indicate that Heterorhabditid nematodes may provide an effective means of controllingO. salicicola. In an other experiment usingO. sulcatus larvae, the influence of application time on nematode efficacy was investigated. When nematodes were added a few days before weevil larvae had hatched from the eggs, no parasitic effect was obtained. Nematode applications done shortly after larval hatching however, resulted in complete weevil control. These results are of significance in timing nematode applications in practice.   相似文献   


Phytophthora root rot is one of the most important diseases in almost all hydrangeas of nursery production. In this study, the efficacy of fungicides and biocontrol products against Phytophthora root rot of hydrangea was assessed in greenhouse and field experiments. Treatments used in field or greenhouse experiments were RootShield PLUS+, MBI110, IT-5103, Grotab, OxiPhos, TerraClean 5.0?+?TerraGrow program, Segovis, Pageant Intrinsic, Empress Intrinsic and Subdue Maxx. Pots/plots were inoculated with Phytophthora nicotianae grown on rice grains, sterilised rice grains were used for negative controls. After the trials, plant growth data (total plant weight, root weight, plant height, plant width) were recorded, and roots were assessed for disease severity using a scale of 0–100%. The treatments most effective in reducing Phytophthora root rot severity were Segovis, Empress Intrinsic, Subdue Maxx, TerraClean 5.0?+?TerraGrow program in both greenhouse and field experiments. This study will help nursery producers make proper management decisions by using recommended fungicides and biocontrol products of this study in a rotation or alone to manage Phytophthora root rot of hydrangea.  相似文献   

The endochitinase DNA and cDNA from Trichoderma sp. were cloned, sequenced and expressed. The cloned DNA and cDNA sequences were 1,476 and 1,275 bp in length, respectively. There were three introns in DNA sequence in comparison with the cDNA sequence. The endochitinase protein contained three regions: the signal peptide, the prepro-region and the mature protein region. The gene fragment encoding the mature endochitinase was ligated into the expression vector pET-28a+, yielding pET-1. The plasmid pET-1 was transformed into the Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3). The clone bearing pET-1 was picked and cultured at 30°C for the expression of endochitinase. SDS-PAGE analysis showed that the endochitinase was expressed in the periplasmic space and the purified protein showed a single band. The activity of 70.2 U/mg was obtained from the cellular extract of the recombinant strain. The activity of endochitinase was 2.5-fold higher at 24 h than at 16 h in the periplasmic space. The optimal pH and temperature of the recombinant endochitinase were determined to be 7.0 and 35°C, respectively. It was relatively stable within the pH range of 5–8. Significant activity stimulation by 1 mM Mg2+ and 5 mM Fe2+ and inhibition by 5 mM Co2+ and 5 mM Hg2+ were observed. The kinetic constants Km, Vmax and Kcat for the hydrolysis of the colloidal chitin were 1.5 mM, 1.37 μmol min−1 and 6.23 min−1, respectively.  相似文献   

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