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Vegetation dynamics during the earliest part of the Holocene (11,250-10,250 cal yr BP) have been reconstructed from a lacustrine sequence on Sandoy, the Faroe Islands, using detailed plant macrofossil and pollen evidence. The plant macrofossils suggest the initial vegetation was sparse herb and shrub tundra, with Salix herbacea and open-ground species, followed by the development of a denser and more species-rich arctic heathland after 11,150 cal yr BP. Despite high pollen values for Betula nana, macrofossils are rare. The bulk of the macrofossils recorded are S. herbacea and Empetrum leaves with numerous herb taxa and an abundance of Racomitrium moss. Conditions start to change around 10,800 cal yr BP, with increased catchment erosion and sediment delivery to the lake from ca. 10,600 cal yr BP, and a transition to alternating Cyperaceae and Poaceae communities between ca. 10,450 and 10,250 cal yr BP. This vegetation change, which has been recorded throughout the Faroes, has previously been interpreted as a retrogressive shift from woody shrubs to a herbaceous community. The detailed plant macrofossil data show the shift is the replacement of an Empetrum arctic heathland by grassland and moist sedge communities. These taxa dominate the modern landscape.  相似文献   

Comparatively few Icelandic tephra horizons dated to the early part of the Holocene have so far been detected outside Iceland. Here, I present several tephra horizons that have been recorded in a Holocene peat sequence on the Faroe Islands. Geochemical analyses show that at least two dacitic and one rhyolitic tephra layers were erupted from the Katla volcanic system on southern Iceland between ca. 8000 and 5900 cal. yr BP. The upper two layers can be correlated with the SILK tephras described from southern Iceland, whereas the third, dated to ca. 8000 cal. yr BP, has a geochemistry virtually identical to the rhyolitic component of the Vedde Ash. The results suggest that the Late Weichselian and early Holocene eruption history of the Katla volcano was probably more complex than inferred from Iceland. A new, early Holocene rhyolitic tephra dated to ca. 10 500 cal. yr BP probably originates in the Snæfellsnes volcanic centre in western Iceland. These new findings may play an important role in developing a Holocene tephra framework for northwest Europe. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two types of microtopographic features (plant scar mounds and plant scar depressions) on surfaces of barren desert pavements provide a unique record of the former presence of large perennial plants. Evidence of bioturbation by burrowing animals extends more than 1 m beneath each type of plant scar, indicating that both features originated as large bioturbation mounds. Formation of bioturbation mounds in desertscrub environments is generally restricted to areas beneath widely separated, large perennial plants. The contrasting forms of plant scars (mounds vs. depressions) represent time-dependent changes following disappearance of the large plants and eventual cessation of bioturbation. Plant scar mounds represent a geologically recent episode of plant mortality, whereas plant scar depressions represent the disappearance of plants at a considerably earlier time, possibly at the Pleistocene-Holocene transition. Contrasting spatial distributions of the two kinds of plant scars indicate that vegetation on alluvial fans has progressively contracted from a more diffuse, former vegetation cover, yielding the wide, barren pavement surfaces present today. In less arid portions of the Sonoran Desert, spatial distribution of recent plant mortality due to persistent, severe drought provides an analog of the progressive loss of plants from different parts of the landscape in the past.  相似文献   


陆地生态系统古碳储量演化历史既是理解过去区域碳循环过程的基础, 也是预测未来陆地碳库变化趋势的重要参照。以往由于实测记录的缺乏和现代碳循环模型应用的局限, 难于实现过去陆地碳库的准确重建。本研究通过地质时期86个点位的孢粉记录与古碳循环模型模拟的结合, 在定量化重建全新世渭河流域古气候参数空间格局的基础上, 模拟了自然植被时空演化过程及其陆地生态系统碳储量变化。结果表明, 全新世早期到中期, 流域森林面积覆盖度由34%增至63%, 导致陆地生态系统碳储量从2.48PgC增至3.40PgC; 全新世中期到晚期, 流域森林面积覆盖度降至20%, 陆地生态系统碳库储量随之减少了1.03PgC。空间上, 流域碳密度变化主要受控于植被类型的分布, 后者又与地貌条件密切相关。全新世中期全球增温情形下渭河流域森林植被大面积扩张和碳储量显著增加的结果, 预示着未来全球变暖背景下该流域陆地生态系统具有较强的碳汇潜力。


宋怡  金龙  陈建兵 《冰川冻土》2014,36(4):1017-1025
利用2000-2012年的MODIS 增强植被指数(Enhanced Vegetation Index,EVI)数据,结合研究区3个气象台站长期的气象数据,分析了青藏公路沿线植被变化总体趋势,以及不同整修措施对周边植被覆盖带来的不同影响.通过实地考察,选取了16个受工程活动影响的典型路边样方,3个铁路边样方和8个远离公路铁路的自然样方,对比路边和自然样方,分析植被的自我恢复能力以及4个主要影响因子.结果表明:青藏公路沿线植被覆盖变化是在整个气候变化的背景下,叠加了工程活动的影响.植被的恢复能力与其所在路段的地形、植被覆盖度、气候条件、以及工程活动的强度均有关系,抑制植被生长的因素越多,植被恢复越慢.  相似文献   


浙江宁绍平原是研究河姆渡文化与自然环境发展关系的热点区域。选取田螺山遗址附近的TLS1402钻孔上部16.16 m的沉积物进行AMS 14C测定、孢粉和微炭屑分析,旨在研究宁绍平原中全新世植被历史、环境变化和人类活动的变化规律。结果表明:1)约8460~7700 a B.P.,植被类型以落叶阔叶林为主,含有常绿成分和针叶成分,揭示了气候温凉偏干的特点;7700~6300 a B.P.期间,乔灌木整体有所下降,波动显著,植被类型为亚热带常绿落叶阔叶混交林,气候暖湿,在7600~7500 a B.P.、7300~7200 a B.P.和6700~6300 a B.P.,粒径>38 μm的禾本科明显增加,可能显示了人类的3个农业发展阶段。另外,微炭屑增加对应栽培作物花粉的增加,暗示植被变化可能与人类活动有关;6300 a B.P.至今,木本花粉含量总体大幅度下降,草本花粉含量升高,气候稍温凉偏干,植被类型仍以亚热带常绿落叶阔叶混交林为主,但植被变化可能受人类干扰。2)淡水藻类和沟鞭藻类含量表明,TLS1402钻孔所在地8460~7700 a B.P.可能为浅海湾环境,但也受到淡水注入影响。7700~7200 a B.P.为过渡时期;7200 a B.P.后环境发生较大变化,海平面上升速率大幅度降低,陆地逐渐生长,7000~6900 a B.P.河姆渡文化逐步开始发育,水稻农业发展,但之后受到海水影响,在7200~6700 a B.P.、6600~6500 a B.P.都出现农业发展低谷,分析认为和海水入侵有关。


This paper presents the results of an investigation of early Holocene cryptotephra layers recovered from sediments in two kettle-hole basins at Inverlair (Glen Spean) and Loch Etteridge (Glen Fernisdale). Electron probe micro-analysis (EPMA) of shards from two cryptotephra layers revealed that the uppermost layer in both sequences has a composition similar to the An Druim tephra, first reported from a site in Northern Scotland. We present evidence that distinguishes the An Druim from the chemically very similar early Holocene Ashik tephra. The lowermost layer at Inverlair matches the composition of the Askja-S tephra found in the Faroe Islands, Ireland, Sweden, Germany and Switzerland. This is the first published record of the Askja-S tephra from mainland Scotland. As at other sites, the Askja-S seems to mark a short-lived climatic deterioration, most likely the Pre-Boreal Oscillation: at Inverlair it occurs just above an oscillation represented by a reduction in LOI values and in the abundance of Betula pollen, and by a peak in Juniperus pollen. The lowermost layer at Loch Etteridge has a Katla-type chemistry and extends through the upper part of the Loch Lomond (Younger Dryas/GS-1) Stadial to the Stadial/Holocene transition; it may represent a composite layer which merges the Vedde and Abernethy tephras. One of the key conclusions is that the glacial-melt deposits in the vicinity of Inverlair (kames and kame terraces) were ice-free by c. 10.83 ka (the age of the Askja-S), providing a limiting age on the disappearance of LLR ice in Glen Spean.  相似文献   


贵州西部位于北亚热带云贵高原山地湿润-半湿润气候区,西南季风是该区域水汽来源的主要气候系统。贵州六盘水娘娘山有连片分布的垫状泥炭沼泽沉积,较完整记录了过去的植被和气候历史,是研究气候-植被-火灾-人类活动变化的理想场所。本研究以六盘水娘娘山1999 m海拔的一处泥炭湿地钻孔上部52 cm岩芯为研究材料,通过AMS 14C测年获得年代框架,采用孢粉和炭屑分析,重建了该地区晚全新世气候变化和人类活动叠加影响下的植被演替及火灾活动历史。结果表明:3500~3100 cal.a B.P. 期间,当地亚热带常绿阔叶林繁盛,火灾活动为气候控制为主的森林火灾,但火灾活动并未改变阔叶林的总体面貌;3100~600 cal.a B.P. 期间,气候呈变干趋势,阔叶类木本植物显著减少,当地植被从亚热带常绿阔叶林转变为疏林草地和针叶类疏林,极可能是趋于冷干的气候环境的结果;大约600 cal.a B.P. 之后,当地植被演变为开阔林,同时,出现大颗粒炭屑(>125 μm)以及伴人花粉的明显增加,表明人类农业活动高强度的刀耕火种已经扩张到较高海拔山区。区域对比显示,西南地区在3500 cal.a B.P. 以来,主要以区域性火灾为主,而3100 cal.a B.P. 以后的火灾活动受到气候变干和人类活动的双重影响,特别是600 cal.a B.P. 以来,人类活动(刀耕火种)成为局地火灾和植被更替的主要因素。


Framed into a robust stratigraphic context, multivariate analyses on the Holocene palaeobiological record (pollen, benthic foraminifers, ostracods) of the Po coastal plain (NE Italy) allowed the investigation of microtidal ecosystems variability and driving parameters along a 35-km-long land–sea transect. Millennial-scale ecosystem shifts are documented by coeval changes in the meiofauna, reflecting variations in organic matter–water depth (shallow-marine environments) and degree of confinement-salinity (back-barrier settings). In-phase shifts of vegetation communities track unsteady water-table levels and river dynamics in freshwater palustrine areas. Five environmental–ecological stages followed one another crossing four tipping points that mark changes in relative sea level (RSL), climate and/or fluvial regime. At the culmination of Mediterranean RSL rise, after the 8200 event, remarkable growth of peatlands took place in the Po estuary, while low accumulation rates typified the shelf. At the transgressive–regressive turnaround (~7000 cal a bp ), the estuary turned into a delta plain with tidally influenced interdistributary embayments. River flow regime oscillations after the Climate Optimum (post-5000 cal a bp ) favoured isolation of the bays and the development of brackish wetlands surrounded by wooded peatlands. The youngest threshold (~800 cal a bp ), which led to the establishment of the modern delta, reflects a major avulsion of the Po River.  相似文献   

Pollen data indicate Tilia was an important component of the primary woodland cover of many lowland areas in northern and central Europe. High values recorded in mid-Holocene pollen diagrams are generally followed by well-defined declines. In this study the palynological, spatial and temporal trends associated with declines in Tilia pollen at sites from lowland Britain are assessed to evaluate the nature and relative importance of the processes responsible. Processes primarily related to the depositional environment (paludification, marine inundation, breaks in sedimentation) and percentage representation of pollen data play the dominant role in 44% of the 164 declines included in the study. Anthropogenic activity can account for the remainder. Tilia rarely recovers from low values after anthropogenic declines, suggesting such declines have the potential to elucidate patterns in the destruction of primary woodland across lowland Britain. Other than declines associated with the mid-Holocene Ulmus decline event, few anthropogenic Tilia declines have been reliably dated prior to c. 5000 cal. BP. Tilia largely disappeared from areas with calcareous and loamy soils as a result of clearance activity in the period 5000–3000 cal. BP (Late Neolithic to Late Bronze Age). Between 3000 and 2500 cal. BP few declines are recorded suggesting a link between clearance activity and climate change. Later declines are concentrated on the sandier lithologies and often associated with heathland formation. The scarcity of declines after 2000 cal. BP is likely to be related to the exhaustion of primary woodland.  相似文献   

The long‐term history of vegetation and fire was investigated at two locations – Soledad Pond (275 m; from ca. 12 000 cal. a BP) and Abalone Rocks Marsh (0 m; from ca. 7000 cal. a BP) – on Santa Rosa Island, situated off the coast of southern California. A coastal conifer forest covered highlands of Santa Rosa during the last glacial, but by ca. 11 800 cal. a BP Pinus stands, coastal sage scrub and grassland replaced the forest as the climate warmed. The early Holocene became increasingly drier, particularly after ca. 9150 cal. a BP, as the pond dried frequently, and coastal sage scrub covered the nearby hillslopes. By ca. 6900 cal. a BP grasslands recovered at both sites. Pollen of wetland plants became prominent at Soledad Pond after ca. 4500 cal. a BP, and at Abalone Rocks Marsh after ca. 3465 cal. a BP. Diatoms suggest freshening of the Abalone Rocks Marsh somewhat later, probably by additional runoff from the highlands. Introduction of non‐native species by ranchers occurred subsequent to AD 1850. Charcoal influx is high early in the record, but declines during the early Holocene when minimal biomass suggests extended drought. A general increase occurs after ca. 7000 cal. a BP, and especially after ca. 4500 cal. a BP. The Holocene pattern closely resembles population levels constructed from the archaeological record, and suggests a potential influence by humans on the fire regime of the islands, particularly during the late Holocene. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The transition from arid glacial to moist early Holocene conditions represented a profound change in northern lowland Neotropical climate. Here we report a detailed record of changes in moisture availability during the latter part of this transition (~11 250 to 7500 cal. yr BP) inferred from sediment cores retrieved in Lake Petén Itzá, northern Guatemala. Pollen assemblages demonstrate that a mesic forest had been largely established by ~11 250 cal. yr BP, but sediment properties indicate that lake level was more than 35 m below modern stage. From 11 250 to 10 350 cal. yr BP, during the Preboreal period, lithologic changes in sediments from deep‐water cores (>50 m below modern water level) indicate several wet–dry cycles that suggest distinct changes in effective moisture. Four dry events (designated PBE1‐4) occurred centred at 11 200, 10 900, 10 700 and 10 400 cal. yr BP and correlate with similar variability observed in the Cariaco Basin titanium record and glacial meltwater pulses into the Gulf of Mexico. After 10 350 cal. yr BP, multiple sediment proxies suggest a shift to a more persistently moist early Holocene climate. Comparison of results from Lake Petén Itzá with other records from the circum‐Caribbean demonstrates a coherent climate response during the entire span of our record. Furthermore, lowland Neotropical climate during the late deglacial and early Holocene period appears to be tightly linked to climate change in the high‐latitude North Atlantic. We speculate that the observed changes in lowland Neotropical precipitation were related to the intensity of the annual cycle and associated displacements in the mean latitudinal position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone and Azores–Bermuda high‐pressure system. This mechanism operated on millennial‐to‐submillennial timescales and may have responded to changes in solar radiation, glacial meltwater, North Atlantic sea ice, and the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (MOC). Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

刘诚  沈永明 《水科学进展》2008,19(6):851-856
水生植物的存在改变了明渠内水流的流动结构,也影响着泥沙的输运。建立三维湍流模型,在水流控制方程中加入植被阻力项和植被密度项来考虑刚性植物对水动力特性和泥沙输运特性的影响。应用该三维数值模型计算了矩形水槽内淹没植被对水流水平时均流速垂向分布的影响、复式明渠边滩栽种挺水植被对水流深度、平均流速分布以及植被岛周围泥沙床面的冲淤变形的影响。数值计算结果与实测结果吻合良好,表明本模型可以有效地描述刚性水生植物对水流泥沙运动的影响。  相似文献   

Palynological studies undertaken in the mountainous regions of the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula are few in number and have been concerned largely with the second half of the Holocene. New pollen data from two Galician sierras, the Courel and Queixa Sierras, provide a 10000‐yr record of vegetation and climate change. In the Courel Sierra before 9750 yr BP, Laguna Lucenza (1420 m a.s.l.) reflects a period of open landscape covered by Poaceae and heliophilous plants, which may be correlated with the Younger Dryas. The onset of the Holocene is characterised by the expansion of oak woodland, prior to 9300 yr BP, following a short phase of birch along with the gradual decline of pine. The oak values reach a peak at 8350 ± 80 yr BP. Towards 8800 yr BP Corylus begins to expand, followed by Alnus (7500 yr BP) and Ulmus. During this period, the Fraga pollen assemblage (Queixa Sierra, 1360 m a.s.l.) indicates Betula woodland surrounding the site, masking the regional predominance of oak. After 5000 yr BP there is a gradual decrease in arboreal pollen values in both Sierras. Castanea appears in Laguna Lucenza (Courel Sierra) at 4075 ± 75 yr BP. There is widespread deforestation during the last 4000 yr. During this period the presence of large quantities of microcharcoal particles points to the occurrence of fire. The reduction in forest is associated with the arrival of cultivation at 4000 yr BP at low altitudes in the Queixa Sierra. At higher altitudes the first agricultural activity is dated at later than 2000 yr BP. This coincides with the first record of cereal cultivation at high altitude in the Courel Sierra. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The impact of climatic changes that occurred during the last glacial maximum and the Holocene on vegetation changes in the Amazon Basin and the Guiana Shield are still widely debated. The aim of our study was to investigate whether major changes in vegetation (i.e. transitions between rainforests and C4 savannas) occurred in northern French Guiana during the Holocene. We measured variations in the δ13C of soil organic matter at eight sites now occupied by forest or savannah. The forest sites were selected to cover two regions (forest refugia and peneplains) which are thought to have experienced different intensities of disturbance during the latest Pleistocene and the Holocene. We found that none of the forest sites underwent major disturbances during the Holocene, i.e. they were not replaced by C4 savannahs or C4 forest savannahs for long periods. Our results thus suggest that tropical rainforests in northern French Guiana were resilient to drier climatic conditions during the Holocene. Nevertheless, geographical and vertical variations in the 13C of SOM were compatible with minor changes in vegetation, variations in soil processes or in soil physical properties.  相似文献   

The palynology of clastic samples from seven stratigraphical levels in the late Moscovian Sydney Mines Formation, exposed along the shore at Bras d'Or, Nova Scotia, has been investigated. Most of the samples were from roof shales of major coals; the one sample that was not yielded a much higher proportion of pollen derived from extra‐basinal vegetation. The four stratigraphically lower roof shale samples yielded essentially similar palynological spectra, with 39 ± 4% lycophytes, 9 ± 4% sphenophylls, 23 ± 4% tree‐ferns, 12 ± 4% other ferns and 5 ± 3% cordaites. The palynology of the upper part of the investigated succession suggests a shift in vegetation towards one favouring more marattialean tree‐ferns, cordaites and conifers, and fewer lycophytes. This correlates with changes in drainage patterns as the alluvial plain migrated seawards and thus changed water tables. No evidence was found to suggest significant climate change at this time. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Four pollen diagrams from Minorca (Balearic Islands) have been correlated with other previously studied sequences from Majorca and Minorca to define a Holocene landscape sequence for the region from 8000 yr B.P. to the present. The lower part of the pollen diagrams reflects a climatic phase with more rain and less-marked seasonality than today. Significant quantities ofCorylus, Buxus,and mesophilous taxa are found. In the middle part, between 5000 and 4000 yr B.P., a strong change is recorded in composition and structure of the vegetational landscape, with vegetation appearing that was adapted to Mediterranean conditions. This episode coincided with the first human colonization of the island and also with a widespread climatic change in the western Mediterranean region. The change in taxa was complex and some sclerophyllous taxa suchOleaplayed an important role in the transformation of the landscape physiognomy from the mid-Holocene until the present. Although human activities have removed much of the Mediterranean vegetation on the Balearic Islands, it seems clear that the changes have been brought about, in part, by increasing dryness.  相似文献   

A pollen record from the Huelmo site (ca. 41°30′S) shows that vegetation and climate changed at millennial time‐scales during the last glacial to Holocene transition in the mid‐latitude region of western South America. The record shows that a Nothofagus parkland dominated the landscape between 16 400 and 14 600 14C yr BP, along with Magellanic Moorland and cupressaceous conifers. Evergreen North Patagonian rainforest taxa expanded in pulses at 14 200 and 13 000 14C yr BP, following a prominent rise in Nothofagus at 14 600 14C yr BP. Highly diverse, closed canopy rainforests dominated the lowlands between 13 000 and 12 500 14C yr BP, followed by the expansion of cold‐resistant podocarps and Nothofagus at ca. 12 500 and 11 500 14C yr BP. Local disturbance by fire favoured the expansion of shade‐intolerant opportunistic taxa between 10 900 and 10 200 14C yr BP. Subsequent warming pulses at 10 200 and 9100 14C yr BP led to the expansion of thermophilous, summer‐drought resistant Valdivian rainforest trees until 6900 14C yr BP. Our results suggest that cold and hyperhumid conditions characterised the final phase of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), between 16 400 and 14 600 14C yr BP. The last ice age Termination commenced with a prominent warming event that led to a rapid expansion of North Patagonian trees and the abrupt withdrawal of Andean ice lobes from their LGM positon at ca. 147 000 14C yr BP. Hyperhumid conditions prevailed between 16 400 and 13 000 14C yr BP, what we term the ‘extreme glacial mode’ of westerly activity. This condition was brought about by a northward shift and/or intensification of the southern westerlies. The warmest/driest conditions of the last glacial–interglacial transition occurred between 9100 and 6900 14C yr BP. During this period, the westerlies shifted to an ‘extreme interglacial mode’ of activity, via a poleward migration of stormtracks. Our results indicate that a highly variable climatic interval lasting 5500 14C years separate the opposite extremes of vegetation and climate during the last glacial‐interglacial cycle, i.e. the end of the LGM and the onset of the early Holocene warm and dry period. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A growing body of evidence implies that the concept of 'treeless tundra' in eastern and northern Europe fails to explain the rapidity of Lateglacial and postglacial tree population dynamics of the region, yet the knowledge of the geographic locations and shifting of tree populations is fragmentary. Pollen, stomata and plant macrofossil stratigraphies from Lake Kurjanovas in the poorly studied eastern Baltic region provide improved knowledge of ranges of north‐eastern European trees during the Lateglacial and subsequent plant population responses to the abrupt climatic changes of the Lateglacial/Holocene transition. The results prove the Lateglacial presence of tree populations (Betula, Pinus and Picea) in the eastern Baltic region. Particularly relevant is the stomatal and plant macrofossil evidence showing the local presence of reproductive Picea populations during the Younger Dryas stadial at 12 900–11 700 cal. a BP, occurring along with Dryas octopetala and arctic herbs, indicating semi‐open vegetation. The spread of PinusBetula forest at ca. 14 400 cal. a BP, the rise of Picea at ca. 12 800 cal. a BP and the re‐establishment of PinusBetula forest at ca. 11 700 cal. a BP within a span of centuries further suggest strikingly rapid, climate‐driven ecosystem changes rather than gradual plant succession on a newly deglaciated land. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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