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周思源  王开  张毅锋  裴文江  濮存来  李微 《中国物理 B》2011,20(8):80501-080501
This paper presents a new routing strategy by introducing a tunable parameter into the minimum information path routing strategy we proposed previously.It is found that network transmission capacity can be considerably enhanced by adjusting the parameter with various allocations of node capability for packet delivery.Moreover,the proposed routing strategy provides a traffic load distribution which can better match the allocation of node capability than that of traditional efficient routing strategies,leading to a network with improved transmission performance.This routing strategy,without deviating from the shortest-path routing strategy in the length of paths too much,produces improved performance indexes such as critical generating rate,average length of paths and average search information.  相似文献   

Xiao-Gai Tang  Eric W.M. Wong 《Physica A》2009,388(12):2547-2554
We study information packet routing processes on scale-free networks by mimicking the Internet traffic delivery strategies. We incorporate both the global network structure information and local queuing information in the dynamic processes. We propose several new routing strategies to guide the packet routing. The performance of the routing strategies is measured by the average transit time of the packets as well as their dependence on the traffic amount. We find that the routing strategies which integrate both global network structure information and local dynamic information perform much better than the traditional shortest-path routing protocol which takes into account only the global topological information. Moreover, from comparative studies of these routing strategies, we observe that some of our proposed methods can decrease the average transit time of packets but the performance is closely dependent on the total amount of traffic while some other proposed methods can have good performance independent of the total amount of traffic with hyper-excellent average transit time of packets. Also, numerical results show that our proposed methods integrating network structure information and local dynamic information can work much better than the methods recently proposed in [S. Sreenivasan, R. Cohen, E. López, Z. Toroczkai, H.E. Stanley, Phys. Rev. E 75 (2007) 036105, Zhi-Xi Wu, Gang Peng, Eric W.M. Wong, Kai-Hau Yeung, J. Stat. Mech. (2008) P11002.], which only considered network structure information.  相似文献   

基于社团结构的负载传输优化策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
邵斐  蒋国平 《物理学报》2011,60(7):78902-078902
研究表明网络社团结构特征对负载传输有影响,明显社团结构特征会降低网络的承载能力.由于最短路由策略在选择路由时有一定的随机性,本文提出了一种基于社团结构的负载传输策略,减少最短路由经过的社团数量,从而降低社团边缘节点的介数.实验结果显示,该策略在保证最短路由小世界特性的同时,提升了网络的承载能力,社团划分得越准确传输优化策略效果越显著. 关键词: 优化路由策略 社团结构 复杂网络 负载传输  相似文献   

无标度复杂网络负载传输优化策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
李涛  裴文江  王少平 《物理学报》2009,58(9):5903-5910
提出了一种能够显著提高无标度复杂网络负载传输性能的优化路由策略.实现了负载在核心节点与边缘节点间的合理分配.分析表明该策略使得网络的负载处理能力正比于网络规模的平方,而与单个节点的度值无关.实验结果显示优化路由策略在保持了最短路由策略小世界效应的同时,成倍地提升了网络的负载传输能力,且随着网络平均节点度的增加其优势越趋显著.此外,与有效路由策略的比较进一步验证了优化路由策略的优异性能. 关键词: 优化路由策略 复杂网络 负载传输 网络阻塞  相似文献   

刘伟彦  刘斌 《物理学报》2014,63(24):248901-248901
提出一种复杂网络上的局部路由策略,算法采用节点收缩法评估节点的重要度,发送节点根据邻居节点的重要度及网络的状态自适应地调整向邻居节点转发数据包的概率.在网络处于自由流通状态时充分发挥关键节点的优势,保证数据包快速到达目的地;在网络处于即将拥塞时分散业务,根据节点重要度准确识别网络中的关键节点,通过有效分流予以保护.仿真结果表明:在网络处于自由流通状态时,该局部路由策略能充分发挥网络中关键节点的枢纽作用,保持较低的传输时延;在网络部分关键节点出现拥塞时,该局部路由策略能有效避开拥挤严重的节点,将数据包均匀地分布在各个节点上,有效抑制网络拥塞,提高网络的容量.  相似文献   

Yuki Naganuma  Akito Igarashi   《Physica A》2010,389(3):623-628
We propose a dynamic packet routing strategy by using neural networks on scale-free networks. In this strategy, in order to determine the nodes to which the packets should be transmitted, we use path lengths to the destinations of the packets, and adjust the connection weights of the neural networks attached to the nodes from local information and the path lengths. The performances of this strategy on scale-free networks which have the same degree distribution and different degree correlations are compared to one another. Our numerical simulations confirm that this routing strategy is more effective than the shortest path based strategy on scale-free networks with any degree correlations and that the performance of our strategy on assortative scale-free networks is better than that on disassortative and uncorrelated scale-free networks.  相似文献   

We investigate a new efficient packet routing strategy which mitigates traffic congestion on complex networks. In order to avoid congestion, we minimize the maximum betweenness, which is a measure for concentration of routing paths passing through a node in the network. Danila et al. propose a packet routing strategy in which, instead of shortest paths, they used efficient paths, which are the paths with the minimum total summations of weights assigned to nodes in the respective paths. They use a heuristic algorithm in which the weights are updated step by step by using the information of betweenness of each node in every step and the respective total summations of weights for paths through the nodes with large degrees become comparatively large. Thus passage through such nodes, where congestion almost occurs, is likely to be avoided in their algorithm. The convergence time by their algorithm is, however, quite long. In this paper, we propose a new efficient heuristic algorithm which balances traffic on networks by achieving minimization of the maximum betweenness in the much smaller number of iteration steps for convergence than that by the algorithm of Danila et al.  相似文献   

From a complex network perspective, this study sets out two aims around the US airport network (USAN) which is built from en-route location information of domestic flights in the US. First, we analyze the structural properties of the USAN with respect to its binary and weighted graphs, and second we explore the airport patterns, which have wide-ranging implications. Results from the two graphs indicate the following. (1) The USAN exhibits scale-free, small-world and disassortative mixing properties, which are consistent with the mainstream perspectives. Besides, we find (2) a remarkable power relationship between the structural measurements in the binary graph and the traffic measurements in the weighted counterpart, namely degree versus capacity and attraction versus volume. On the other hand, investigation of the airport patterns suggests (3) that all the airports can be classified into four categories based on multiple network metrics, which shows a complete typology of the airports. And it further indicates (4) that there is a subtle relationship between the airport traffic and the geographical constraints as well as the regional socioeconomic indicators.  相似文献   

The community structure has been empirically found in many real networks. This paper proposes an efficient Double Shortest Path routing strategy trying to avoid the modules of traffic congestion, which means that we adopt the shortest routing strategy both in the inter-modules and in the intra-module. Simulations show that this routing algorithm is superior to the traditional shortest path routing protocol with appropriate selection of the tunable parameters. In addition, this algorithm can also be improved by integrating it with several alternative routing strategies.  相似文献   

Properties of complex networks, such as small-world property, power-law degree distribution, network transitivity, and network- community structure which seem to be common to many real-world networks have attracted great interest among researchers. In this study, global information of the networks is considered by defining the profile of any node based on the shortest paths between it and all the other nodes in the network; then a useful iterative procedure for community detection based on a measure of information discrepancy and the popular modular function Q is presented. The new iterative method does not need any prior knowledge about the community structure and can detect an appropriate number of communities, which can be hub communities or non-hub communities. The computational results of the method on real networks confirm its capability.  相似文献   

王开  周思源  张毅锋  裴文江  刘茜 《物理学报》2011,60(11):118903-118903
在对随机行走过程的研究中发现:单个粒子通过某条特定路径的时间正比于该路径上所有节点度的连乘积.据此,文章提出基于随机行走机理的优化路由改进策略.该策略以节点度连乘积最小化为原则,通过调节可变参数,建立节点处理能力均匀分布的情况下最佳路由策略.通过分析比较不同路由策略条件下平均路由介数中心度,网络的临界负载量,平均路径长度以及平均搜索信息量等性能指标,研究结果表明,此改进路由策略在保证网络平均路径长度较少增加的前提下,使网络的传输能力获得最大幅度的提升. 关键词: 复杂网络 路由策略 负载传输  相似文献   

一种复杂网络路由策略的普适优化算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
李世宝  娄琳琳  陈瑞祥  洪利 《物理学报》2014,63(2):28901-028901
现有的复杂网络路由策略很多,改进算法也不断涌现,但是目前还没有一个统一的标准来衡量算法是否达到网络最佳传输效果.针对这一问题,本文提出一种适用于现有路由策略的普适优化算法.首先通过理论分析指出制约网络传输能力的关键因素是最大介数中心度,因而"最大介数中心度是否已经最低"成为评判路由策略是否最优的标准.在此基础上,采用"惩罚选择法"避开网络中介数中心度值比较大的节点,使网络介数中心度值分布更均匀,均衡网络中各个节点的传输负载.仿真结果显示,该优化算法针对现有路由策略均能降低最大介数中心度值,大幅度提高网络的传输能力.  相似文献   

Seismicity is the product of the interaction between the different parts of the lithosphere. Here, we model each part of the Earth as a cell that is constantly communicating its state to its environment. As a neuron is stimulated and produces an output, the different parts of the lithosphere are constantly stimulated by both other cells and the ductile part of the lithosphere, and produce an output in the form of a stress transfer or an earthquake. This output depends on the properties of each part of the Earth’s crust and the magnitude of the inputs. In this study, we propose an approach to the quantification of this communication, with the aid of the Information Theory, and model seismicity as a Complex Network. We have used data from California, and this new approach gives a better understanding of the processes involved in the formation of seismic patterns in that region.  相似文献   

李世宝  孙宗星  刘建航  陈海华 《中国物理 B》2016,25(8):88902-088902
Different loads in the network require distinct Qo S standard, while present routing strategies for complex networks ignored this fact. To solve this problem, we designed a routing strategy RS-MP with multiple priorities by which packets are classified into privileged-packets and common-packets. In RS-MP, privileged-packets route by the Shortest Path Algorithm, and do not need to queue up. Common-packets' routes are determined by a new factor BJmax of the network. The BJmax stands for the largest betweenness centrality. By minimizing BJmax, the throughout capacity of the network can be maximized. The simulation results show that RS-MP can guarantee privileged-packets with the shortest path length and smallest delay, and maximized throughout capacity for common packets in the no-congestion state.  相似文献   

The overall burst loss probability is the primary metric of interest in an optical burst switching network with sparse wavelength conversion capabilities (SWCC-OBS). With the overall burst loss probability as the optimization objective, one has to solve an integer nonlinear programming (INLP) problem. In order to overcome the computational difficulties we propose a fictitious play method to approximately solve the INLP. Consequently, a randomized routing strategy can be achieved. The simulation results show that the proposed strategy can give a near-optimal route that avoids the conflict of burst data effectively and decreases the overall burst loss probability. At the same time it also performs well in balancing loads throughout the whole network under different kinds of burst traffic pattern.  相似文献   

复杂网络的一种加权路由策略研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
复杂网络的传输能力是其功能正常运转的重要保障,提高网络的吞吐量有着重要意义.提出一种新的高效路由策略,以提高复杂网络的传输能力,称之为加权路由策略.即对网络的每一条边加权,权值与该边的两端节点的度相关,然后数据包按照这个加权网络的最短路径路由.这样的路径可以更均匀地经过各个节点,发挥它们的传输能力,极大地提高网络的吞吐量.可以避免数据包集中地通过个别度大的节点,在这些节点发生拥塞.仿真显示,该策略比传统的最短路径策略优越,对很多结构的网络,可以提高几十倍的吞吐量. 关键词: 复杂网络 路由策略 吞吐量 拥塞  相似文献   

王金龙  刘方爱  朱振方 《物理学报》2015,64(5):50501-050501
根据在线社交网络信息传播特点和目前社交网络传播模型研究中存在的问题, 本文定义了网络用户之间的相互影响力函数, 在此基础上提出了一种基于用户相对权重的社交网络信息传播模型, 并对网络中的传播路径及传播过程进行了分析, 讨论了不同路径的信息传播影响力.为验证模型的有效性, 将传统的SIR模型和本文模型在六类不同网络拓扑下进行了仿真实验.仿真结果表明, 两类模型在均匀网络中没有明显差异, 但在非均匀网络中本文模型更能体现真实网络特点, 实验同时验证了节点的地位影响着信息的传播, 并且发现英文社交平台Twitter和中文社交平台新浪微博在拓扑结构上具备一定相似性.  相似文献   

基于引力场理论的复杂网络路由选择策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用引力场理论对网络传输过程中节点激发的引力场进行了描述,建立了节点的引力场方程,引入α和γ两个参数,用于调节数据传输对节点畅通程度、节点传输能力和路径长度的依赖程度.基于节点的引力场,提出了一种高效的路由选择算法,该算法下数据包将沿着所受路径引力最大的方向进行传递.为检验算法的有效性,引入有序状态参数卵,利用其由自由流到拥塞态的指标流量相变值度量网络的吞吐量,并通过节点的介中心值B分析网络的传输性能和拥塞分布.针对算法在不同α,γ取值条件下的路由情况进行了仿真.仿真结果显示,与传统最短路由算法相比,本文算法将网络传输能力提高了数倍,有效地均衡了节点的介中心值分布,传输路径平均长度(Lavg)随负载量R的增加表现出先增后减的变化趋势,而参数α与γ值的变化对网络传输能力几乎没有影响,说明本文路由算法的性能不依赖于α与γ,对于可行域内任意的α与γ算法都能保证网络传输能力近似相等.  相似文献   

This study proposes a probability routing strategy for improving traffic capability on scale-free networks. Compared with the shortest path routing strategy depending on central nodes largely and the efficient routing strategy avoiding hub routers as much as possible, the probability routing strategy makes use of hub routers more efficiently, transferring approximate average amount of packs of the whole network. Simulation results indicate that the probability routing strategy has the highest network capacity among the three routing strategies. This strategy provides network capacity that can be more than 30 times higher than that of the shortest path routing strategy and over 50% higher than that of the efficient routing strategy. In addition, the average routing path length of our proposed strategy is over 10% shorter than that of the efficient routing strategy and only about 10% longer than that of the shortest path routing strategy.  相似文献   

Complex networks are widely applied in every aspect of human society, and community detection is a research hotspot in complex networks. Many algorithms use modularity as the objective function, which can simplify the algorithm. In this paper, a community detection method based on modularity and an improved genetic algorithm (MIGA) is put forward. MIGA takes the modularity QQ as the objective function, which can simplify the algorithm, and uses prior information (the number of community structures), which makes the algorithm more targeted and improves the stability and accuracy of community detection. Meanwhile, MIGA takes the simulated annealing method as the local search method, which can improve the ability of local search by adjusting the parameters. Compared with the state-of-art algorithms, simulation results on computer-generated and four real-world networks reflect the effectiveness of MIGA.  相似文献   

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