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Sensory motor neuropathy is associated with various inherited disorders including Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy/adrenomyeloneuropathy and Refsum disease. In the latter two, the neuropathy is thought to result from the accumulation of specific fatty acids. We describe here three patients with elevated plasma concentrations of pristanic acid (a branched-chain fatty acid) and C27-bile-acid intermediates. Two of the patients suffered from adult-onset sensory motor neuropathy. One patient also had pigmentary retinopathy, suggesting Refsum disease, whereas the other patient had upper motor neuron signs in the legs, suggesting adrenomyeloneuropathy. The third patient was a child without neuropathy. In all three patients we discovered a deficiency of alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase (AMACR). This enzyme is responsible for the conversion of pristanoyl-CoA and C27-bile acyl-CoAs to their (S)-stereoisomers, which are the only stereoisomers that can be degraded via peroxisomal beta-oxidation. Sequence analysis of AMACR cDNA from the patients identified two different mutations that are likely to cause disease, based on analysis in Escherichia coli. Our findings have implications for the diagnosis of adult-onset neuropathies of unknown aetiology.  相似文献   

Nephronophthisis (NPHP), a group of autosomal recessive cystic kidney disorders, is the most common genetic cause of progressive renal failure in children and young adults. NPHP may be associated with Leber congenital amaurosis, tapeto-retinal degeneration, cerebellar ataxia, cone-shaped epiphyses, congenital oculomotor apraxia and hepatic fibrosis. Loci associated with an infantile type of NPHP on 9q22-q31 (NPHP2), juvenile types of NPHP on chromosomes 2q12-q13 (NPHP1) and 1p36 (NPHP4) and an adolescent type of NPHP on 3q21-q22 (NPHP3) have been mapped. NPHP1 and NPHP4 have been identified, and interaction of the respective encoded proteins nephrocystin and nephrocystin-4 has been shown. Here we report the identification of NPHP3, encoding a novel 1,330-amino acid protein that interacts with nephrocystin. We describe mutations in NPHP3 in families with isolated NPHP and in families with NPHP with associated hepatic fibrosis or tapeto-retinal degeneration. We show that the mouse ortholog Nphp3 is expressed in the node, kidney tubules, retina, respiratory epithelium, liver, biliary tract and neural tissues. In addition, we show that a homozygous missense mutation in Nphp3 is probably responsible for the polycystic kidney disease (pcy) mouse phenotype. Interventional studies in the pcy mouse have shown beneficial effects by modification of protein intake and administration of methylprednisolone, suggesting therapeutic strategies for treating individuals with NPHP3.  相似文献   

Mutations in the gene encoding c-Abl-binding protein SH3BP2 cause cherubism   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Cherubism (MIM 118400) is an autosomal dominant inherited syndrome characterized by excessive bone degradation of the upper and lower jaws followed by development of fibrous tissue masses, which causes a characteristic facial swelling. Here we describe seven mutations in the SH3-binding protein SH3BP2 (MIM 602104) on chromosome 4p16.3 that cause cherubism.  相似文献   

The dystonias are a common clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of movement disorders. More than ten loci for inherited forms of dystonia have been mapped, but only three mutated genes have been identified so far. These are DYT1, encoding torsin A and mutant in the early-onset generalized form, GCH1 (formerly known as DYT5), encoding GTP-cyclohydrolase I and mutant in dominant dopa-responsive dystonia, and TH, encoding tyrosine hydroxylase and mutant in the recessive form of the disease. Myoclonus-dystonia syndrome (MDS; DYT11) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by bilateral, alcohol-sensitive myoclonic jerks involving mainly the arms and axial muscles. Dystonia, usually torticollis and/or writer's cramp, occurs in most but not all affected patients and may occasionally be the only symptom of the disease. In addition, patients often show prominent psychiatric abnormalities, including panic attacks and obsessive-compulsive behavior. In most MDS families, the disease is linked to a locus on chromosome 7q21 (refs. 11-13). Using a positional cloning approach, we have identified five different heterozygous loss-of-function mutations in the gene for epsilon-sarcoglycan (SGCE), which we mapped to a refined critical region of about 3.2 Mb. SGCE is expressed in all brain regions examined. Pedigree analysis shows a marked difference in penetrance depending on the parental origin of the disease allele. This is indicative of a maternal imprinting mechanism, which has been demonstrated in the mouse epsilon-sarcoglycan gene.  相似文献   

Members of the CCN (for CTGF, cyr61/cef10, nov) gene family encode cysteine-rich secreted proteins with roles in cell growth and differentiation. Cell-specific and tissue-specific differences in the expression and function of different CCN family members suggest they have non-redundant roles. Using a positional-candidate approach, we found that mutations in the CCN family member WISP3 are associated with the autosomal recessive skeletal disorder progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia (PPD; MIM 208230). PPD is an autosomal recessive disorder that may be initially misdiagnosed as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Its population incidence has been estimated at 1 per million in the United Kingdom, but it is likely to be higher in the Middle East and Gulf States. Affected individuals are asymptomatic in early childhood. Signs and symptoms of disease typically develop between three and eight years of age. Clinically and radiographically, patients experience continued cartilage loss and destructive bone changes as they age, in several instances necessitating joint replacement surgery by the third decade of life. Extraskeletal manifestations have not been reported in PPD. Cartilage appears to be the primary affected tissue, and in one patient, a biopsy of the iliac crest revealed abnormal nests of chondrocytes and loss of normal cell columnar organization in growth zones. We have identified nine different WISP3 mutations in unrelated, affected individuals, indicating that the gene is essential for normal post-natal skeletal growth and cartilage homeostasis.  相似文献   

Hypoxia stimulates angiogenesis through the binding of hypoxia-inducible factors to the hypoxia-response element in the vascular endothelial growth factor (Vegf) promotor. Here, we report that deletion of the hypoxia-response element in the Vegf promotor reduced hypoxic Vegf expression in the spinal cord and caused adult-onset progressive motor neuron degeneration, reminiscent of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The neurodegeneration seemed to be due to reduced neural vascular perfusion. In addition, Vegf165 promoted survival of motor neurons during hypoxia through binding to Vegf receptor 2 and neuropilin 1. Acute ischemia is known to cause nonselective neuronal death. Our results indicate that chronic vascular insufficiency and, possibly, insufficient Vegf-dependent neuroprotection lead to the select degeneration of motor neurons.  相似文献   

We found mutations in the gene PQBP1 in 5 of 29 families with nonsyndromic (MRX) and syndromic (MRXS) forms of X-linked mental retardation (XLMR). Clinical features in affected males include mental retardation, microcephaly, short stature, spastic paraplegia and midline defects. PQBP1 has previously been implicated in the pathogenesis of polyglutamine expansion diseases. Our findings link this gene to XLMR and shed more light on the pathogenesis of this common disorder.  相似文献   

CHARGE syndrome is a common cause of congenital anomalies affecting several tissues in a nonrandom fashion. We report a 2.3-Mb de novo overlapping microdeletion on chromosome 8q12 identified by array comparative genomic hybridization in two individuals with CHARGE syndrome. Sequence analysis of genes located in this region detected mutations in the gene CHD7 in 10 of 17 individuals with CHARGE syndrome without microdeletions, accounting for the disease in most affected individuals.  相似文献   

Camurati-Engelmann disease (CED; MIM 131300), or progressive diaphyseal dysplasia, is a rare, sclerosing bone dysplasia inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. Recently, the gene causing CED has been assigned to the chromosomal region 19q13 (refs 1-3). Because this region contains the gene encoding transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGFB1), an important mediator of bone remodelling, we evaluated TGFB1 as a candidate gene for causing CED.  相似文献   

Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) is a blinding retinal disease that presents within the first year after birth. Using exome sequencing, we identified mutations in the nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) synthase gene NMNAT1 encoding nicotinamide mononucleotide adenylyltransferase 1 in eight families with LCA, including the family in which LCA was originally linked to the LCA9 locus. Notably, all individuals with NMNAT1 mutations also have macular colobomas, which are severe degenerative entities of the central retina (fovea) devoid of tissue and photoreceptors. Functional assays of the proteins encoded by the mutant alleles identified in our study showed that the mutations reduce the enzymatic activity of NMNAT1 in NAD biosynthesis and affect protein folding. Of note, recent characterization of the slow Wallerian degeneration (Wld(s)) mouse model, in which prolonged axonal survival after injury is observed, identified NMNAT1 as a neuroprotective protein when ectopically expressed. Our findings identify a new disease mechanism underlying LCA and provide the first link between endogenous NMNAT1 dysfunction and a human nervous system disorder.  相似文献   

We identified a deletion of a gene encoding a subunit of RNA polymerases I and III, POLR1D, in an individual with Treacher Collins syndrome (TCS). Subsequently, we detected 20 additional heterozygous mutations of POLR1D in 252 individuals with TCS. Furthermore, we discovered mutations in both alleles of POLR1C in three individuals with TCS. These findings identify two additional genes involved in TCS, confirm the genetic heterogeneity of TCS and support the hypothesis that TCS is a ribosomopathy.  相似文献   

We show that haploinsufficiency of KANSL1 is sufficient to cause the 17q21.31 microdeletion syndrome, a multisystem disorder characterized by intellectual disability, hypotonia and distinctive facial features. The KANSL1 protein is an evolutionarily conserved regulator of the chromatin modifier KAT8, which influences gene expression through histone H4 lysine 16 (H4K16) acetylation. RNA sequencing studies in cell lines derived from affected individuals and the presence of learning deficits in Drosophila melanogaster mutants suggest a role for KANSL1 in neuronal processes.  相似文献   

X-linked dominant Conradi-Hünermann syndrome (CDPX2; MIM 302960) is one of a group of disorders with aberrant punctate calcification in cartilage, or chondrodysplasia punctata (CDP). This is most prominent around the vertebral column, pelvis and long bones in CPDX2. Additionally, CDPX2 patients may have asymmetric rhizomesomelia, sectorial cataracts, patchy alopecia, ichthyosis and atrophoderma. The phenotype in CDPX2 females ranges from stillborn to mildly affected individuals identified in adulthood. CDPX2 is presumed lethal in males, although a few affected males have been reported. We found increased 8(9)-cholestenol and 8-dehydrocholesterol in tissue samples from seven female probands with CDPX2 (ref. 4). This pattern of accumulated cholesterol intermediates suggested a deficiency of 3beta-hydroxysteroid-delta8,delta7-isomerase (sterol-delta8-isomerase), which catalyses an intermediate step in the conversion of lanosterol to cholesterol. A candidate gene encoding a sterol-delta8-isomerase (EBP) has been identified and mapped to Xp11.22-p11.23 (refs 5,6). Using SSCP analysis and sequencing of genomic DNA, we found EBP mutations in all probands. We confirmed the functional significance of two missense alleles by expressing them in a sterol-delta8-isomerase-deficient yeast strain. Our results indicate that defects in sterol-delta8-isomerase cause CDPX2 and suggest a role for sterols in bone development.  相似文献   

Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy (EDMD) is characterized by early contractures of elbows and Achilles tendons, slowly progressive muscle wasting and weakness, and a cardiomyopathy with conduction blocks which is life-threatening. Two modes of inheritance exist, X-linked (OMIM 310300) and autosomal dominant (EDMD-AD; OMIM 181350). EDMD-AD is clinically identical to the X-linked forms of the disease. Mutations in EMD, the gene encoding emerin, are responsible for the X-linked form. We have mapped the locus for EDMD-AD to an 8-cM interval on chromosome 1q11-q23 in a large French pedigree, and found that the EMD phenotype in four other small families was potentially linked to this locus. This region contains the lamin A/C gene (LMNA), a candidate gene encoding two proteins of the nuclear lamina, lamins A and C, produced by alternative splicing. We identified four mutations in LMNA that co-segregate with the disease phenotype in the five families: one nonsense mutation and three missense mutations. These results are the first identification of mutations in a component of the nuclear lamina as a cause of inherited muscle disorder. Together with mutations in EMD (refs 5,6), they underscore the potential importance of the nuclear envelope components in the pathogenesis of neuromuscular disorders.  相似文献   

The metabolic pathways that produce 11-cis retinal are important for vision because this retinoid is the chromophore residing in rhodopsin and the cone opsins. The all-trans retinal that is generated after cone and rod photopigments absorb photons of light is recycled back to 11-cis retinal by the retinal pigment epithelium and Müller cells of the retina. Several of the enzymes involved have recently been purified and molecularly cloned; here we focus on 11-cis retinol dehydrogenase (encoded by the gene RDH5; chromosome 12q13-14; ref. 4), the first cloned enzyme in this pathway. This microsomal enzyme is abundant in the retinal pigment epithelium, where it has been proposed to catalyse the conversion of 11-cis retinol to 11-cis retinal. We evaluated patients with hereditary retinal diseases featuring subretinal spots (retinitis punctata albescens and fundus albipunctatus) and patients with typical dominant or recessive retinitis pigmentosa for mutations in RDH5. Mutations were found only in two unrelated patients, both with fundus albipunctatus; they segregated with disease in the respective families. Recombinant mutant 11-cis retinol dehydrogenases had reduced activity compared with recombinant enzyme with wild-type sequence. Our results suggest that mutant alleles in RDH5 are a cause of fundus albipunctatus, a rare form of stationary night blindness characterized by a delay in the regeneration of cone and rod photopigments.  相似文献   

Mutation of a receptor tyrosine kinase gene, Mertk, in the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) rat results in defective phagocytosis of photoreceptor outer segments by the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and retinal degeneration. We screened the human orthologue, MERTK, located at 2q14.1 (ref. 10), in 328 DNA samples from individuals with various retinal dystrophies and found three mutations in three individuals with retinitis pigmentosa (RP). Our findings are the first conclusive evidence implicating the RPE phagocytosis pathway in human retinal disease.  相似文献   

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