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  结论:可能表明我国在眼科住院医师中后期培养上效果不佳,今后需要在这方面下苦功夫。  相似文献   

始建于1959年的北京市眼科研究所是国内最早的眼科研究所之一,2009年将迎来她的50岁生日。为了弘扬我国眼科研究前辈的严谨务实精神,提高国内眼科学术及临床诊治水平,进一步体现中国眼科的发展优势,展望未来国际眼科的发展趋势,2009年5月29~30日将在北京首都大酒店举行北京市眼科研究所成立50周年庆典暨北京国际眼科发展论坛学术研讨会,  相似文献   

新中国眼科50年   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
新中国的建立和发展壮大,为我国眼科事业的发展提供了根本保证。建国之初的1950年,全国仅有眼科学会会员101人,而今全国有眼科医生22000余人。各地眼科(院、所、中心)的医疗设备日益完善,医疗技术及科研水平逐年提高。1950年中华眼科杂志创刊,在这之前我国尚无一种眼科专业期刊,而至1998年,我国已有16种眼科专业期刊定期出版。中华医学会眼科学分会有计划定期召开全国眼科学术交流大会及各专业学组(青光眼、白内障、眼底病等)的学术研讨会及专题讲座,同时,重视眼科领域的国际交往,多次举办国际眼科学术…  相似文献   

眼科:挑战未来十年——天津医科大学眼科中心第七届国际会议通知;《中国中医眼科杂志》征订启事  相似文献   

1、国际眼科杂志英文版被国际最权威检索系统SCIE收录,这标志着我国眼科专业学术期刊取得突破性发展并已达到国际水平,它被国际眼科界视为中国眼科学发展史上新的里程碑。2、经国家工商总局审名,陕西省工商局注册,《国际眼科》杂志社正式成为国有企业和独立法人机构,胡  相似文献   

严宏  惠延年  俞兰 《眼科新进展》2004,24(2):156-157
本期我们刊发了严宏等撰写的“英国眼科医师的培训和考核制度”。英国眼科医师严格的培训和考核制度值得我们借鉴。我刊期待着更多的作者撰文 ,介绍不同国家眼科医师教育、培训和考核的经验 ,并在此基础上 ,提出我国眼科医师教育、培训和考核的对策和建议 ,从而完善我国眼科医师教育、培训和考核制度。同时 ,我们也欢迎有关国际眼科学术会议预告、会议纪要以及国际和地区性眼科学会、协会、研究会及其学术活动等内容的消息性文稿  相似文献   

《国际眼科杂志》(International Journal ofOphthalmology)是在世界卫生组织和国际眼科理事会的指导和支持下,由中华医学会西安分会主办的国际性中英文混合版眼科专业学术期刊。中国标准连续出版物号ISSN1672-5123、CN61-1419/R。本刊于2000年创刊,2008年改为月刊。《国际眼科》杂志社是经国家工商总局审名注册的独立法人机构,胡秀文总编为法人代表。本刊由国际眼科理事会主席Bruce E.Spivey/G.O.H.Naumann教授和世界卫生组织特别顾问R.Pararajasegaram教授及国际防盲协会主席G.N.Rao教授出任总顾问;中华眼科学  相似文献   

由《国际眼科杂志》、中华医学会西安分会眼科学会、第四军医大学全军眼科研究所及兰州军区眼科专业委员会联合主办的“中国西安第二届国际眼科学术大会”于2003年10月24-28日在中国西安南洋大酒店隆重召开。世界卫生组织、国际眼科理事会及中华眼科学会名誉主任委员张士元教授  相似文献   

《国际眼科杂志》英文版为我国唯一被SCI收录的眼科专业期刊。自2008年创刊以来全部文献已上传到国际眼科网——国际眼科杂志英文版网站(www.IJO.cn)。进入本刊主页后点击  相似文献   

如何向国外眼科杂志投稿   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
历经漫长的 15年等待 ,中国已正式加入 WTO,这表明中国作为一个大国在国际上的影响力与日俱增 ,意味着我国对外开放进入了一个全新时期。在这样一个大趋势下 ,中国眼科界作为世界眼科大家庭的成员 ,机遇与挑战并存 ,理应更积极主动参与国际交流和竞争 ,努力成为世界眼科界重要成员。我国眼科走向世界并影响世界的重要标志是直接通过各种国外高水平出版物向世界介绍我们自己的研究成果、科学发现与学术思想。自 1996年以来 ,我曾先后在 British Journal of Ophthal-mology,Neuro- Ophthalmology和 Japanese Journal of Ophthalmology等…  相似文献   

The author defines motor and sensory alternation: the term alternation should not be used in isolation, it should always be accompanied by the name of the parameter concerned. Sensory alternation is always found together with motor alternation but the reverse is not true.The examining criteria for a diagnosis of sensory alternation are given, sensory alternation must not be confused with alternating inhibition. Working from clinical observations of cases of motor alternating strabismus, the author selects 2 types of binocular sensory relations which allow one to differentiate between:- cases of primary alternating strabismus- cases of secondary alternating strabismusThese forms will develop in different ways; in both cases a cure is possible providing that the right treatment is prescribed and once prescribed carefully followed, etc. It is always a case of serious forms of strabismus whose developmental period is spread over several years.According to the authors, the frequency of cases of true primary strabismus is from 1–3%, the frequency of cases of secondary alternating strabismus varies according to the type of therapy practised on cases of monocular strabismus with amblyopia. These latter will become cases of alternating strabismus under the influence of certain types of therapy carried out over several years (penalization, rocking, alternated occlusion, etc...).Experimental data on kittens confirm clinical data; kittens placed in abnormal environments during the sensitive period will show modification in the distribution of cortical cells and the absence of binocular cells (either because the excitation of the two eyes was not simultaneous, or not identical: artificial strabismus, occlusion, opaque glasses). This disturbances become irreversible after a certain period of exposure (a function of age, length of exposure, etc...).It is thus necessary to bear in mind: 1) the iatrogenic risks of certain orthoptic treatments, 2) the necessity for a binocular form of treatment as soon as possible, as once a certain stage is passed, cortical plasticity diminishes and the elaboration of normal binocular relations becomes impossible.

ABSTRACT: Contact lenses are known to produce changes to the ocular tissues, and this review attempts to give a comprehensive assemblage of the knowledge on the aetiology of such changes. To achieve this result, the changes are categorized by structure and function, and discussed according to the temporal nature of occurrence where appropriate. Although assessment of the importance of a particular tissue change is difficult, this overview enables some degree of judgement to be made on the aetiology of the major side-effects of contact lens wear. This gives a basis on which to modify aspects of contact lens wear to ultimately increase the success rate.  相似文献   

Cropper SJ 《Vision research》2005,45(7):865-880
This study provides evidence for the existence of a low-level chromatic motion mechanism and further elucidates the conditions under which its operation becomes measurable in an experimental stimulus. Observers discriminated the direction of motion of amplitude modulated (AM) gratings that were defined by luminance or chromatic variation and masked with spatiotemporally broadband luminance or chromatic noise. The size and retinal location of the stimuli were varied and the effects of broadband noise and grating masks were both compared with the cohort of stimuli. Some significant disparities in the published literature were well explained by the results. In conclusion, evidence for a chromatically sensitive motion mechanism that evades the, detrimental effects of a luminance mask was found only at the fovea and only when the stimulus was small and centrally placed.  相似文献   

We critically analyze available peer-reviewed literature, including clinical trials and case reports, on local ocular cancer treatments. Recent innovations in many areas of ocular oncology have introduced promising new therapies, but, for the most part, the optimal treatment of ocular malignancies remains elusive.  相似文献   

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