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Neogene deformations have deeply disturbed the initial architecture of the pile of nappes within the Eastern Betic zone. The Arc of Aguilas, displaying a southeast-facing concavity, is a spectacular example of such a post-nappe structuration. Miocene deposits involved in the torsion of the Arc provide a chronology of the deformation. The Arc of Aguilas is one element within a system of rigid-plastic indentation including the following units, from the inner (SE) to the outer (NW) zones : — A rigid block, little deformed, located in the present day abyssal plain, play the part of the indenter.

— A structural pad corresponding to the Aguilas Arc itself. It was severely folded during Miocene times.

— A large peripheral zone mainly subjected to faulting during the Neogene (essentially strike-slip faults). These faults control the evolution of different types of sedimentary basins during the Late Neogene (Tortonian to Pliocene).

Two large shear zones: N020 sinistral (Palomares and Terreros faults), N100 dextral (Las Moreras faults) guided the deformation of the Aguilas Arc within a compressive stressfield of which major tensor axis oscillated between NW-SE and N-S.  相似文献   


The present contact caused by the superposition of the Alpujarride complex over that of the Nevado-Filabride in the western area of Sierra Nevada and Sierra de Filábres corresponds to a detachment. The deformation in the footwall associated with this contact, produced mylonitic fabrics with a significant stretching-lineation, over which brittle structures are superimposed. The deformation in the hanging wall associated with this contact is, on the other hand, essentially brittle. These deformations are subsequent to a series of syn-to post-metamorphic structures related to thrust phases.

The micro- and meso-structures indicate that the hanging wall has moved towards the west-south-west.

Other brittle structures, which began during the same extensional regime, are superimposed on the detachment and have continued to develop up to the present time. These structures were produced in an extensional regime with a non-coaxial deformation component and suggest the possibility of a tectonic evolution similar to that described for core complexes in the USA.  相似文献   


The Campo de Dalias is an emerged portion of the Alboran Sea, located on its northeastern margin. The study of this basin and its surrounding offshore areas reveals the structure on the region, whose outstanding feature is the N70-80E anticline extending from Guardias Viejas to Roquetas and continuing eastward under the sea. The other parts of the structure are characterized by several fault sets, the most important of which are those of N 70-9OE, N 120E and N45E direction. Some of these fault sets of originally different ages later replayed throughout the late Miocene up to the Quaternary. These replays seem to have occurred in approximately N-S compressive situations.

The main compressive events took place in the latest Torto-nian and early Pleistocene. Between these two events a stage of considerable subsidence in the Pliocene basin can be detected, which caused the accumulation of sediments over a thousand metres thick in some places. Equally, we can detect an important uplift of the surrounding reliefs coeval with subsidence. Two transgressive situations are recorded and two important eustatic falls and partial emersion of the basin margin, mainly during the Messinian.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a detailed structural analysis of the northern Nijar and southern Vera basins with special emphasis on the evolution of the regional stress field and the associated timing of movement of the Serrata, Gafarillos and Palomares strike-slip fault zones. These major fault zones control the Neogene deformation of the SE Internal Betic Cordilleras in Spain. Detailed stress analysis on Neogene sediments of the Vera and Nijar basins shows a strike-slip regime with NW–SE-oriented subhorizontal maximum principal stress (σ1) during Tortonian and earliest Messinian times. Under the influence of this stress field, dextral displacement along the N090E-trending Gafarillos fault zone resulted in deformation of the sediments of the southern Sorbas and northeastern Nijar basins. During the early Messinian a clock-wise rotation of the stress field occurred. Stress analysis in rocks with late–early Messinian up to Quaternary ages in the Nijar and Vera basins indicates a strike-slip regime with N–S-oriented subhorizontal maximum principal stress (σ1). Under the influence of this stress field the main activity along the N010E-striking Palomares strike-slip fault zone took place, resulting in deformation of the Neogene sediments of the southeastern Vera basin and culminating in a maximum sinistral displacement of more than 20 km. At the same time the stress field was not suitably oriented to exert a large shear component on the Gafarillos fault zone, which activity ended after the earliest Messinian. Fault and outcrop patterns of syntectonic Neogene sediments in the Vera basin show that displacement along the Palomares fault zone decreased at the end of the Middle Miocene although minor displacement phases may still have occurred during the Late Miocene and possibly even Pliocene. From the Middle Miocene onward, deformation in the Nijar basin was controlled by sinistral displacement along the N040E-trending Serrata strike-slip fault zone.  相似文献   


The Mesozoic igneous rocks from the External Zones of the Betic Cordilleras extend for some 300 km along the Subbetic Zone. They are poorly differentiated basic rocks which, altogether, correspond to a transitional series containing tholeiitic and sodium-alkaline terms. They crop out as small ophite stocks and dykes intruded into middle- and upper-Triassic rocks, or as submarine flows and sills interlayered with Jurassic materials.

Geological and radiometric evidence points to an upper-Triassic-Liassic age for the ophite-generating magmatism, while the fissure volcanism began locally in the early-Liassic and extended throughout the Dogger. It reached its climax in the Tithonian and ceased abruptly in the lowermost Cretaceous.

The magmas that generated the two groups of rocks originated within the mantle. During the ascent through a continental crust they were contaminated by deep-crust granitoid rocks and by the assimilation of pelites from the basement. The chemical composition and fractional-crystallization differentiation trends of the ophites belong to the tholeiitic series, while those of the middle-uppermost Jurassic magmas to the sodic-alkaline series. This magmatic evolution may be attributed to a geodynamic change from distensive in the Triassic to transtensive from the middle-Jurassic onwards.  相似文献   

In many extensional provinces, large normal faults dip in the same direction forming fault domains. Features variously named transfer faults, transfer zones, and accommodation zones (hereafter non-genetically referred to as fault-domain boundaries) separate adjacent fault domains. Experimental modeling of distributed extension provides insights on the origin, geometry, and evolution of these fault domains and fault-domain boundaries. In our scaled models, a homogeneous layer of wet clay or dry sand overlies a latex sheet that is stretched orthogonally or obliquely between two rigid sheets. Fault domains and fault-domain boundaries develop in all models in both map view and cross-section. The number, size, and arrangement of fault domains as well as the number and orientation of fault-domain boundaries are variable, even for models with identical boundary conditions. The fault-domain boundaries in our models differ profoundly from those in many published conceptual models of transfer/accommodation zones. In our models, fault-domain boundaries are broad zones of deformation (not discrete strike-slip or oblique-slip faults), their orientations are not systematically related to the extension direction, and they can form spontaneously without any prescribed pre-existing zones of weakness. We propose that fault domains develop because early-formed faults perturb the stress field, causing new nearby faults to dip in the same direction (self-organized growth). As extension continues, faults from adjacent fault domains propagate toward each another. Because opposite-dipping faults interfere with one another in the zone of overlap, the faults stop propagating. In this case, the geometry of the domain boundaries depends on the spatial arrangement of the earliest formed faults, a result of the random distribution of the largest flaws at which the faults nucleate.  相似文献   


The Cenozoic westward motion of the Betic-Rif internal zone (“Alboran block”) between Iberia and Africa is constrained by paleogeographic considerations and by wrench faulting which affects both sides of the external zones. However, in the Alboran domain itself there was so far no evidence of significant internal deformation related to this westward displacement which was consequently consider as an en bloc” motion. Our work, in Eastern Andalucia, demonstrates that the main tectonic units building up the Betic zone should be regarded as large-scale tectonic sheets with a typical duplex style. The direction of the tectonic transport is to the West. At meso-scale, the major structures exhibit a combination of hindward and foreward dipping imbricates on the respective east and west sides of antiformal stacks or “rigid cores”. On a broader scale, the same geometric framework appears on both east and west sides of the Sierra Nevada window which we interpret as a tectonic culmination on the hangingwall of a Subbetic décollement zone. The development of this tectonics, in retrogressive metamorphic conditions, postdates the ductile deformation of the internal complexes. The morpho-tectonic relationships between the culmination of the metamorphic cores and the Neogene basins give a way to date the westward motion of the “Alboran System of Nappes” of the middle and upper Miocene.  相似文献   

Synkinematic quartz veins are ubiquitous in the shear zone separating the Veleta unit from the Calar Alto unit in the internal part of the Betic Cordilleras. They have been studied with respect to quartz c-axis fabrics, microstructures and fluid inclusions. Veins were probably generated during syn-metamorphic stacking of the units at P = 500 – 600 MPa and T = 400 – 500°C. Quartz displays two groups of microstructures in the shear zone: (1) older coarse-grained mosaics (CGM) resulting from exaggerated grain growth; and (2) younger fine-grained mosaics (FGM) developed at the expense of the former. The fine-grained mosaics show polygonal granoblastic and elongate mosaic microstructures in general, with ribbon microstructures often found near the boundary of the units. Fluids contained in secondary inclusions vary from high salinity brines to different types of CO2—brine mixtures and low density CO2 fluids. Differences in composition and P-T trapping conditions are indicated for the different types of inclusions. Some fluid inclusions are older than the FGM, whereas others are younger, thus constraining the P- T conditions at which the two microstructural events took place. Fluid inclusion evidence suggests conditions of Pfluid > 170 MPa and T 370–430°C for the CGM and Pfluid 20–80 MPa and T > 340°C for the FGM.The quartz c-axis fabrics dealt with here correspond to the second recrystallization event, as little evidence of older fabrics is preserved in the shear zone. C-axis patterns vary across the shear zone from slightly asymmetrical type I crossed girdles in the hanging wall and footwall to more asymmetrical crossed girdles at the boundary of the units. This indicates a correlative increase in the magnitude of the heterogeneous shear strain in the same direction. Most of the deformation is concentrated at the top of the Veleta unit. The sense of movement is top to the west, in agreement with other kinematic markers.The quartz c-axis fabrics resulted from dynamic recrystallization during simple shear. The retrograde P-T path inferred from fluid inclusion analysis, along with other geological and geochronological evidence, indicates that this deformation is coeval with a reduction in the crustal overburden.Geochronological and stratigraphic data show that the proposed Dos Picos extensional detachment, separating the Calar Alto and Veleta units, took place during the early Miocene, synchronous with the intense thinning of the Nevado-Filábride Complex and of the whole continental crust underlying the Alborán Basin.  相似文献   

In the Guadix-Baza Basin (Betic Cordillera) lies the Baza Fault, a structure that will be described for the first time in this paper. Eight gravity profiles and a seismic reflection profile, coupled with surface studies, indicate the existence of a NE-dipping normal fault with a variable strike with N-S and NW-SE segments. This 37-km long fault divides the basin into two sectors: Guadix to the West and Baza to the East. Since the Late Miocene, the activity of this fault has created a half-graben in its hanging wall. The seismic reflection profile shows that the fill of this 2,000–3,000 m thick asymmetric basin is syntectonic. The fault has associated seismicity, the most important of which is the 1531 Baza earthquake. Since the Late Tortonian to the present, i.e. over approximately the last 8 million years, extension rates obtained vary between 0.12 and 0.33 mm/year for the Baza Fault, being one of the major active normal faults to accommodate the current ENE–WSW extension produced in the central Betic Cordillera. The existence of this fault and other normal faults in the central Betic Cordillera enhanced the extension in the upper crust from the Late Miocene to the present in this regional compressive setting.  相似文献   

 Regulations aiming to protect exploitable groundwater resources were edicted in Belgium a few years ago. Therefore, prevention and protection zones are defined by law and must be determined practically around each pumping well or spring, based on local hydrogeological conditions. The determination of hydrodynamic and hydrodispersive parameters, characterizing the local flow and transport properties of the aquifer, requires pumping and tracing tests. The interpretation of these field experiments, considering the heterogeneity of the geological layers, is performed through the use of numerical FEM simulations of the groundwater flow and pollutant transport conditions in a deterministic framework. After calibration of the model on experimental measurements, multiple simulations with contaminant injections at various points of the modeled domain allow the determination of the transfer time of the pollutant in the studied aquifer whilst taking the updated heterogeneity into account. On the basis of the computed transfer times in the saturated zone, the various prevention and protection areas can be assessed based on provisions of the law. Received: 27 June 1997 · Accepted: 29 July 1997  相似文献   

在野外露头观察和岩心描述的基础上,结合测井、地震和三维电法资料分析,认为塔里木盆地库车坳陷新近系和第四系共发育冲积扇、冲积平原、扇三角洲和湖泊4种沉积相类型;每一种沉积相可以进一步划分为若干沉积亚相和微相。新近纪吉迪克期,古近纪形成的湖泊开始向南部退缩,扇三角洲分布在山前地区;新近纪康村期基本继承了吉迪克期的沉积格局,扇三角洲的分布范围较吉迪克期大;新近纪库车期,构造抬升导致湖泊快速萎缩,山体隆升并遭受剥蚀,为冲积扇的形成提供物源,从山前到盆地中心依次为冲积扇、冲积平原和湖泊;第四纪,湖泊完全消失,以冲积扇沉积为主,冲积平原仅分布在西盐水沟-东盐水沟一线南部地区。  相似文献   

新近纪以来中国构造演化特征与天然气田的分布格局   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
王庭斌 《地学前缘》2004,11(4):403-416
中国地处三大板块间的三角地带 ,是世界上新近纪以来构造运动活跃地区之一 ,与油气成藏及保存条件相关的主要特征是 :(1)在西部 ,古老造山带的重新活跃 ,在其前缘形成前陆盆地及逆冲构造 ,新近纪以来的急剧沉降、快速沉积 ,促进了深部源岩有机质的演化进程 ,也为生物气藏的形成创造了有利的地质条件 ;(2 )多期次的构造热事件及高热流值促进了有机质的快速演化、成藏 ,以及异常高压及泥拱等特殊构造的形成 ;(3)多期次构造运动为油气的快速运聚、幕式充注成藏提供了优质输导系统 ,为超晚期快速成藏提供了储聚场所 ;(4 )大断裂、岩浆及深部热流体的活动 ,不仅促进有机成因油气藏的形成 ,也是无机成因气的主要释放和聚集时期。新近纪以来构造演化特征在西部影响最广泛 ,也最深刻 ,形成的前陆盆地是中国重要天然气聚集区之一 ,是这些盆地本部气藏最终形成、定型时期 ,并在造山带内形成了近百个小型断陷盆地 ,形成了新的油气勘探领域。在中部 ,是四川盆地所有气田最终的形成、定型时期 ;在鄂尔多斯盆地促进了靖边至乌审旗地区天然气进一步富集。在东部 ,渤海海域形成一批大中型油气田 ,促进了其他盆地 (坳陷 )不同成因气藏的形成 ;在近海海域 ,既促进了有机成因气藏快速形成 ,也促进了无机成因非烃气藏以及无?  相似文献   

The Betic-Rif Cordilleras, formed by the interaction of NW–SE convergence between the Eurasian and African plates and the westward motion of their Internal Zones, provide a good example of an active tectonic arc. The Campo de Dalías and Campo de Níjar constitute outcropping sectors of Neogene and Quaternary rocks located in the southeastern border of the Betic Cordilleras and allow us to study the recent deformations developed in the internal border of this tectonic arc.The main active faults with related seismicity, representing a moderate seismic hazard, associated to the southeastern Betic Cordilleras boundary, include high-angle NW–SE-oriented normal faults that affect, at least, the upper part of the crust, a main detachment located at 10 km depth, and probably another detachment at 20 km as well. Seismite structures, recent fault scarps with associated colluvial wedges that deform the drainage network and the alignment of the coastline, indicate that the high-angle faults have been active at least since the Quaternary.Paleostresses determined from microfault analysis in Quaternary deposits generally show an ENE–WSW trend of extension. Present-day earthquake focal mechanisms include normal, strike-slip and reverse faulting. Normal and strike-slip focal mechanisms generally indicate ENE–WSW extension, and strike-slip and reverse focal mechanisms are related to NNW–SSE compression.The maximum horizontal compression has a consistently NNW–SSE trend. The deep activity of detachments and reverse faults determines the NNW–SSE crustal shortening related to the Eurasian–African plate convergence. At surface, however, the predominance of normal faults is probably produced by the increase in the relative weight of the vertical stress axis, which in turn may be related to relief uplift and subsequent horizontal spreading. The internal mountain front boundary of the Betic Cordilleras developed through the activity of a set of structures that is more complex than a typical external mountain front, probably as a consequence of a vertical variable stress field that acted on previously deformed rocks belonging to the Internal Zone of the cordilleras.  相似文献   

在柴达木盆地西部一些背斜构造单元的古近系-新近系中,赋存储量巨大的油田卤水,有望成为第四系盐湖卤水的后续利用资源。通过对小梁山、南翼山、油泉子、开特米里克、油墩子、油砂山等典型构造区石油钻孔自喷的油田卤水以及地表盐湖卤水、晶间卤水取样分析,讨论了其水化学特征及资源分布,重点通过与海水、青海湖水蒸发曲线对比,分析了油田卤水的化学演化特征。结果表明,油田卤水中K、B、Li资源远超工业开采品位,Br、Sr等也达到工业开采品位,有优越的高品位综合开发利用前景;油田卤水资源元素富集规律表现为平面上以中部南翼山背斜最为富集,向北、向南相对降低,垂向上深部油田卤水比浅层晶间卤水、湖表卤水资源元素相对更为富集;油田卤水的化学演化主要受控于水岩反应、深部水的混合以及蒸发浓缩和盐岩的溶解作用,这些作用为卤水分异演化、富集成矿提供了良好的地球化学条件。  相似文献   

In the Archaean Pilbara Craton of Western Australia, three zones of heterogeneous centimetre- to metre-scale sheeted granites are interpreted to represent high-level, syn-magmatic shear zones. Evidence for the syn-magmatic nature of the shear zones include imbricated and asymmetrically rotated metre-scale orthogneiss xenoliths that are enveloped by leucogranite sheets that show no significant internal strain. At another locality, granite sheets have a strong shape-preferred alignment of K-feldspar, suggesting magmatic flow, while the asymmetric recrystallisation of the grain boundaries indicates that non-coaxial deformation continued acting upon the sheets under sub-solidus conditions. Elsewhere, randomly oriented centimetre-wide leucogranite dykes are realigned at a shear zone boundary to form semi-continuous, layer-parallel sheets within a magma-dominated, dextral shear zone.

It is proposed that the granite sheets formed by the incremental injection of magmas into active shear zones. Magma was sheared during laminar flow to produce the sheets that are aligned sub-parallel to the shear zone boundary. Individual sheets are fed by individual dykes, with up to 1000s of discrete injections in an individual shear zone. The sheets often lack microstructural evidence for magmatic flow, either because the crystal content of the magma was too low to record internal strain, or because of later recrystallisation.  相似文献   

 Major motorway construction is taking place in Slovenia. Almost half the country is karst and many of the new roads are in such terrain. Karst specialists are involved in road design. They explore underground karst systems and suggest how best to preserve the most important ones. These experts also provide advice on ways of protecting karst groundwater and on aspects of road construction in karst. The karst features encountered during construction provide valuable information about the development of karst systems. Received: 8 April 1996 · Accepted: 4 February 1997  相似文献   

柴达木盆地鄂博梁地区新近系物源分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
物源分析是沉积盆地研究的重要内容之一。在对柴达木盆地鄂博梁地区新近系相关资料调研的基础之上,对研究区碎屑岩的碎屑组分、岩屑类型、重矿物组合、砂地比和阴极发光平面分布特征进行分析,并结合地震资料,确定出研究区新近系物源方向:鄂博梁Ⅰ号构造带物源主要来自于北部的阿尔金山,而位于其西部的东坪构造带与鄂博梁Ⅰ号构造带物源区不同,其具有相对独立的物源区;鄂博梁Ⅱ号构造带属于混源区,同时受到2个方向物源的影响,分别是北部的阿尔金山方向和东北部的小赛什腾山方向,前者穿过鄂博梁Ⅰ号构造带到达该地区,是主要的物源区,后者穿过冷湖一、二、三号构造带到达该地区,为次要物源区;鄂博梁Ⅲ号构造带物源主要来自于东北方向的赛什腾山,其是穿过冷湖六、七号构造带到达该地区的,并未受到来自南八仙方向 “古鱼卡大型古河流三角洲”物源的控制。  相似文献   

 A thermoelastic model for calculating the high-pressure and high-temperature properties of isotropic solids is presented by extending the formalism by Thomsen and combining the resulting one with the Vinet model for static lattice and the Debye model for lattice vibration. Applying it to polycrystalline corundum, we have shown that the calculated values of entropy and heat capacity at constant pressure are in agreement with literature values to 2325 K at zero pressure and that the calculated values of thermal expansivity agree reasonably with experimental data to 1100 K at zero pressure. The model reproduces experimental data of sound velocities v p and v s of compressional and shear waves to 1825 K at zero pressure and those to 62 GPa at room temperature, and it reproduces also experimental shock-wave equation of state to 150 GPa. The velocity correlation (∂ln v s /∂ln v p ) S was found to have weak pressure and temperature dependences and the results under lower mantle conditions are compared with those of magnesian and calcium silicate perovskites and magnesiowüstite, and the PREM values of the Earth's lower mantle. Received: 12 February 2000 / Accepted: 15 July 2000  相似文献   

 Several areas of Nakuru Town and its environs often undergo subsidence along the parallel fault zones during and after heavy rainfall. During the rainy season, when most of the subsidence occurs, the overlying unconsolidated volcanoclastic sediments become oversaturated with water. The water reduces the shear strength of the sediments and also introduces extra loading through saturation leading to subterranean erosion along faults. The unconsolidated sediments then collapse into the subsurface water channels which closely follow the fault zones, leading to formation of “sinkholes”. The frequent incidences of ground subsidence in the study area, have caused several fatalities, destroyed settlements and physical infrastructure. Furthermore persistent subsidence has increased the cost of construction and the repair of the destroyed properties. Apart from being hazardous, ground subsidence degrades environment when sewage water, refuse and garbage enter into the groundwater systems through the sinkholes. The fissures formed after subsidence also stand prominently as ugly features from the rest of the terrain. Mitigation measures including control, channelizing of drainage, proper engineering practices and appropriate land use are suggested in this paper. Received: 1 December 1998 · Accepted: 8 March 1999  相似文献   

 This paper presents karst water protection measures being introduced in the Dinarides of Croatia. The spring sites for the water supply of the town of Rijeka, for its 200 000 inhabitants and the largest harbor of the northeastern side of the Adriatic Sea, have been used as a pilot research area. The European research project was used, and protection of water was generally divided into three phases. A categorization of springs has been made, and five basic protection zones have been distinguished. The rules of behavior in protected zones have been outlined. For the first time, the term water-supply "reserve" has been introduced, referring to the parts of the mountainous region where karst groundwater is recharged. Received: 26 March 1997 · Accepted: 22 July 1997  相似文献   

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