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Just-in-time manufacturing consists of organising the production of elements in order to meet a certain number of objectives or requirements according to the so-called ‘Just-in-Time philosophy’. Just-in-time has been studied extensively in the literature for many years due to the large number of real-life situations where it can be applied. This paper aims at revisiting Just-in-Time principles and detailing how they can be applied to the scheduling stage of a manufacturing process. Therefore, new models that are multicriteria models by their very nature are presented and discussed. The conclusions highlight the fact that most of the existing models presented in the scheduling literature happen to be incomplete regarding Just-in-Time principles.  相似文献   

Scheduling in a job-shop system is a challenging task. Simulation modelling is a well-known approach for evaluating the scheduling plans of a job-shop system; however, it is costly and time-consuming, and developing a model and interpreting the results requires expertise. As an alternative, we have developed a neural network (NN) model focused on detailed scheduling that provides a versatile job-shop scheduling analysis framework for management to easily evaluate different possible scheduling scenarios based on internal or external constraints. A new approach is also proposed to enhance the quality of training data for better performance. Previous NN models in scheduling focus mainly on job sequencing and simple operations flow, and may not consider the complexities of real-world operations. The proposed model’s output proved statistically equivalent to the results of the simulation model. The study was accomplished using sensitivity analysis to measure the effectiveness of the input variables of the NN model and their impact on the output, revealing that the batch size variable had a significant impact on the scheduling results in comparison with other variables.  相似文献   

This paper describes the basis of a Decision Support System (DSS) designed to schedule fertiliser production orders to be delivered within time windows, in plants made up of multiple heterogeneous parallel processors (production lines), considering that fertiliser production rates and nomenclatures depend on lines, that setup times depend on sequence and lines, and taking into account downtime constraints (preventive maintenance?…). A mixed linear programming model is encapsulated in the DSS which considers the schedule’s impacts, immediately upstream and downstream of plants in the supply chain. These side-effects may make the proposed solution unfeasible and the DSS helps redefining the problem to avoid them.  相似文献   

Cross-docking is a very useful logistics technique that can substantially reduce distribution costs and improve customer satisfaction. A key problem in its success is truck scheduling, namely, decision on assignment and docking sequence of inbound/outbound trucks to receiving/shipping dock doors. This paper focuses on the problem with the requirement of unloading/loading products in a given order, which is very common in many industries, but is less concerned by existing researches. An integer programming model is established to minimise the makespan. An improved particle swarm optimisation (ωc-PSO) algorithm is proposed for solving it. In the algorithm, a cosine decreasing strategy of inertia weight is designed to dynamically balance global and local search. A repair strategy is put forward for continuous search in the feasible solution space and a crossover strategy is presented to prevent the algorithm from falling into local optimum. After algorithm parameters are tuned using Taguchi method, computational experiments are conducted on different problem scales to evaluate ωc-PSO against genetic algorithm, basic PSO and GLNPSO. The results show that ωc-PSO outperforms other three algorithms, especially when the number of dock doors, trucks and product types is great. Statistical tests show that the performance difference is statistically significant.  相似文献   

A hierarchical multi-objective heuristic algorithm and pricing mechanism are developed to first determine the cell loading decisions, and then lot sizes for each item and to obtain a sequence of items comprising the group technology families to be processed at each manufacturing cell that minimise the setup, inventory holding, overtime and tardiness costs simultaneously. The linkage between the different levels is achieved using the proposed pricing mechanism through a set of dual variables associated with the resource and inventory balance constraints, and the feasibility status feedback information is passed between the levels to ensure internally consistent decisions. The computational results indicate that the proposed algorithm is very efficient in finding a compromise solution for a set of randomly generated problems compared with a set of competing algorithms.  相似文献   

Purchasing is one of the most vital functions within a company and supplier performance evaluation is one of the most important business processes of the purchasing function. Traditionally, companies have considered factors such as price, quality, flexibility, etc. while evaluating suppliers. However, environmental pressures urge them to consider green issues. This study proposes a decision model for supplier performance evaluation by considering various environmental performance criteria. An integrated, fuzzy group decision-making approach is adopted to evaluate green supplier alternatives. More precisely, a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is applied to determine the relative weights of the evaluation criteria and an axiomatic design (AD)-based fuzzy group decision-making approach is applied to rank the green suppliers. Finally, a case study is given to demonstrate the potential of the methodology.  相似文献   

Flowshop scheduling problems have been extensively studied by several authors using different approaches. A typical flowshop process consists of successive manufacturing stages arranged in a single production line where different jobs have to be processed following a predefined production recipe. In this work, the scheduling of a complex flowshop process involving automated wet-etch station from semiconductor manufacturing systems requires a proper synchronisation of processing and transport operations, due to stringent storage policies and fixed transfer times between stages. Robust hybrid solution strategies based on mixed integer linear programming formulations and heuristic-based approaches, such as aggregation and decomposition methods, are proposed and illustrated on industrial-scale problems. The results show significant improvements in solution quality coupled with a reduced computational effort compared to other existing methodologies.  相似文献   

This paper presents a distributed scheduling procedure for a large-scale single-machine problem with precedence constraints, and identifies phenomena using large-scale distributed decision-making for a decomposable and distributed situation. The approach proposed exhibits efficient computational performance over a large-sized work load (23,000 jobs and 2,209,536 precedence constraints) in a distributed computing environment. We highlight three findings: (1) the communication burden originating from the large-scale problem can lead to performance loss while distributed agents collaborate to solve the problem, but after a threshold the computational gain by distribution offsets the loss; (2) when the problem size is sufficiently large, the real computation gain outperforms the expected gain by the number of agents (super-linear effect); and (3) when the number of precedence constraints of each agent differs, the slowest agent processing the largest number of precedence constraints restrains the computational performance (load imbalance). We believe that our research is the first distributed decision-making model that meets the requirements of distributed information, distributed decision authority, and distributed computation in a large-scale single-machine scheduling situation with precedence constraints.  相似文献   

In most realistic situations, machines may be unavailable due to maintenance, pre-schedules and so on. The availability constraints are non-fixed in that the completion time of the maintenance task is not fixed and has to be determined during the scheduling procedure. In this paper a greedy randomised adaptive search procedure (GRASP) algorithm is presented to solve the flexible job-shop scheduling problem with non-fixed availability constraints (FJSSP-nfa). The GRASP algorithm is a metaheuristic algorithm which is characterised by multiple initialisations. Basically, it operates in the following manner: first a feasible solution is obtained, which is then further improved by a local search technique. The main objective is to repeat these two phases in an iterative manner and to preserve the best found solution. Representative FJSSP-nfa benchmark problems are solved in order to test the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper presents a modified harmony search optimisation algorithm (MHSO), specifically designed to solve two- and three-objective permutation flowshop scheduling problems, with due dates. To assess its capability, five sets of scheduling problems have been used to compare the MHSO with a known and highly efficient genetic algorithm (GA) chosen as the benchmark. Obtained results show that the new procedure is successful in exploring large regions of the solution space and in finding a significant number of Pareto non-dominated solutions. For those cases where the exhaustive evaluation of sequences can be applied the algorithm is able to find the whole non-dominated Pareto border, along with a considerable number of solutions that share the same optimal values for the considered optimisation parameters. To validate the algorithm, five sets of scheduling problems are investigated in-depth in comparison with the GA. Results obtained by both methods (exhaustive solutions have been provided as well for small sized problems) are fully described and discussed.  相似文献   

This paper provides a modification of a recently developed common weight model for technology selection. The discrimination power of the existing model depends on a discriminating parameter. Although larger values of this parameter can give more discrimination, it should also be small enough to guarantee the existence of at least one efficient DMU. Hence, different values of this parameter should be examined to determine the proper value. In the model proposed here, the largest possible value of the parameter is utilised to maximise the discrimination power, and the existence of an efficient DMU is guaranteed by adding a few constraints. In addition, the paper presents comments on existing models, and the properties and the advantages of the model are explained. The contents of the paper are illustrated by several numerical examples.  相似文献   

Grid workflow scheduling problem has been a research focus in grid computing in recent years. Various deterministic or meta-heuristic scheduling approaches have been proposed to solve this NP-complete problem. A perusal of published papers on the artificial immune system (AIS) reveals that most researchers use the clonal selection of B cells during the evolving processes and the affinity function of B cells to solve various optimisation problems. This research takes a different approach to the subject – firstly by applying a modified algorithm (Hu, T.C., 1961. Parallel sequencing and assembly line problem. Operations Research, 9 (6), 841–848) to sequence the job and this sequence is applied for further application. Secondly, the derived sequence is then used for machine allocations using the AIS approach. The proposed AIS apply B cells to reduce the antigens and then combining T helper cells and T suppressor cells to solve the grid scheduling problems. Our proposed methodology differs from other earlier approaches as follows: 1. A two-stage approach is applied using a fixed sequence derived from heuristic to allocate machine. 2. AIS apply B cells as bases and then T cells are employed next. T helper cells are used to help improve the solution and then T suppressor cells are generated to increase the diversity of the population. A new formula is proposed to calculate the affinity of the antibody with the antigen. The total difference of completion time of each job is applied instead of the difference of makespan of the schedule. This new AIS method can supplement the flaw of genetic algorithms (GA) using fitness as the basis and a new lifespan which will keep good diversified chromosomes within the population to extend the searching spaces. The experimental tests show that this novel AIS method is very effective when compared with other meta-heuristics such as GA, simulated annealing (SA), and ant colony optimisation (ACO).  相似文献   

Safety assessment based on conventional tools (e.g. probability risk assessment (PRA)) may not be well suited for dealing with systems having a high level of uncertainty, particularly in the feasibility and concept design stages of a maritime or offshore system. By contrast, a safety model using fuzzy logic approach employing fuzzy IF–THEN rules can model the qualitative aspects of human knowledge and reasoning processes without employing precise quantitative analyses. A fuzzy-logic-based approach may be more appropriately used to carry out risk analysis in the initial design stages. This provides a tool for working directly with the linguistic terms commonly used in carrying out safety assessment. This research focuses on the development and representation of linguistic variables to model risk levels subjectively. These variables are then quantified using fuzzy sets. In this paper, the development of a safety model using fuzzy logic approach for modelling various design variables for maritime and offshore safety based decision making in the concept design stage is presented. An example is used to illustrate the proposed approach.  相似文献   

A greedy randomised adaptive search procedure (GRASP) is an iterative multi-start metaheuristic for difficult combinatorial optimisation. The GRASP iteration consists of two phases: a construction phase, in which a feasible solution is found and a local search phase, in which a local optimum in the neighbourhood of the constructed solution is sought. In this paper, a GRASP algorithm is presented to solve the flexible job-shop scheduling problem (FJSSP) with limited resource constraints. The main constraint of this scheduling problem is that each operation of a job must follow an appointed process order and each operation must be processed on an appointed machine. These constraints are used to balance between the resource limitation and machine flexibility. The model objectives are the minimisation of makespan, maximum workload and total workload. Representative benchmark problems are solved in order to test the effectiveness and efficiency of the GRASP algorithm. The computational result shows that the proposed algorithm produced better results than other authors’ algorithms.  相似文献   

Looped water distribution networks have traditionally been used in urban and industrial water supply. Nowadays, they are also being introduced in certain irrigation water distribution systems, such as in greenhouse horticultural systems. The design of looped networks is a much more complex problem than the design of branched ones, but their greater reliability can compensate for the increase in cost. Most articles found in the literature try to minimize the network investment cost, while other designing objectives are considered as constraints. This article introduces a multi-objective memetic algorithm that simultaneously optimizes the total investment cost, and also the reliability of the network in terms of total surplus power at the demand nodes. This memetic algorithm uses the Pareto-dominance concept to determine the quality of the solutions. The results obtained in two small water supply networks, and a large irrigation water supply network denote the good performance of the memetic algorithm here proposed in comparison with other well known meta-heuristics.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on cell loading and family scheduling in a cellular manufacturing environment. The performance measure is minimising the maximum tardiness of jobs. What separates this study from others is the presence of individual due dates for every job in a family and also allowing family splitting among cells. Three methods are examined in order to solve this problem, namely mathematical modelling, genetic algorithms (GA) and heuristics. The results showed that GA is capable of finding the optimal solution with varying frequency of 60–100% and it is efficient as compared to the mathematical modelling especially for larger problems in terms of execution times. The heuristics, on the other hand, were easy to implement but they could not find the optimal solution. The results of experimentation also showed that family splitting was observed in all multi-cell optimal solutions and therefore it can be concluded that family splitting is a good strategy for the problem considered in this paper.  相似文献   

In order to sequence the tasks of a job shop problem (JSP) on a number of machines related to the technological machine order of jobs, a new representation technique — mathematically known as permutation with repetition is presented. The main advantage of this single chromosome representation is — in analogy to the permutation scheme of the traveling salesman problem (TSP) — that it cannot produce illegal operation sequences. As a consequence of the representation scheme a new crossover operator preserving the initial scheme structure of permutations with repetition will be sketched. Its behavior is similar to the well known Order-Crossover for simple permutation schemes. Actually theGOX operator for permutations with repetition arises from aGeneralisation ofOX. Computational experiments show, that GOX passes the information from a couple of parent solutions efficiently to offspring solutions. Together, the new representation and GOX support the cooperative aspect of genetic search for scheduling problems strongly.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Project Parnet)  相似文献   

In the current business environment of competition shifting from company-to-company to supply chain against supply chain, there is an increasing need for logistics providers (LSP) to gain cost effectiveness with no compromise on service levels. One key initiative that LSP can undertake is to allocate and utilise their storage and transportation assets optimally. The current work is an attempt in that direction and provides a hands-on decision support framework that integrates MCDM, network optimisation, and discrete event simulation to address distribution network design and transport optimisation. The use case of PT Pos Indonesia in the metropolitan area of Greater Surabaya highlights the benefits of combining ICT tools with well-established best practices in supply chain management. Findings of this work highlight that the number of distribution facilities for the case at hand should be reduced from nine to four. Compared to the existing, the identified network configuration unlocks potential cost saving in transportation and warehousing of 18%–22%, reduces CO2 emissions by nearly 30%, with no deterioration in service level. Managerial implications about transportation policies are highlighted in the conclusive part of this paper.  相似文献   

This study investigates a dual flow-shops scheduling problem. In the scheduling context, there are two flow shops and each shop involves three processing stages. The two shops are functionally identical but their stage processing times for a job are different. While sequentially going through the three processing stages, each job is allowed to travel between the two shops. That is, for a job, each of its three stages could be processed in any of the two shops. Such a context is called dual flow-shops in the sense that the two flow shops’ capacities are completely shared. The scheduling problem involves two decisions: (1) route assignment (i.e. assigning the processing stages of a job to a shop), and (2) job sequencing (i.e. sequencing the jobs waiting before each stage). The scheduling objective is to minimise the coefficient of variation of slack time (CVS ), in which the slack time (also called lateness) denotes the difference between the due date and total completion time of a job. We propose five genetic-algorithm-based (GA-based) solution methods to solve the scheduling problem, which are called GA-EDD, GA-FIFO, GA-SPT, GA-LFO, and GA-COMBO respectively. Numerical experiments indicate that GA-COMBO outperforms the other four methods.  相似文献   

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