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中国水土保持研究回顾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The preservation and sustainable development of soil and water resources is one of the basic principles for the development of China. Throughout the course of history, all the social improvement and economic development are deeply concerned with soil loss and ecological environmental protection. It is now a common sense that soil and water conservation is the safety insurance for national ecology and its development. For the past long period of time, soil and water loss has been recognized as “the No. 1 killer“ to the ecological environment. The nation is on the stage of the critical conditions for its development. China has massive mountain and upland area with complicated geological conditions and accelerated human destruction and serious soil and water loss.Based on rich historical documents, renovating experience and detailed analysis of the data collected in field experiments and field surveys for soil and water conservation, this paper aims to review the general characteristics of soil and water loss, to explore the relationship between soil and water conservation and sustainable economic development, and to provide relevant strategies for soil and water conservation in China.  相似文献   

Regionalization of soil and water conservation is a base for the planning of soil and water conservation in China. It can provide scientific basis for constructing healthy eco-environment and regional management and development. It makes a brief review of related regionalization of study and makes clear the concept of regionalization of soil and water conservation. In this paper, based on synthetical analysis of the characteristics of eco-environments of China, the principles, indices and nomenclature of the regionalization of soil and water conservation are proposed. Through the construction of the regionalization of soil and water conservation collaboration platform and data reporting system, combined with existing soil and water conservation research, this paper uses the top-down and bottom-up and the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods to build soil and water conservation regionalization preliminary scheme, with 8 regions, 41 sub-regions and 117 sections divided in China.  相似文献   

中国水土保持区划方案初步研究   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
水土保持区划是水土保持规划的基础,可为生态环境建设和区域管理与发展提供科学的依据.简要回顾了相关区划工作,明确了水土保持区划的概念,结合我国水土流失等生态环境特点,提出了水土保持区划原则、指标体系和命名规则;通过构建全国水土保持区划协作平台和数据上报系统,结合我国已有相关水土保持研究成果,采用自上而下与自下而上的演绎归纳途径和定性与定量相结合的方法,构建了我国水土保持区划初步方案,将全国划分为8个一级区,41 个二级区,117 个三级区.  相似文献   

田青  李宗杰  宋玲玲  张富 《中国沙漠》2014,34(6):1692-1698
以甘肃河西内陆河流域为研究区域,在凸显水土保持综合措施作用的基础上,运用压力(Pressure)-状态(State)-响应(Response)模型,选取12个评价指标,用综合指数评价法对该地区的生态安全格局进行分析.结果表明:(1)研究区1986—2011年水土保持生态安全指数由0.4046(风险级)上升至0.5211(敏感级),呈现不断改善的趋势;(2)1986—2011年压力指数逐年减小,说明该区环境资源压力持续增大,基于水土保持综合措施的生态环境状态和响应指数自2001年明显增加,表明甘肃内陆河流域实施的水土保持综合措施建设具有一定的效果;(3)甘州区、金塔县、高台县以及玉门市的生态安全指数自2001年起略有下降,民勤县水土保持生态安全度虽有提升,但仍然处于恶化级.  相似文献   

为研究不同时期及水土保持措施条件下,降水量、水土保持措施强度与径流的演变规律,运用泰森多边形法、Morlet小波分析法、回归分析法,构建多元功效函数,进行甘肃省定西市安定区近60 a年降水量、措施强度与径流演变研究。结果表明:1957—2016年年径流量呈递减趋势,达极显著水平(P<0.001);在22~24 a、8 a、4 a时间尺度上,年降水量和径流具有明显的震荡周期,平均周期为15 a、5 a、3 a左右。梯田、造林、种草及封育等水土保持措施强度逐年递增,分别达36.14hm2·km-2、25.26 hm2·km-2、11.56 hm2·km-2和3.22 hm2·km-2。随周期(3 a、5 a、15 a)的变长,同等降水量对产流量影响有所增大;同等水土保持措施强度对产流量影响有所减小;降水量和措施强度组合解释了径流模数总方差的57.46%~85.80%;降水量对径流模数的影响约低于40%,措施强度...  相似文献   

The available soil water capacity (ASWC) is important for studying crop production, agro-ecological zoning, irrigation planning, and land cover changes. Laboratory determined data of ASWC are often not available for most of soil profiles and the nationwide ASWC largely remains lacking in relevant soil data in China. This work was to estimate ASWC based on physical and chemical properties and analyze the spatial distribution of ASWC in China. The pedo-transfer functions (PTFs), derived from 220 survey data of ASWC, and the empirical data of ASWC based on soil texture were applied to quantify the ASWC. GIS technology was used to develop a spatial file of ASWC in China and the spatial distribution of ASWC was also analyzed. The results showed the value of ASWC ranges from 15 × 10-2 cm3·cm-3 to 22 × 10-2 cm3·cm-3 for most soil types, and few soil types are lower than 15 × 10-2 cm3·cm-3 or higher than 22 × 10-2 cm3·cm-3. The ASWC is different according to the complex soil types and their distribution. It is higher in the east than that in the west, and the values reduce from south to north except the northeastern part of China. The "high" values of ASWC appear in southeast, northeastern mountain regions and Northeast China Plain. The relatively "high" values of ASWC appear in Sichuan basin, Huang-Huai-Hai plain and the east of Inner Mongolia. The relatively "low" values are distributed in the west and the Loess Plateau of China. The "very low" value regions are the northern Tibetan Plateau and the desertified areas in northern China. In some regions, the ASWC changes according to the complex topography and different types of soils. Though there remains precision limitation, the spatial data of ASWC derived from this study are improved on current data files of soil water retention properties for Chinese soils. This study presents basic data and analysis methods for estimation and evaluation of ASWC in China.  相似文献   

中国土壤有效含水量分布   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1IntroductionAvailable soil water capacity (ASWC) is the volume of soil water that should be available to plants. It is commonly estimated as the amount of water held between field capacity (FC) and permanent wilting point (PWP) with corrections for salin…  相似文献   

Yunnan and Guizhou are two provinces in Southwest China where in recent years drought disasters have occurred due to natural and human factors. This paper reviewed literature and summarized the related achievements of water resources utilization and protection in Yunnan and Guizhou provinces. This included characters and utilization of precipitation, rivers, and karst ground water in the two provinces, and also the various explanations of drought (climate and human factors) and strategies for coping with droughts. Our concluding remarks highlight three lines of future studies: inequalities and equitable use of water distribution, better evaluation systems, and raising awareness through conservation practices.  相似文献   

黄河中游多沙粗沙区流域坡面水保措施变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用Landsat TM、环境星CCD、SPOT4 和资源三号卫星影像等多源地学数据,通过人机交互式解译和修订土地利用与梯田数据,提出用相邻图幅递进回归分析法消除NDVI时相差异后反演植被盖度,构建起退耕还林还草面积比例、植被盖度均值变化量和有效梯田累计保存面积比例3 个坡面特征变化指示参数后,运用综合聚类分析和多要素贡献率模型研究黄河中游多沙粗沙区的流域坡面水保措施变化特征。结果表明:(1) 1998-2010 年间研究区内流域坡面水保措施变化显著,平均退耕还林还草面积比例为5.55%,平均林草植被盖度均值增加20.63%,平均有效梯田累计保存面积比例达6.25%;(2) 多要素水保措施变化共同作用下的流域坡面变化特征主要有7 种类型,即植被盖度变化主导型、植被—土地变化主导型、土地—植被变化主导型、植被—梯田变化主导型、梯田—植被变化主导型、梯田面积变化主导型和多要素变化共同主导型;(3) 不同类型的空间分布存在一定的地貌背景差异,后续研究应结合流域坡面变化特征及其地貌格局来优化配置水保措施,并合理估计水沙模型模拟的敏感性参数。  相似文献   

Many regions in the world are affected by land degradation. Successive development projects have promoted a variety of soil and water conservation (SWC) measures to prevent further land degradation. However, these measures have seldom been adopted on a large scale. This paper deals with the adoption process of investments in SWC measures, and with the factors influencing adoption and continued use of these measures. After a theoretical introduction, whereby three phases in the adoption process are distinguished, it presents and compares some results of independent empirical research projects on adoption of SWC measures in five developing countries. Some general conclusions are drawn from these diverse research results.  相似文献   

Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) measures are needed to control soil erosion and sustain agricultural production on steep slopes of West Usambara mountains. However, the adoption by farmers of the recommended soil and water conservation measures is low and soil erosion continues to be a problem. It could well be that the reason for the low adoption is that the costs to invest in soil and water conservation are higher than the eventual benefits. This research assessed the costs and benefits of bench terraces, grass strips and fanya juu, which are major SWC measures. Financial Cost Benefit Analysis (FCBA) was undertaken for farmers with low, moderate and high opportunity costs of labour at different slopes and soil types. The results show that labour is the major cost item in implementing SWC measures and is higher with bench terraces than with fanya juu and grass strips. The results also show that the costs of establishing the three SWC measures exceed the returns in the initial 2 years. However, in the long term, the three SWC measures are profitable to farmers with low to medium opportunity costs of labour on gentle to moderate slopes. It was also found that SWC measures are not financially attractive to most farmers with off-farm activities and other sources of income. It is concluded that high investment costs and initial negative returns are the major hindrances to the adoption of SWC measures by smallholder farmers in West Usambara mountains. Options to overcome the initial investment costs include the gradual investment in SWC measures, introduction of high value crops and small credit facilities. The promotion of dairy cattle under zero grazing system can also increase the adoption of SWC measures because of the high benefits from grasses used to stabilise SWC measures.  相似文献   

Analysis of the development of research and technical application is a critical basis for the identification and evaluation for suitable soil and water conservation ecological technology (SWCET) in China. Among instruments for analyzing the development of research and technical application, bibliometric statistics and visualization tools such as CiteSpace have been widely applied. To analyze the domestic development of SWCET, we applied CiteSpace to the CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) database on Chinese research literature (from Jan 1985 to Mar 2017) and patents (Jan 2002 to Feb 2017). The circulation of research after 2002 and quantity of patents after 2010 increased rapidly. Research institutions, people and interests were dispersed, a strong center of research has not been formed and cooperation among research institutions is weak. The number of patented inventions in western regions of China suffering serious soil erosion is far lower than that in eastern regions such as Jiangsu, Beijing, Shandong and Guangdong. Vegetation restoration, ecological slope protection and protective cultivation are relative hotspots according to technical measures: the Loess Plateau, stony desertification (area) and dry-hot valley according to research area, and expressway, side slope and sloping cropland according to application area. Research hotspots mainly appeared several years after the number of published papers increased in 2002. In the past five years, only stony desertification has emerged as a focus. We argue that further studies on the identification and evaluation of SWCET should be focused on certain technical measures, regions and areas.  相似文献   

1961-2005年水利水保措施对潮河流域年径流量的影响(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Taking the Chaohe River Basin above the Miyun Reservoir in North China as a study area,the characteristics and variation trends of annual runoff and annual precipitation during 1961-2005 were analyzed applying Mann-Kendall test method on the basis of the hydrologic data of the major hydrological station(Xiahui Station) located at the outlet of the drainage basin and the meteorological data of 17 rainfall stations.Human activities including water conservancy projects construction and water diversion as well as implementation of soil and water conservation from 1961 to 2005 were carefully studied using time series contrasting method.The referenced period(1961-1980) that influenced slightly by human activities and the compared period(1981-2005) that influenced significantly by water conservancy and soil conservation measures were identified according to the runoff variation process analysis and abrupt change points detection during 1961-2005 applying double accumulative curve method,mean shift t-test method and Mann-Kendall mutation test technique.Based on the establishment of a rainfall-runoff empirical statistical model,impacts and the runoff-reducing effects of water conservancy and soil conservation measures on runoff reduction were evaluated quantitatively.The major results could be summarized as follows:(1) The annual precipitation in the drainage basin tends to decrease while the runoff has declined markedly since the 1960s,the average annual runoff from 1991 to 2000 was only 90.9% in proportion to that from 1961 to 1970.(2) The annual runoff variations in the drainage basin are significantly related to human activities.(3) During 1981-1990,1991-2000,2001-2005 and 1981-2005,the average annual runoff reduction amounts were 1.15×108,0.28×108,1.10×108 and 0.79×108 m3 respectively and the average annual runoff-reducing effects were 31.99%,7.13%,40.71% and 23.79% accordingly.Runoff-reducing effects by water conservancy and soil conservation measures are more prominent in the low water period.  相似文献   

华北地区水循环与水资源安全:问题与挑战   总被引:41,自引:6,他引:41  
夏军 《地理科学进展》2002,21(6):517-526
华北缺水及其日趋严重的生态环境变化是中国首要解决的问题之一。目前,由于山区与平原径流明显减少和过量开发水资源,造成了地下水漏斗加深、平原区河道干涸、湖泊湿地萎缩、地表和地下水污染等生态环境恶化问题,严重影响到华北地区水资源安全,已引起党和国家的高度重视。本文以海河流域为重点对象,通过国内外学科前沿进展综述,指出华北地区缺水及其导致的生态环境恶化问题背后的自然和人文因素作用与发展演化的背景,强调高强度人类活动作用下的水循环基础研究的重要性,提出华北地区水资源安全的水循环基础与应用问题研究的若干建议与思考。研究自然和人类活动双重作用下的华北地区水循环过程,水体运动与污染物质输移及其与生态环境演变耦合机制,阐明华北地区"河道断流,水体污染,湿地消失,地下水枯竭"的成因规律,特别是人类活动的驱动分量,提出生态环境修复的理论基础,不仅对变化环境下流域水环境演变的地学基础科学前沿研究有重大的学术价值,而且对中国可持续发展和社会进步具有重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

Taking the Chaohe River Basin above the Miyun Reservoir in North China as a study area, the characteristics and variation trends of annual runoff and annual precipitation during 1961–2005 were analyzed applying Mann-Kendall test method on the basis of the hydrologic data of the major hydrological station (Xiahui Station) located at the outlet of the drainage basin and the meteorological data of 17 rainfall stations. Human activities including water conservancy projects construction and water diversion as well as implementation of soil and water conservation from 1961 to 2005 were carefully studied using time series contrasting method. The referenced period (1961–1980) that influenced slightly by human activities and the compared period (1981–2005) that influenced significantly by water conservancy and soil conservation measures were identified according to the runoff variation process analysis and abrupt change points detection during 1961–2005 applying double accumulative curve method, mean shift t-test method and Mann-Kendall mutation test technique. Based on the establishment of a rainfall-runoff empirical statistical model, impacts and the runoff-reducing effects of water conservancy and soil conservation measures on runoff reduction were evaluated quantitatively. The major results could be summarized as follows: (1) The annual precipitation in the drainage basin tends to decrease while the runoff has declined markedly since the 1960s, the average annual runoff from 1991 to 2000 was only 90.9% in proportion to that from 1961 to 1970. (2) The annual runoff variations in the drainage basin are significantly related to human activities. (3) During 1981–1990, 1991–2000, 2001–2005 and 1981–2005, the average annual runoff reduction amounts were 1.15×108, 0.28×108, 1.10×108 and 0.79×108 m3 respectively and the average annual runoff-reducing effects were 31.99%, 7.13%, 40.71% and 23.79% accordingly. Runoff-reducing effects by water conservancy and soil conservation measures are more prominent in the low water period.  相似文献   

Soil erodibility is an important index to evaluate the soil sensitivity to erosion. The research on soil erodibility is a crucial tache in understanding the mechanism of soil erosion. Soil erodibility can be evaluated by measuring soil physiochemical properties, scouring experiment, simulated rainfall experiment, plot experiment and wind tunnel experiment. We can use soil erosion model and nomogram to calculate soil erodibility. Many soil erodibility indices and formulae have been put forward. Soil erodibility is a complex concept, it is influenced by many factors, such as soil properties and human activities. Several obstacles restrict the research of soil erodibility. Firstly, the research on soil erodibility is mainly focused on farmland; Secondly, soil erodibility in different areas cannot be compared sufficiently; and thirdly, the research on soil erodibility in water-wind erosion is very scarce. In the prospective research, we should improve method to measure and calculate soil erodibility, strengthen the research on the mechanism of soil erodibility, and conduct research on soil erodibility by both water and wind agents.  相似文献   

水蚀风蚀过程中土壤可蚀性研究述评   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
1 IntroductionSoil erosion is the process of detachm ent and transport of soil particles caused by w ater andw ind (M organ,1995).Soilerosion by w ater and w ind leads to decline in soilfertility,brings ona series of negative im pacts of land degradation …  相似文献   

本文评价了三江源自然保护区生态系统宏观结构及涵养水源、保持水土、保护生物多样等主要生态服务功能,分析了自然保护区生态保护与建设工程的生态成效及其原因。结果显示,工程实施后,各自然保护区的土地覆被转类指数明显增加,生态系统宏观状况好转;保护区内草地生产力皆呈增加趋势,水域面积增加,食物供给能力提高,栖息地生境好转。森林类保护区的森林面积减少趋势得到遏制;湿地类保护区的湿地面积多呈增加趋势;草地类保护区的草地减少趋势缓解,荒漠化明显遏制,草地植被覆盖度有所增加;冰川类保护区多条冰川出现明显退缩导致冰川融水增多,有利于雪线以下草地净初级生产力的增加。  相似文献   

China’s investments, financial incentives and deductions in terms of ecological conservation are based at the county level. Therefore, the monitoring and assessment of the effects of ecological conservation at the county level is important to provide a scientific basis for the assessment of the ecological and environmental quality at the county scale. This paper quantitatively estimated the dynamics of high-quality ecosystems and vegetation coverage over the past 15 years, and their relationships with the number of ecological conservation programs at the county level were analyzed. Then, the effects of ecological conservation measures on ecological changes at the county level and their regional suitability were assessed and discussed. The results showed that counties with a percentage of high-quality ecosystems greater than 50% were primarily distributed in northeastern China, southern subtropical China and the southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and those with a percentage lower than 20% were mostly distributed in northwestern China, the southwestern karst region and the North China Plain. In recent decades, ecological conservation has focused on ecologically fragile regions; more than five ecological conservation programs have been implemented in most counties of the Three River Source Region in Qinghai Province, southeastern Tibet, western Sichuan, the Qilian Mountains, southern Xinjiang and other western regions, while only one or zero have been implemented in the eastern coastal area of China. Over the past 15 years, the proportional area of high-quality ecosystems has increased in approximately 53% of counties. The vegetation coverage of counties in the Loess Plateau, Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (Jing-Jin-Ji), Sichuan-Guizhou-Chongqing, and Guangdong-Guangxi provincial-level areas has increased significantly. However, it decreased in northern Xinjiang, central Tibet, central and eastern Inner Mongolia, the Yangtze River Delta and other regions. The relationships between the numbers of ecological conservation programs and the indicators of ecosystem restoration response, such as high-quality ecosystem and vegetation coverage, do not show positive correlations. These results suggest that ecological conservation programs should be planned and implemented according to the distribution patterns of high-quality ecosystems and that restoration measures such as afforestation should follow natural principles and regional differentiation under the background of climate change.  相似文献   

黄麟  郑瑜晗  肖桐 《地理学报》2017,72(7):1305-1315
鉴于中国对生态保护的投入与奖惩皆以县域为基本单元,需要开展县域尺度生态保护效果的监测评估,以期为县域生态环境质量考核提供科学依据。本文定量分析了近15年县域尺度优良生态系统面积及植被覆盖度变化,及其与生态保护项目数量的关系,进而评估生态保护措施在县域生态变化中的效果,并评价工程措施的地域适宜性。结果表明:① 中国东北地区、南方亚热带区、青藏高原东南部的县域优良生态系统面积占比多高于50%,西北地区、西南喀斯特区、华北平原等县域优良生态系统占比多低于20%。② 近几十年,生态保护重点是生态脆弱区,青海三江源、藏东南、川西、祁连山、新疆南部等西部地区的县域生态保护项目数量多大于5个,东部沿海地区则少于或等于1个。③ 2000-2015年,中国53%县域的优良生态系统面积占比提高,黄土高原、黄淮海平原、京津冀、川黔渝、两广等地区的县域植被覆盖度明显上升,而新疆北部、西藏中部、内蒙古中东部等干旱半干旱区、长三角等区域植被覆盖度下降。④ 生态保护项目数量与优良生态系统、植被覆盖度变化等反映生态状况改善的指标并未呈现正相关关系,生态保护应遵循优良生态系统分布格局,气候变化背景下造林等工程措施应遵循自然规律与地带性差异。  相似文献   

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