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The nucleotide sequences of the neuraminidase (NA) genes of the A/Leningrad/134/57 (H2N2) wild-type (Len/wt) virus as well as two of its live attenuated, cold-adapted (ca) variants, A/Leningrad/134/17/57 (Len/17) and A/Leningrad/134/47/57 (Len/47), were determined. In comparison with Len/wt, one nucleotide change (C-225 to A) was found in the NA gene of Len/17. This change codes for a Thr-to-Asn substitution at position 69 of NA. The NA gene of the more attenuated Len/47 ca virus has one silent (T-814 to C) and two coding nucleotide substitutions, C-78 to T (Ala-20 to Val) and C-225 to A (Thr-69 to Asn). These sequence data were used to design a PCR-restriction technique to determine the origin of the NA gene in candidate live, attenuated vaccine reassortants made by reassorting these ca strains with current field viruses.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned accession numbers L37329-L37331.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences were determined for the RNA segments coding for proteins other than the hemagglutinin and neuraminidase of the A/Leningrad/134/57 (H2N2) wild-type (A/Len/wt) virus and its two cold-adapted (ca) and attenuated variants, A/Leningrad/134/17/57 (A/Len/17/ca) and A/Leningrad/134/47/57 (A/Len/47/ca) that are used in the U.S.S.R. in the preparation of reassortant live attenuated vaccines. Ten nucleotide differences were detected between the sequences of the A/Len/wt and A/Len/17/ca viruses; of these, eight were deduced to encode amino acid (aa) substitutions. One aa substitution each was predicted for the PB2, M1, M2, and NS2 proteins, whereas two aa substitutions each were predicted for the PB1, and PA proteins of the A/Len/17/ca virus. Four additional nucleotide changes were found in the genome of the A/Len/47/ca virus; three of these were detected to code for one additional aa substitution each for the PB2, PB1, and NP proteins.  相似文献   

The authors examined a role of some mutated A/Leningrad/134/17/57(H2N2) virus genes in the realization of growth characteristics. The latter of single gene reassortants (SGRs) (PB2, PB1, PA, M, and NS), epidemic virus and attenuation donor were assessed by infecting MDCK cells and hen embryos at a low inoculation index. Viral replication in the hen embryos and cultured tissue was compared at 34 degrees C. The viruses and reassortants tested showed a high growth capacity in the hen embryos (9.5-10.5 Ig TCID50). The growth curves of viruses were studied on the cultured MDCK cells at a low inoculation index indicated that Len/17 and the single gene reassortants M and NS had the highest growth capacity. At the same time the growth of both PB1 and PB2 SGRs was less extensive. The reproduction of PB2 SGR was 100-1000 times less than that of other viruses tested. M, NS, and PA gene mutations did not affect viral growth in hen embryos and cultured tissue while PB2 gene mutation and its constellations with other genes caused a reduction in viral growth in the cultured tissue.  相似文献   

By recombination of ts mutants of fowl plague virus belonging to different complementation groups with two cold-adapted variants of human influenza virus, the number and gene localization of ts mutations occurring in these variants was determined. In the course of passaging of human influenza virus at lowered temperature, the number of genes with ts mutations increased.  相似文献   

Conditions of obtaining attenuated influenza virus recombinants by crossing of a cold-adapted donor with A (H1N1) influenza virus that reappeared in 1977 were studied. Temperature-sensitive recombinants suitable for intranasal immunization of adults with low titres of anti-haemagglutinin and anti-neuraminidase antibodies, and possessing sufficiently high immunogenicity were obtained by crossing of native parent strains and cross-reactivation techniques. It was confirmed that the cold-adapted A/Leningrad/134/17/57 (H2N2) influenza virus variant is a prospective donor of attenuation for obtaining recombinants--candidates for live influenza vaccine strains.  相似文献   

The production of proinflammatory cytokines was studied following experimental infection of BALB/c mice with influenza viruses that differed in virulence. The generation of TNF-alpha, IL-6, IL-12, and IFN-gamma was investigated in the lung homogenates in the early periods after intranasal infection of mice with A/Leningrad/134/57 (H2N2) wild-type virus and cold-adapted attenuated vaccine viruses: A/Leningrad/134/17157 (H2N2) and A/Leningrad/134/47/57 (H2N2). Wild-type virus induced substantially higher levels of proinflammatory cytokines: TNF-alpha, IL-6, IL-12, and IFN-gamma. After infection with the cold-adapted viruses, the levels of the cytokines were reduced as compared to those induced by the wild-type virus. The A/Leningrad/134/47/57 virus was marked by a noticeable production of IL-6 and IFN-gamma in the murine lung, but it was less than with wild-type virus infection. At the same time, the more attenuated strain A/Leningrad/134/47/57 induced TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma in the quantities similar to those in the control animals. Thus, a response of proinflammatory cytokines in early infection in the murine lung depended on the level of viral replication in the lower respiratory tract and on the attenuation of influenza virus strains.  相似文献   

The immunogenicity of the Russian cold-adapted (ca) donor stains, A/Leningrad (Len)/134/17/57 and A/Leningrad/134/47/57, and the US strain A/Ann Arbor (AA)/6/60-ca, were compared in BALB/c mice with their respective wild-type parental viruses. Each ca donor strain was less immunogenic than its wild-type parent. The vaccinating dose, when administered twice, which prevented multiplication of a standard challenge of parental wild-type virus in 50% of mice (the 50% protective dose or PD(50)), was shown for A/Len/134/17/57-ca, A/Len/134/47/57-ca, and A/AA/6/60-ca to be 10(3.77), 10(4.32), and 10(4.70), respectively. These findings were extended by measuring the number of antibody secreting cells induced in the lungs and mediastinal lymph nodes of mice infected with the same ca donors using an ELISPOT assay. When each donor strain was administered twice at a dose of 100 PD(50) over a 3-week interval, the overall immunoglobulin isotype antibody secreting cell profiles were shown to be similar. However, A/Len/134/17/57-ca and A/Len/134/47/57-ca induced significantly higher total immunoglobulin responses in the lungs than A/AA/6/60-ca (P < 0.05). A/Len/134/17/57-ca also induced a significantly greater IgA response in the lungs than A/AA/6/60-ca (P < 0.05). These results suggest that A/Len/134/17/57-ca is a superior immunogen to A/Len/134/47/57-ca which in turn is more immunogenic than A/AA/6/60-ca.  相似文献   

The crossing of influenza A/Moscow/01/2009 (H1N1) virus and reassortant strain X31 (H3N2) containing the genes of internal and non-structural proteins of A/Puerto Rico/8/34 (H1N1) strain gave rise to reassortant virus ReM8. The reassortant contained hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) genes of pandemic 2009 influenza virus and 6 genes of high-yield A/Puerto Rico/8/34 (H1N1) strain. The reassortant ReM8 produced higher yields in the embryonated chicken eggs than the parent pandemic virus, as suggested by infectivity and HA activity titration as well as by ELISA and the measurement of HA protein content by scanning electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel slabs. High immunogenicity of ReM8 reassortant was demonstrated by immune protection studies in mice. The reassortant virus ReM8 is suitable as a candidate strain for the production of inactivated and subunit influenza vaccines.  相似文献   

For the past three decades the cold-adapted (ca) and temperature sensitive (ts) master donor strain, A/Leningrad/134/17/57 (H2N2) has been successfully used as the basis for the live attenuated reassortant influenza A vaccine. This donor strain was developed from A/Leningrad/134/57 (H2N2) wild-type (wt) virus following 17 passages in eggs at 25 degrees C. Our detailed investigation has revealed that the A/Leningrad/134/17/57 (Len/17) master donor stock is a mixed population comprised of numerous variants of the ca/ts Len/17 influenza virus. We have identified these variants to exhibit a broad range in their temperature sensitive phenotype when assayed on Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells at 37 degrees C. A selection of these variant clones has been fully characterized by sequencing in order to understand the variability in the ts phenotype. This study has also addressed the feasibility of using cell culture technology for the propagation and subsequent manufacturing of the cold-adapted influenza vaccine (CAIV), particularly with respect to retaining the defined mutations that contribute toward the ca/ts phenotype.  相似文献   

The influenza A components of live attenuated vaccines used in Russia have been prepared as reassortants of the cold-adapted (ca) H2N2 viruses, A/Leningrad/134/17/57-ca (Len/17) and A/Leningrad/134/47/57-ca (Len/47), and virulent epidemic strains. The lesions responsible for attenuation within the six internal genes of each donor strain have been sequenced and described, but relatively little is known as to their stability before and after passage in susceptible hosts. In the work reported in this paper, RT-PCR restriction analysis and limited sequencing of individual genes were used to evaluate the stability of lesions in stocks of the both donor strains after passage in ferrets, which have been used widely as susceptible hosts for assessment of the virulence of influenza strains. Len/47 was shown to possess expected lesions by RT-PCR and restriction analysis. Substitution at position 1066 of the NP gene, which has been previously reported to be unique to Len/47 [Klimov et al., Virology 186 (1992) 795], was also shown to be present in all clones of Len/17. This change was confirmed by limited sequence analysis and was shown to be retained in progeny viruses isolated from the lungs and turbinates of inoculated ferrets. Two other changes in the PB2 and PB1 genes that were present in Len/47 were detected by limited sequence analysis alone. Further previously unreported minor changes were shown to be present for Len/17 and Len/47, but not both, and their significance is unknown. Limited replication of each donor strain occurred in ferrets and minimal clinical signs and histopathology were present. By contrast, the parental strain Len/57 and the recent epidemic strain A/Sydney/6/97 induced clinical signs and histopathology that were typical of influenza disease.  相似文献   

Cold-adapted (CA) temperature sensitive and attenuated virus A/Leningrad/134/17/57 (H2N2) (Len/17) has been recently used in Russia as a donor of internal genes in the preparation of reassortant vaccine strains of CA live influenza vaccine (LIV) for all age groups. The Len/17 population was found to be heterogeneous and to be made up of clones, which differ by combinations of mutations in internal genes. Around 50% of the Len/17 population had clones with all 8 coding mutations in internal genes. The others were made up of clones with mutation combinations, which were different from the original Len/17. The PCR restriction method was used to analyze 5 clones of Len/17 and 8 LIV vaccine strains. There were no Ala-86-Thr mutation in the M2 protein in 4 clones and 3 vaccine strains. The PB-1 gene of 4 clones and 3 vaccine strains had a mutation encoding Met-317-IIe more typical of a more attenuated virus A/Leningrad/134/47/57 (H2N2) (Len/47). The NP protein of a clone had a mutation Leu-341-IIe also typical of Len/47. However, neither the absence of mutation in the M2 gene nor an extra mutation in the PB1 gene affected the attenuation extent of reassortant CALIV.  相似文献   

Trivalent live attenuated influenza vaccines whose type A components are based on cold-adapted A/Leningrad/134/17/57 (H2N2) (caLen17) master donor virus (MDV) have been successfully used in Russia for decades to control influenza. The vaccine virus comprises hemagglutinin and neuraminidase genes from the circulating viruses and the remaining six genes from the MDV. The latter confer temperature-sensitive (ts) and attenuated (att) phenotypes. The ts phenotype of the vaccine virus is a critical biological determinant of attenuation of virulence. We developed a plasmid-based reverse genetics system for MDV caLen17 to study the genetic basis of its ts phenotype. Mutations in the polymerase proteins PB1 and PB2 played a crucial role in the ts phenotype of MDV caLen17. In addition, we show that caLen17-specific ts mutations could impart the ts phenotype to the divergent PR8 virus, suggesting the feasibility of transferring the ts phenotype to new viruses of interest for vaccine development.  相似文献   

The representative complete neuraminidase sequences (NA) of 138 Chinese isolates and hemagglutinin sequences (HA) of 128 Chinese isolates of influenza A virus subtype H9N2 were analyzed to reveal codon usage bias and recombination events. A plot of the effective number of codons (ENC) against G + C context at the third position of the codons (ENC-plot) and correlation analysis demonstrated that mutational pressure is the main factor determining the codon usage bias in the H9N2 subtype. The high ENC values (51.31 for NA and 48.83 for HA) indicated that the codon usage bias in Chinese H9N2 isolates was very low. Plots of correspondence analysis and an ENC plot indicated that the HA and NA genes had different codon usage bias. Recombination analysis revealed two possible recombination events for HA and NA gene sequences in the Chinese isolates. Subsequent phylogenetic analysis further supported the validity of these recombination events. In addition, one false-positive recombinant for HA gene was found, which may have been derived from contamination during PCR amplification.  相似文献   

Electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel of the reference influenza A/Victoria/35/72 (H3N2) virus and its persisting variants (PV) showed that the PV isolated on the 158th day from the moment of persistence modelling (PV158) had mutation in the gene of hemagglutinin (HA). This mutation is manifested by incomplete HA synthesis at 40 degrees C and increase of mobility of the light HA subunit (HA2). Analysis of nucleotide sequence of the greater part of HA gene of PV158 virus revealed 5 nucleotide substitutions four of which were significant. Three substitutions were found in Hal: 219 (Ser----Phe), 220 (Arg----Gly), 226 (Leu----Gln) and one in HA2: 156 (Thr----Asn). The importance of these mutations in the determination of the PV phenotype is discussed.  相似文献   

The population of A/Singapore/1/57 (H2N2) influenza virus was found to contain two types of infectious particle. "Normal" virions with a diameter from 100-130 nm, a buoyant density in sucrose of 1.21 g/cm3 and a sedimentation coefficient 770 S represented about 90 percent of the population. In addition, a considerable amount of larger particles (up to 1000 nm) with a buoyant density in sucrose of 1.18 g/cm3 and a sedimentation coefficient of over 1000 S were present.  相似文献   

Six variants that form plaques in chick embryo cells in the absence of trypsin have been isolated from the apathogenic avian influenza virus A/chick/Pennsylvania/1/83 (H5N2). Unlike the wild-type, the plaque variants contain a hemagglutinin that is cleaved in chick embryo cells and MDCK cells. The variants differ also from the wild-type in their pathogenicity for chickens. Nucleotide sequence and oligosaccharide analysis of the hemagglutinin have revealed that, unlike natural isolates with increased pathogenicity (Y. Kawaoka et al., 1984, Virology 139, 303-316; Y. Kawaoka and R. G. Webster, 1985, Virology 146, 130-137), the variants obtained in vitro have retained an oligosaccharide at asparagine 11 that is believed to interfere with the cleavage site of the wild-type. However, all variants showed mutations in the hemagglutinin resulting in an increased number of basic groups at the cleavage site. These observations demonstrate that masking of the cleavage site by an oligosaccharide is overcome by an enhancement of the basic charge at the cleavage site.  相似文献   

Limited information is available concerning the molecular drift of the influenza neuraminidase (NA) genes. We report on the genetic variability of the NA gene from 31 influenza A:H3N2 viruses isolated in the Province of Québec (Canada) during the last three flu seasons (1997-2000). Amino acid substitutions within the NA protein were observed at rates of 1.01% and 0.45% between strains of the 1997-1998 and 1998-1999 seasons and between those of the 1998-1999 and 1999-2000 seasons, respectively. In most strains (28/31), amino acid changes occurred within at least one of four codons (197, 339, 370, and 401) previously implicated as antigenic sites. The 8 functional and 10 framework residues that compose the catalytic site of the NA enzyme were completely conserved over the study period. All isolates contained the seven conserved asparagine-linked glycosylation sites found in the NA of the progenitor A/Hong Kong/8/68 strain. In addition, most strains (30/31) had an eighth potential glycosylation site at position 329, whereas a ninth one was found at position 93 in 16 strains. The NA of all strains in this study was related to that of the vaccine strain A/Beijing/353/89, whereas the HA genes of these strains were related to the A/Beijing/32/92 vaccine strain. Thus, it appears that recent influenza strains continue to evolve from a reassortant produced during the cocirculation of the two above variants. Interestingly, some strains whose HA genes were closely related showed significant differences in their NA genes and conversely. This study confirms the importance of analyzing both the NA and the HA genes to assess the evolution of recent influenza epidemic strains.  相似文献   

For influenza viruses, pyrosequencing has been successfully applied to the high-throughput detection of resistance markers in genes encoding the drug-targeted M2 protein and neuraminidase. In this study, we expanded the utility of this assay to the detection of multiple receptor binding variants of the hemagglutinin protein of influenza viruses directly in clinical specimens. Specifically, a customized pyrosequencing protocol that permits detection of virus variants with the D, G, N, or E amino acid at position 222 in the hemagglutinin of the 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus was developed. This customized pyrosequencing protocol was applied to the analysis of 241 clinical specimens. The use of the optimized nucleotide dispensation order allowed detection of mixtures of variants in 10 samples (4.1%) which the standard cyclic nucleotide dispensation protocol failed to detect. The optimized pyrosequencing protocol is expected to provide a more accurate tool in the analysis of virus variant composition.  相似文献   

J M Nuss  G M Air 《Virology》1991,183(2):496-504
It has previously been shown that influenza virus neuraminidase (NA) of the N9 subtype is unusual in that it possesses hemagglutinin activity as well as NA activity. Loss of red cell binding in certain escape mutants suggested that the hemagglutinating site is separate from the NA active site and involves at least two of the polypeptide loops found on the surface of the molecule (Webster et al., 1987. J. Virol. 61, 2910-2916). We have used site-directed mutagenesis to transfer the amino acids in these loops at positions 368-370 and 399-403 of N9 NA (A/tern/Australia/G70c/75), separately and together, into subtype N2 NA (A/Tokyo/3/67). The three mutant proteins were expressed from an SV40 transient expression system (Fuerst et al., 1986. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 83, 8122-8126). The mutant which contained both loops of N9 NA had acquired the hemagglutinin activity of N9. The agglutinated red cells are released by the enzyme activity of N9 NA, indicating that the agglutination involves binding to sialic acid in the same configuration as does the parental N9 NA, and an inhibitor of NA did not affect hemagglutination, indicating that this site is separate from the NA site as in parental N9.  相似文献   

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