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Potential for large-scale physical transport processes to affect recruitment of Lake Michigan yellow perch (Perca flavescens) was studied by examining the variation in larval distribution, growth rate, and settlement during June–August 1998–2003 using a 3D particle transport model linked with an individual-based bioenergetics growth model. In all years, virtual larvae were released nearshore in southwestern Lake Michigan, a known and important spawning region for yellow perch. For any given year, the same circulation pattern and water temperature either promoted or reduced yellow perch settlement depending on the consumption rates and settlement size chosen in the growth model. Increased consumption increased the number of settled larvae and expanded the total area where larvae settled, whereas increased settlement size reduced the number of settled larvae and reduced the overall settlement area. Interannual variability in circulation patterns and water temperature also resulted in contrasting larval settlement rates, settlement locations, and size of settlement areas between years. Model predictions were most consistent with field observations of age-0 yellow perch from Illinois and Michigan waters when settlement was assumed to occur at 50 mm. Moreover, our model suggests that larvae originating from southwestern Lake Michigan can recruit anywhere within the southern basin and even in the northern basin. Future model improvement will require information on the relative contribution of various sectors to the larval pool, their distribution with reference to the hydrodynamic landscape, the feeding and growth of yellow perch during their pelagic phase, and the size at transition to demersal stage.  相似文献   

Great Lakes coastal wetlands serve as mediation zones between the land and the lake, regulating the fate of materials received from tributaries prior to discharge to the lake nearshore zone. To improve our understanding of water quality processing and nutrient fate in coastal wetlands, we evaluated within- and across-wetland water quality as a function of environmental drivers over a decade (2009–2018) in three drowned river mouth (Carruthers, Duffin’s, and Rouge) and one barrier lagoon (Frenchman’s Bay) wetlands on the north shore of Lake Ontario. Overall, land-use had a weak relative association with most water quality parameters, reflecting no appreciable changes in land-use across the study years. The barrier lagoon wetland Frenchman’s Bay had a distinctly different water quality pattern from the drowned river mouth wetlands, where water quality followed a high to low concentration gradient from near the tributary confluences (high) to the lake-wetland confluence (low) (permutational analysis of variance p-value < 0.001). Notably, we observed significant differences among celled (i.e., natural ponds in wetlands) and non-celled sites in Duffin’s and Rouge marshes, primarily attributed to strong covariation among phosphorus, phosphate, and organic nitrogen concentrations (permutational analysis of variance p-value < 0.001). This water-quality signature seemed to be driven by solar radiation and lake level variability (i.e., seiche inundation), inferring that wetlands may be important sites for the mobilization of legacy phosphorus in sediments under certain climatic conditions, and following seiche events.  相似文献   

Benthos of southern Green Bay, Lake Michigan have not been comprehensively examined since 1978. Since then, invasive species appeared, urbanization intensified, and restoration efforts were implemented, which likely altered the benthic macroinvertebrate community. Further, current benthos are subjected to dynamic factors including eutrophication, sedimentation, and periodic hypoxia. Understanding community responses to these anthropogenic stressors and natural habitat gradients is imperative to preserving biological integrity within Green Bay. Therefore, the objectives of this project were to describe the current macroinvertebrate community, examine changes since 1978, and assess the roles of productivity, substrate type, water depth, and hypoxia in structuring macroinvertebrate communities. Benthos were sampled at 197 stations, including 97 also sampled in 1978 by Markert (1982) and 100 that were added to increase spatial resolution. We collected 93 macroinvertebrate taxa in southern Green Bay with the community dominated by Chironomus and immature tubificid worms. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination distinguished present and historical communities. Although oligochaete worms and chironomids remained dominant over time, Chironomus abundance increased and characterized the present community, whereas benthos were historically more diverse. The magnitude of temporal change varied spatially among zones of Green Bay, with larger differences concentrated in the Middle Bay and the Inner Bay remaining comparable to 1978. Present-day assemblages were most associated with the trophic gradient driven by Green Bay’s southernmost tributary, the Fox River, but also differed with substrate type and had similar structures in areas subjected to frequent hypoxia. Routine monitoring should continue to track changes while accounting for spatial effects.  相似文献   

Hydroelectric dams may affect anadromous fish survival and recruitment by limiting access to upstream habitats and adversely affecting quality of downstream habitats. In the Manistee River, a tributary to Lake Michigan, two hydroelectric dams potentially limit recruitment of anadromous rainbow trout (steelhead) by increasing tailrace water temperatures to levels that significantly reduce survival of young‐of‐year (YOY) fish. The objectives of this study were to determine whether proposed restoration scenarios (dam removals or a bottom withdrawal retrofit) would alter the Manistee River thermal regime and, consequently, improve wild steelhead survival and recruitment. Physical process models were used to predict Manistee River thermal regimes following each dam alteration scenario. Empirical relationships were derived from historical field surveys to quantify the effect of temperature on YOY production and potential recruitment of Manistee River steelhead. Both dam alteration scenarios lowered summer temperatures and increased steelhead recruitment by between 59% and 129%, but total recruitments were still low compared to other Great Lakes tributaries. Considering only temperature effects, bottom withdrawal provides the greatest promise for increasing natural steelhead recruitment by decreasing the likelihood of year‐class failures in the warmest summers. Results of this study may allow managers to evaluate mitigation alternatives for Manistee River dams during future relicensing negotiations, and illustrate the utility of physical process temperature models in groundwater‐fed rivers. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To determine types of fungi in the water and associated with the benthic amphipod Diporeia spp., samples were collected at various depths in Lake Michigan in an area where the Diporeia population was in a severe state of decline. No fungi were found associated with living, freshly-dead, or dried Diporeia cultured separately from Lake Michigan water. When dead Diporeia and other organic substrates (snake skin and hemp seeds) were used to grow fungi in Lake Michigan water, a rich and diverse fungal and water mold community was revealed. A total of 31 species were found, with the most common genera being Achlya, Aphanomyces, Myzocytium, and Pythium. In general, species were homogeneously distributed in the water; that is, few differences were found in species richness between nearshore (10–15 m) and offshore (60–80 m) waters, and between near-surface (1 m) and near-bottom waters (1 m off bottom). Sampling occurred during the unstratified period (April and October) to maximize the number of species collected, which may have contributed to the uniform spatial pattern observed. While conclusions must be placed in context with our methods of detection, we found no evidence that a fungal infestation was associated with Diporeia in this region of the lake.  相似文献   

Natural gradients in temperature, nutrient loading, and primary productivity contribute to broad scale regional differences in the food web structure of large lakes, such as Lake Michigan. These factors influence spatial patterns of primary production and resource reliance of high trophic level consumers. Secondary consumers, such as larval fish and predatory zooplankton represent an important intermediate link within large lake food webs, but spatial patterns in their density and physiological condition have not been as thoroughly assessed. To analyze the spatial and temporal condition of secondary consumers in Lake Michigan, we sampled the ubiquitous spiny water flea, Bythotrephes cederströmii during the 2015 Cooperative Science and Monitoring field year in Lake Michigan. Monthly estimates of density, instar frequency, length-at-age, and RNA content of Bythotrephes were compared between the eastern and western shores of southern Lake Michigan. Condition indices differed seasonally between the eastern and western shores. During June-August, Bythotrephes were more abundant and in better condition along the eastern shore of Lake Michigan, but in September, all indices were comparable between transects. While this study focused on a single year, other studies across multiple years have demonstrated consistent upwellings and cooler temperatures along the western shore of southern Lake Michigan relative to the eastern shore. A temporal lag in preferable environmental conditions along the western shore may be common and lead to delayed growth and reduced physiological condition of secondary consumers, such as predatory zooplankton and late spring emerging larval fish.  相似文献   

We describe patterns of emergence and downstream movement by recently emerged fry of two non-native salmonids in the Great Lakes region, North America. Our primary objectives were to describe the timing of emergence in relation to spring flooding, and to examine the effects of reach-level complexity of stream habitat on rates of movement. Emergence and movement patterns of coho salmon and brown trout fry were assessed over an eight-week period in two reaches distinguished by differences in channel woody debris. Fry emergence occurred from mid-March to early May, and peaked in early to mid-April. Movement during this period was uncorrelated with upstream densities of resident fry and fish moving downstream did not appear moribund or in poor condition. Nearly twice as many fish moved through the simple reach that lacked woody debris cover even though upstream densities of resident fry were generally greater in the complex reach. The results reported here indicate that peak emergence occurs in close association with the timing of spring floods. Variability in the timing of either emergence or spring floods could have profound effects on the size of coho salmon and brown trout populations within streams of this region. Results from this study further suggest that greater habitat complexity may reduce downstream movements of newly emerged salmonid fry in a natural system.  相似文献   

Since 2016 we have studied the largest interdunal wetlands/slack lying within a deflated parabolic dune east of Lake Michigan. Geologic cross-sections show ∼ 15 m of sand and gravel beneath the dunes, creating an aquifer hydraulically connecting Lake Michigan-Huron (MH) with the water table/shallow groundwater influencing the slack. Lake Michigan-Huron (MH) water levels have risen ∼ 1 m from 2016 to 2020, increasing water levels within and around the slack ∼ 1 m. Color-infrared images and vegetation quadrat sampling show water appearing, then significantly expanding with the main slack and upland/dune vegetation transitioning to wetland vegetation in response to this rise. Monitoring well data show slack water levels rise in spring as Lake MH rises. Levels drop as the growing season begins while Lake MH continues to rise through summer. Short-term slack water level increases occur due to local rain events, but significant water level declines follow due to evapotranspiration. Slack water levels begin to rise again in late summer and into fall as the end of the growing season arrives, evapotranspiration decreases, and heavier, more frequent rain events occur. Together, these factors push slack water levels to their highest point of the year while Lake MH levels are decreasing. In late fall–winter, slack water levels drop in concert with Lake MH levels. Climate change effects, increased transpiration from higher temperatures, summer drought, and greater variability in lake level fluctuations, may make it more difficult to maintain wet growing conditions for hydrophytic vegetation. Hence, climate change poses risks to the existence of this imperiled ecosystem.  相似文献   

Breeding birds and anurans (frogs and toads) in coastal wetlands of Green Bay, Lake Michigan vary dynamically with changing water levels, habitat type, and geography. We describe species assemblages over a seven-year period (2011–2017) beginning with historic low water levels followed by an increase in average lake level of 0.85?m. In general, species richness and abundance of marsh-obligate species responded positively to increasing water levels, although several species of shallow wetlands (sandhill crane, sedge wren, swamp sparrow, and American toad) showed the opposite trend. Anuran assemblages were more diverse in the middle and upper bay, coinciding with a well-established nutrient gradient from the hypereutrophic lower bay to more oligotrophic waters of the upper bay. Three marsh-obligate bird species (black tern, sandhill crane, and sedge wren) were significantly more abundant in the middle or upper bay while sora, American coot, and common gallinule were more abundant in the eutrophic lower bay. Our findings have several important implications for conservation. Inland wetlands near the coast (including diked wetlands) might play a key ecological role by providing refugia for some species during low water years. However, the importance of shallow coastal wetlands and nearshore gradients of wetland habitat might be overlooked during low water years; when high water returns, these areas can become extremely productive and species-rich.  相似文献   

东太湖典型湖区水环境特征时空变化分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文研究了2002年4月至2003年4月东太湖的东茭嘴、油车港、太浦河口、湖心C、大缺口和张家港等6个典型湖区水环境特征。监测数据表明,东太湖6个典型湖区水质参数变化四季分明、空间差异显著;受水生高等植物的净化作用、湖区周边居民面源污染和上游苕溪来水水质等3方面因素的综合影响,枯水期水质明显不如丰水期。冬春季节水生植被净化能力的减弱和城镇居民生活面源污染的加强形成东太湖水质西南差东北好的格局、夏秋季节水生植被净化能力的加强和上游苕溪来水水质的改善形成西南水质好东北差的格局。利用太湖站同期水环境监测资料,比较了草型湖湾东太湖与藻型湖湾梅梁湾水环境因子的差异。提出东太湖春季期间水体中NH4 -N、NO3--N浓度的消长变化可能是维持东太湖水体能够保持清水状态的触发因子。  相似文献   

An 8 km2 area representative of deep offshore basins in Lake Superior was surveyed with multi-beam sonar and a high-frequency seismic-reflection system to create a high-resolution bathymetric map of the lake floor morphology, which is dominated by ring-shaped depressions attributed to the dewatering of glacial-lacustrine clays. Ten multi-cores were recovered from the survey area. The cores were scanned for magnetic susceptibility (MS), dated by 210Pb and analyzed for water content, total organic carbon (TOC) and nitrogen (TON), biogenic silica (BSi), and total (THg) and methyl (MeHg) mercury. MS profiles varied considerably, inferring substantial centennial-scale differences in sedimentation history among the core sites. Concentration profiles of the analyzed constituents displayed differences of about ± 15% TOC, ± 40% BSi, ± 50% THg and ± 50% MeHg. Total mercury and methylmercury concentrations were typical of past measurements, and the mean THg accumulation rate (12 μg/m2 year) was similar in magnitude to that of atmospheric Hg deposition. Sediment mass accumulation rates (MAR) ranged among the cores between average values of about 50 g/m2 year in the ring centers to as high as 180 g/m2 year between rings. Temporal variation in MAR within cores varied considerably on a decadal scale as well. Sediment redistribution by bottom currents over the complex morphology of the Lake Superior basin is not uniform in space and time, and indicates that a single core from any given area in the lake may not reflect the true history of environmental conditions that extend even a few hundred meters beyond the core site.  相似文献   

Colonial waterbirds are an important component of Great Lakes ecosystems. In order to investigate the role these birds play in an aquatic food web, bioenergetics models, using allometric equations, were applied to breeding double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) and their offspring in the Beaver Archipelago, northern Lake Michigan. These models were parameterized using detailed information collected during the 2000 and 2001 breeding seasons, as well as literature values. Each breeding season was divided into stages in the models to reflect changes in cormorant diet and population size documented in the study area. The models estimated the total prey biomass consumed as 1,445 metric tonnes (mt) of prey in 2000, and 1,585 mt of prey in 2001. Each year, the majority of the prey biomass was alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus), with these fish comprising a greater percentage of prey biomass consumed in 2001. An increase in cormorant reproductive success in 2001 may be linked to this increase in alewife biomass consumed; the breeding bird population size, however, declined in 2001 as compared to 2000. The other prey items, which are not considered to be species of commercial or sport value, were also important contributors to bird diet and consumption of these species did tend to vary from year-toyear. Overall, the application of bioenergetics models allows for greater understanding of the role of cormorants as predators and as energy links in the system.  相似文献   

Data on Secchi depth, chlorophyll a, total phosphorus (TP), and nutrient status of phytoplankton were collected at five nearshore sites (11–17 m deep) and two offshore sites (>100 m) between the Grand River and Muskegon River outflows during March-December 2014–2018 to describe seasonal patterns and to compare the two depth regions in southeastern Lake Michigan. In contrast to the offshore, where spring chlorophyll a and TP concentrations declined dramatically following the dreissenid mussel expansion, the nearshore region of southeastern Lake Michigan was still characterized by low Secchi depth and elevated chlorophyll a and TP in the spring. During May, median Secchi depth was 5 times higher in the offshore than the nearshore, whereas chlorophyll a and TP were over 9 and 3 times higher in the nearshore, respectively. Even though spring chlorophyll a and TP have declined substantially at some of the nearshore sites compared to 1996, particularly the sites closest to tributary outflows, the overall yield of chlorophyll a per unit TP did not change over time in the nearshore. There were indications of P-deficiency in the nearshore in 2014–2018, but P-deficiency was even more severe in the offshore during the spring where yield of chlorophyll a per unit TP was also lower than in the nearshore. Although dreissenid mussels can be abundant in the nearshore, their populations are patchy and inputs from tributaries provide conditions that apparently dampen any potential filtering impacts of mussels in the nearshore compared to the offshore, especially during the spring.  相似文献   

Smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu and largemouth bass M. salmoides in southwestern Lake Michigan use shallow, warm harbors for spawning during spring. After the reproductive period ends in early summer, catch rates from standardized sampling of smallmouth bass in harbors decrease. Fishes are presumed to use the main lake during summer but little is known about how black basses use main-lake habitat in Lake Michigan or mechanisms driving this transition. We tracked smallmouth bass (N = 26) and largemouth bass (N = 8) using radio and acoustic telemetry during 2005–2006 near North Point Marina, IL. A temperature difference persisted between inside and outside the harbor for much of May–October where harbor temperatures were generally warmer than those outside the harbor. Smallmouth bass responded to water temperature changes, inhabiting the harbor until temperatures outside the harbor approached 18.5 °C, at which time they left the harbor. Frequent temperature fluctuations of > 3 °C occurred outside the harbor within 24-hour periods. Sudden reductions in water temperature were associated with smallmouth bass temporarily returning to the harbor until the temperature outside the harbor again approached 18.5 °C. As water cooled during fall, smallmouth bass again returned to the harbor. Largemouth bass exhibited comparatively restricted movements during this time and rarely ranged outside the harbor. Thus, home range estimates for smallmouth bass (142.6 ha) were an order of magnitude greater than those of largemouth bass (12.9 ha). Both water temperature and species played a role in determining the degree of movement outside the harbor but both black basses used the harbor as a thermal refuge.  相似文献   

The Great Lakes basin was historically populated by multiple, coevolved coregonine species, but much of that diversity has been lost. In Lakes Erie and Ontario, both lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) and cisco (Coregonus artedi) occurred in high numbers before habitat degradation, overfishing, invasive species, and other factors caused significant declines. There is growing interest in restoring these populations, and suggested actions include restoration of critical habitats such as spawning habitat. Unfortunately, our current understanding of lake whitefish and cisco spawning habitat characteristics and locations in these lakes is limited. To highlight areas of potential importance for conservation and restoration, we used random forest models and data on historical spawning locations to predict lake whitefish and cisco spawning habitats based on hypothesized key factors including wind fetch, ice cover duration, distance from 1st and 6th order tributaries, and lake bottom substrate. Our model accurately predicted spawning habitat locations for 71% and 54% of cases for lake whitefish and cisco, respectively. Fetch was the most important variable in the lake whitefish model, with spawning habitats being most likely to occur in regions of low to moderate fetch. Cisco spawning habitats were most likely to occur in areas of relatively low fetch near a 1st order stream. We used these models to predict spawning habitat locations for both species across Lakes Erie, Ontario, and St. Clair. Our results improve our understanding of lake whitefish and cisco spawning habitat characteristics and will aid in the spatial prioritization of actions to restore these native fishes.  相似文献   

Three different types of microplastics (MPs): low density polyethylene; polypropylene; and polyester, were incubated for one and three months at two sites (Channel and Lake) in Muskegon Lake (MI). After retrieval, MPs were analyzed for polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides (OCs), select metals, and genomic characterization of the attached microbial biofilm. Polyaromatic hydrocarbons accumulated at similar levels on all microplastic types, but were ~one order of magnitude lower than sediment concentrations and ~three orders of magnitude lower than the Probable Effect Concentration (PEC): the concentration in sediment above which adverse biological effects are likely to occur. In contrast, PCB levels were 4–6× greater on polyethylene than on polypropylene or polyester, although all plastic-associated PCB concentrations were at least one order of magnitude less than the PEC. Organochlorine pesticide concentrations were very low (<1 ppb) on all microplastics and at all sites. Metal concentrations also were well below their respective PEC levels. The most abundant bacterial groups as part of the plastisphere were Burkholderiales, Rhodocyclaceae, Comamonadaceae, and Pseudomonadaceae. Polyester microplastics contained a higher number of bacterial families and the relative abundance of those families were more evenly distributed compared to the other plastic types. Overall, our results indicate that persistent organic pollutants are capable of accumulating on MPs but the concentrations generally were low; feeding trials are needed to determine if these environmentally realistic concentrations of pollutants attached to microplastics result in impacts to aquatic biota.  相似文献   

Catches from standardized littoral electrofishing (EF) surveys (1990–2016) at various locales in Severn Sound, Georgian Bay, were analyzed. Catches were adjusted for size-selectivity using published results of laboratory immobilization experiments. Adjusted abundance-mean size relationships were consistent with the metabolic theory of ecology where body size has a central role in structuring community features. Relationships among species richness and areal estimates of biomass and annual production of the adjusted catches were assessed. Richness was the key variable driving other community metrics and was, in turn, largely driven by habitat fetch metrics and sampling time of day. Richness, biomass, and production decreased with increasing maximum effective fetch. Richness increased with time after sunset. Year and locale had smaller roles in variation of community metrics with more vegetated/ less urbanized areas having higher values. Higher fish production is expected in sheltered areas where the contributions of allochthonous and benthic primary production are expected to be greater. Further analyses using additional EF datasets from Great Lakes’ littoral zones should increase understanding of the differences between littoral and offshore fish productivity and help guide management of littoral habitats to ensure healthy fish communities.  相似文献   

Manayunkia speciosa has been a taxonomic curiosity for 150 years with little interest until 1977 when it was identified as an intermediate host of a fish parasite (Ceratomyxa shasta) responsible for fish mortalities (e.g., chinook salmon). Manayunkia was first reported in the Great Lakes in 1929. Since its discovery, the taxon has been reported in 50% (20 of 40 studies) of benthos studies published between 1960 and 2007. When found, Manayunkia comprised < 1% of benthos in 70% of examined studies. In one extensive study, Manayunkia occurred in only 26% of 378 sampled events (1991–2009). The taxon was found at higher densities in one area of Lake Erie (mean = 3658/m2) and Georgian Bay (1790/m2) than in five other areas (mean = 60 to 553/m2) of the lakes. A 70-year history of Manayunkia in western Lake Erie indicates it was not found in 1930, was most abundant in 1961 (mean = 8039, maximum = 67,748/m2), and decreased in successive periods of 1982 (3529, 49,639/m2), 1993 (1876, 25,332/m2), and 2003 (79, 2583/m2). It occurred at 48% of stations in 1961, 58% in 1982, 52% in 1993, and 6% of stations in 2003. In all years, Manayunkia was distributed primarily near the mouth of the Detroit River. Causes for declines in distribution and abundance are unknown, but may be related to pollution-abatement programs that began in the 1970s, and invasion of dreissenid mussels in the late-1980s which contributed to de-eutrophication of western Lake Erie. At present, importance of the long-term decline of Manayunkia in Lake Erie is unknown.  相似文献   

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