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Immunocytochemical localization of phytochrome   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
An immunocytochemical assay, which localizes phytochrome in situ, indicates that this plant chromoprotein is associated with both nuclei and plastids, in addition to the cytoplasm. In an etiolated oat shoot, phytochrome is most abundant just behind the apex of the coleoptile, where it is associated with parenchyma cells; it is apparently absent at the extreme apx of the coleoptile. Further back from the tip, phytochrome is found in the epidermal cells of the coleoptile; it decreases in concentration toward the node, where it is again abundant. Phytochrome is also abundant in the extreme apical cells of young adventitious roots and in association with the procambium of the mesocotyl.  相似文献   

Phytochromes (phy) are red/far-red-absorbing photoreceptors that regulate the adaption of plant growth and development to changes in ambient light conditions. The nuclear transport of the phytochromes upon light activation is regarded as a key step in phytochrome signaling. Although nuclear import of phyA is regulated by the transport facilitators far red elongated hypocotyl 1 (FHY1) and fhy1-like, an intrinsic nuclear localization signal was proposed to be involved in the nuclear accumulation of phyB. We recently showed that nuclear import of phytochromes can be analyzed in a cell-free system consisting of isolated nuclei of the unicellular green algae Acetabularia acetabulum. We now show that this system is also versatile to elucidate the mechanism of the nuclear transport of phyB. We tested the nuclear transport characteristics of full-length phyB as well as N- and C-terminal phyB fragments in vitro and showed that the nuclear import of phyB can be facilitated by phytochrome-interacting factor 3 (PIF3). In vivo measurements of phyB nuclear accumulation in the absence of PIF1, -3, -4, and -5 indicate that these PIFs are the major transport facilitators during the first hours of deetiolation. Under prolonged irradiations additional factors might be responsible for phyB nuclear transport in the plant.  相似文献   

Phytochrome B (PhyB), one of the major photosensory chromoproteins in plants, mediates a variety of light-responsive developmental processes in a photoreversible manner. To analyze the structural requirements of the chromophore for the spectral properties of PhyB, we have designed and chemically synthesized 20 analogs of the linear tetrapyrrole (bilin) chromophore and reconstituted them with PhyB apoprotein (PHYB). The A-ring acts mainly as the anchor for ligation to PHYB, because the modification of the side chains at the C2 and C3 positions did not significantly influence the formation or difference spectra of adducts. In contrast, the side chains of the B- and C-rings are crucial to position the chromophore properly in the chromophore pocket of PHYB and for photoreversible spectral changes. The side-chain structure of the D-ring is required for the photoreversible spectral change of the adducts. When methyl and ethyl groups at the C17 and C18 positions are replaced with an n-propyl, n-pentyl, or n-octyl group, respectively, the photoreversible spectral change of the adducts depends on the length of the side chains. From these studies, we conclude that each pyrrole ring of the linear tetrapyrrole chromophore plays a different role in chromophore assembly and the photochromic properties of PhyB.  相似文献   

The complete sequence of the Synechocystis chromosome has revealed a phytochrome-like sequence that yielded an authentic phytochrome when overexpressed in Escherichia coli. In this paper we describe this recombinant Synechocystis phytochrome in more detail. Islands of strong similarity to plant phytochromes were found throughout the cyanobacterial sequence whereas C-terminal homologies identify it as a likely sensory histidine kinase, a family to which plant phytochromes are related. An 300 residue portion that is important for plant phytochrome function is missing from the Synechocystis sequence, immediately in front of the putative kinase region. The recombinant apoprotein is soluble and can easily be purified to homogeneity by affinity chromatography. Phycocyanobilin and similar tetrapyrroles are covalently attached within seconds, an autocatalytic process followed by slow conformational changes culminating in red-absorbing phytochrome formation. Spectral absorbance characteristics are remarkably similar to those of plant phytochromes, although the conformation of the chromophore is likely to be more helical in the Synechocystis phytochrome. According to size-exclusion chromatography the native recombinant apoproteins and holoproteins elute predominantly as 115- and 170-kDa species, respectively. Both tend to form dimers in vitro and aggregate under low salt conditions. Nevertheless, the purity and solubility of the recombinant gene product make it a most attractive model for molecular studies of phytochrome, including x-ray crystallography.  相似文献   

Using a monospecific, monoclonal antibody against the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), an immunocytochemical study was performed to investigate the intracellular localization of GR both in the presence or absence of ligand. With all fixation methods tested (paraformaldehyde, acetic acid in ethanol, Bouin's fixative, and bensochinone in PBS), it was possible to obtain specific GR staining. Fixation with paraformaldehyde was chosen for further studies on the effect of permeabilization, using several concentrations of Triton X-100 or saponin. A rat Rueber hepatoma (H-4-II-E) and a human uterus carcinoma (NHIK 3025) cell line were used as well as cultured hepatocytes from normal rat. The accessibility of the different cell compartments after fixation and permeabilization was tested for by using antibodies against cellular constituents with known locations (i.e. core-nucleosome proteins and tubulin), in combination with the anti-GR antibody in double immunofluorescence staining experiments. The specific GR stain obtained with the indirect peroxidase antiperoxidase technique or with fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled second antibodies was shown to be present both in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus. Staining of all cellular compartments was abolished (peroxidase antiperoxidase) or diminished (fluorescein isothiocyanate) if the monoclonal antibody was preincubated with a 90% pure GR preparation. These findings are in contrast to recently reported immunocytochemical studies, where a strict nuclear existence of the estrogen and progestin receptors has been reported. Consequently, generalizations with regard to steroid receptor localization cannot be made. Furthermore, an in vitro model is described, where the effect of dexamethasone administration upon the localization of receptor staining in H-4-II-E cells can be studied.  相似文献   

The hepatitis B virus (HBV) core protein has been found in the nucleus, the cytoplasm, or both of HBV-infected hepatocytes. However, the mechanism that regulates the subcellular localization of the HBV core protein is still unclear. In this report, we demonstrate that nuclear localization of the HBV core protein is cell cycle-regulated in two different cell lines. The amount of the core protein in the nucleus was increased during the G1 phase, reduced to an undetectable level during the S phase, and increased again when the cells were confluent and ceased to grow. Thus, the nuclear localization of the core protein during HBV infection can be at least partially attributed to liver injury and regeneration, which cause the hepatocytes to enter cell cycles. Based on the observation that the cytoplasmic core protein was phosphorylated and the nuclear core protein was not, we speculate that nuclear localization of the HBV core protein is negatively regulated by phosphorylation during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Park SG  Ryu HM  Lim SO  Kim YI  Hwang SB  Jung G 《Gastroenterology》2005,128(7):2042-2053
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) signaling pathway is an important regulating pathway in liver diseases, including hepatocellular carcinoma. In our study, immunohistochemical analysis showed that NF-kappaB-inducing kinase (NIK), an upstream kinase of IkappaB kinases, nuclear localization occurs only in liver tissues obtained from hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)(+) patients but not in tissues from HBsAg(-) patients. The aim of the present study was to identify the inducer of NIK nuclear localization and determine whether the NIK nuclear localization affects the hepatitis B virus (HBV)-mediated NF-kappaB activation. METHODS: The experiments were performed on HepG2.2.15 cells and on HepG2 cells transfected with pHBV1.2x, a plasmid encoding all HBV messages, using NF-kappaB-dependent luciferase reporter gene assay, electrophoretic mobility shift assay, immunoblot analysis, and fluorescent microscopy analysis. RESULTS: HBV induced NIK-dependent NF-kappaB activation. However, interferon (IFN)-gamma induced NIK nuclear localization and inhibited NF-kappaB activation in HepG2.2.15 cells and in HepG2 cells transfected with pHBV1.2x. When NIK nuclear localization was inhibited by deletion of nuclear localization signal on NIK, IFN-gamma did not induce the NIK nuclear localization and did not inhibit NF-kappaB activation. CONCLUSIONS: IFN-gamma selectively inhibits HBV-mediated NF-kappaB activation. This inhibition is accomplished by NIK nuclear localization, which is a novel mechanism of NF-kappaB inhibition.  相似文献   

Plants have a sophisticated system for sensing and responding to their light environment. The light responses of populations and species native to different habitats show adaptive variation; understanding the mechanisms underlying photomorphogenic variation is therefore of significant interest. In Arabidopsis thaliana, phytochrome B (PHYB) is the dominant photoreceptor for red light and plays a major role in white light. Because PHYB has been proposed as a candidate gene for several quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting light response, we have investigated sequence and functional variation in Arabidopsis PHYB. We examined PHYB sequences in 33 A. thaliana individuals and in the close relative Arabidopsis lyrata. From 14 nonsynonymous polymorphisms, we chose 5 for further study based on previous QTL studies. In a larger collection of A. thaliana accessions, one of these five polymorphisms, I143L, was associated with variation in red light response. We used transgenic analysis to test this association and confirmed experimentally that natural PHYB polymorphisms cause differential plant responses to light. Furthermore, our results show that allelic variation of PHYB activity is due to amino acid rather than regulatory changes. Together with earlier studies linking variation in light sensitivity to photoreceptor genes, our work suggests that photoreceptors may be a common target of natural selection.  相似文献   

Purified oat phytochrome was labeled with 125I without altering the photoreversibility or absorbance properties of the pigment. The radiolabeled phytochrome was used in experiments in vitro to quantitate the binding of the pigment to both crude and purified membrane preparations from oat tissue. After the membranes were allowed to react with 125I-labeled phytochrome, washed free of unbound material, and pelleted, they were found to have significant levels of radioactivity bound to them. Qualitative identification of phytochrome as the bound radioactive species was confirmed by autoradiography of sodium dodecyl sulfate gels after electrophoresis of the proteins contained in the washed membranes. Data supporting the specificity of the binding are that the binding shows saturation kinetics and that unlabeled phytochrome, but not bovine serum albumin, will competitively inhibit the binding of labeled phytochrome. This technique permits the detection of less than a nanogram of phytochrome and provides a new method for quantifying bound phytochrome that is independent of the spectral detectability of the pigment. It should be useful in elucidating the nature of phytochrome attachment to cellular membranes.  相似文献   

AIM:To characterize the nuclear import of hepatitis B virus(HBV)polymerase(P)and its relevance for the viral life cycle.METHODS:Sequence analysis was performed to predict functional motives within P.Phosphorylation of P was analyzed by in vitro phosphorylation.Phosphorylation site and nuclear localization signal(NLS)were destroyed by site directed mutagenesis.Functionality of the identified NLS was analyzed by confocal fluorescence microscopy and characterizing the karyopherin binding.Relevance of the structural motives for viral life cycle was studied by infection of primary Tupaia hepatocytes with HBV.RESULTS:We identified by sequence alignment and functional experiments a conserved bipartite NLS containing a casein kinaseⅡ(CKⅡ)phosphorylation site located within the terminal protein domain(TP)of the HBV polymerase.Inhibition of CKⅡimpairs the functionality of this NLS and thereby prevents the nuclear import of the polymerase.Binding of the import factor karyopherin-α2 to the polymerase depends on its CKⅡ-mediated phosphorylation of the bipartite NLS.In HBV-infected primary Tupaia hepatocytes CKⅡinhibition in the early phase(post entry phase)of the infection process prevents the establishment of the infection.CONCLUSION:Based on these data it is suggested that during HBV infection the final import of the genome complex into the nucleus is mediated by a novel bipartite NLS localized in the TP domain of HBV polymerase.  相似文献   

The use of the fiberoptic bronchoscope for pinpointing a lesion during the course of surgical endobronchial extraction is described. Two cases are outlined: removal of a retained foreign body; and excision of a pedunculated bronchial tumor. The use of a bronchoscope as an aid during thoracotomy for bronchial lesions is emphasized.  相似文献   

The Rev protein of HIV-1 actively shuttles between nucleus and cytoplasm and mediates the export of unspliced retroviral RNAs. The localization of shuttling proteins such as Rev is controlled by the relative rates of nuclear import and export. To study nuclear export in isolation, we generated cell lines expressing a green fluorescent protein-labeled chimeric protein consisting of HIV-1 Rev and a hormone-inducible nuclear localization sequence. Steroid removal switches off import thus allowing direct visualization of the Rev export pathway in living cells. After digitonin permeabilization of these cells, we found that a functional nuclear export sequence (NES), ATP, and fractionated cytosol were sufficient for nuclear export in vitro. Nuclear pore-specific lectins and leptomycin B were potent export inhibitors. Nuclear export was not inhibited by antagonists of calcium metabolism that block nuclear import. These data further suggest that nuclear pores do not functionally close when luminal calcium stores are depleted. The distinct requirements for nuclear import and export argue that these competing processes may be regulated independently. This system should have wide applicability for the analysis of nuclear import and export.  相似文献   

Degradation of nuclear proteins by the 26S proteasome is essential for cell viability. In yeast, the nuclear envelope protein Cut8 mediates nuclear proteasomal sequestration by an uncharacterized mechanism. Here we describe structures of Schizosaccharomyces pombe Cut8, which shows that it contains a unique, modular fold composed of an extended N-terminal, lysine-rich segment that when ubiquitinated binds the proteasome, a dimer domain followed by a six-helix bundle connected to a flexible C tail. The Cut8 six-helix bundle shows structural similarity to 14-3-3 phosphoprotein-binding domains, and binding assays show that this domain is necessary and sufficient for liposome and cholesterol binding. Moreover, specific mutations in the 14-3-3 regions corresponding to putative cholesterol recognition/interaction amino acid consensus motifs abrogate cholesterol binding. In vivo studies confirmed that the 14-3-3 region is necessary for Cut8 membrane localization and that dimerization is critical for its function. Thus, the data reveal the Cut8 organization at the nuclear envelope. Reconstruction of Cut8 evolution suggests that it was present in the last common ancestor of extant eukaryotes and accordingly that nuclear proteasomal sequestration is an ancestral eukaryotic feature. The importance of Cut8 for cell viability and its absence in humans suggests it as a possible target for the development of specific chemotherapeutics against invasive fungal infections.  相似文献   

Becker H  Sturm A  Bron JE  Schirmer K  Bury NR 《Endocrinology》2008,149(9):4567-4576
The glucocorticoid (GR) and mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) of extant jawed vertebrates emerged after duplication of an ancestral corticosteroid receptor. The ancestral corticosteroid receptor resembled extant MRs in hormone selectivity, and the different ligand specificity of extant GRs is a secondary derived characteristic. An additional characteristic that distinguishes the mammalian GR from the MR is the cellular distribution pattern in the absence of hormone: the na?ve GR resides in the cytoplasm, whereas the na?ve MR is found in both the nucleus and cytoplasm. Our results show, by the use of green fluorescent protein-tagged fusion proteins, that the GRs [rainbow trout (rt) GR1 and rtGR2] from a lower vertebrate, the teleost fish, rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) resemble mammalian MR rather than GR in their subcellular localization pattern. The addition of cortisol caused the remaining cytoplasmic rtGR1 and rtGR2 to migrate to the nucleus. The speed of nuclear localization was cortisol concentration dependent, with rtGR2 being more sensitive than rtGR1, mimicking the transactivational properties of the receptors in which the cortisol EC50 value is an order of magnitude lower for rtGR2. By the use of chimera constructs between the trout GRs and the rat GR C656G, we show that the E domain of the trout receptors are not involved in the nucleocytoplasmic localization of na?ve trout GRs, but the A/B domain, especially if linked to the corresponding trout CD region, plays a pivotal role in the cellular distribution pattern. This is unrelated to the difference in the trout GRs transactivation sensitivity, which is determined by the receptor's E-domains.  相似文献   

Overexpression of phytochrome B (phyB) in transgenic Arabidopsis results in enhanced deetiolation in red light. To define domains of phyB functionally important for its regulatory activity, we performed chemical mutagenesis of a phyB-overexpressing line and screened for phenotypic revertants in red light. Four phyB-transgene-linked revertants that retain parental levels of full-length, dimeric, and spectrally normal overexpressed phyB were identified among 101 red-light-specific revertants. All carry single amino acid substitutions in the transgene-encoded phyB that reduce activity by 40- to 1000-fold compared to the nonmutagenized parent. The data indicate that the mutant molecules are fully active in photosignal perception but defective in the regulatory activity responsible for signal transfer to downstream components. All four mutations fall within a 62-residue region in the COOH-terminal domain of phyB, with two independent mutations occurring in a single amino acid, Gly-767. Accumulating evidence indicates that the identified region is a critical determinant in the regulatory function of both phyB and phyA.  相似文献   

Nuclear bodies are distinct subnuclear structures. The survival of motoneuron (SMN) gene is mutated or deleted in patients with the neurodegenerative disease spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). The gene product SMN is a marker protein for one class of nuclear bodies denoted as nuclear gems. SMN has also been found in Cajal bodies, which co-localize with gems in many cell types. Interestingly, SMA patients display a reduced number of gems. Little is known about the regulation of nuclear body formation and stabilization. We have previously shown that a nuclear isoform of the fibroblast growth factor–2 (FGF-223) binds directly to SMN. In this study, we analyzed the consequences of FGF-223 binding to SMN with regard to nuclear body formation. On a molecular level, we showed that FGF-223 competed with Gemin2 (a component of the SMN complex that is necessary for gem stabilization) for binding to SMN. Down-regulation of Gemin2 by siRNA caused destabilization of SMN-positive nuclear bodies. This process is reflected in both cellular and in vivo systems by a negative regulatory function of FGF-2 in nuclear body formation: in HEK293 cells, FGF-223 decreased the number of SMN-positive nuclear bodies. The same effect could be observed in motoneurons of FGF-2 transgenic mice. This study demonstrates the functional role of a growth factor in the regulation of structural entities of the nucleus.  相似文献   

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