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该研究探讨了黑果腺肋花楸(黑果)果实、叶子的多酚调节抑郁小鼠模型的作用机理,旨在通过饮食干预达到调节抑郁的目的。注射4 mg/mL皮质酮构建小鼠抑郁症模型,采用行为实验、16S rRNA基因测序技术等对小鼠行为、肠道菌群组成与脑源性神经营养因子(brain-derived neurotrophic factor,BDNF)的变化规律等进行研究。研究表明黑果多酚提取物可以显著改善抑郁症小鼠游泳、糖水偏好等行为,可将肠道菌群多样性水平升高至18.23%;使得大脑中BDNF水平可提高81.39%。黑果多酚提取物通过调控肠道菌群、大脑BDNF途径影响抑郁小鼠行为,改善抑郁状态,从而发挥抑郁调节作用,为黑果宽渠道深度开发提供了新支撑,高值化应用提供了理论指导,为饮食调理抑郁症提供新资源,也丰富了功能性食品类型和理论。  相似文献   

正近期,多个国家的科学家陆续发现饮食和抑郁存在联系。澳大利亚的科学家发现,食用加工食品可致抑郁症风险升高。法国的科研团队发现,多吃蔬菜坚果,可有效帮助预防抑郁症。日本的饮食研究专家通过研究认为,人类如果常年吃素或引发抑郁。德国的一项研究发现,素食与抑郁症之间存在显著关系。素食者一般排斥  相似文献   

食物成分对肠道菌群结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肠道菌群是人体重要的"微生物器官",在食物消化吸收、营养代谢、免疫功能激活、肠道屏障和机体行为调控等方面起着至关重要的作用。肠道菌群与人体之间的相互作用关系受到宿主基因型、饮食、生活环境、生活习惯、分娩方式、抗生素等因素的影响,其中饮食因素是最容易控制或改变的因素。食物成分中含有肠道菌群代谢所需的底物,并通过多种方式影响肠道菌群的结构和功能。长期相对固定的饮食结构使肠道菌群趋于稳定,当饮食结构改变时,肠道菌群也会发生相应的变化。肠道菌群结构的可变性揭示了饮食干预手段应用于肠道菌群结构平衡的调节和疾病治疗的可能性。就饮食结构、食物成分及其代谢物对肠道菌群结构的影响进行综述,旨在为未来研究饮食干预调节肠道菌群,预防疾病提供参考和新的思路。  相似文献   

临床表明遗传因素在银屑病的发病中起一定作用,但近期实验发现饮食结构也对银屑病的发生和发展起重要作用。如饮酒或摄入过多肥肉等因素极易能诱发银屑病的产生和加重,本文通过对银屑病患者发病前的饮食情况进行调查和分析进行了相关的实验,以探索饮食因素与银屑病发生的关系。  相似文献   

乳汁的分泌量和乳汁内的营养成分与乳母的营养状况密切相关。本文分析总结了我国不同地区的乳母膳食结构差异以及中国母乳营养数据库研究进展,并重点分析了乳母膳食对乳量的影响、乳母膳食对母乳营养成分的影响以及乳母膳食对婴儿生长发育的影响等方面的研究进展,以期为乳母营养干预和饮食指导提供参考。  相似文献   

饮食行为是造成茶叶活性成分吸收利用差异的重要原因。本文概述了饮食对茶叶成分吸收利用的影响:1)进食时间、禁食行为及饮食限制改变生理条件和生物钟,造成机体吸收差异;2)饮食结构(蛋白质、糖类、膳食黄酮、维生素等)直接影响参与茶叶成分代谢的消化器官、代谢酶、转运蛋白;3)饮食模式影响肠道微生态,改变肠道菌群结构与数量,间接影响茶叶成分吸收利用与循环分布。最后,展望了肠道菌群及其代谢产物在提高茶叶成分生物利用率方面的研究前景。  相似文献   

邓向雷 《饮食科学》2009,(10):16-16
引起便秘的原因有很多.但饮食结构不合理是便秘产生的主要原因。高脂肪、高蛋白、高碳水化合物的食物已成为年轻一代的饮食主体,而这些食物中的维生素、矿物质、纤维素等营养成分极不均衡或严重缺乏。五谷杂粮远离城市的饮食主食谱.粗纤维在我们的肠道中成了稀缺的营养物。正因为粗纤维少之又少.便秘成了城市工作群体的流行病症。  相似文献   

人体在饮食过程中,食物中的一些营养成分会和一些药物发生相互作用,并且通过吸收代谢以及排泄等过程进一步的影响药物的生物利用和相关的疗效。因此,在新药的研发以及药物的服用过程中,需要重视食物中的营养成分对药物效果的影响,尤其是在临床用药的过程中,需要合理的搭配营养并关注饮食习惯的情况。本文通过阅读文献,进一步的分析营养元素对药物代谢和药物动力学的影响,旨在帮助患者在服用药物期间,搭配合理的饮食习惯,减少食物中的营养元素与药物之间发生相互作用从而对人体产生的不良影响,最终达到药物的最佳作用效果和营养的最佳吸收状态。  相似文献   

众所周知,不同的烹饪工艺对蔬菜的营养成分均有一定的影响,为了最大程度减少蔬菜营养成分流失,本文研究炒、炖、焯三种烹饪工艺对蔬菜营养成分的影响程度,为人们日常饮食提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

肖彬 《中国食品》1989,(4):3-13
抑郁症是临床上常见的精神病性精神障碍之一,它以心境抑郁为要特征,而食欲不振、体重减轻则是抑郁症的主要症状.据不完全统计,食欲不振约占抑郁症患者的78~90%.因此,临床上对于体重减轻、营养障碍的抑郁症患者给以恰当的饮食治疗,很有必要.  相似文献   


Gut microbiota has significant effects on the structure and function of the enteric and central nervous system including human behaviour and brain regulation. Herein, we analyze the role of this intestinal ecosystem, the effects of dietary changes and the administration of nutritional supplements, such as probiotics, prebiotics, or fecal transplantation in neuropsychiatric disorders. Numerous factors have been highlighted to influence gut microbiota composition, including genetics, health status, mode of birth delivery and environment. However, diet composition and nutritional status has been repeatedly shown to be one of the most critical modifiable factors of this ecosystem. A comprehensively analysis of the microbiome-intestine-brain axis has been performed, including the impact of intestinal bacteria in alterations in the nervous, immune and endocrine systems and their metabolites. Finally, we discuss the latest literature examining the effects of diet composition, nutritional status and microbiota alterations in several neuropsychiatric disorders, such as autism, anxiety, depression, Alzheimer's disease and anorexia nervosa.  相似文献   

全谷物是膳食纤维和酚类物质等功能成分的重要来源之一,有效摄入全谷物可降低现代人群患糖尿病、高血脂、高血压等慢性疾病风险。但全谷物具有复杂的亚宏观多层级结构,麸皮层部分不溶性膳食纤维含量较高,酚类也多以结合态共价连接于果胶及半纤维壁,导致全谷物及相关制品存在可溶性差、食用口感不佳、功能营养组分热加工损失多等问题。作者总结了全谷物中膳食纤维和酚类物质的含量与分布、存在形态和潜在的健康效益,探讨了发芽、发酵、挤压、3D打印、超微粉碎及其他复合处理等生物与物理绿色加工技术对全谷物宏微观结构、感官品质及膳食纤维、酚类物质的影响。  相似文献   

Meat is an important source of all essential nutritional components of our daily diet as it content most of the essential amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals which are lack in plant based food, but it is devoid of dietary fiber, which is very essential component for normal physiological/biochemical process. During meat products processing, its functional values can be improved by supplementation of dietary fiber rich vegetative substances like cereal and pulse flour, vegetable and fruits pulp, etc. by this process, a significant proportion of required daily allowance of dietary fiber can be fulfilled for the frequent meat consumers. The consumption of meat products fortified with of dietary fiber can lead to the prevention of diseases like coronary heart disease, diabetes, irritable bowel disease, obesity, etc. On the other hand, the dietary fiber can effectively be incorporated in the processed meat products as binders, extender, and filler, they can significantly replace the unhealthy fat components from the products; increase acceptability by improving nutritional components, pH, water-holding capacity, emulsion stability, shear press value, sensory characters, etc. of finished products. Addition of dietary fiber in the meat products can increase the cooking yield therefore the economic gain as well.  相似文献   

Cheese currently suffers from an adverse nutritional image largely due to a perceived association between saturated fatty acid, cholesterol and the salt content of cheese with cardiovascular disease. However, cheese is also a rich source of essential nutrients such as proteins, lipids, vitamins and minerals that play an integral part of a healthy diet. This review outlines the composition, structure and physiological characteristics of the nutritionally significant components of cheese, whilst presenting some of the controversies that surround the role of cheese in dietary guidelines and the potential cheese has to improve health in the UK population.  相似文献   

当前,我国居民饮食仍然存在营养素结构不均衡的问题,“三高”等慢性疾病发病率逐步升高,合理的饮食搭配显得尤为必要。以燕麦为代表的全谷物类产品富含膳食纤维,营养结构合理,具有改善慢性病的功能。通过介绍我国传统及新型燕麦产品特点,分析了我国燕麦消费特点及潜力,旨在为燕麦消费者及从业者提供信息参考。  相似文献   

Over the past years, many researchers have suggested that deficiencies in the diet can lead to disease states and that some diseases can be avoided through an adequate intake of relevant dietary components. Recently, a great interest in dietary modulation of the human gut has been registered. Prebiotics, such as fructooligosaccharides (FOS), play a key role in the improvement of gut microbiota balance and in individual health. FOS are generally used as components of functional foods, are generally regarded as safe (generally recognized as safe status—from the Food and Drug Administration, USA), and worth about 150€ per kilogram. Due to their nutrition- and health-relevant properties, such as moderate sweetness, low carcinogenicity, low calorimetric value, and low glycemic index, FOS have been increasingly used by the food industry. Conventionally, FOS are produced through a two-stage process that requires an enzyme production and purification step in order to proceed with the chemical reaction itself. Several studies have been conducted on the production of FOS, aiming its optimization toward the development of more efficient production processes and their potential as food ingredients. The improvement of FOS yield and productivity can be achieved by the use of different fermentative methods and different microbial sources of FOS-producing enzymes and the optimization of nutritional and culture parameter; therefore, this review focuses on the latest progresses in FOS research such as its production, functional properties, and market data.  相似文献   

Driven by increased health awareness among consumers, the production of foods and beverages enriched with functional bioactive components is gaining more attention. Malting and lactic acid fermentation are biotechnological processes having potential for producing functional foods and beverages. Due to various biochemical and enzymatic induced changes in raw materials, malting of cereal grains and probiotic lactic acid fermentation of plant‐based media increases the nutritional quality of treated raw materials. The improved nutritional quality is attributed to the accumulation of functional bioactive components along with the degradation of anti‐nutritional components. The selection of raw materials and process parameters are important factors to be considered for increasing the functional bioactive components such as dietary fibres, antioxidants and probiotics. This review article reports the current knowledge on the changes of bioactive components during malting and lactic acid fermentation using probiotic bacterial strains. Process parameters which affect the concentration of bioactive components in raw materials will also be described.  相似文献   

The accurate assessment of dietary exposure is important in investigating associations between diet and disease. Research in nutritional epidemiology, which has resulted in a large amount of information on associations between diet and chronic diseases in the last decade, relies on accurate assessment methods to identify these associations. However, most dietary assessment instruments rely to some extent on self-reporting, which is prone to systematic bias affected by factors such as age, gender, social desirability and approval. Nutritional biomarkers are not affected by these and therefore provide an additional, alternative method to estimate intake. However, there are also some limitations in their application: they are affected by inter-individual variations in metabolism and other physiological factors, and they are often limited to estimating intake of specific compounds and not entire foods. It is therefore important to validate nutritional biomarkers to determine specific strengths and limitations. In this perspective paper, criteria for the validation of nutritional markers and future developments are discussed.  相似文献   

The impact of dietary components on the immune system is gaining increased attention in the effort to develop safe food products, some even with health-promoting potential, as well as to improve the basic understanding of the immunomodulatory potential of common food components. In such studies, which are mainly based on experiments in vitro, it is important to be able to differentiate nonspecific activation of immune cells induced by dietary components from ex vivo restimulation of antigen-specific cells that might be present in cell cultures owing to prior dietary exposure to the antigens in cell donors. Focusing on the immunostimulatory potential of cows' milk proteins and peptides, we studied the impact of prior dietary exposure to cows' milk on proliferation of murine immune cells upon ex vivo stimulation with bovine milk proteins. Nonspecific proliferation induced by beta-casein peptides was further assessed on cells from mice bred on a cows'-milk-free diet. Regarding the dietary effect, we found that prior oral intake of cows' milk proteins affected cell proliferation induced by culturing with cows' milk proteins in vitro, as spleen cells from mice fed a milk-containing diet showed a significantly greater proliferative response than did cells from mice bred on a cows'-milk-free diet. Studies of immune enhancing potentials of beta-casein peptides showed that some peptides stimulate proliferation of immune cells nonspecifically. In conclusion, these findings stress the importance of employing immune cells from mice unexposed to cows' milk for studies of the immunomodulating capacity of cows' milk proteins and peptides, in order to rule out the interference caused by antigen-specific immune responses. By using such cells, we here show that some beta-casein peptides possess the potential to induce proliferation in immune cells in a nonspecific manner.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been a reduction in caloric intake in populations with decreased energy demands. This has place a greater emphasis on the bioavailability of nutrients in foods because the total intake of nutrients is generally closely linked with total caloric intake. An assessment of the adequacy of dietary intakes of nutrients requires not only knowledge of the nutrient content of the foods ingested but also the extent to which the nutrient present in the diet is available for absorption and utilization. Nutrients ingested but not released during the digestive process for absorption are of no nutritional value. Bioavailability may be considered the relative absorption of a nutrient from the diet. An index of bioavailability may be extended to include the relative accumulation of a nutrient into various tissues. Various nutrients and dietary components interfere with the bioavailability of vitamins. Hence, requirements for vitamins cannot be considered independently, but must be evaluated in relationship to other nutrients and compounds consumed by an individual. An overview has been presented as to the factors that influence the bioavailability of vitamins in the human food supply.  相似文献   

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