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旱稻生产现状分析及发展策略   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
论述了发展旱稻生产的意义,从种植分布、种植方式、品种资源等方面分析了旱稻生产的现状,从根系特征特性、产量及构成因素、抗旱形态特征等方面分析了旱稻的抗旱机理,综述了旱稻栽培技术的发展情况,在此基础上提出了发展旱稻生产的策略.  相似文献   

简述了辽宁旱稻发展历程,着重介绍丹东农科院通过籼粳亚种间杂交等途径选育成的耐旱、抗病、质优、高产、适应性强的丹粳系列旱稻新品种。并从水资源日益匮乏和低洼地土地资源条件分析,阐明了旱稻生产有一个较大的发展空间。  相似文献   

通过对湖南省沅水和澧水中下游流域旱稻种植情况开展调查,比较系统地总结出适宜该区域的旱稻种植技术,分析发展旱稻过程中存在的问题,提出几条建议,对相似生态区域发展旱稻生产具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

我国马铃薯生产发展的战略目标及对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
马异泉 《马铃薯杂志》1998,12(4):242-244

本文概述了早稻的分布、现状及其在我国的发展;并介绍了旱稻品种和抗旱性的研究;对旱稻起源的二种看法作了一些分析,认为早稻直接起源于野生稻的可能性较大;以及对多年生早稻的选育作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

我国麻类生产现状和发展对策   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
唐守伟  熊和平 《中国麻作》1999,21(3):45-48,F003

针对吉林省旱稻研究和生产的实际情况,叙述了吉林省旱稻发展的过程,概括了三个发展阶段,从旱稻的优势、需水特点、水分保障、适合洼地种植等方面分析了发展旱稻的有利因素,提出旱稻发展中的问题,探讨旱稻发展的潜力及其应用前景。  相似文献   

我国优质稻米的生产现状和发展对策   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  

当前我国优质稻米生产现状及发展对策   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
水稻我国最主要的粮食作物 ,稻米是我国 6 0 %以上人口的主食。近些年来我国经济稳步发展 ,人民生活开始从温饱型向小康型转变。而稻米生产仍停留在低质高产的水平上 ,造成大量劣质稻米过剩 ,而优质米俏销。现在优质米已引起人们的广泛重视 ,呈现良好的发展势头。优质稻米开始得到稳步发展 ,这是历史发展的必然。一、优质稻米的概念优质米目前国内尚未有统一的确切的定义。大体有两种说法 :一种是从通俗上讲 ,即外观好看 ,闻起来有米香味 ,吃上嘴口感好的米就是优质米 ;一种是从理性上讲 ,分籼、粳、糯类 ,各项品质指标均达到国家标准或行业…  相似文献   

水稻旱作及对旱作环境的适应性研究进展   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
对近30年来水稻旱作栽培后在生长发育,形态,组织结构及生理等方面发生的适应性变化进行了综述。  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1999,61(1):79-95
Weed-competitive upland rices with an acceptable yield potential are needed for labor-limited systems in Africa, particularly where shortened fallow periods have increased weed pressure. Crosses between weed-competitive but low-yielding African rice, Oryza glaberrima, and improved Oryza sativa tropical-japonica rices, might reduce tradeoffs between competitiveness and yield potential. Parallel field studies under moist upland conditions were conducted during the 1996 and 1997 wet seasons at Mbe in Cote d'Ivoire to (1) characterize canopy properties, growth vigor and yield for O. glaberrima, O. sativa and interspecific progenies under monoculture, and (2) determine their competitiveness when grown in single rows in competition with natural weed growth, maize (removed 50 days after sowing [DAS]), the highly weed-competitive O. glaberrima IG10, and with themselves. In the monoculture study with 21 lines, dry matter, leaf area index (LAI), PAR extinction coefficient (Kdf), mean tip elevation angle (MTA) and specific leaf area (SLA) were measured 31, 46 and 64 DAS. Across lines, LAI was positively correlated with SLA, dry matter partitioning to leaves (31 and 46 DAS) and Kdf (46 DAS); and negatively with MTA (46 and 64 DAS). Plant height was negatively correlated with tiller number. In the competition study with 16 lines, the O. glaberrima landraces had superior relative yield (yield under interspecific competition/yield under intraspecific competition). Some breeding lines were competitive with specific competitors. Correlations between canopy characteristics under monoculture and competition indicated that LAI, SLA and tillering ability were predictive of competitiveness regardless of the competing species, whereas partitioning, Kdf and MTA were correlated with competitiveness only for specific growth stages and/or competitors. Competitiveness was negatively but weakly correlated with yield potential, and positively, with crop duration. The authors conclude that SLA and tillering ability, which are major determinants of vegetative vigor, and crop duration, which affects the ability to recover from early competition, are useful traits in the selection of weed-competitive rices, particularly in breeding programs that use O. glaberrima. The traits are compatible with high yield potential if cultivars have large SLA during early developmental stages and small SLA during advanced stages. Major knowledge gaps remain on weed competitiveness under drought- and flood-prone conditions, which are frequently associated with weed problems.  相似文献   

山栏稻是黎族人民二千多年原始的刀耕火种农耕文化延续下来的稻种,是宝贵的遗传资源,但这一资源面临濒危,亟需保护。本文综述山栏稻种质资源保护和利用研究进展,分析了目前存在的问题,并提出保护和利用的建议。  相似文献   

旱稻品种筛选及其水土保持效果的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
干旱缺水是我国水稻生产面临的最大威胁 ,也是制约我国稻作面积扩大和产量提高的首要因素。旱稻是一种抗旱性极强的栽培稻类型 ,可在节约70%用水的情况下取得与栽培水稻相似的产量 ,应用旱稻对于节约水资源、增加粮食产量、减少能源消耗、保护生态环境具有重要的意义。浙江省安吉县地处浙江北部 ,山地丘陵面积占全县总面积的75 % ,有4000hm2 没有灌溉条件的望天田 ,而且安吉频繁出现季节性干旱 (主要出现在6~9月 ,正是作物生长季节 )。因此 ,旱稻在安吉县具有较高的推广应用价值。本研究旨在利用安吉县的自然生态条件 ,鉴定评…  相似文献   

水稻机插报纸旱育秧苗技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水稻机插秧是水稻栽培机械化的一种重要形式。在国外 ,日本、韩国等已广泛应用 ,我国的东北地区和台湾省以及大型农场应用面积也较大。目前已研制成功性能较为优良的插秧机械 ,但机插秧育苗技术有待进一步改进。现在推广的机插秧育秧技术 ,有硬盘工厂化育秧、塑料纸盘育秧以及双膜育秧等几种方式 ,这些育秧方式有的一次性投资过大 ,有的育秧烦琐 ,有的秧苗素质差 ,很难使该技术进入寻常百姓家。要适应当前我国农村的生产水平和生产方式 ,必须研究制定一套操作简便可靠的育秧技术 ,提高育秧的成功率 ,才能保证机插秧技术的大面积推广。从2000…  相似文献   

磐安县地处浙中丘陵 ,全县有靠天易旱田4296hm2,占水田面积的57% ,缺水易旱是制约水稻优质高产的主要因素。2000年磐安县与中国水稻研究所合作 ,引进水稻覆膜栽培技术 ,与常规栽培方法相比 ,靠天易旱田增产31 % ,冷浸田增产16.3 % ,旱涝保收田增产10.6%。2001年根据磐安县实际情况 ,把覆膜种稻技术主要应用在增产最为明显的靠天易旱田类型上 ,选择磐安县深泽乡下马溪村的一条叫下马坞的山垅里进行覆膜种稻的生产示范。进行覆膜种稻生产示范的有13户农户 ,17丘水田 ,面积为0.43hm2。试验用地膜采用山…  相似文献   

巴西陆稻是一种广泛适宜于旱地种植的旱稻品种,对缺水田、望天田、山坡地、新开垦荒地、林地、红壤改良地均可种植,还可发展果园套种或与其它旱作物间套作,在山区对解决缺水问题,发展节水农业,促进山区旱地种植结构调整与优化,具有深远的意义。永春县于2001年在外山乡云峰村引种巴西陆稻获得成功,产量可达450kg/667m^2以上,在永春县缺水山区推广后,取得良好的示范效果。现将巴西陆稻高产栽培技术总结如下。  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》2006,97(1):43-52
Traditionally, upland rice is grown in Asia in low-input, subsistence systems. More productive upland systems, using more fertilizer and improved varieties, are emerging in China and Philippines, and could contribute to productivity increases in rainfed environments in other countries. Here, we evaluate, on-station and on-farm, the yield under upland management of improved indica upland cultivars selected for yield under high-fertility conditions. These cultivars are compared with traditional and improved tropical japonica upland varieties, and with elite indica high-yielding varieties (HYV) developed for irrigated lowland production, to characterize the features of varieties that produce high yields in favorable upland environments. Forty-four improved and traditional varieties and experimental lines were evaluated in irrigated lowland, non-stressed upland, moderately stressed upland, severely water-stressed upland, and low-fertility upland environments in southern Luzon, Philippines. Correlations between yields in non-stress and mild-stress environments were low but positive. Some cultivars, like IR55423-01, were among the highest yielding under both conditions, indicating that high yield and moderate water-stress tolerance can be combined. Upland-selected indica varieties yielded 3.56 t ha−1 in favorable upland environments on-station in southern Luzon, outperforming improved tropical japonica and irrigated varieties by 23 and 69%, respectively. They were also the highest-yielding class in infertile, acid soils. The improved upland indica cultivars are about 110 cm tall under favorable upland conditions and maintain a harvest index of nearly 0.4, or about one-third higher than other cultivar types. The best upland-adapted rice varieties produced average yields on-farm of 3.3 and 4.1 t ha−1 in southern Luzon and Yunnan, respectively, outyielding traditional checks by 30–50% with moderate N application. Screening under both high-fertility, non-stress conditions and moderate reproductive-stage stress appears to be needed to develop cultivars combining high-yield potential with drought tolerance. Upland-adapted indica cultivars offer a new approach to increasing productivity and reducing risk in Asian rainfed rice systems.  相似文献   

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