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An attempt has been madc to dcvelop an in vitro system for the study of implantation in mice. Endomctrial cells were obtained from adult fertile ICR mice on Day I of pregnancy.Cells were cultured for 4 days in one of the following media: I) 0.2 ml CEHFM; 2) 0.2 ml  相似文献   

In the course of healing standardized frac-ture of radius in 50 rabbits,an expediting effecton repair was achieved by administering RadixSalviae Miltiorrhizae 丹参,a drug promotingcirculation and alleviating stagnation.X-raystudy of fracture of radius revealed that callusformation appeared earlier and was denser ascompared with a series of 50 control rabbits.Transmission electron microscopic observation  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONTumornecrosisfactor(TNF),producedbymacrophagesandotherimmunocompetentcellsduringinfection,hasbeenidentifiedasapolypeptidecytokine(1)'TNFplayedanimportantroleinvariouspatho-physiologicalprocesses,andmediatedseveraldisorderswhenproducedinexcess(2).AhigherTNFlevelinpatientswithsepticshockusuallycausetissueinjury(1)-Recently,antagoniststoTNFa,suchasantibodyagainstTNFa(3~5),haveshowntobebeneficialinthetreatmentofbacteriainfection.Therefore,thereisaneedfordevelopmentofanti-TN…  相似文献   

We have reported less blood pressure changesin open heart surgery with acupuncture as com-pared with intravenous anesthesia.Since 1980we have studied separately the effects of acupunc-ture and intravenous anesthesia using the par-ameters of the impedance cardiogram,cardiaccontractility and pulmonary diastolic pressure indog experiments,and also studied the effects em-ploying the impedance cardiogram in open heartsurgery as an index to evaluate the patients' car-diac performance.  相似文献   

It was reported that gossypol acetic acid could effectively inhibit th~ implantation in ratA. This finding indicated that gossypol acet/c acid might also be used as a female contraceptive. The Present study further investigated the genetic effect of gossypol acetic  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to observe the circulatory effects of Isoflurane on animals and patients, using both invasive and noninvasive methods and to evaluate the possibility of application of this general anesthetic during cardiac operation. According to various MAC. the results were divided into two groups in experimental research (8 dogs ). i.e. group Ⅰ(n=41)<1 MAC, group Ⅱ(n=27)>1 MAC, and in clinical study (31 patients), there were 3 groups, group Ⅰ(n=104)<1 MAC, group Ⅱ(n=59)>1 MAC≤2 MAC, group Ⅲ(n=15)>2 MAC. The main changes following isoflurane were as follows: 1. Preload (CVP, PCWP) CVP elevated both in animals and patients (P>0.05), PCWP increased significantly in Clinical Ⅰand Ⅱ(P<0.05), 2. Afterload (MAP, SVR, PAP, PVR) MAP and SVR decreased in both animals and patients MAP (P<0.01), SVR (P>0.05), but PAP and PVR elevated in both group (P>0.05) except in Clinical ⅢPAP and PVR were increasing (P<0.01, P<0.05); 3. Myocardial contractility, with no variation in all patients (P>0.05), but depressed in animals (P<0.05); 4. HR increased (P<0.01) but no arrhythmia; 5. SV showed no change in animals (P>0.05) but decreased in patients (P<0.05), and CO had no change in both animals and patients. It demonstrated that the effects of Isoflurane on cardiovascular function in animals or patients with noncardiac diseases were quite minimal. Although the deteriorative effect on myocardial function in patients with heart disease was less than that of Enflurane and Fluothane, during administering Isoflurane in open heart surgery especially in poor cardiac function, Isoflurane combined with intravenous anesthesia was suggested.  相似文献   


Twenty-six male adult rabbits were divided randomly into 2 groups. The scrota of experimental rabbits were exposed to 2450 MHz microwave. Intrateticular temperature was deteced  相似文献   

PTEN/MMAC1/TEP1phosphotaseandtensinho-mologuedeletedonchromosome10/mutatedinmultipleadvancedcancers/TGF-βregulatedandepit-helialcellenrichedphosphatase1mapstohumanchro-mosomesubband10q32.3andencodesadualspecificproteinphospholipidphosphatasethatisinvolvedinavarietyofsignaltransductionpathways.1PTENin-hibitsshc'sphosphorylationandthereforeblockstheactivationoftheRas/MAP-kinaseMAPKpathwayhe-nceexplainingthetumorsuppressiveeffectofPTEN.2AnothermechanismofPTENisdephosphorylationandina…  相似文献   


Anisodine(AT_3)is a new alkaloid isolatedfrom Scopolia tangutica,Anisodus tanguticus,a plant of Solauaeeae family,collected fromMt.Tanggute.AT_3 has anticholinergic property.The influences of AT_3 on memory behavior,hip-pocampal electrical activity and acetylcholinecontent in animals were studied.The evalua-tion of memory deficits was based on the fol-lowing:(1)percentage of conditioned passiveavoidance reaction(CAR),(2)mean responsetime,(3)mean ability to perform correctly 5successive times in 10 trials,(4)mean numberof trials to correctly perform 9 out of 10 trials.It was found that AT_3 influences unconsolidatedmemory(three day training period)more thanconsolided memory(six day training period).It was also observed that the nmemonia effectsof AT_3 was associated with ECoG changes andcholinergic reduction in hippocampus.The majorfindings arising from studies of hippocampalelectrical activity in orienting experiments isthat hippocampal electrical response decreasedafter AT_3 injection.These findings suggestedthat the chronic administration of AT_3 raises thepossibility of impairing the ability of patients,particularly elderly ones,to learn new materialand to store,or acquire new information intolong-term memory.  相似文献   

Objective.To compare the effects of alfentanil and esmolol on hemodynamic and catecholamine response to tracheal intubation.Methods.hiry-five adult patients were randomly allocated to one of three groups,Grup A(control group),Group B(esmolol group)and Group C(alfentanil group).The patients received either 2 mg/kg esmolol(inGroup B)or 30 μg/kg alfentanil(in GroupC)before intubation.Tracheal intubation was performed with 4 mg/kg thiopental and 0.1 mg/kg vecuronium and 3% isoflurane.Systolic blood pressure(SBP),diastolic blood pressure(BP),mean blood pressure(MBP),heart rate(HR),norepinephrine(NE),epinephrine(E)and dopamine(DA)were measured before and after intubation.Results.The control group had a baeline SBP of 149±23 mmHg while Groups B,C had a baseline SBP of 148±23,and 150±21mmHg,respectively(P>0.05).Three min after tracheal intubation,the control group SBP increased to 160±30 mmHg and Group B remained at the baseline level,14±5 mmHg,and Group C significantly decreased to 91±22 mmHg(P<0.01).Two min after intubation HR in Group B increased significantly but 3 min after intubation HR in Groups B and C were significantly lower than that of contrl group(P<0.05).NE in Groups A and B increased significantly to 5.75±3.51 and 6.75±3.30 nmol/L 3 min after intubation(P<0.01).In Group C,3 min after intubation NE was not significantly differnt from the basline but E decreased significantly(P<0.01).Conclusion.2 ?g/kg esmolol can moerate the hemodynamic response to tracheal intubation to a certain extent and 30μg/kg alfentanil can completely attenuate the hemodynamic and catecholamine responses.  相似文献   

R6sum6ObjectifPOurcomParerlWtdhmiodaroneetcertainsmddicamentssimilairesdeclasseIsurdisPersionQTMdthodesLesmaladesendtudedtaientdivisdsen2grouPes.GrouPeIdtaitcomPosdde30casdont8dtaienttrait4sparmexiletine,9parmoricizine,12parprOPaldnoneet1paraPridine.Les30maladesdugrouPeHdtaienttraitdstouspardmiodarone.R/suItatsAvantletrait6ment,QTmaxetQTcmaxdegrouPeH4taientpluslongsqueceuxdegrouPeIavecunevaleurplusgrandedeQTdetQTcd.APrdsletraitement,QTmaxetQTcmaxdegrouPeIdtaientprolongds,avecu…  相似文献   


Levonorgestrel (LNG) and naproxen have been used as active constituents for progestogen-relcasing and prostaglandin synthetasc inhibitor (PGSI) -releasing IUDs.For development of new medicated IUDs, effects of norgestimate and DPE9 have been compared with those of LNG and naproxen respectively in our institute.  相似文献   

Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and serum insulin were studied in 30 healthy young women prior to and during Injectio Mego-E treatment at the 1st, 3rd, 6th and 12th menstrual cycles. The overall results of OGTT at various cycles were within normal limits. Fifteen women developed borderline abnormal glucose tolerance as judged by the Wilkerson score system. However, in all of them except one glucose tolerance became normal spontaneously at the 12th cycle. Serum insulin levels of all the four cycles during treatment were increased not only in the fasting and the 3rd h serum samples but also at 1/2 and 1h samples of the 6th cycle and 1/2 h sample of the 12th cycle. Insulin-glucose index increased in parallel with increase of serum insulin levels. This hyperinsulinemia occurred most probably as a result of drug stimulation following administration of Injectio Mego-E. So far as glucose tolerance, serum insulin secretion and insulin-glucose index were concerned, no differences of importance were observed between the injection group and the controls. Therefore, this study demonstrates that the effect of Injectio Mego-E on carbohydrate metabolism is of moderate degree and that transient post-injection hyperinsulinemia may have certain effect on carbohydrate homeostasis.  相似文献   

The effect of 24 plant polysaccharides on theperipheral T and B lymphocytes,thymus T lympho-cyte in normal mice and the peripheral T lymphocytein tumor transplanted mice was studied cytochemical-ly.The results showed that these polysaccharidesmight be classified into 3 groups:those increasingthe peripheral T,B lymphocytes and thymus Tlymphocyte,those lowering these cells,and thosewith no apparent effect on them.The number of polysaccharides with obviouseffect on the peripheral and thymus T lymphocytes,the connection between the thymus weight and theT lymphocyte percentage changes in normal miceand the correlation between the change of the peri-pheral T lymphocyte and the inhibitory effect ontumor growth in tumor transplanted mice are dis-cussed.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the effect of quercetin on PML gene and protein expression andlocalization in leukemia cell lines. Methods Cell morphology was assayed by Wright's stain and fluorescence stain, and PML mRNA expression by RT-PCR , PML protein localization by immuno-fluorescence. Results NB4 and HL-60 cells differentiated morphologically after treatment with all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) while K562 cells did not differentiate. Typical apoptosis was found in each cell line after treatment with quercetin. Immuno-fluorescence analysis showed , after treatment with ATRA , the fusion protein disappeared in NB4 cells and PML protein relocated , while HL-60 and K562 cells had no difference from control cells. After treatment with quercetin, the fusion protein disappeared in NB4 cells, PML protein relocated, then degraded. In HL-60 cells and K562 cells, PML protein also located and then degraded . The expression of PML mRNA was not changed in all three cell lines after treatment with ATRA or quercetin. C  相似文献   

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