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1. There are two prominent, nonmutually exclusive hypotheses to explain the timing of reproduction in animals: energetic constraint and adaptive behaviour. 2. We tested these hypotheses by quantifying the costs and benefits of nesting at different times in the season for male bluegill sunfish Lepomis macrochirus, a species with paternal care, in Lake Opinicon (Ontario, Canada). 3. The value of nesting at different times during the breeding season (RSb) was determined from spawning individuals as RSb = Pb x Cb x Sb x Ob, where Pb is the probability of spawning during each bout b, Cb is the expected brood size, Sb is the expected brood survivorship to 'swim-up', and Ob is the survivorship of free-swimming fry to age 1 year. 4. The results show that the value of nesting peaks during the middle of the season. However, nesting patterns varied with male condition and not all males nested at the peak. 5. Larger males, which were able to nest multiple times, first nested early in the season when overwinter survivorship of offspring and renesting opportunities later in the season were maximized. These males had the highest seasonal reproductive success. 6. Smaller males, which nested a single time, delayed nesting until the middle of the season when spawning opportunities and brood sizes were greatest. 7. These data suggest that both energetics and adaptive behaviour play roles in determining the timing of reproduction.  相似文献   

Li SJ  Cai L  Bai JJ 《Mitochondrial DNA》2011,22(5-6):194-196
The bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) belongs to Lepomis genera of the family Centrarchidae, which is an economically important freshwater species in China. This study presents the complete mitochondrial genome of L. macrochirus, which is the first complete sequence from sunfish species. L. macrochirus mitochondrial DNA is 16,489 bp long, with the genome organization and gene order being identical to that of the typical vertebrate.  相似文献   

Fish have some of the most complex mating systems known in the animal kingdom. With the advent of powerful genetic markers and an emerging mathematical framework to calculate parentage, it is now possible to analyze genetic relatedness and gene flow in these systems. An important example is the bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) which consists of parental males that provide sole care for the young, cuckolder males that parasitize the parentals, and females that actively choose among males within dense breeding colonies. In this article genetic markers for bluegill are characterized and their utility in parentage studies is demonstrated by calculating the genetic relatedness of parental males to their broods for an entire natural breeding colony. A novel Monte Carlo simulation is developed to calculate the confidence in the relatedness estimates and these data are used to provide an estimate of the mean breeding success of parental and cuckolder males. Finally, the applications of genetic analyses to understanding mating systems, parental care, and life-history evolution in bluegill are discussed.  相似文献   

Although alternative mating tactics are found in males of manyspecies, little is known about tactic-specific adaptations tosperm competition and the mechanism by which fertilization successis obtained. We now report on the sperm investment patternsof males that use alternative mating tactics in bluegill sunfish(Lepomis macrochirus). Bluegill males are characterized by threealternative mating tactics: parentals, sneakers, and satellites.Parentals delay maturation and adopt a courting and guardingtactic, whereas sneakers and satellites mature precociouslyand, respectively, use sneaking and female mimicry to stealfertilizations from parentals. We found differences among thetactics in testes weight, sperm longevity, and ejaculate spermdensity and competitiveness. Parentals had the largest testes,but the smallest relative to their body weight. Satellites hadintermediate-sized testes, and sneakers had the smallest testes,but the largest relative to their body weight. Within each tactic,there was a positive relationship between testes weight andbody weight, but the exact relationship differed among the tacticsand could not be attributed solely to allometry. Parentals hadlonger-lived sperm compared with that of both sneakers and satellites.Ejaculate sperm density was greatest in sneakers, satelliteswere intermediate, and parentals had the lowest. Competitionexperiments involving equal volumes of ejaculate showed thatfertilization success increased linearly with sperm number,consistent with a rafflelike process. However, independent ofsperm number, parental sperm were superior at fertilizing eggs.We interpret these sperm investment patterns in relation todifferences in sperm competition risk, number of mating opportunities,and alternative investment options.  相似文献   

Mark C. Belk 《Oecologia》1998,113(2):203-209
Previous studies suggested that differences in age at maturity among populations of bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) were not genetically based, but rather were a phenotypic response to the presence of predators. I conducted two experiments to determine if the presence of largemouth bass affected age at maturity in bluegill sunfish. Bluegills from three populations were tested to see if the response to the threat of predation varied among source populations. Juvenile bluegills were maintained in the presence of predators or in controls with no contact with predators. Refuge use and growth were monitored during the experiments and reproductive activity was evaluated when bluegills reached age 1. Bluegills from one population exhibited delayed maturity in the presence of predators. Individuals from the other two populations showed no significant differences between predator and control treatments. The population that responded to the presence of predators had a history of high predation levels over the past 30–40 years. The other populations had a history of low levels of predation. This study suggests that presence of predators can induce phenotypic shifts in age at maturity of bluegills, but that the magnitude of response varies among populations in a manner consistent with historical patterns of coexistence. Received: 7 August 1996 / Accepted: 8 August 1997  相似文献   

The drag coefficient bluegill sunfish Lepomis macrochirus was estimated from coasting deceleration as (mean ± SD) 0.0154 ± 0.0070 at a Reynolds number of 41,000 ± 14,000. This was within the coasting range in other species and lower than values obtained from dead drag measurements in this species and others. Low momentum losses during coasting may allow its use during intermittent propulsion to modulate power output or maximize energy economy.  相似文献   

Synopsis The rim circling (RC), and aggressive habituation of nesting bluegills were studied in natural colonies during the six days of the reproductive period following spawning. To examine the stimulus specificity of aggressive habituation, selected test individuals and four neighbors were observed on four occasions during one day. After the first observation period established baseline data on aggressive interactions, the appearances of three of the neighbors were manipulated and further observations were made. Two more observation periods followed, separated by a sham manipulation to allow for possible disturbance effects. Fish lengths, inter-nest distances, and positions in the colony were also recorded.An analysis of the data demonstrated that aggressive interaction increased for the three manipulated neighbors. There were no significant differences among the data for the fourth (control) neighbors. The enhanced aggressive interactions between the test and manipulated males were initiated by the males at least partially in response to the changed appearance of the neighbor. Further, the level of aggressive interaction returned to normal after about 2 hours, indicating that the test male had habituated to the new appearances of his neighbors. Thus visual appearance plays an important role in the habituation of aggression between neighboring bluegills. It was not possible to determine if the behavior of the neighbor was also an important cue used in aggressive habituation, but this seems likely. Advantages of aggressive habituation are discussed. It is noteworthy that aggression decreased as internest distance increased.Levels of RC varied significantly over the six days, in a time course dissimilar from aggression. The RC rate is dependent on size of male, nest locality, and circling activity of neighbors. Observations on the synchrony of rim circling indicated social facilitation. It is argued that RC probably fulfills an advertisement function important in defending the brood. The motivation for RC is likely complex, and its performance reflects a mixed aggressive and reproductive strategy in the nesting population. Aggressive habituation functions in the social organization of bluegills to facilitate the occurrence of group displays such as RC.  相似文献   

Growth energy build-up and partitioning by immature bluegill sunfish were studied over the summer months from May to September 1984. Fish sampled in May showed low condition and low lipid reserves. Condition was restored to summer levels within the following month. Fat reserves were built up from 7% to 14% of body weight over the entire summer. Most (80%) of the annual length increase occurred from 1 June to 15 August. Over the winter period (October-April) condition dropped and lipids were depleted. Calculations showed that energy liberated through lipid depletion over this period could supply the energy requirements of inactive wintering fish. It is concluded that the sequencing of growth energy diversion into changes in body length, condition, and lipid build-up enhances mid-summer growth and overwinter survival.  相似文献   

To study matching in a species distantly related to mammals and birds, seven bluegill were trained to break a photobeam using a nose-poke response for access to pelleted food in their home aquaria during one-h sessions. Reinforcer ratios available from the two response alternatives varied among the following: 16:1, 8:1, 4:1, 1:1, 1:4, 1:8, and 1:16. The overall reinforcement rate was held at 0.8/min. All experiments were conducted in a closed economy, i.e., the fish's daily food ration was available only during experimental sessions. Matching functions are reported for each fish using all combinations of scheduled and obtained reinforcer ratios as the independent variables and response and time ratios as the dependent variables. All matching functions had slopes less than 1.0 and r2 values above 0.70. Overall response rates were unrelated to the reinforcer ratios but, as with other species studied, changeover rates were highest for the 1:1 condition and lowest for the 16:1 conditions. These results are consistent with data obtained from more traditionally studied taxa (e.g., birds, mammals, and primates), and similar previous studies with fish, suggesting that matching has been conserved since fish, birds, and mammals evolved from a common ancestor over 400 million years ago.  相似文献   

Synopsis In species where male reproductive success is dependent on male competition and aggression, alternative reproductive patterns, thought to represent a reduction in male reproductive effort, sometimes occur. Female mimicry in bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) is an example of an obligate alternative male strategy. Female mimics are small, sexually mature males which mimic the details of female behavior, and gain access to functional females attracted to the nests of large, aggressive territorial males. The costs of female mimicry relative to nesting male behavior are discussed and two hypotheses, deception and mutual gain, are presented to explain the tolerance and courtship of female mimics by nesting males.  相似文献   

Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus and green sunfish Lepomis cyanellus were examined using geometric morphometrics to evaluate the variation in morphology between fishes that reside in lentic (e.g. lakes) and lotic (e.g. streams) ecosystems. Live fishes were collected from reservoirs and rivers in central Indiana, while additional fishes were sampled from museum collections at Ball State University and the Illinois Natural History Survey. Male and female L. macrochirus and female L. cyanellus from lentic systems display a deeper body than those from lotic systems, while no differences were found in male L. cyanellus morphometry. A deeper body promotes greater manoeuverability, typically desirable in lentic systems. In contrast, the more streamlined body of the fishes found in lotic systems reduces drag as it contends with flowing water, ultimately maximizing energy efficiency. The absence of morphological differences, such as those found in male L. cyanellus, may be caused by fish occupying both lentic and lotic systems, from the population not having been present in the body of water long enough to display any adaptations, or from a lack of statistical power caused by the small sample size.  相似文献   

In order to study the ability of fish to perceive and distinguish textures visually, bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) were trained to discriminate between pairs of artificial texture patterns. Random dot patterns with different statistical dot distributions were presented to the fish as artificial texture patterns. The results indicate that bluegills have the ability to discriminate many pairs of patterns with different statistical features of dot distributions which have different appearance in texture. This suggests that texture could be one of the important visual features bluegill sunfish recognize and utilize.  相似文献   

The concentration of hydrogen ions which caused 50% mortality of bluegill in 96 h (96 h LC50) was between pH 3.5 and 3.0 for four acids; sulphuric, nitric, phosphoric and hydrochloric. Therefore, it appears that any contribution by the anions of these acids to fish toxicity is similar. This suggests that the quantity rather than the quality of acids is the primary factor in fish toxicity brought about by acid precipitation.
At sublethal concentrations of acids, bluegill became hypoactive with respect to their swimming behaviour.  相似文献   

Ray‐finned fishes actively control the shape and orientation of their fins to either generate or resist hydrodynamic forces. Because of the emergent mechanical properties of their segmented, bilaminar fin rays (lepidotrichia), and actuation by multiple muscles, fish can control the rigidity and curvature of individual rays independently, thereby varying the resultant forces across the fin surfaces. Expecting that differences in fin‐ray morphology should reflect variation in their mechanical properties, we measured several musculoskeletal features of individual spines and rays of the dorsal and anal fins of bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus, and assessed their mobility and flexibility. We separated the fin‐rays into four groups based on the fin (dorsal or anal) or fin‐ray type (spine or ray) and measured the length of the spines/rays and the mass of the three median fin‐ray muscles: the inclinators, erectors and depressors. Within the two ray groups, we measured the portion of the rays that were segmented vs. unsegmented and branched vs. unbranched. For the majority of variables tested, we found that variations between fin‐rays within each group were significantly related to position within the fin and these patterns were conserved between the dorsal and anal rays. Based on positional variations in fin‐ray and muscle parameters, we suggest that anterior and posterior regions of each fin perform different functions when interacting with the surrounding fluid. Specifically, we suggest that the stiffer anterior rays of the soft dorsal and anal fins maintain stability and keep the flow across the fins steady. The posterior rays, which are more flexible with a greater range of motion, fine‐tune their stiffness and orientation, directing the resultant flow to generate lateral and some thrust forces, thus acting as an accessory caudal fin. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus, is a notorious exotic species in many freshwater ecosystems, currently expanding its distribution worldwide. In 1960, a small group of bluegills captured in the Mississippi River at Guttenberg in Iowa were imported to Japan as a gift from the mayor of Chicago to the Japanese government. The offspring of these fish were released into the wild in Japan and also in Korea. Over 40 years after this first introduction, L. macrochirus now occupies all the freshwater ecosystems of both countries. We compared invading populations of L. macrochirus in Japan and Korea with native populations in the USA, using PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction-restricted fragment length polymorphism) analyses of mitochondrial DNA, to estimate the origin and dispersal of L. macrochirus in Japan and Korea. Five haplotypes of mitochondrial DNA detected in Japanese and Korean populations completely coincided with the haplotypes of the Guttenberg population. Haplotype diversity of invading populations was shown to be highest in populations established in the 1960s, while genetic variability was lower in more recently established populations. Our results suggest that all L. macrochirus in Japan and Korea have originated from the 15 fish first introduced in 1960. Low haplotype diversity in newly established populations is probably due to genetic drift arising from repeated population bottlenecks, while the high similarity of haplotypes among neighbouring populations is considered to reflect the history of transplantation by humans.  相似文献   

The amplified fragment‐length polymorphism (AFLP) technique was used to identify sex‐specific markers in bluegill sunfish. A total of 12 835 loci were produced by 256 primer combinations, of which nine (0·73‰) exhibited presumed sex‐associated amplifications in the pooled samples; however, none of which revealed sex specificity upon individual evaluation.  相似文献   

The larvae of unionid freshwater mussels (i.e., glochidia) undergo a parasitic stage requiring their attachment to the external epithelia of fish hosts, where they metamorphose into free-living juveniles. We describe the physiological effects in bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) of infection with glochidia from the paper pondshell (Utterbackia imbecillis). Glochidia accumulation on bluegill increased dramatically at concentrations of 2000 glochidia liter(-1) and above, reaching a maximum attachment density of about 30 glochidia g(-1) fish at 4000 glochidia liter(-1). Plasma cortisol was the most sensitive indicator of biological effect to glochidial exposure, increasing significantly in hosts exposed to 2000 glochidia liter(-1) or greater. Glochidia were 31% more likely to undergo successful juvenile metamorphosis when attached to bluegill with elevated plasma cortisol, largely due to the enhanced survivorship of these larvae during the first 48 h after infection. We tested the hypothesis that glochidial attachment and juvenile metamorphosis were stimulated directly by plasma cortisol in fish hosts. Bluegill were given an intraperitoneal injection of cortisol, then infected with 1000 glochidia liter(-1) at 48 h after hormone supplementation. Cortisol-injected fish had a 42% increase in the number of attached glochidia g(-1) fish and a 28% increase in larval metamorphosis compared to sham-injected and control fish. We provide evidence that cortisol enhances glochidial metamorphosis on hosts by improving the retention of attached glochidia. This study gives insights into the influence of host physiology on glochidial attachment and juvenile mussel transformation.  相似文献   

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