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To conserve biodiversity, complementary approaches are necessary. Besides using museum data from sightings and specimens, the knowledge of experts can also be employed. Often such valuable information is lost on retirement or death. To investigate the value of this knowledge for nature conservation planning, we sent questionnaires to 124 professional conservationists in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Fifty-two replies illustrated that the historical context biases our concepts of nature and the conservation of biodiversity. Despite an awareness of all the spatial scales, complexities and dynamics of nature, there is still a strong focus on large-sized animals and visibly discrete ecosystems, such as wetlands. Nevertheless, the respondents illustrated that an awareness of infrequently-seen and less well known organisms is increasing. Harnessing this expert knowledge was valuable for conservation planning, but had the weakness that many taxa and localities were neglected. Similar problems arose with data from museum specimens. However, both these approaches were synergistic and highlighted the geographical areas that need far more exploration of their biodiversity. Such information gathering is an important ethical and practical exercise for conserving biodiversity.  相似文献   

植物园发展的动向   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对国内外植物园近十余年来发展的动向进行评述,列举了近年来一系列重要的植物园国际会议与重大活动,指出当前国际植物园工作的中心任务首先是物种保护。总结和分析我国植物园发展的历史和现状、存在问题以及在园貌建设上与国际先进植物园的差距。这些差距主要表现在:(1)植物的收集量;(2)活植物数据的积累;(3)罕见植物的引种;(4)现代技术的应用。作者最后提出,我国植物园发展应把握的几个主要问题是:(1)既是多功能全方位发展,又应各具特色;(2)生物多样性是植物园永恒的主题;(3)植物园应着重物种迁地保护的研究和实践;(4)植物园应重视栽培和利用植物并着重以药用植物为对象。  相似文献   

Europe has the greatest concentration of botanic gardens in the world, they cultivate extensive collections of plants that include samples of European threatened plant species. This study looks at the effectiveness of these collections in supporting species conservation. A three part study is presented: (1) the results of a survey and assessment of threatened plants in botanic gardens, as defined by the Bern Convention; (2) case studies illustrating current issues in the ex situ management of European threatened plant species; and (3) presentation of policy recommendations on further improving botanic garden contributions to European plant conservation. The survey indicated that of 119 European botanic gardens in 29 European countries, 105 are cultivating 308 of the 573 threatened plant species listed by the Bern Convention. The survey identified 25 botanic gardens in 14 countries undertaking 51 conservation projects focused on 27 Bern listed species. In particular this survey has established that the majority of taxa are held in a small number of collections, dominated by non-wild origin accessions, and are not adequately documented. The majority of specimens in botanic gardens are cultivated out of the range country and not contributing to a specific conservation project. We review the genetic representation and documentation of origin in collections. Existing plant collections contain representatives of populations, now lost in the wild and maintain samples of at least nine European plant taxa identified as 'Extinct in the Wild'. However, inadequate standards of record keeping has compromised the conservation value of many collections. We highlight the dangers of hybridisation and disease in ex situ collections. The results suggest that botanic garden collections are skewed towards horticulturally robust and ornamental species and do not fully reflect priorities as defined by the Bern Convention. Recognising the limitations of traditional botanic garden collections we propose that botanic gardens more effectively utilise their two core competencies, namely scientific horticulture and public display and interpretation. The unique horticultural skills resident in European botanic gardens could be more effectively utilised through the application of horticulture to the management of wild populations.Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society  相似文献   

Modern zoological institutions are devoting more of their resources to research, education and conservation than they have in the past. Many zoos recently have become increasingly involved in external or field (in situ) projects, with a view to conserving species and their habitats where they occur naturally. An opportunity to practice in situ conservation exists on Bioko, the largest and biologically the most diverse of the Gulf of Guinea islands. Although urgent political and economic problems confront Equatorial Guinea, of which Bioko is part, external aid will be needed if the infrastructure is to be developed to protect and maintain two important nature reserves on the island. Several initiatives are suggested for the involvement of zoos in this process.  相似文献   

叶超  刘锋  安明态  杨焱冰 《广西植物》2022,42(2):240-246
兰科(Orchidaceae)植物是植物界中最进化、种类最丰富的类群之一,有较高的环境要求和较强的生态系统依存性.由于很多兰科植物具有较高的观赏价值和药用价值,各地采挖频繁,导致其受威胁十分严重,已成为保护植物中的"旗舰"类群.该文基于文献资料和近年来课题组野外调查数据,分析贵州省野生兰科植物的地理分布状况、就地保护现...  相似文献   

香港的生物多样性及其保育工作   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
香港位于热带,属海洋性气候。地势崎岖多山,山地约占全港总面积的3/4。城市发展多集中在沿海平坦地带。目前香港的城市和乡镇面积约占总面积的20%,农地约占5%(当中大部份已遭荒废),余下的均为郊野地区,这包括天然林和人工林(约占14%)、灌丛(约占36%)及草地(约占17%)。由于良好的气候和地理条件,形成了众多不同的生态环境,使总面积仅1090 km2的弹丸之地孕育出种类多样的动植物,生物多样性十分丰富。香港约有2500种原生植物,包括被子植物约1900种,裸子植物7种,蕨类植物220多种及苔藓植物300多种。动物方面,已记录的野生哺乳类动物有40多种,鸟类超过459种,两栖类23种,爬行类70多种。昆虫种类繁多,其中蜻蜓目100多种,鳞翅目2200多种(蝴蝶200多种,蛾类2000多种)。有很多是国家保护物种和特有种。植物方面属国家一级保护的有1种——刺桫椤(Alsophila spinulosa);国家二级保护的有6种,如四药门花(Tetrathryrium subcordatum);国家三级保护的有8种,如穗花杉(Amentotaxus argotaenia)。此外,香港特有种有16种,例如紫萁科(Osmundaceae)的粤紫萁(Osmunda mildei)、马兜铃科(Aristolochiaceae)的香港细辛(Asarum hongkongense)和兰科(Orchidaceae)的谢氏卷瓣兰(Bulbophyllum tseanum)。动物方面有9种属国家一级保护,例如中华白海豚(Sousa chinensis);79种属国家二级保护。特有种则有卢氏小树蛙(Philautus romeri)、包氏双足蜥(Dibamus bogadeki)及多种昆虫。为了保护丰富的野生动植物及其栖息的环境,香港特别行政区政府制定了一些法例并推行了不少保护措施,例如设立了21个郊野公园和14个特别地区,占全港陆地总面积约38%。此外,还成立了2个禁区、3个海岸公园和1个海洋保护区。另一方面,政府还设立了59个“具特殊科学价值地点”,以保护及研究各种动植物、生态系统和特殊的地质地貌。香港地少人多,总人口超过600万,是世界上人口最稠密的地区之一。多年来香港这个生物宝库不断地遭受人类活动的威胁,近年来由于人口急剧上升,对土地需求迫切,不少郊野地区被开发利用,环境污染亦日益严重。此外,一些野生植物因具有药用价值、观赏价值或其他用途而遭盗伐或采集。上述种种因素已使香港野生动植物及其生境受到严重损害,一些物种更濒于灭绝,进行生物多样性的保育工作刻不容缓。因此,香港确实需要制定整体的生物多样性保护策略。有鉴于此,香港大学生态及分类学系于1996年展开了一项为期3年的香港生物多样性调查,以增加对动植物资源现况的了解,为保护香港的珍稀濒危物种和日益恶化的自然环境提出补救方案,并为制订长远的保育策略奠定基础。  相似文献   

Knowledge about biodiversity remains inadequate because most species living on Earth were still not formally described (the Linnean shortfall) and because geographical distributions of most species are poorly understood and usually contain many gaps (the Wallacean shortfall). In this paper, we developed models to infer the size and placement of geographical ranges of hypothetical non‐described species, based on the range size frequency distribution of anurans recently described in the Cerrado Biome, on the level of knowledge (number of inventories) and on surrogates for habitat suitability. The rationale for these models is as follow: (1) the range size frequency distribution of these species should be similar to the range‐restricted species, which have been most recently described in the Cerrado Biome; (2) the probability of new discoveries will increase in areas with low biodiversity knowledge, mainly in suitable areas, and (3) assuming range continuity, new species should occupy adjacent cells only if the level of knowledge is low enough to allow the existence of undiscovered species. We ran a model based on the number of inventories only, and two models combining effects of number of inventories and two different estimates of habitat suitability, for a total of 100 replicates each. Finally, we performed a complementary analysis using simulated annealing to solve the set‐covering problem for each simulation (i.e. finding the smallest number of cells so that all species are represented at least once), using extents of occurrence of 160 species (131 real anuran species plus 29 new simulated species). The revised reserve system that included information about unknown or poorly sampled taxa significantly shifted northwards, when compared to a system based on currently known species. This main result can be explained by the paucity of biodiversity data in this part of the biome, associated with its relatively high habitat suitability. As a precautionary measure, weighted by the inferred distribution data, the prioritization of a system of reserves in the north part of the biome appears to be defensible.  相似文献   

《Global Change Biology》2018,24(1):308-321
Conserving native biodiversity in the face of human‐ and climate‐related impacts is a challenging and globally important ecological problem that requires an understanding of spatially connected, organismal‐habitat relationships. Globally, a suite of disturbances (e.g., agriculture, urbanization, climate change) degrades habitats and threatens biodiversity. A mosaic approach (in which connected, interacting collections of juxtaposed habitat patches are examined) provides a scientific foundation for addressing many disturbance‐related, ecologically based conservation problems. For example, if specific habitat types disproportionately increase biodiversity, these keystones should be incorporated into research and management plans. Our sampling of fish biodiversity and aquatic habitat along ten 3‐km sites within the Upper Neosho River subdrainage, KS, from June‐August 2013 yielded three generalizable ecological insights. First, specific types of mesohabitat patches (i.e., pool, riffle, run, and glide) were physically distinct and created unique mosaics of mesohabitats that varied across sites. Second, species richness was higher in riffle mesohabitats when mesohabitat size reflected field availability. Furthermore, habitat mosaics that included more riffles had greater habitat diversity and more fish species. Thus, riffles (<5% of sampled area) acted as keystone habitats. Third, additional conceptual development, which we initiate here, can broaden the identification of keystone habitats across ecosystems and further operationalize this concept for research and conservation. Thus, adopting a mosaic approach can increase scientific understanding of organismal‐habitat relationships, maintain natural biodiversity, advance spatial ecology, and facilitate effective conservation of native biodiversity in human‐altered ecosystems.  相似文献   

生物多样性保护优先区是我国为加强生物多样性保护和监管划定的重要区域,目前部分优先区已陆续开展生物本底资料的调查评估工作,但受限于经费、时间等条件,对区内所有县域或网格全覆盖式科考,既不现实也无必要,因而区域尺度的抽样设计是一个亟需解决的关键问题。以武陵山生物多样性保护优先区为例,结合层次聚类和系统抽样方法,同时考虑历史调查资料的系统完整程度和空间保护属性,提出了一个科学可行的抽样方案。首先将研究区域内的所有县域聚为5类,每类挑选出2个重点县域,共获得6个历史上进行过系统科学考察的县域和4个本底资料相对缺乏的县域,进而挑选出76个重点调查网格(10 km×10 km),其中生物多样性富集网格36个,保护区外的人类干扰网格40个,抽样比例为11.09%,每个网格平均调查经费为2.52万元。该抽样策略区分了调查层次并突出重点区域,使调查和评估更有针对性,进一步完善了保护优先区基础调查系统,也强化了项目管理能力,对其他保护优先区项目开展具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

Rustic coffee plantations are characterised by the use of numerous wild and cultivated tree species for providing shade to the coffee shrubs. This paper analyses the role of these plantations in wild tree conservation through the examination of their patterns of floristic variation in southern Mexico. The studied plantations included a total of 45 plant species, most of which were wild tree species, including both mature forest and pioneer taxa. An extrapolation of the species accumulation curve among stands indicated that the whole system, composed of more than 100 coffee plantations, may harbour as many as 34 species of wild trees. The floristic structure of rustic coffee plantations was highly variable. This variation is a result of a combination of factors such as human management, original stand cover and the asynchrony in development stage of different plantations. This promotes a large -diversity in the system. Thus, although a single plantation may have a limited potential to preserve wild tree species, it is the whole ensemble of floristically heterogeneous plantations which renders this agroforestry system valuable for plant diversity conservation, particularly in a region where native forest vegetation has almost disappeared.  相似文献   

Studies on in vitro storage of enset under slow-growth conditions were carried out to develop an efficient protocol for conservation of the genetic diversity of the crop. The response to different growth retardation treatments was examined using three enset clones collected from southwestern Ethiopia. In vitro cultures could be effectively maintained for 6 months at 15 °C and 18 °C on MS medium supplemented with 10 μM BAP, in the presence of mannitol at concentrations of 0, 1 or 2% as a growth retardant. Shoots were subsequently recovered and multiplied on MS medium supplemented with 10 and 20 μM BAP at 25 °C and rooted shoots were successfully transferred to the greenhouse. Incubation at the lower temperature (15 °C) and the presence of mannitol in the culture medium had a significantly positive effect on maintenance, measured by the number of recovered shoots after storage. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

根据东北地区生物多样性特征,利用系统保护规划方法和国际上常用的保护规划软件C- plan,计算了规划单元的不可替代性值,确定了区域生物多样性热点地区,并根据保护区分布现状进行了生物多样性保护空缺分析.结果显示,东北地区不可替代性较高的热点地区有4个,分别是:(1)长白山西北部林区,(2)大兴安岭北段山地区,(3)大兴安岭南部森林与草原过渡区,(4)松嫩平原中部湿地区. 在优先、一般、非优先3个等级中,需要优先保护地区的总面积是19.49×104km2,约占区域总面积的20.91%.同时,根据已建保护区分布情况研究发现,区域内存在3个明显的保护空缺,即长白山西北部林区、大兴安岭北段山地区和大兴安岭南段森林草原过渡区.建议新建和扩建保护区,同时建立生态廊道把相应的保护区关联起来,以实现区域内生物多样性保护目标.  相似文献   

三江平原湿地生态系统生物多样性保护价值   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
生物多样性保护是三江平原湿地生态系统提供的一项重要的生态服务功能,具有重要的经济价值。应用M.Hoel和T.Sterner提出的经济模型,分析了贴现率和边际价格变化综合影响下的三江平原湿地生态系统生物多样性保护价值变化过程,研究了收入边际效用弹性和替代弹性对贴现率和边际价格变化综合效应的影响,并通过对比传统贴现方法揭示了三江平原湿地生态系统生物多样性保护所蕴含的巨大经济价值。研究结果表明,在贴现率和边际价格变化的综合影响下,三江平原湿地生态系统生物多样性保护价值曲线呈现出先增长再下降的变化趋势,总经济价值为人均19438.9元;收入边际效用弹性和替代弹性的取值对价值评估结果的影响较大,不同参数条件下的价值评估结果将最终作用于湿地生态系统保护相关决策的制定;价值评估结果同样证明了在保持经济较快速度发展的同时提高三江平原湿地生态系统生物多样性保护功能的恢复速率对于促进地区经济协调发展和提高社会福祉状况具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

A global strategy is necessary to achieve the level of coordination, synergy and therefore optimization of resources to achieve the broad goal of conserving mammals worldwide. Key elements for the development of such a strategy include: an institutional subject that owns the strategy; broad conservation goals, quantitative targets derived from them and appropriate indicators; data on the distribution of species, their threats, the cost-effectiveness of conservation actions; and a set of methods for the identification of conservation priorities. Previous global mammal research investigated phylogeny, extinction risk, and the species and areas that should be regarded as global conservation priorities. This theme issue presents new key elements: an updated Red List Index, a new list of evolutionarily distinct and globally endangered species, new high-resolution mammal distribution models, a global connectivity analysis and scenarios of future mammal distribution based on climate and land-cover change. Area prioritization schemes account for mammalian phylogeny, governance and cost-benefit of measures to abate habitat loss. Three discussion papers lay the foundations for the development of a global unifying mammal conservation strategy, which should not be further deterred by the knowledge gaps still existing.  相似文献   

Challenges in the conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The meeting on 'Genetic Resources in the Face of New Environmental, Economic and Social Challenges' held in Montpellier (France) from 20-22 September 2011 brought together about 200 participants active in research and management of the genetic diversity of plant, animal, fungal and microbial species. Attendees had the rare opportunity to hear about agronomy, botany, microbiology, mycology, the social sciences and zoology in the same conference. The research teams presented the results of about 50 projects funded by the French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity to preserve genetic diversity carried out in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. These projects aimed to better understand and manage genetic resources in a rapidly changing world (e.g. structural changes in the agricultural industry, the need for climate change mitigation and adaptation, the challenge of achieving food security despite the growing world population and changing dietary habits, the opportunities provided by the many new molecular biology tools, the problems caused by widespread scientific budget cuts). The meeting also hosted some roundtables open to all participants which provided a forum to establish a much needed dialogue between policy-makers, managers and researchers.  相似文献   

This paper considers the role of zoological gardens as vehicles for teaching about biodiversity and conservation. The general importance of conservation and biodiversity education is outlined in the context of Agenda 21 and the Global Biodiversity Strategy, and the unique niche of zoo education for meeting these challenges is defined. This includes the exhibition of real live animals, accessibility. immediacy, popularity, egalitarianism and the unique combination of strengths and resources offered by zoo education departments. Effective zoo education for biodiversity conservation depends on answering certain criticisms (including behavioural distortion, ecological context and people/animal relationships); working within the available resource framework; and careful strategic planning that considers appropriate messages, target audiences and communication methods. Future zoo education trends might include developing the unique niche; teaching about zoos' role in interactive management; and the contribution of zoo networks to education.  相似文献   

梁国付  卢训令  贾振宇  丁圣彦 《生态学报》2016,36(10):2896-2904
以黄河中下游郑州地区为研究区域,根据林地面积比例高低,把确定的260块景观区域划分为林地面积比例高(50%)、中等(50%—30%)、低(30%—10%)和非常低(10%)共4个不同类型;采用概率连接度指数(PC)表征林地栖息地可用性程度。利用R软件里的广义线性模型(GLM),分析了10、50、100、250、500、1000、2000 m和3000 m物种不同扩散能力下,反映林地景观组成和构型特征的林地面积比例(PA),以及林地面积比例(PA)与林地斑块数量(NP)、林地平均斑块大小(PS)、林地斑块隔离度(PI)组合作用对栖息地可用性的影响。结果表明:在林地面积比例高的区域,林地面积比例是决定栖息地可用性程度的重要影响因素;在林地面积比例中等的区域,除林地面积比例外,林地斑块隔离度和平均斑块大小是主要影响因素;在林地面积比例低和较低时,依据物种扩散能力的不同,需要考虑平均斑块大小和林地斑块数量的影响。景观中不同林地面积比例情况下,生物保护措施和管理要依据林地面积比例、林地斑块数量、林地平均斑块大小、以及林地斑块隔离度。  相似文献   

The achievements of initiatives to strengthen biodiversity conservation in developing countries may be difficult to assess, since most countries have no system for monitoring biodiversity. This paper describes a simple and cost-effective, field-based biodiversity monitoring system developed specifically for areas where specialist staff is lacking. We discuss the preliminary lessons learned from protected areas in the Philippines. Whilst the monitoring system aims to identify trends in biodiversity and its uses so as to guide management action, it also promotes the participation of local people in the management, stimulates discussions about conservation amongst stakeholders and builds the capacity of park staff and communities in management skills. In addition, it seeks to provide people with direction regarding the aims of protected areas, and reinforces the consolidation of existing livelihoods through strengthening community-based resource management systems. The field methods are: (1) standardised recording of routine observations, (2) fixed point photographing, (3) line transect survey, and (4) focus group discussion. Both bio-physical and socio-economic data are used and given equal importance. The system can be sustained using locally available resources. The approach is useful in countries embarking on shared management of park resources with local communities, where rural people depend on use of natural ecosystems, and where the economic resources for park management are limited. We hope this paper will encourage other countries to develop their own biodiversity monitoring system, letting its development become a means for capacity building whilst at the same time supporting the creation of ownership.  相似文献   

为了使广东省的兰科植物及其遗传多样性得到有效的保育, 保存我国重要野生植物资源, 在2017-2019年间, 采用样线和样地相结合的调查手段、专家快速评估和野外调查相结合的评估技术以及Wilcoxon符号秩检验和Friedman检验的统计方法, 对广东省自然分布的兰科植物进行了全面的调查和濒危等级评估, 并对其在广东省自然保护区中的就地保育情况和全国植物园中的迁地保育情况进行了综合分析。结果表明, 广东省分布有兰科植物80属235种, 其中广东特有种20种; 广东兰科植物受威胁物种有186种, 其中极危11种、濒危114种、易危61种; 就地保育的兰科植物有111种, 迁地保育的兰科植物有156种, 就地和迁地共同保育的兰科植物有96种, 保育的有效程度较低; 另外, 就地、迁地、就地和迁地共同保育的兰科植物之间没有体现出明显的差异, 保育工作缺乏选择性和针对性。基于此, 我们建议广东兰科植物的保育工作应重视基础数据的收集和持续的野外监测、提高保育物种的数量、优化迁地保育物种的选择性和针对性、完善迁地保育和就地保育之间的协同性, 同时也应重视立法和公众教育, 并构建广东兰科植物保育的网络系统。  相似文献   

A search for genes specifically expressed in the giant interneurons of parietal ganglia of the snailHelix lucorum yielded, among others, two genes named HDS1 and HDS2. According to data obtained by Northern hybridization and whole-mountin situ hybridization, both genes are neurospecific and expressed almost exclusively in the peptidergic D-group neurons (Sakharov, 1974) located in the right parietal ganglion.In situ hybridization of the HDS1 and HDS2 probes with CNS of several related species of the Helicoidea superfamily identified in all cases similarly located homologous groups of neurons. Sequencing of the near full-length cDNA copies of the HDS1 and HDS2 genes revealed open reading frames 107 and 102 amino acids long for HDS1 and HDS2, respectively. Both putative proteins contain a hydrophobic leader peptide and putative recognition sites for furin-like and PC-like endopeptidases. Predicted amino acid sequences of the HDS1 and HDS2 proteins were found to be moderately homologous to each other, as well as to the LYCP preprohormone expressed by the light yellow cells of the freshwater snailLymnaea stagnalis. These results confirm an earlier hypothesis that the D-group of theHelix family and the light yellow cells ofLymnaea stagnalis represent homologous neuronal groups. Our data suggest that the HDS1 and HDS2 genes encode precursors of secreted molecules, most likely neuropeptides or neurohormones.  相似文献   

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