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The initial formation and further development of the intraneural blood vessel network in the tectum opticum of the chick from the 4th to the 14th incubation day have been analyzed and some quantitative data morphometrically recorded. Vessels have been filled by intracardial injection of India ink in vivo. As inferred from our previous investigations on the vasculogenesis of several districts of the central and peripheral nervous system in the chick embryo, also in the developing optic tectum growth and distribution pattern of the vessels seem to unfold step by step under the local influence of earlier occurring morpho-histogenetic processes of the corresponding neural substratum.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical staining of the glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) was utilized to characterize the processes of the astrocytes enveloping the vessel wall in the central nervous system. The study was carried out in the mesencephalic lobes of 18 and 20 incubation-day chick embryos and of 20 day chickens. A perivascular GFAP positivity was mainly detectable in the vessel portions running within the tectum white layers, while it was scarce, or absent, in the grey ones. The perivascular GFAP negativity in the tectum cellular layers was not considered result of the absence of astrocytic endfeet since our previous electronmicroscopical studies evidenced an almost complete perivascular astrocytic ring throughout the tectum layers at hatching time. Present data rather suggest that the expression of the GFAP-made intermediate filaments in developing astrocytes might be controlled by the surrounding microenvironment.  相似文献   

Glutamate was coupled via glutaraldehyde to bovine serum albumin. The conjugate was used for raising specific anti-glutamate antibodies. The purified antibody was used for immunostaining of chick cerebellum and optic tectum. Staining was intense in the molecular layer and in cell bodies of the granule cell layer. In the optic tectum a diffuse staining was detected in the superficial layers of stratum griseum fibrosum superficiale and in cell bodies especially in the layers a and e. Large cell bodies located in the stratum griseum centrale were also stained.  相似文献   

In the 5-day-old chick, radioactive leucine was incorporated into proteins of synaptosomal and subsynaptosomal fractions both by fast axoplasmic flow and synthesis within the optic tectum. The distribution of radioactivity in subsynaptosomal fractions suggested that both pathways contribute to the protein constituents of each fraction. The relative contributions to each fraction were similar except for the supernatant proteins, for which fast axoplasmic flow contributed less than the synthesis within the optic tectum. The qualitative contribution of fast flow and synthesis within the optic tectum to the synaptic membrane fraction was distinctive. Fast axoplasmic flow preferentially labelled the high molecular weight proteins, whereas synthesis within the optic tectum labelled a larger percentage of smaller molecular weight proteins.  相似文献   

The developmental profiles of acetylcholinesterase and choline acetyltransferase in chick optic tectum and retina cell aggregates, over a 30-day period, have been determined and compared with the corresponding developmental curves obtained in vivo. Both acetylcholinesterase and choline acetyltransferase activities in retina cell aggregates and the acetylcholinesterase activity in optic tectum cell aggregates usually lie between 40 and 90% of the values measured in vivo for the same cell (tissue) type and developmental age. However, the choline acetyltransferase activity in tectum aggregates increases only during the first 7 days of culture, and then decreases to reach a low value of 8% of that measured in vivo, by day 24. This fact, which is associated with widespread degeneration and cell death, could be attributed to the condition of natural deafferentiation occurring in a tectum cell aggregate. A parallel has been drawn between this behavior of a tectum cell aggregate and the effect of early embryonic eye removal on the development of the contralateral optic tectum in vivo. Thus, the tectum may have a biphasic pattern of development, with an autonomous period of growth of about 2 wk, followed by an afference-dependent phase, while the retina behaves, from a cholinergic point of view, as a relatively self-sufficient structure.Abbreviations AChE acetylcholinesterase - ChAT choline acetyltransferase - ACh acetylcholine - BW284 C51 dibromide 1,5-bis(4-allyldimethylammoniumphenyl)pentan-3-one dibromide  相似文献   

The expression patterns of three microtubule-associated proteins (MAP1A, MAP1B, and MAP2A&B) were investigated in the developing optic tectum. Expression of MAP1B and middle-molecular-weight peptide of neurofilament (NF-M) was first observed in the same mesencephalic cells on day 3 of incubation, indicating that neuroblasts had been produced. At day 5, MAP1A and MAP2A&B expression appeared in the cellular layer containing the first neuroblasts that differentiate into large multipolar cells. The NF-M+ neurites in the striatum album centrale (SAC) and the striatum opticum (SO) were MAP1B+ up to day 19, but the intensity of MAP1B immunoreactivity decreased with development. All three MAPs were expressed in large multipolar neurons in the developing stratum griseum centrale from the beginning of maturation. Stratum griseum et fibrosum centrale cellular layers, containing radially arranged piriform neurons, were MAP1A/MAP2A&B on day 11 but became MAP1A+/MAP2A&B+ during later stages. These results suggest that the timing of MAP expression in neuronal maturation of large multipolar cells differs from that of piriform cells. The expression of MAPs has revealed specific cellular events in the developing optic tectum. Based on our observations, the development of the optic tectum can be divided into four periods.  相似文献   

As part of an ongoing study on the GABAA receptor complex in the developing chick optic tectum we describe some properties of the agonist site, as labeled by [3H]muscimol, including methodological, kinetic and pharmacological aspects. 16-day embryos and 10-day chicks have been selected as representative age points for the initial characterization of the receptor, prior to more detailed developmental studies. Our data indicate the existence, in both embryos and young birds, of a single class of statistically equivalent, high-affinity, saturable binding sites, with a dissociation constant (Kd) of 80–90 nM in freeze-thawed/washed membranes, and about 8 nM in membranes additionally extracted with low concentrations of Triton X-100. Maximal densities of binding sites are nearly identical in both membrane preparations, ranging from 2 to 3 pmol/mg for the two age points considered.

The pharmacological profiles suggest that avian receptors for [3H]muscimol are generally similar to the corresponding mammalian sites, behaving as typical bicuculline-sensitive, baclofen-insensitive type A GABA receptor sites. However, bicuculline and its derivatives are less efficient displacers of [3H]muscimol in detergent-extracted membrane preparations, being in all cases, as usually, much less effective displacers than GABA agonists.

The effect of Triton X-100 on the muscimol site in the GABAA receptor, increasing the affinity for the radioligand by a factor of 10, and diminishing the efficiency of antagonists, is considered here in terms of structural changes in the receptor, induced by the action of the detergent on the membrane microenvironment.  相似文献   

We have used computer-assisted reconstructions of continuous serial sections to study the cytoplasmic organization of growth cones in vivo. Optic tecta from 6.25-6.5-d-old chicken embryos were quick-frozen and then freeze-substituted in acetone-osmium tetroxide or, for comparison, prepared by conventional fixation. Images of eight freeze-substituted and two conventionally fixed growth cones were reconstructed from aligned serial micrographs. After freeze-substitution, numerous lumenless membrane-bound sacs arrayed in multilamellar stacks appear to replace the abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum found after chemical fixation. Microtubule fascicles progressively diverge from their typical fascicular organization in the initial segment of the growth cone and are absent in the varicosity and the more distal segment. Mitochondria, in contrast, are concentrated in the proximal segment of the varicosity; multilamellar stacks and endosome-like vacuoles are in the distal segment; and coated pits and vesicles are concentrated near the terminal filopodium, which is the most distal and organelle-poor domain of the growth cone. These observations suggest that dilation and fusion of the lumenless, membrane-bound sacs that occurs during chemical fixation give rise to the network of smooth endoplasmic reticulum. The three-dimensional reconstructions show that the cytoplasmic components of growth cones, including the membrane-bound sacs and multilamellar stacks revealed by freeze substitution, are polarized along the axis of these growth cones, which suggests that they have a role in recycling of membrane during elongation of the growth cone.  相似文献   

The effect of intercellular interactions on the determination and differentiation of early embryonic brain cells was tested by immunomagnetic cell separation techniques. Using the A2B5 monoclonal antibody, which in chick brain reacts with a neuron-specific surface ganglioside, we produced initially pure populations of optic tectum cells devoid of the antigen. A coincident depletion of neurofilament(+) cells (95%) and nonneuronal growth characteristics of the separated A2B5(-) cells indicated that the vast majority of neurons had been removed initially. Surprisingly, A2B5(+) cells rapidly appeared in separated A2B5(-) cell cultures. After 1 day, the percentage of A2B5(+) cells in separated cell cultures equalled those in unseparated cultures (approximately 50%). By a week in culture, A2B5(+) cells developed neuronal morphology and contained neurofilaments. A2B5(-) to (+) conversion was a regulated phenomenon in that removal of different proportions of the (+) cells resulted in different numbers of (-) to (+) conversions. New DNA synthesis was not required for the acquisition of cell surface A2B5 antigen or for differentiation of cells into definitive A2B5(+) neurons. Our results demonstrate that postmitotic embryonic brain contains cells which are capable of replacing depleted neurons in vitro.  相似文献   

Changes on cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels in response to adenosine and glutamate and the subtype of glutamate receptors involved in this interaction were studied in slices of optic tectum from 3-day-old chicks. cAMP accumulation mediated by adenosine (100 M) was abolished by 8-phenyltheophylline (15 uM). Glutamate and the glutamatergic agonists kainate or trans-d,l-1-aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylic acid (trans-ACPD) did not evoke cAMP accumulation. Glutamate blocked the adenosine response in a dose-dependent manner. At 100 M, glutamate did not inhibit the effect of adenosine. The 1 mM and 10 mM doses of glutamate inhibited adenosine-induced cAMP accumulation by 55% and 100%, respectively. When glutamatergic antagonists were used, this inhibitory effect was not affected by 200 M 6,7-dihydroxy-2,3,dinitroquinoxaline (DNQX), an ionotropic antagonist, and was partially antagonized by 1 mM (rs)-alpha-methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine [(rs)M-CPG], a metabotropic, antagonist, while 1 mMl-2-amino-3-phosphonopropionate (l-AP3) alone, another metabotropic antagonist, presented the same inhibitory effect of glutamate. Kainate (10 mM) and trans-ACPD (100 M and 1 mM) partially blocked the adenosine response. This study indicates the involvement of metabotropic glutamate receptors in adenylate cyclase inhibition induced by glutamate and its agonists trans-ACPD and kainate.Abbreviations ADO adenosine - DNQX 6,7-dihydroxy-2,3-dinitro-quinoxaline - KA kainate - l-AP3 l-2-amino-3-phosphonopropionate - mGluRs metabotropic glutamate receptors - P-THEO 8-phenyltheophylline - (rs)M-CPG (rs)-alpha-methyl-4-carboxyphenyl-glycine - trans-ACPD trans-d,l-1-aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxyho acid  相似文献   

By use of membrane preparations and incubation conditions optimized for each binding site, we have characterized the benzodiazepine and ionophore-linked-convulsant/barbiturate modulatory sites within the chick tectal GABAA receptor complex. Using [3H]flunitrazepam (FNZ) and [35S]t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate (TBPS), respectively, as specific radioligand probes for the two sites, we have found in each case one single population of high-affinity, saturable, specific binding sites. The apparent dissociation constants (Kd) show no change during tectal development (9 nM for [3H]FNZ, and 25–28 nM for [35S]TBPS) while the respective densities of binding sites at saturation (Bmax) experience in both cases a twofold increase between embryonic day 16 and postnatal day 10. Ligand-specific pharmacological profiles and allosteric interactions between the transmitter and modulatory sites appear to be well preserved in the chick tectal membrane preparations employed in this study.  相似文献   

The ganglioside compositions of the chick optic tectum and aggregating tectal cell cultures were examined. Both showed similar trends in changes in ganglioside patterns during development. GD and GD1b were the predominant gangliosides early in development, while GD1a and several other multisialogan gliosides increased in relative amounts with increasing age in vivo and in vitro. Four gangliosides were present early in development which have not previously been reported. These gangliosides are not present at later developmental times suggesting a possible role for them during the critical early stages of nervous tissue differentiation. Some differences were noted when comparing in vivo versus in vitro ganglioside patterns; these differences may possibly be due to the lack of normal retinotectal connections in the cultures. Cytochemical studies on the localization of the presumed cholera toxin-peroxidase binding site GM1 showed conjugate binding correlates with increasing levels of GM1 in the cultures. In older cultures, the conjugate was uniformly localized on all cells and processes in the aggregates. The conjugate also bound to synaptic membranes and intensely stained the synaptic cleft. This latter observation suggests an enrichment of GM1 in the synaptic cleft region.  相似文献   

Thin section and freeze-fracture electron microscopy have been used to characterize the changes in membrane morphology of reaggregating cultures of chick optic tectum. The cells are rounded and freely dispersed at 0 hr after dissociation. Between 2 and 6 hr the cells become closely apposed on all sides by other cells and form small aggregates. At this time punta adhaerentia junctions and focal densities are seen along the membranes of neighboring cells. Between 1 and 5 days in vitro (DIV) neurites containing growth cone regions are present. At 5 DIV the first synaptic contacts are observed. Between 7 and 14 DIV, the number of synaptic contacts increase and fewer growth cone regions are observed. As early as 7 DIV profiles are observed which strongly resemble both astrocytic and oligodendroglial cell somata and processes. Freeze-fracture analysis of aggregates at 0–4 hr reveals a sparse particle distribution on the P and E faces of apposed cells. By 1 DIV small clusters of loosely packed, large sized particles are seen on the P face of apposed cell membranes which may represent junctional contacts. Apparent coated vesicle fusion sites are common on the P face at 1–2 DIV. By 7 DIV, E face particle arrays are seen on cell bodies and neurites which correspond to specializations characteristic of excitatory synaptic junctions. By 8–10 DIV particle arrays are seen on the P face of post-synaptic membrane which may represent inhibitory synaptic contacts. Other types of particle specializations seen in freeze-fracture replicas include: specializations characteristic of gap junctions between cells and orthogonal assemblies of particles thought to be characteristic of astrocytes.  相似文献   

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