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城市历史街区是地域文化的重要部分,也是城市记忆的承载体。面对缺乏多样性和历史感的现代城市,复苏历史精神.保护和研究历史街区成为我们面对的重要任务。笔者通过长沙古城的历史建筑的实地测绘,感受到历史建筑的魅力,并通过文章展望历史街区保护与更新的未来。  相似文献   

Historic environments represent the evolution of materials and techniques that have been used for the construction these environments over the centuries. Entering into the study of this field entails working not only on the crafts that have constructed these environments but also on the people who made, used, and reinterpreted them by learning about the craftsmen and the idiosyncrasies of the place. The study has adopted several methodologies as reference to examine the material and cultural reality of the rural region of Valencia, Spain. Through the adaptation of international methodologies, researchers have carried out a digital database that compiles and maps out the results of the Local Character Assessment of ten Histotiric Urban Cores by incorporating the historical, architectural, and social values to reinforce the Territorial Heritage Action Plan. One of the critical innovations adopted by this form of assessment is the compulsory integration of tangible and intangible heritage through the active involvement of users and makers. Another innovation is to understand the values behind the dynamism and transformation of historic sites. Hence, this study advances theory and practice on the transmission of knowledge among artisans, researchers, and the population and how contemporary practices help acquire new meanings that overlap the past ones.  相似文献   

Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - This study aims to establish susceptibility maps for the Moroccan Safi region, which is affected by karstification processes. This process is...  相似文献   

Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - Several historical towns and sites in Italy and other parts of Southern Europe were built on topographic reliefs, and they host inestimable...  相似文献   

This paper discusses the stability analysis undertaken on a 11,000 m3 rockfall at Toyohama Tunnel in 1996. It is considered that this rockfall resulted from slab failure caused by shearing, with the sliding plane passing through the deepest part of the notch formed at the cliff base. The slope stability analysis was carried out using Culmann's analysis and the measured properties of the Middle Miocene hyaloclastic rocks which form the cliff. It is shown that the cliff reaches a critical condition when the depth of the notch is some 2.5 m, corresponding with the approximately 2 m estimated from photographs. Electronic Publication  相似文献   


Landslide susceptibility mapping is a necessary tool in order to manage the landslides hazard and improve the risk mitigation. In this research, we validate and compare the landslide susceptibility maps (LSMs) produced by applying four geographic information system (GIS)-based statistical approaches including frequency ratio (FR), statistical index (SI), weights of evidence (WoE), and logistic regression (LR) for the urban area of Azazga. For this purpose, firstly, a landslide inventory map was prepared from aerial photographs and high-resolution satellite imagery interpretation, and detailed fieldwork. Seventy percent of the mapped landslides were selected for landslide susceptibility modeling, and the remaining (30%) were used for model validation. Secondly, ten landslide factors including the slope, aspect, altitude, land use, lithology, precipitation, distance to drainage, distance to faults, distance to lineaments, and distance to roads have been derived from high-resolution Alsat 2A satellite images, aerial photographs, geological map, DEM, and rainfall database. Thirdly, we established LSMs by evaluating the relationships between the detected landslide locations and the ten landslides factors using FR, SI, LR, and WoE models in GIS. Finally, the obtained LSMs of the four models have been validated using the receiver operating characteristics curves (ROCs). The validation process indicated that the FR method provided more accurate prediction (78.4%) in generating LSMs than the SI (78.1%),WoE (73.5%), and LR (72.1%) models. The results revealed also that all the used statistical models provided good accuracy in landslide susceptibility mapping.


通过广元千佛崖北区崖体危岩进行现场勘察,了解了工程概况和工程地质条件,调查了危岩体位置、形态、规模等发育特征及威胁对象和危害性。根据岩体形态、结构面特征、变形迹象等特征判断了危岩体的变形破坏模式,包括滑移式、倾倒式、坠落式3种类型。同时分析探讨了内、外因对危岩体形成的作用机制和意义。  相似文献   

中国沿海是全球受台风灾害最严重的区域之一,获取台风极值风速对指导沿海土木工程结构抗风设计、防灾减灾和风险评估至关重要,中国现有抗风设计体系未单独设定台风极值风荷载。文章提出基于地理加权回归的台风模拟方法,主要包括台风路径、强度和风场参数递推模型,基于日本气象局1951~2015年历史台风最佳路径数据,开了西北太平洋地区台风局部路径和全路径随机模拟,结合台风边界层三维风场模型,预测不同工程场地的极值风速,率先完整创建我国沿海区域台风极值风速区划图并讨论台风风灾空间分布特点;面向不同建筑结构设计需求,形成台风风灾曲线和极值风速剖面数据库,为沿海建筑结构抗台风设计提供极值风荷载输入条件,推进我国结构抗风理论体系从传统良态风向台风的跨越。  相似文献   

在科技发展,数字化技术被广泛应用的背景下,以青岛迎宾馆的测绘修缮为例,介绍数字化技术在历史建筑保护修缮中的作用,运用数字化测绘技术与手段,建立历史建筑的数字三维模型,为其他历史建筑的数字构建奠定了基础。  相似文献   

A GIS-based method for multi-objective evaluation of park vegetation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper we describe a method for evaluating the concordance between a set of mapped landscape attributes and a set of quantitatively expressed management priorities. The method has proved to be useful in planning urban green areas, allowing objectively documented decisions and helping the resolution of opinion conflicts among decision makers. A case study, involving the evaluation of the vegetation component of a suburban park, is described in detail. The analysis of the case study highlights the power of the method, and of geographical information systems- (GIS-) based decision support methods in general, as a planning aid for green park areas. Their use allowed us not only to propose interesting reorganization plans, but also to give decision makers a better understanding of their own priorities.  相似文献   

通过野外调查和获取实验数据,评估了娃娃崖崩塌灾害的特征,分析了崩塌灾害的成因,揭示了娃娃崖崩塌地质灾害形成的内部条件和外部条件,并对娃娃崖稳定性及运动形式进行了研究,提出了合理性的治理建议。  相似文献   

越过长江三峡大坝,进入西陵峡段,在牛肝马肺峡与兵书宝剑之间,有一座布满裂缝、危岩高耸、奇峰挺拔、绝壁摩天、怪石嶙峋的悬岩绝壁似一扇开启的峡门壁立大江,这就是闻名遐迩的长江西陵峡中的链子崖.  相似文献   

达成铁路工务信息采集与基于GIS的工务查询系统建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了达成铁路工务信息采集的方法与过程 ,在分析现有铁路工务设备数据管理的基础上 ,介绍了所开发的基于MapInfo的达成铁路线设备查询系统 ,该系统将MapInfo的地图镶嵌到VB的应用程序中 ,实现图形和数据的连接 ,具备了工务管理设备查询的基本功能。该系统具有开发周期短 ,简单实用 ,易于管理人员操作的特点。  相似文献   

基于GIS的城市总体规划用地适宜性评价探讨   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
城市用地适宜性综合评价是城市总体规划中的一项重要基础性工作 ,从定性评价转为定量评价具有重要意义。本文将模糊综合评判原理应用于用地适宜性评价 ,并对评价方法加以改进。以津市市总体规划的土地适宜性评价为例 ,通过与 GIS技术结合 ,探索了定量评价的方法 ,讨论了评价过程中的一些关键技术。  相似文献   

本文针对目前国内交通建设项目环境影响后评价的实现手段还未很好实现计算机化的现状 ,提出了一种以地理信息系统 (GIS)为工具 ,进行交通建设项目环境影响后评价的新方法 ,很好地实现了该工作的计算机化。  相似文献   

A GIS-based method for modelling air pollution exposures across Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A GIS-based moving window approach was developed as a means for generating high resolution air pollution maps over large geographic areas. The approach is demonstrated by modelling annual mean NO2 pollution for the EU-15 (excluding Sweden) at the 1 km level on the basis of emissions and meteorological data. Models were developed using monitoring data from 714 background NO2 sites for 2001 and validated by comparing predicted with observed NO2 concentrations for a reserved set of 228 background sites. First the emission map (NOx) was derived by disaggregating national emissions estimates, categorised by source, to a 1 km grid, using proxies including population and road density, traffic statistics and land cover. A set of annuli was then constructed, of varying radii, and these passed over the emissions grid to derive a calibration between measured annual average concentrations at each monitoring site and distance-weighted emissions in the surrounding area, using a focalsum function. The resulting model was then used to predict concentrations at the reserved set of validation sites, and measures of performance (R2, RMSE and fractional bias) obtained. Validation gave R2 = 0.61, RMSE = 6.59 and FB = − 0.01, and indicated performance equivalent to universal kriging and better than ordinary kriging and land use regression.  相似文献   

Regional implications of the 2001 recession   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper investigates the 2001 recession on a state by state basis. The approach used for this investigation measured the state by state severity of the 2001 recession and identifies the contribution that each state made to the overall U.S. GDP Okun gap. State by state long-term growth rates for both output and employment were calculated and an “Okun gap contribution” for the 2001–2005 period was estimated for each state. Each state’s Okun gap contribution for output and employment was expressed in relative terms allowing for comparisons of volatility between states with respect to the 2001 recession. Finally, for both output and employment regressions were estimated using the relative Okun gap contribution as the dependent variable and selected demographic and economic measures as explanatory variables to explain the state and regional differences in cyclical performance. The results of the regression analysis provide insight into the factors that tend to increase state and regional cyclical volatility and the factors that tend to smooth volatility.  相似文献   

震后消防扑救具有行动延迟和扑救效率低的特性。针对这两方面的特性,分别构建了震后消防扑救过程模型和震后消防扑救效率模型。其中,前者是依据消防扑救流程,利用地震背景下行动耗时来衡量震后消防扑救延迟;后者则是利用震后消防力量与火灾蔓延状况的对比来衡量消防扑救效率。此外,还构建了基于GIS的城市震后消防扑救仿真系统,并以厦门市本岛为示范区进行了模拟。实例表明,该仿真系统将在优化城市震后消防扑救行动方面发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - This article deals with an evaluation of the engineering geological and hydrogeological conditions in Vajnory with relation to landuse...  相似文献   

古建筑消防保护之探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析古建筑火灾危险性的基础上 ,针对不同的隐患采取相应的整改方式 ,通过不断的完善技术措施和管理制度逐步提高古建筑抗御火灾的能力。特别是要注意发挥基层公安派出所和居民委员会、村民委员会的作用 ,作为公安消防力量不足的有效补充。  相似文献   

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