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利用1960—2016年夏季美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)的月平均降水资料、南方涛动指数SOI以及Niňo3指数资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料以及英国哈德莱中心海表温度资料,通过相关分析和回归分析,研究了北半球夏季海洋性大陆区域(Maritime Continent,MC)降水与ENSO联系的年代际变化特征。结果表明:MC地区夏季平均降水与SOI指数的相关自1998年后明显减弱。造成这种现象的原因是:南方涛动指数SOI与海温相关系数在太平洋中部为负的大值中心,且1998年之后海温异常呈中部型。这种SSTA强迫造成1998年后大气视热源异常亦偏于赤道太平洋中部,这有利于通过Gill型响应,使菲律宾以东的对流层低层存在明显的反气旋性环流,辐散增强,从而造成赤道以北降水显著减少,抵消了MC区域内南部地区降水的增加,破坏了原有的SOI为正(负)时MC地区平均降水异常增加(减少)的关系。  相似文献   

简要回顾了东亚地区气候以及夏季风主要环流系统成员年代际变化的观测特征、数值模拟及其可能机理等方面的研究进展,并提出了东亚夏季风年代际变化数值模拟研究需进一步探讨的问题。  相似文献   

东亚夏季风和中国东部夏季降水年代际变化的模拟   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
陈红  薛峰 《大气科学》2013,37(5):1143-1153
利用中国科学院大气物理研究所发展的第四代大气环流模式模拟了1970年代末东亚夏季风和相关的中国东部夏季降水年代际变化。结果表明,在给定的观测海温强迫下,模式能模拟出东亚夏季风的年代际减弱及 相关的环流场变化,包括东亚沿海的偏北风异常以及西太平洋副高的形态变化,模式还较好再现了中国东部夏季降水的雨型变化,即长江流域降水偏多,而华北和华南偏少,但位置略偏南。基于奇异值分解(SVD)的分析表明,热带海洋变暖是这次东亚夏季风的年代际减弱的主要因素,这与太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)在1970年代末期的位相转变有关。此外,模式还较好模拟了长江流域的变冷趋势,进而减弱了海陆温差,使东亚夏季风减弱。  相似文献   

王琳莉  李远景 《浙江气象》2004,25(4):10-13,46
东亚夏季风强弱与我国夏季雨带的位置有较好的关系,特别是十年际的关系更为密切.经过对近50年来东亚夏季风年代际变化和金华地区夏季降水相关的进一步分析,其对金华地区夏季降水相关性较好,影响是显著的.  相似文献   

长江中下游降水以及东亚夏季风环流的年代际变化   总被引:13,自引:9,他引:13  
采用NCEP再分析资料及有关长江中下游的梅雨期降水量进行合成或诊断分析,目的是研究长江梅雨以及相应的大气环流的年代际变化,得出梅雨量的年代际变化和东亚大气环流以及厄尔尼诺现象的年代际变化密切相关的初步结果,具体结论如下:(1)与东亚季风指数相联系的长江中下游地区6-7月降水量及梅雨量在最近15年有持续增长的趋势。与此同时鄂霍茨克海地区的500hPa高度也有持续增长的趋势,并配合有厄尔尼诺频繁出现的趋势。(2)东亚夏季风指数与前年秋季NINO-3区域海温在最近20年有很好的相关,但是20年以前相关不好。意味着厄尔尼诺对东亚夏季环流的影响在加深。(3)近20年的PDO暖位相与东亚大气环流的年代际变化基本同步。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代初东亚夏季风的年代际转型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用1979—2009年JRA-25和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,通过复矢量经验正交方法揭示了东亚地区夏季850 hPa风场变率的优势模态。结果表明:两套再分析资料所揭示的东亚夏季风在20世纪90年代初均发生了年代际转型,与我国夏季降水的年代际转型时间一致。伴随着东亚夏季风的年代际转型,我国北方大部分地区夏季降水减少,尤其是我国东北北部和长江、黄河之间105°E附近区域显著减少,而华南地区和淮河流域降水显著增加。从动力上解释我国夏季降水年代际转型特征,夏季500 hPa高度场两个时段 (1993—2009年和1979—1992年) 的差值分布显示为欧亚大陆北部准纬向遥相关波列,夏季850 hPa风场差值分布表现为贝加尔湖东南侧和日本以南地区存在两个异常反气旋式环流,而我国南方地区和鄂霍次克海附近均为异常气旋式环流。夏季西北太平洋、北印度洋以及部分中高纬度海洋的海温和春季欧亚大陆积雪在20世纪90年代初出现显著变化,春季北极海冰的年代际转型发生在20世纪90年代初,都可能成为东亚夏季风年代际转型的原因。  相似文献   

论东亚夏季风的特征、驱动力与年代际变化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文是以新的资料和研究结果对东亚夏季风的基本特征、驱动力和年代际变化所作的重新分析与评估。内容包括四个部分:(1)东亚夏季风的基本特征;(2)东亚夏季风的驱动力;(3)东亚夏季风的年代际变率与原因;(4)东亚夏季风与全球季风的关系。结果表明:东亚夏季风是亚洲夏季风的一个重要有机部分,主要由来源于热带的季风气流组成,并随季节由南向北呈阶段性推进,它是形成夏季东亚天气与气候的主要环流和降水系统。驱动夏季风的主要强迫有三部分:外部强迫、耦合强迫与内部变率,其中人类活动引起的外强迫(气候变暖、城市化、气溶胶增加等)是新出现的外强迫,它正不断改变着东亚夏季风的特征与演变趋势。海洋与陆面耦合强迫作为自然因子是引起东亚夏季风年际和年代际变化的主要原因,其中太平洋年代尺度振荡(PDO)与北大西洋多年代尺度振荡(AMO)的协同作用是造成东亚夏季风30~40年周期振荡的主要原因。1960年代以后,东亚夏季风经历了强—弱—强的年代际变化,相应的中国东部夏季降水型出现了“北多南少”向“南涝北旱”以及“北方渐增”的转变。最近的研究表明,上述东亚夏季风年代际变化与整个亚非夏季风系统的变化趋势是一致的。在本世纪主要受气候变暖的影响,夏季风雨带将持续北移,中国北方和西部地区出现持续性多雨的格局。最后本文指出,亚非夏季风系统相比于其他区域季风系统更适合全球季风的概念。  相似文献   

The East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) underwent an interdecadal variation with interannual variations during the period from 1958 to 1997, its index tended to decline from a higher stage in the mid-1960's until it reached a lower stage after 1980's. Correlation analysis reveals that EASM is closely related with the global atmospheric circulation and sea surface temperature (SST). The differences between the weak and strong stage of EASM shows that, the summer monsoon circulation over East Asia and North Africa is sharply weakened, in the meantime, the westerlies in high latitudes and the trade--wind over the tropical ocean are also changed significantly. Over the most regions south of the northern subtropics, both air temperature in the lower troposphere and SST tended to rise compared with the strong stage of EASM. It is also revealed that the ocean-atmosphere interaction over the western Pacific and Indian Ocean plays a key role in interannual to interdecadal variation of EASM, most probably, the subtropical Indian Ocean is more important. On the other hand, the ENSO event is less related to EASM at least during the concerned period.  相似文献   

利用NCEP/NCAR提供的40年再分析资料和英国气象局提供的海温资料以及中国气象局整编的160站降水资料,分析了东亚夏季风以及我国华北夏季降水的年代际变化特征及其与北太平洋SSTA的关系,提出了东亚存季风在70年代中期发生显著变化,1976年前东亚夏季风偏强,受其影响华北地区夏季降水偏多,1976年以后,东亚转为弱夏季风阶段,华北地区进入少雨期,研究表明,1976年前北太平洋SSTA对大气作用显著,北太平洋海温异常对大圆波列会产生一种年际尺度的“刺激”作用叠加在年代际背景上,加强或减弱波列强度,造成强夏季风段结北夏季降水偏多气候态下的年际变化,1976年后,北太平洋地区海气温差小,海温对大气加热作用不明显,因此北太平洋海温异常通过大圆波列与东亚夏季风的联系也变得淡漠,对我国华北地区夏季降水的影响不再显著。  相似文献   

东亚冬季风的年代际变化及其与全球气候变化的可能联系   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
对近年来中外关于东亚冬季风(EAWM)年代际变化问题研究进展做了回顾和评述,主要包括以下3个方面内容:(1)东亚冬季风明显受到全球气候变化的影响,从20世纪50年代开始,中国冬季气温经历了一次冷期(从20世纪50年代延续到80年代初中期),一次暖期(从20世纪80年代初中后期延续到21世纪初)和近10-15年(约从1998年开始)出现的气候变暖趋缓期(也称气候变暖停顿期)。(2)东亚冬季风主要表现出强-弱-强3阶段的特征,即从1950年到1986/1987年,明显偏强;从1986/1987年冬季开始,东亚冬季风减弱;约2005年之后,东亚冬季风开始由弱转强。与东亚冬季风的年代际变化特征相对应,东亚冬季大气环流以及中国冬季气温和寒潮都表现出一致的年代际变化。(3)东亚冬季风的年代际变化与大气环流和太平洋海表温度(SST)的区域模态变化密切相关。当北半球环状模/北极涛动(NAM/AO)和太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)处于负(正)位相,东亚冬季风偏强(弱),中国冬季气温偏低(高)。此外,北大西洋年代尺度振荡(AMO)对东亚冬季风也有重要影响,在AMO负位相时,对应东亚冷期(强冬季风),正位相对应暖期(弱冬季风)。因而海洋的年代际变化是造成东亚冬季风气候脉动的主要自然原因,而全球气候变暖对东亚冬季风强度的减弱也有明显影响。  相似文献   

The Maritime Continent(MC) is an important region where the Tropical Pacific and the Indian Ocean interact with each other via "the atmospheric bridge" and a key region for the interaction between the Asian and Australian monsoons. Using the NCEP/NCAR and CMAP monthly mean reanalysis over the period of 1979-2012, the interdecadal variations of diabatic forcing over the key region of the Maritime Continent and its possible relations with the East Asian summer monsoon have been investigated in the present paper. Our results show that climate variations in the Maritime Continent is particularly significant in the area of 95-145°E, 10°S-10°N, which is thus defined as the key area of the MC(i.e., KMC area). Without the input of latent heat release in the atmosphere, distinct interdecadal change of diabatic heating is found to exist from 1979 to 2012; it intensified before 1980 s and peaked in the late 1980 s and weakened after this period. By analyzing each individual component that contributes to the diabatic heating in the KMC area, surface latent heat flux and net long-wave radiation in the atmosphere are found to be the two dominant components. With negative diabatic heating anomalies over KMC, there will be more precipitation on islands and less precipitation over sea, and more rainfall around the equator, which is in correspondence with the convergence center around the equator in the KMC area. Along the meridional-vertical section averaged between 115-120 ° E, the well-defined vertical circulation anomalies are observed with the ascending branches over KMC and the area around 30°N respectively, and the descending branch over the South China Sea. Water vapor transports from the Bay of Bengal and South China Sea to eastern China to benefit the positive precipitation anomalies. The meridional-vertical circulation in East Asia plays a critical role in linking the interdecadal variability of diabatic heating over the KMC and East Asian summer monsoon anomalies.  相似文献   

太平洋区域海温跃变及其与东亚夏季风的关系   总被引:15,自引:6,他引:15  
李峰  何金海 《气象科学》2001,21(1):28-35
本文利用英国气象局提供的全球SST月平均资料和NCAR/NCEP提供的500百帕高度场资料,分析了全球SSTA的年际和年代际变化,发现夏季全球SST在70年代发生了一次跃变,尤其北太平洋区域SST在1976年前后,由正距平变为负跨燕,并且跃变前后东亚夏季风也发了显著变化,我国汛期降水异常形势成相反分布,海温对东亚夏季风的影响途径和机制也发生了改变,1976年以前北太平洋区域海温起主要作用,跃变后,北太平洋区域海温异常与东亚夏季风关系变得不明显,而赤道中东太平洋海温的作用变得异常重要。  相似文献   

东亚夏季风南北进退的年代际变化对我国区域降水的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
利用1958-2001年的中国740站逐日降水资料和欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF) ERA40再分析资料,综合动力因子和热力因子定义了东亚夏季风指数,并利用该指数的变化定义了东亚夏季风前沿,客观、详尽地描述了季风的移动特征.结果表明,在1958-2001年期间,东亚夏季风活动在1965、1980和1994年出现3次明显转变.1958-1964年东亚夏季风前沿在华南和华北地区停留时间异常偏长,而在长江中下游地区停留时间异常偏短;1965-1979年季风前沿在华南和黄河下游地区停留时间稍长;1980-1993年季风前沿集中在长江中下游地区时间异常偏长,而在华北地区停留时间异常偏短;1994-2001年东亚夏季风在长江以南停留时间偏长,从而导致了我国东部区域降水的异常分布、旱涝灾害频繁发生.  相似文献   

东亚副热带夏季风环流指数及其与中国气候的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用大气环流正、斜压分解方法,从东亚副热带夏季风为正、斜压混合型季风观点出发,定义并计算了1958-1997年东亚副热带夏季风环流指数。该环流指数与1961-1995年中国160站夏季降水、气温的相关分析表明,它与中国东部夏季降水和气温的关系密切:强季风年,以河套地区为中心的黄河流域及华北地区多雨,长江流域少雨,华南和东南沿海多雨,以长江流域为中心的全国绝大部分地区气温偏高。弱季风年情况相反。此外,还将该环流指数与目前常用的4种东亚夏季风指数进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

A new East Asian subtropical summer monsoon circulation index is defined, where the barotropic and baroclinic components of circulation are included. Results show that this index can well indicate the interannual variability of summer precipitation and temperature anomalies in China. A strong monsoon is characterized by more rainfall in the Yellow River basin and northern China, less rainfall in the Yangtze River basin, and more rainfall in south and southeast China, in association with higher temperature in most areas of China. Furthermore, comparison is made between the index proposed in this paper and other monsoon indexes in representing climate anomalies in China.  相似文献   

东亚夏季风指数的年际变化与东亚大气环流   总被引:66,自引:9,他引:66  
文中从夏季东亚热带、副热带环流系统特点出发 ,定义了能较好表征东亚夏季风环流年际变化的特征指数 ,并分析了东亚夏季风指数的年际变化与东亚大气环流及夏季中国东部降水的关系。文中定义的东亚夏季风指数既反映了夏季东亚大气环流风场的变化特征 ,也较好地反映了夏季中国东部降水的年际变化特征。此外 ,还探讨了东亚夏季风指数变化的先兆信号  相似文献   

Using the 1979-2009 NCEP/NACR reanalysis data and precipitation records in East China, research is performed of the climatological features of low-frequency oscillation (LFO) in OLR over the Maritime Continent (MC) as well as their associations with precipitation disturbance in the eastern part of China. Results suggest that in the MC there is significant climatological low-frequency oscillation (CLFO) in outgoing long-wave radiation (OLR), with the intraseasonal oscillation (30-60 days) being the strongest for April-September, and the MC acting as a high-value region of percentage contributions of low-frequency OLR variance. On the low-frequency time scale there occur four events of more intense active OLR during this time interval. In the January-April (May-August) phase, MC convection is relatively weak (vigorous). The CLFO makes pronounced eastward displacement at tropics, with phase propagation seen longitudinally, too. There occur low-frequency disturbance circulations similar to the EAP wavetrain or P-J teleconnection, starting from the MC via the South China Sea and the Philippines to the Yangtze valley of China. At different phases, the variation in the low-frequency circulations and heating fields shows that the rainfall disturbance in eastern China is likely to be under possible effects of the CLFO from the MC in April-September, and the low-frequency heating variation exhibits a meridional pattern as an EAP wavetrain or P-J teleconnection. As the OLR CLFO is in a peak (valley) phase the low-level divergence or convergence with the reversal at high levels over the MC is related to relatively feeble (robust) low frequency convection, thereby exciting an EAP or P-J wavetrain from the MC to the Sea of Japan. At the higher levels, the South-Asian high is eastward (westward) of normal due to effects of low-frequency cyclones (anticyclones), resulting in less (more) rainfall in the Jiangnan (areas in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze and to the south of the river) and Hetao (the Great Bend of Yellow River) areas, and increased (decreased) rainfall in SW China, Qinghai Plateau and Gansu. At the conversion phases, low-frequency convection becomes more active in parts of the MC, consequently exciting low-frequency wavetrain of cyclones-anticyclones-cyclones at low levels, making the South-Asian high southward of the mean, so that strong convergent zones emerge in the upper and middle Yangtze basins and Jilin of NE China, responsible for plentiful precipitation there in sharp contrast to the rainfall over the band between the Yellow and Huaihe Rivers and the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau. These results help understand in depth the climatological LFO characteristics and the phase-locked feature, thereby further improving our understanding of the causes of rainfall disturbances in different parts of the country.  相似文献   

The daily precipitation data of 740 stations in China(1958–2001)and the daily upper air data of European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts reanalysis dataset(1958–2001)are used to define an East Asian summer monsoon(EASM)index based on dynamic and thermal factors.The index is used to represent the front(or leading edge)of EASM to describe and characterize the advance and retreat of EASM objectively.During 1958–2001,the EASM movement underwent three interdecadal abrupt shifts in 1965,1980 and 1994,respectively.During 1958–1964,the front primarily concentrated in South China and North China,while it stayed at the mid-and lower-Yangtze River for a short period.During 1965–1979,the front was located in South China and the lower reach of Yellow River for a long time.During 1980–1993,the time in which the front of EASM stayed at the mid-and lower-Yangtze River was much longer,but it settled in North China for just a short time.During 1994–2001,the front generally concentrated in the south of the mid-and lower-Yangtze River.The three interdecadal shifts of EASM directly resulted in rainfall anomalies,as well as frequent disasters of flood and drought in East China.  相似文献   

Identification of key SST zones is essential in predicting the weather / climate systems in East Asia. With the SST data by the U.K. Meteorological Office and 40-year geopotential height and wind fields by NCAR / NCEP, the relationship between the East Asian summer monsoon and north Pacific SSTA is studied, which reveals their interactions are of interdecadal variation. Before mid-1970's, the north Pacific SSTA acts upon the summer monsoon in East Asia through a great circle wavetrain and results in more rainfall in the summer of the northern part of China. After 1976, the SSTA weakens the wavetrain and no longer influences the precipitation in North China due to loosened links with the East Asian summer monsoon. It can be drawn that the key SST zones having potential effects on the weather / climate systems in East Asia do not stay in one particular area of the ocean but rather shift elsewhere as governed by the interdecadal variations of the air-sea interactions. It is hoped that the study would help shed light on the prediction of drought / flood spans in China.  相似文献   

In this paper, four problems are discussed: (1) the monsoon circulation over southern Asia; (2) the seasonal variation of the general circulation of the atmosphere; (3) the influence of the monsoon on the rainfall in southwestern China; and (4) the source region of water vapor for the rainfall in the Changjiang valley.  相似文献   

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