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Our aim was to assess the change in platelet activity along the menstrual cycle. We conducted a prospective observational study. The study group included 16 healthy women with regular menstrual cycles, which were compared to a control group of 14 healthy males. Exclusion criteria were age <18 years or >45 years, use of oral contraceptives or any other forms of hormonal therapy and medical disorders or medications that might affect platelet aggregation. Blood samples were taken from each of the women at four different phases of the menstrual cycle: day 1 ± 1, day 7 ± 1, day 14 ± 1, and day 21 ± 1. A single blood sample was taken from the males. Platelet aggregation was assessed in whole blood samples using the Multiplate? analyzer with three different agonists (ADP, arachidonic acid (AA), and thrombin-receptor activating peptide (TRAP)). Platelet aggregation for each of the women at each of the phases of the menstrual cycle was expressed as the percentage change from the day 1 ± 1 value. A total of 390 aggregation assays were performed. The mean aggregation activity was significantly higher in females compared with males, irrespective of the agonist used. For the TRAP and the ADP agonists, the relative platelet activity decreased along the menstrual cycle from day 1 towards day 21 and from day 7 towards day 21, respectively, although differences reached statistical significance only for day 21 (?12.4% ± 3.2%, P < 0.05 for TRAP, and ?9.5% ± 3.9%, P < 0.05 for ADP). When using AA to induce platelet aggregation, the relative platelet activity was highest around the time of ovulation (11.0% ± 4.7%) and was significantly lower on day 21 (?8.5% ± 6.7%, P < 0.05). In conclusion, platelet aggregation activity is higher in females compared with males. The association between the phase of the menstrual cycle and platelet activity appears to vary with the type of agonist, but platelet aggregation is consistently lowest in the mid-luteal phase irrespective of the agonist used.  相似文献   

The 2013 ISTH-SSC guidelines for the standardization of light transmission aggregometry (LTA) were largely based on expert consensus, as studies directly comparing LTA methodologies were lacking. We experimentally tested the cogency of ISTH-SSC recommendations pertaining to use of anticoagulant, in particular whether: (1) buffered citrate (BC) is preferable to unbuffered citrate (C); (2) the two recommended concentrations of sodium citrate (109 and 129 mM) are equivalent in terms of platelet aggregation (PA). Blood from 16 healthy volunteers was collected into BC and C (109 and 129 mM). PA was measured by LTA in platelet-rich plasma (PRP) stimulated by adenosine diphosphate (ADP) (2 μM) immediately after PRP preparation and up to 4 hr after blood collection; pH and platelet counts in PRP were measured in parallel. pH in PRP increased with time up to about 8 for all anticoagulants, although it was lower in BC than in C at all times. In BC, PA was lower at 45 min, but equivalent at all other times. PA was higher and more stable in sodium citrate 109 mM than in 129 mM at all times. The extent of PA did not change for up to 2 hr after blood collection, and subsequently dramatically decreased. In contrast with ISTH-SSC recommendations, (1) BC does not show advantages compared to C; (2) 109 mM citrate is preferable to 129 mM, because it better supports PA; and (3) LTA studies should be completed within 2 hr of blood collection, instead of the recommended 4 hr.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between impedance platelet aggregometry (IPA) as measured by the Multiplate? system and turbidimetric platelet aggregation (TPA) induced by ADP, arachidonic acid (AA), and collagen; blood cell counts; platelet function analyzer (PFA-100?) closure times (CT), and von Willebrand factor (VWF) in 120 well-characterized healthy individuals. Pre-analytical and analytical conditions were standardized comprehensively. Analytical reliability of IPA and TPA and the influence of pre-analytical variables on assay results were also examined. IPA and TPA did not change significantly between 0.5 and 5 hours after blood collection when samples were stored at room temperature. TPA and IPA showed significantly greater intra-assay imprecision than respective TPA induced by the same agonists. Intra-individual variation did not differ significantly between IPA and TPA. The lower limits of reference range (2.5th percentiles) of AAIPA, ADPIPA and collagen IPA determined AM were 37, 20 and 40 AU, respectively. ADPIPA showed significantly lower maximum aggregation values than AAIPA and collagen IPA (P?<?0.0001). There were no significant differences in any parameter between males and females. No significant differences between blood group 0 and non-0 individuals were noted with respect to IPA and TPA. IPA did not change significantly during the day. In contrast, TPA measured PM was significantly lower than corresponding values determined a.m. (p?<?0.0001). CEPI-CT, CADP-CT and leukocyte counts increased significantly from a.m. to p.m. (P?=?0.008 and P?>?0.0001, respectively). Donors had significantly greater IPA induced by any agonist than non-donors (P-values?<?0.0001, 0.0001 and 0.001, respectively), whereas TPA was not significantly different between donors and non-donors. IPA did not correlate significantly with TPA nor with PFA-100? CT. ADPIPA and collagen IPA correlated significantly with platelet count. TPA was not associated with platelet count. An inverse significant correlation was observed between TPA induced by any agonist and leukocyte count, whereas leukocyte count did not influence IPA. CEPI-CT and CADP-CT correlated significantly with VWF:CBA and with each other but not with TPA. We concluded that IPA and TPA measure different aspects of platelet function. IPA results reflect interactions between platelets, red and white cells, while TPA does not. This explains discrepancies in associations of IPA and TPA with cell counts, time of day and blood donation. The clinical significance of IPA determined using the Multiplate? device remains to be determined in studies on patients with platelet dysfunction and under treatment with antiplatelet agents.  相似文献   

In past decades, numerous epidemiological and clinical studies in women taking oral contraceptives revealed the impact of sex steroids on coagulation factors and the incidence of venous thrombosis. To date, only scarce data regarding the impact of oral contraceptives on platelet function are available. The aim of this study was to further elucidate the impact of sex steroids on platelet function. We conducted an observational study in young women using different types and dosages of monophasic oral contraceptives (OCs) compared to women not taking OCs. During the follicular phase, the mean closure time (CT) in Col/Epi was 168.0?±?64.9?s compared to 131.5?±?28.9?s during the luteal phase (p?=?0.012). In Col/Epi cartridges, no difference was detected between women taking second/third generation OCs and low-dose OCs (145.2?±?44.3 vs. 169.4?±?63.5, p?=?0.34). In contrast, mean Col/Epi values of women using anti-androgen-containing OCs were less (110.3?±?15.6?s) than in both other OC groups (p?=?0.03 for both comparisons). The same holds for Col/Epi values from women during the follicular- and luteal phases compared to women using anti-androgen-containing OCs (p?=?0.0002, p?=?0.013). Significant correlations between progesterone and platelet function in women not using OCs (p?=?0.02) could be found. In conclusion, the results of the study show that platelet function might be modulated by OCs and the female cycle. As for OCs, the main factor seems to be the progestagen. During the female cycle, the main impact on platelet function might be mediated by progesterone.  相似文献   

Point-of-care platelet monitoring is increasingly used in cardiac patients treated with antiplatelet agents. The validity of a new assay needs to be evaluated not only for reproducible data in clinical samples, but also for other pre-analytical conditions that may influence measurements. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of a pneumatic tube system (PTS) for specimen transport on impedance platelet aggregometry. We evaluated 50 consecutive patients scheduled for coronary artery bypass surgery under oral therapy with 100 mg/d acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin). In each patient, three blood samples for platelet function analysis were taken before induction of anesthesia. The first sample was measured in the operating room (OR) area and designated as the reference value. The second sample was again measured by the same operator in the OR area using a random PTS transport. The third sample was sent to the central laboratory by PTS where it was measured by a local technician. Platelet function was assessed in whole blood by impedance aggregometry with a Multiplate? analyzer using thrombin-related activation peptide (TRAP test) and arachidonic acid (ASPI test) (Dynabite GmbH, Munich, Germany). Mean ± SD for TRAP test was 1009 ± 196 in the reference measurement. Bias ± 95% limit of agreement between the reference measurement and a second measurement for TRAP test were 126 ± 284 (n = 25) for untransported and 181 ± 316 (n = 25) for PTS transported samples. In the reference measurements, 48/50 (96%) of TRAP values were within the normal range. After PTS transport, 35/50 (70%) of TRAP measurements in the central laboratory were within the normal range (p < 0.001). Mean ± SD for ASPI test was 175 ± 137. Bias ± 95% limit of agreement for ASPI test were 12 ± 109 (n = 25) for untransported and 68 ± 250 (n = 25) for PTS transported samples. In the reference measurements, 7/50 (14%) ASPI values were above the cut-off level and defined as reduced aspirin responsiveness. After PTS transport, only 1/50 (2%) of the patients showed reduced aspirin responsiveness in the central laboratory measurements (p = 0.031). In conclusion, PTS transport had a significant influence on platelet function testing by the Multiplate? analyzer. Significantly fewer test results indicated normal platelet function in TRAP test and reduced aspirin responsiveness in ASPI test after PTS transport. Therefore, clinical decisions regarding platelet function and aspirin responsiveness should not be based on blood specimens transported by a PTS system.  相似文献   

Platelet function defects (PFD) are reported to occur frequently in adult women with heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB). Few studies on adolescent HMB report varying incidence rates (2–44%) for PFD. We reviewed our institutional experience in detecting and managing PFD in adolescent HMB. Postmenarchial girls and adolescents with HMB seen at our institution undergo a comprehensive bleeding disorder work‐up by paediatric haematology and paediatric gynaecology providers. Whole blood platelet aggregometry (WBPA) is performed as a second tier test after excluding thrombocytopaenia, coagulation factor deficiencies and Von Willebrand disease (VWD). We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of adolescents with HMB seen between June 2009 and November 2010, as approved by the Institutional Review Board. Patient demographics, clinical features, laboratory results, therapy details and patient outcome information were analysed. Overall, 114 postmenarchial girls and adolescents with HMB were evaluated; 68 patients (59%) had WBPA study performed. Nineteen patients (28%) had at least one aggregation or secretion defect; 12 (18%) had two or more such defects. Treatment included hormonal therapy (13/19; 68%), antifibrinolytic agents (8/19; 42%) and intra‐nasal DDAVP (3/19; 16%). Thirteen patients (81%) had improved outcome (median follow‐up – 15.6 months; range of 1–66 months). In this study, PFD were identified in nearly one‐third of girls with HMB, with the majority of these having two or more defects as identified by WBPA. Further prospective studies are needed to better define the prevalence and address appropriate management of HMB and other bleeding complications of PFD in adolescents.  相似文献   

Patients on P2Y12 inhibitors may still develop thrombosis or bleeding complications. Tailored antiplatelet therapy, based on platelet reactivity testing, might reduce these complications. Several tests have been used, but failed to show a benefit of tailored antiplatelet therapy. This could be due to the narrowness of current platelet reactivity tests, which are limited to analysis of platelet aggregation after stimulation of the adenosine diphosphate (ADP)-pathway. However, the response to ADP does not necessarily reflect the effect of P2Y12 inhibition on platelet function in vivo. Therefore, we investigated whether measuring platelet reactivity toward other physiologically relevant agonists could provide more insight in the efficacy of P2Y12 inhibitors.

The effect of in vitro and in vivo P2Y12 inhibition on αIIbβ3-activation, P-selectin and CD63-expression, aggregate formation, release of alpha, and dense granules content was assessed after stimulation of different platelet activation pathways. Platelet reactivity measured with flow cytometry in 72 patients on P2Y12 inhibitors was compared to VerifyNow results.

P2Y12 inhibitors caused strongly attenuated platelet fibrinogen binding after stimulation with peptide agonists for protease activated receptor (PAR)-1 and -4, or glycoprotein VI ligand crosslinked collagen-related peptide (CRP-xl), while aggregation was normal at high agonist concentration. P2Y12 inhibitors decreased PAR-agonist and CRP-induced dense granule secretion, but not alpha granule secretion. A proportion of P2Y12-inhibitor responsive patients according to VerifyNow, displayed normal fibrinogen binding assessed with flow cytometry after stimulation with PAR-agonists or CRP despite full inhibition of the response to ADP, indicating suboptimal platelet inhibition.

Concluding, measurement of platelet fibrinogen binding with flow cytometry after stimulation of thrombin- or collagen receptors in addition to ADP response identifies different patients as nonresponders to P2Y12 inhibitors, compared to only ADP-induced aggregation-based assays. Future studies should investigate the value of both assays for monitoring on-treatment platelet reactivity.  相似文献   

Platelet function tests are suggested to assess platelet reactivity before cardiac and major non-cardiac surgery. Different point-of-care platelet function tests are available. Among these, electric impedance platelet aggregometry (EIPA) (Multiplate®, MP) is one of the most widely used techniques. Recently, a new EIPA system (Rotem Platelet®, RP) was released. This is a comparative study of platelet function measured with MP and RP. Fifty cardiac surgery patients were admitted to this study. All the patients received a preoperative platelet function test with both the MP and the RP; for each technology, two tests were performed: the ADPtest (investigating P2Y12 receptor platelet reactivity) and the TRAPtest (investigating the thrombin-dependent platelet reactivity). ADP-based platelet reactivity values demonstrated a significant (p?=?0.019) correlation between the MP and the RP; and a marginally significant (p?=?0.042) correlation for TRAP-based tests. The Bland–Altman analysis of the ADPtest demonstrated a positive bias of 5.94 units (MP?>?RP) and a percentage error of 88%. For the TRAPtest, there was a positive bias of 12 units (MP?>?RP) and a percentage error of 89%. In patients who were preoperatively treated with P2Y12 receptor inhibitors, only the MP ADPtest was positively associated with the days from drug discontinuation (p?=?0.003). Platelet function assessment with RP greatly differs from the equivalent MP measure, and no correction value can be applied due to the low level of precision. This applies both to ADPtest and TRAPtest. The MP ADPtest is more reliable for platelet reactivity after discontinuation of P2Y12 receptor inhibitors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Data from small studies have shown the presence of platelet abnormalities in patients with congestive heart failure (CHF). We sought to characterize the diagnostic utility of the whole blood aggregometry (WBA) in a random outpatient CHF population. METHODS: Blood samples were obtained for measurement of whole blood aggregation, shear-induced closure time, platelet contractile force, expression of GP IIb/IIIa, and P-selectin in 100 consecutive patients with CHF. RESULTS: Substantial inter-individual variability of platelet characteristics exists in patients with CHF. There were no statistically significant differences when patients were divided by the incidence of vascular events, emergency revascularization needs, survival, or etiology of heart failure. Surprisingly, aspirin use did not affect instrument readings as well. Whole blood aggregometry correlates well with the closure time (r(2)=0.587), and with GP IIb/IIIa expression (r(2)=0.435). Significant but less strong correlation has been observed for the WBA with platelet P-selectin expression (r(2)=0.295), and no correlation was present for the platelet contractile force measures (r(2)=0.030). CONCLUSIONS: Despite the fact that patients with heart failure enrolled in the EPCOT trial exhibited marginal, sometimes oppositely directed changes, in their platelet characteristics, whole blood impedance aggregometry is indeed capable to serve as a valuable diagnostic tool, and may be successfully used as an established screening device in this population. Ability of the whole blood aggregometry to predict clinical outcomes, or for the monitoring of anti-platelet agents in CHF patients, will be evaluated in the ongoing clinical trials.  相似文献   

Heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) is often undiagnosed in women and can cause discomfort and distress. A haemostatic cause for excessive bleeding is often not routinely investigated and can lead to hysterectomy at an early age. A prospective cohort study was carried out to determine whether certain patients with unexplained HMB have an underlying platelet function defect (PFD). The Genotyping and Phenotyping of Platelets (GAPP) study recruited 175 women with HMB and 44 unrelated volunteers from 25 Haemophilia Centres across the UK, and a tertiary gynaecology service. Bleeding history was assessed using the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis Bleeding Assessment Tool (ISTH-BAT). Platelet count, platelet size, haemoglobin and mean corpuscular volume were measured in whole blood using the Sysmex XN-1000 Haematology Analyzer. Platelet function testing using lumiaggregometry and flow cytometry was performed in patients included in this study. A PFD was identified in 47% (82/175) of patients with HMB. Cutaneous bleeding was the most frequent additional bleeding symptom (89% in PFD and 83% with no PFD). Whole blood platelet count was significantly lower (P < 0.0001) between the PFD group and no PFD group. The prevalence of anaemia did not differ between patients and healthy volunteers. Clinical evaluation alone is insufficient to determine presence of an underlying PFD in patients with HMB. Platelet function tests may be considered and clinical guidelines may include them in their algorithms. An appropriate diagnosis and subsequent tailored management of HMB may prevent unnecessary surgery and help manage future haemostatic challenges.  相似文献   

Light transmission aggregometry (LTA) is the “gold standard” for platelet function assessment, but it is time-consuming and labor intensive. Recently, an automated platelet aggregation method has been developed on a routine coagulation analyzer (Sysmex CS-2100i). In this study, the performances of CS-2100i including repeatability, correlation with a reference aggregometer (Chrono-log Model 700), and the threshold limitation of platelet counts in platelet-rich plasma (PRP) were evaluated for clinical use. The agonists were adenosine diphosphate (ADP), arachidonic acid, collagen, epinephrine, and ristocetin. The platelet concentration of PRP was adjusted with platelet-poor plasma (PPP) and physiological saline (PS). The CS-2100i showed an excellent repeatability and a strong correlation with the Chrono-log 700 in performing platelet aggregation, and its threshold limitation of platelet counts in PRP was 80 × 109/L. PPP had an inhibitory impact on platelet aggregation induced by ADP, arachidonic acid, collagen or epinephrine; while PS had an inhibitory impact on ristocetin-induced aggregation. PS should be used to adjust PRP for ADP-, arachidonic acid-, collagen-, or epinephrine-induced aggregation; while PPP was recommended for ristocetin-induced aggregation. The CS-2100i showed an excellent repeatability, a strong correlation with Chrono-log 700, a lower platelet count requirement, a shorter turnaround time for samples, the advantage of being a walk-away technology, and the ability to perform a highly standardized platelet function assessment.  相似文献   

Platelet function in 16 patients with metastatlc renal cell carcinoma and melanoma was studied sequentially over the first 96 hr of treatment with moderate and highdose inter-leukin-2 (IL-2). During the first 96 hr of therapy, an increased ex vivo platelet maximal aggregation (MA) response to ADP, epinephrine, and arachidonlc acld was paralleled by a decrease In the peripheral platelet count. Plasma speclmens from patients receiving the moderate dose schedule showed a significant IL-2 induced secretory response of the platelet α-granule components β-thromboglobulin (BTG) and platelet factor 4 (PF4) and the eicosanoid thromboxane B2 (TBX2) as measured by RIA. The increase in TXB2 was highly correlated with MA when analyzed by bivariate regression analysls, whereas the addition of PF4 to TXB2 in a multiple regression analysls further Increased their correlation to MA. The observed decrease In peripheral platelet count correlated significantly with MA and PF4 secretion. High-dose IL-2-treated patlents showed a statistically significant increase in the percentage of large platelets exceeding 12 fl in diameter and platelet responsiveness to hypotonic shock. These observations suggest that IL-2 therapy results in a reduced peripheral platelet pool, with an increased proportion of the remaining pool of platelets larger, more viable, and actlvated. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Since normal human pregnancy is characterized by normotension in the face of an increased renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), we evaluated the temporal pattern of urinary excretion of a novel vasodilator within this system, angiotensin-(1–7) (Ang-[1–7]), during the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and lactation. The urinary profiles of Ang I, Ang II, human chorionic gonadotropin, 17β-estradiol, and progesterone were also determined. During the menstrual cycle, urinary Ang-(1–7) and Ang II remained stable (mean cycle value: 94.6±11.3 and 11.4±1.1 pmol/g of creatinine, respectively) in nine females. In 10 normal pregnant women, urinary Ang-(1–7) and Ang II increased throughout gestation, averaging 1499.8±310 and 224.4±58 pmol/g of creatinine, respectively (p<0.05) at wk 35 and falling during lactation to 394.0±95 and 65.7±20 pmol/g of creatinine (p<0.05), respectively. The Ang-(1–7)/Ang II ratio was unchanged in the different reproductive periods. During the menstrual cycle, Ang II and Ang-(1–7) correlated with 17β-estradiol and progesterone using multivariate analysis (r=0.31, p<0.001) and r=0.28, p<0.02, respectively). During gestation, 17β-estradiol and progesterone correlated with urinary Ang-(1–7) (r=0.48, p<0.001 and r=0.47, p<0.001, respectively) and Ang II (r=0.24, p<0.03 and r=0.25, p<0.03, respectively); by multiple regression, only Ang-(1–7) correlated with both steroids (r=0.49, p<0.001). The progressive rise of Ang-(1–7) throughout gestation, probably modulated by estrogen and progesterone, suggests a physiologic counterregulation within the RAAS.  相似文献   

Pathogen reduction (PR) systems for platelets, based on chemically induced cross-linking and inactivation of nucleic acids, potentially prevent transfusion transmission of infectious agents, but can increase clinically significant bleeding in some clinical studies. Here, we documented the effects of PR systems on microRNA and mRNA levels of platelets stored in the blood bank, and assessed their impact on platelet activation and function. Unlike platelets subjected to gamma irradiation or stored in additive solution, platelets treated with Intercept (amotosalen?+?ultraviolet-A [UVA] light) exhibited significantly reduced levels of 6 of the 11 microRNAs, and 2 of the 3 anti-apoptotic mRNAs (Bcl-xl and Clusterin) that we monitored, compared with platelets stored in plasma. Mirasol (riboflavin?+?UVB light) treatment of platelets did not produce these effects. PR neither affected platelet microRNA synthesis or function nor induced cross-linking of microRNA-sized endogenous platelet RNA species. However, the reduction in the platelet microRNA levels induced by Intercept correlated with the platelet activation (p?<?0.05) and an impaired platelet aggregation response to ADP (p?<?0.05). These results suggest that Intercept treatment may induce platelet activation, resulting in the release of microRNAs and mRNAs from platelets. The clinical implications of this reduction in platelet nucleic acids secondary to Intercept remain to be established.  相似文献   

Sofia Ramström 《Platelets》2013,24(8):1001-1007
The use of arachidonic acid (AA) to stimulate platelets is considered as a specific approach to study aspirin treatment efficacy. However, very high concentrations of AA are used, and it has been previously reported that AA can induce cell lysis in other settings. Several clinical studies have reported decreased responses to AA in whole blood tests in the presence of clopidogrel.

Our aim was to investigate whether unspecific effects contribute to AA-induced aggregation and platelet activation in light transmission aggregometry (LTA) in platelet-rich plasma (PRP), and in assays using whole blood, multiple electrode aggregometry (MEA, Multiplate®), and flow cytometry.

We report that cell lysis, especially of red blood cells, does occur at concentrations of AA used in the clinical tests and that ADP is very important for the AA-induced platelet activation responses. In flow cytometry, very limited platelet activation was detected before reaching AA concentrations in the millimolar range, where cell lysis also occurred, making it problematic to develop a reliable flow cytometry assay using AA as reagent.

We conclude that cell lysis and ADP release contribute to AA-induced platelet responses, most markedly in whole blood assays. This finding could potentially explain some differences between studies comparing methods using whole blood and PRP and also how clopidogrel treatment could influence AA-induced aggregation results in previously published studies. Our findings highlight some issues with AA as reagent for platelet activation, which also have an impact on how platelet activation assays using AA should be interpreted.  相似文献   

Hayward CP 《Blood reviews》2011,25(4):169-173
Platelet function disorders are inherited and acquired conditions that represent a common cause of bleeding. Their clinical findings are generally similar to von Willebrand disease. It is often challenging to diagnose common platelet function disorders due to heterogeneity in their features, uncertainties about their pathogenesis and genetic cause, variability in the procedures used to assess platelet function in diagnostic laboratories and the lack of diagnostic criterion. Some inherited platelet function disorders have been established to increase risks for bleeding and bleeding scores. However, bleeding history assessment tools are not validated for use in diagnosing platelet function disorders. Standardized tests that assess aggregation function, dense granule deficiency and dense granule secretion are useful for diagnosing common platelet function disorders, in addition to some rare conditions. Guidelines have emerged to improve and standardize the laboratory tests for diagnosing platelet function disorders, including how to interpret aggregometry findings. Nonetheless, there is need to further evaluate the features, pathogenesis and genetic cause of many platelet function disorders, including the inherited conditions that impair granule secretion.  相似文献   

To assess sources of variability in platelet function tests in normal subjects, 64 healthy young adults were tested on 2–6 occasions at 2 week intervals using four methods: platelet aggregation (AGG) in platelet‐rich plasma (PRP) in the Bio/Data PAP‐4 Aggregometer (BD) and Chrono‐Log Lumi‐Aggregometer (CL); and AGG in whole blood (WB) in the CL and Multiplate Platelet Function Analyser (MP), with ATP release (REL) in CL‐PRP and CL‐WB. Food and medication exposures were recorded prospectively for 2 weeks prior to each blood draw. At least one AGG abnormality was seen in 21% of 81 drug‐free specimens with CL‐PRP, 15% with CL‐WB, 13% with BD‐PRP and 6% with MP‐WB, increasing with inclusion of REL to 28% for CL‐PRP and 30% for CL‐WB. Epinephrine AGG and REL were significantly reduced in males (< 0·0001). Ristocetin AGG and collagen and thrombin REL were significantly reduced in Blacks (< 0·0001). One‐third of specimens drawn following flavonoid‐rich food exposures had aberrant results, compared to 8·5% of specimens without such exposures (= 0·0035). PRP tests had less intra‐individual variation than WB tests. Gender, race, diet and test system affected results of platelet function testing in healthy subjects, suggesting caution when interpreting the results of platelet function testing in patients.  相似文献   

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