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1INTRODUCT1ONFormode1ingcompoundsofcertaincopper-containingenzymes,theinvestigationofdinuclearcoppercomplexeshasattractedtheattentionofinorganicandbiologicchemistst1i.Actingasoxygentransportproteinsforinvertebrates,oxyhemocyanin(oxyHc)hasadinuclearcoppersitewithaCu-Cuseparationofca.3.6A[2'3i(Fig.1).In1984,Karlinetal-[4ireportedthesynthesisofadinuclearcopper(I)com-plexwithabidentateligand.Thecomplexreactswithdioxygenquasireversibly,whichproducesaperoxodinuclearcopper(I)complex(Nallo=8O3…  相似文献   

Zn C6H8N2O5.H2O(NCGZn) has been synthesized, and its functional groups present in the title compound were confirmed by elemental analysis, TG and IR spectral studies. Meanwhile, the crystal of NCGZn was obtained by slow evaporation of a saturated aqueous solution at room temperature and confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. It crystallizes in triclinic, space group P21 with a = 5.03220(1), b = 13.3747(4), c = 12.9944(4) , β = 92.987(2)o, V = 873.39(4) 3, Z = 2, C12H20N4O12Zn2, Mr = 543.10, Dc = 2.065 g/cm3, F(000) = 552, μ(Mo Ka) = 2.826 mm-1, R = 0.0422 and w R = 0.1142. In NCGZn, Zn(1) and the symmetry formed Zn(1) ions are connected by five atoms from four NCG-2H anions and a water molecule. A NCG ligand has two carboxylate groups, one connecting a Zn ion, and the other bridgiong two Zn ions. The NCG ligand bridges four Zn ions through the amino group and two carboxylate groups with a water molecule to yield a 3D coordination polymer structure with hydrogen bonds.  相似文献   

The title complex, C37H34N6NiO5, has been prepared and characterized by X-ray diffraction analysis. It crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group P21/c with a = 1.15244(8), b = 1.69679(12), c = 1.78341(13) nm, β = 102.2320(10)°, V = 3.4082(4) nm3, Z = 4, Mr = 701.41, F(000) = 1464, Dc = 1.367 g/cm3 and μ(MoKα) = 0.622 mm-1. The structure was refined to R = 0.0459 and wR = 0.1199 for 5718 observed reflections. The intramolecular hydrogen bonds in the crystal structure play important roles in the title complex's thermostability.  相似文献   

Themetalmacrocycliccomplexeswiththeirunusualoxidationstateshaveattractedmuchinterest.Silver(Il)andsi1ver(IlI)compoundsareusuallyunstab1eduetotheirstrongoxidation.Butsometetraazamacrocyclicligandscandirectlygivestablecom-plexesofsiIver(Il)throughdisproportionatedreactionofsilver(I).12fIere,wereportthesynthesisandeIectrochemicalbehaviorofanewsilver(Il)com-plexAgL(CIO')2(L=5,7,l2,l4-tetraethyl-5,l2-dimethyl-l,4,8,ll-tetraazacyclotetradec-4,l1-diene).Therelativeinformationaboutothersilver(1I…  相似文献   

The title compound (C40H42N2) has been synthesized by the reaction of 1-(1-naphthyl)-1-phenyl-3-chloropropylene and bis(4-(diethylamino) phenyl)methanone, and characterized by IR, 1H NMR, MS and X-ray diffraction analysis. The crystal belongs to the monoclinic system, space group P21/c with a = 17.047(3), b = 10.807(2), c = 1&494(4) (A), β = 105.727(4)°, V=3279.4(11) A3, Mr = 550.76, Z = 4, Dc = 1.115 g/cm3, μ(MoKα) = 0.085 mm-1, F(000) = 1184, the final R = 0.0625 and wR = 0.1384 for 2276 observed reflections (I > 2σ(Ⅰ)). X-ray analysis reveals that the butadiene fragment adopts a planar cisiod conformation and makes a dihedral angel of 69.4(2)° with the naphthalene ring.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION The zinc-thiolate complexes have been widely studied due to their comprehensive applications[1~3]. In an attempt to synthesize polynuclear zinc-thiolate complexes, we used a substituted pyridine contain- ing two substituent groups, 3-hydroxy-2-mercapto pyridine, as a potential tridentate ligand to react with Zn(NO3)2 in the MeONa-MeOH solution at room temperature, obtaining a new mononuclear zinc-complex, Zn(C5H4NOS)2. In this case, the pro- totropy under basic cond…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONCoordination compounds with 1 ,2 ,4 triazole as a ligand have interesting fea tures,notonly because ofthe very interesting magnetic propertiesofthese complex es,but also because ofrich modes ofcoordination〔1〕.Particularly,the coordinationbehavioroftriazoletowardsa numberoftransition metalthiocyanatesshowsremark abledifferences〔2 - 6〕.On unsubstitution at N4 ,thetriazole ring hasmonodentate,1 ,2 and 2 ,4 bridging forms.These three modes were all observed in the Ni( II)…  相似文献   

Complex [Zn(L)(SO4)]·0.5H2O (L= 2-(2-chloro-6-fluorophenyl)-1H-imidazo[4,5-f][1,10]phenanthroline) has been synthesized under hydrothermal conditions. The compound was characterized by elemental analysis, IR, TG and single-crystal X-ray diffraction. It crystallizes in monoclinic, space group P21 /n with a = 9.9916(7), b = 12.3834(9), c = 29.259(2) , β = 97.7720(10)°, V = 3587.0(4)3 , Z = 2, C76H41Cl4F4N16O9S2Zn2 , Mr = 1734.91, Dc = 1.606 g/cm 3 , F(000) = 1754, μ(MoKa) = 0.959 mm -1 , R = 0.0492 and wR = 0.1385. The asymmetric unit of 1 contains one Zn(II) atom, two L ligands, one sulfate anion and half a water molecule. Each Zn(II) atom is five-coordinated by four nitrogen atoms from two different L ligands and one sulfate oxygen atom in a tetragonal pyramidal coordination environment. The N-H···O hydrogen bonds link the discrete structure of 1 into a 2D supramolecular architecture. The photoluminescent property of 1 has also been studied in the solid state at room temperature.  相似文献   

QIN Bei 《结构化学》2012,31(8):1187-1193
A new asymmetric bidentate copper(Ⅱ) complex,CuL 2(HL=2-((E)-(4-bromophenylimino)methyl)-6-bromo-4-chlorophenol),has been synthesized and characterized by elemental analyses and single-crystal X-ray diffraction.The complex crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P2 1 /c with a=11.218(3),b=9.355(3),c=13.449(4),β=108.722(4)°,V=1336.8(6)3,Z=2,Dc=2.008 g/cm 3,μ(MoKα)=7.024 mm-1,F(000)=806,S=0.999,the final R=0.0342 and wR=0.0641for2611observed reflections (I>2σ(I)).The central copper(Ⅱ) is four-coordinate and bonds to two nitrogen and two oxygen atoms from two Schiff base ligands.The complex is linked into a two-dimensional supramolecular structure by weak intermolecular interactions.In addition,DNA-binding properties of the metal complex were investigated using spectrometric titrations and viscosity measurements.The results show that the complex binds with calf-thymus DNA(CT-DNA),presumably via a partial intercalative mode.The intrinsic binding constant of the Cu(Ⅱ) complex with DNA is 7.335×10 3 M-1.  相似文献   

Low-temperature heat capacities of the compound Ni(C4H7O5)2·2H2O(S) have been measured with an auto- mated adiabatic calorimeter. A thermal decomposition or dehydration occurred in 350--369 K. The temperature, the enthalpy and entropy of the dehydration were determined to be (368.141 ±0.095) K, (18.809±0.088) kJ·mol ^-1 and (51.093±0.239) J·K^-1·mol^-1 respertively. The experimental values of the molar heat capacities in the temperature regions of 78-350 and 368-390 K were fitted to two polynomial equations of heat capacities (Cp,m) with the reduced temperatures (X), [X=f(T)], by a least squares method, respectively. The smoothed molar heat capacities and thermodynamic functions of the compound were calculated on the basis of the fitted polynomials. The smoothed values of the molar heat capacities and fundamental thermodynamic functions of the sample relative to the standard reference temperature 298.15 K were tabulated with an interval of 5 K.  相似文献   

The reaction between secondary amines, benzoyl isothiocyanate, and dialkyl acetylenedicarboxylates (=dialkyl but‐2‐ynedioates) in the presence of silica gel (SiO2) led to alkyl 2‐(dialkylamino)‐4‐phenylthiazole‐5‐carboxylates in fairly high yields. The structures of the products were confirmed by their IR, 1H‐ and 13C‐NMR, and mass spectra, and by a single‐crystal X‐ray structure determination.  相似文献   

Single crystals of Sr[B(C6H5O7)2](H2O)4 · 3H2O, a new borate‐citrate material, were grown with sizes up to 8 × 6 × 2 mm by slow evaporation of water at room temperature. The structure of Sr[B(C6H5O7)2](H2O)4 · 3H2O was determined by single‐crystal X‐ray diffraction. It crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21/c, with a = 11.363(3) Å, b = 18.829(4) Å, c = 11.976(3) Å, β = 110.736(3)°, and Z = 4. The SrO8 dodecahedra, BO4 tetrahedra and citrate groups are linked together to form chains. The compound was characterized by IR and UV/Vis/NIR transmittance spectroscopy as well as thermal analysis.  相似文献   

We describe the reaction of anion [RhCl6]3− with a series of hydantoin ligands (HL1, HL2 and HL3 = 5‐methyl‐5‐(2‐, 3‐ and 4‐pyridyl)‐2,4‐imidazolidenedione, respectively). Based on spectroscopic, cyclic voltammetric, elemental and MS analyses, the complexes have the general formula K[RhCl2(L1)2] ( 1 ), cis ‐ and trans ‐K[RhCl4(HL2)2] ( 2a and 2b ) and cis ‐ and trans ‐K[RhCl4(HL3)2] ( 3a and 3b ). Complexes 2a , 2b , 3a and 3b were characterized successfully using infrared, 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectral analyses. Dissolution of complex 1 in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) led to elimination of one KL1 ligand and coordination of two DMSO molecules as ligands and transformation of this complex to cis ‐ and trans ‐[RhCl2L1(DMSO)2] ( 1a and 1b ). Recrystallization led to separation and isolation of crystals of 1a from the initial mixture. X‐ray analysis results showed that this complex was crystallized as solvated complex cis ‐[RhCl2L1(DMSO)2]DMSO. The catalytic activity of these complexes was then evaluated for the hydrogenation of various ketones.  相似文献   

4‐Halo‐2(5H)‐furanones were prepared by the halolactonization of 2,3‐allenoic acids. The subsequent Suzuki coupling reaction of 4‐halo 2(5H)‐furanones with aryl boronic acids was carried out to produce 4‐aryl‐2(5H)‐furanones in excellent yields.  相似文献   

The synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of [Fe(bpe)4(H2O)2](TCNQ)2 ( 1 ) are reported. 1 crystallizes in the triclinic P space group, a = 13.481(5), b = 14.887(3), c = 16.663(4) Å, α = 101.048(18), β = 112.84(2), γ = 90.92(2)°, V = 3009.6(14) Å3, Z = 2. The iron atom defines a compressed octahedron with the equatorial positions occupied by the bpe molecules which act as monodentate ligands and the two axial positions occupied by water molecules. The TCNQ? radical counterions are uncoordinated and interact by pairs defining (TCNQ)22? units strongly coupled antiferromagnetically. The iron(II) atoms are in the high spin state and its magnetic behaviour indicates the occurrence of zero‐field splitting of the S = 2 ground state.  相似文献   

薛思佳  卞王东  柴安  吁松瑞 《中国化学》2008,26(8):1501-1505
本文首次合成标题化合物N-(4-甲基苯甲酰氨基)-N’-[5-(2-三氟甲基苯基)-2-呋喃甲酰硫脲。化合物(C21H16F3N3O3S, Mr = 447.43)单晶经测定为单斜晶体,空间群为P -1。在晶体中,存在一些分子内和分子间的相互作用,分子间还有C—H···π 的相互作用,这可能导致晶体更稳定的原因。目标产物的结构经IR, H NMR和元素分析测定确证。初步生物活性测试表明,部分化合物对棉花枯萎病、黄瓜灰霉病、苹果轮纹病和棉花炭疽病有较好的选择性杀菌活性;部分目标化合物有较好的除草活性。  相似文献   

A series of novel 3‐((4‐(t‐butyl)‐2‐(2‐benzylidenehydrazinyl)thiazol‐5‐yl)methyl)quinolin‐2(1H)‐ones ( 7a – 7z ) were designed, synthesized and evaluated for their ability of inhibiting neuraminidase (NA) of in?uenza H1N1 virus. Some compounds displayed moderate influenza NA inhibitory activity. Compound 7l with the scaffold of 2‐(2‐(2‐methoxybenzylidene)hydrazinyl)thiazole was the best one, exhibiting moderate NA inhibitory activity with IC50 of 44.66 µmol/L. Structure‐activity relationship showed that compounds with methoxy or hydroxy groups at the ortho position, fluorine and nitro groups at the meta position and chlorine and bromine groups at the para position of phenyl ring were more active. Docking study indicated that compound 7l has important interactions with some key residues (including Asp151, Glu119, Arg292, Tyr406, and Asn347) and binds to 430‐cavity adjacent to NA active site.  相似文献   

An interesting flourophore, 4‐(2,5‐dimethoxyphenylmethelene)‐2‐phenyl‐5‐oxazolone (DMPO) was synthesized by mixing an equivalent molar quantity of hippuric acid and 2,5‐dimethoxybenzaldehyde in acetic anhydride in the presence of anhydrous sodium acetate. The absorption and fluorescence characteristics of 4‐(2,5‐dimethoxy‐phenylmethelene)‐2‐phenyl‐5‐oxazolone (DMPO) were investigated in different solvents. DMPO dye exhibits red shift in both absorption and emission spectra as solvent polarity increases, indicating change in the dipole moment of molecules upon excitation due to an intramolecular charge transfer interaction. The fluorescence quantum yield depends strongly on the properties of the solvents, which was attributed to positive and negative solvatokinetic effects. A crystalline solid of DMPO gave strong excimer like emission at 630 nm due to the excitation of molecular aggregates. This is expected from the idealized crystal structure of the dye that belongs to the B‐type class of Steven's Classification. DMPO displayed fluorescence quenching by triethylamine via nonemissive exciplex formation.  相似文献   

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