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北部湾海域浮游植物的种类组成与数量分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1998年2月至1999年5月在北部湾进行了5个航次的调查.结果共检出浮游植物382种(包括变种),主要优势种为细弱海链藻(Thalassiosirasubtilis)和小舟形藻(Naviculasubminusula).调查期间浮游植物细胞数量为43.5×104~283.6×104m-3,平均101.8×104m-3.北部海域的数量远高于南部海域,数量密集区均分布在北部近岸水域,南部和中部海域的数量分布则随季节的变化而变化.浮游植物细胞数量的季节变化较明显,以春季数量最大,多样性指数和均匀度则均以春季最低,秋季最高.  相似文献   

中越北部湾红树林差异性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红树林是一种能够同时适应海洋和陆地的一种特殊植物种类,分布在约30°S~30°SN之间的热带、亚热带海岸和河口交界的潮间带上。红树林的分布除了受自然条件和气候的制约,还受一定程度的人为活动的干扰。本文选取了地貌、气候相似和经济发展不同的中国广西段和越南北部段的2个相邻海岸作为研究区,基于Landsat TM遥感影像,采用监督分类和人工解译的方法,获取了研究区1988、2000和2015年3个时期的红树林分布数据,并对比分析了2个岸段红树林时空转化、景观格局变化及驱动力的差异。研究表明:① 1988-2015年,中国广西段红树林面积呈增长趋势,2000年比1988年增长18%、2015年比2000年增长了75%;越南北部段先减少后增加,2000年红树林面积比1988年减少了20%,2015年比2000年增加了50%;② 红树林景观格局方面,中国广西段红树林平均斑块面积相对较小、破碎程度高,斑块形状较规则,趋近于正方形,受人为因素干扰程度较大,而越南北部段红树林斑块面积大、破碎化程度低,斑块呈带状或条状分布,受人为因素干扰的程度较小。 ③ 主要人为驱动因素方面,影响中国广西段红树林变化的主要人为驱动因素是变化的,1988-2000年以围垦建造养殖池为主,2000-2015年则以城镇用地和工矿建设为主,而越南北部段在1988-2015年一直以围垦养殖池为主。  相似文献   

根据 2 0 0 1年 11至 2 0 0 2年 1月间北部湾海域秋、冬季 2个航次的底拖网渔业资源调查资料 ,对北部湾海域甲壳类的种类组成及分布进行研究。本次调查共渔获虾类 2 4种 ,隶属于 6科 11属 ;蟹类 30种 ,隶属 9科 19属 ;虾蛄 9种 ,隶属 2科 6属。各种类沿水深和地理分布有明显变化 ,主要集中分布于湾中部水深 2 1~ 80m海域。  相似文献   

Two depositional processes controlled the muddy sediments in the South China Sea Basin. Bathyal sediments depositional rate was 7.66 cm/la in the northern continental slope of the Basin where turbidity current was almost nonexistent. In the northern margin of the Basin, abyssal sediment depositional rate was 5.05cm/ka and turbidity current occurrence averaged 0.22 per 1000 years. Turbidite was found in the middle of the Basin. Over half of the muddy sediments in the deep sea basin were deposited by turbidity currents, and had typically graded bedding, and contents of organic matter, calcareous material and micropaleontologic species inconsistent with the environment.  相似文献   

Mesozooplankton are key components of coastal ecosystems, linking the microbial food web to the classic food chain. In this study, species composition and abundance of mesozooplankton is studied for the Daya Bay in April (spring) and October (fall), 2006. A total of 27 species of mesozooplankton were identified in spring and 58 species in fall. Dominant species were Oithona tenuis, Flaccisagitta enflata, Penilia avirostris and Centropages tenuiremis in spring, shifting to Microsetella norvegica, Oithona tenuis and Parvocalanus crassirostris in fall. Higher mesozooplankton abundance was found at Aotou Cove and Dapeng’ao Cove compared to other stations, indicating the influence of eutrophication on mesozooplankton community in the Daya Bay. The outbreak of Noctiluca scintillans bloom in spring reduced the species diversity and abundance of mesozooplankton.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the relationship between the trace elements and the characteristics of the oysters, we analyzed the trace elements present in the germplasm of oysters from different producing areas in the Jiaozhou Bay. The element fingerprints were established to reflect the elemental characteristics of the oysters. Concentration patterns of the elements were deciphered by principle component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA). The six regions were discriminated with accuracy using HCA and PCA based on the concentration of 16 trace elements. The elements were viewed as characteristic elements of the oysters and the fingerprints of these elements could be used to distinguish the quality of the oysters.  相似文献   

Length-frequency data of eight commercial fish species in the Beibu Gulf (Golf of Tonkin), northern South China Sea, were collected during 2006-2007. Length-weight relationships and growth and mortality parameters were analyzed using FiSAT II software. Five species had isometric growth, two species had negative allometric growth, and one species had positive allometric growth. Overall, the exploitation rates of the eight species were lower in 2006-2007 than in 1997-1999: for four species (Saurida tumbil, Saurida undosquamis, Argyrosomus macrocephalus, and Nemipterus virgatus) it was lower in 2006-2007 than in 1997-1999, for two species (Parargyrops edita and Trichiurus haumela) it remained the same, and for the other two species (Trachurus japonicus and Decapterus maruadsi) it was higher in 2006-2007 than in 1997-1999. The exploitation rates might have declined because of the decline in fishing intensity caused by high crude oil prices. The optimum exploitation rate, estimated using Beverton-Holt dynamic pool models, indicated that although fishes in the Beibu Gulf could sustain high exploitation rates, the under-size fishes at first capture resulted in low yields. To increase the yield per recruitment, it is more effective to increase the size at first capture than to control fishing effort.  相似文献   

Biomarkers including brassicasterol, dinosterol and alkenone in sediments are used as indicators to reconstruct changes to the phytoplankton community in surface and sub-aerial sediments of Prydz Bay, Antarctica. The results indicate that the bio- marker records in surface and core sediment samples changed with time and space. The total content of phytoplankton biomarkers ranges from 391.0--1 470.6 ng.g-l. The phytoplankton biomass has increased in Prydz Bay over the past 100 years. This variation may be mainly related with climate change in the region. The total biomarker contents in surface sediments from 5 stations in Prydz Bay are in the range of 215.8--1 294.3 ng.g4. The phytoplankton biomass in Prydz Bay is higher than that outside of the bay. This is similar to the distributions of chlorophyll a, organic carbon and biogenic silica in surface waters determined through in situ investigation. Such consistency indicates a coupling between the bottom of the ocean and biogeochemical processes in the upper water.  相似文献   

【目的】研究南海北部湾海域秋季蓝圆鲹与竹筴鱼的摄食生态特征和种间食物竞争。【方法】采用胃含物分析法,对2017年10月北部湾底拖网调查和港口随机取样收集的119尾蓝圆鲹(Decapterusmaruadsi)和198尾竹筴鱼(Trachurus japonicus)胃含物样品进行分析,通过肉眼直接观察或显微镜间接观察胃中残留的饵料,饵料种类鉴定、计数、称重等对食性做定量分析,以估算两种鱼类的营养级和生态位宽度,并利用生态位重叠研究两种鱼类的食物竞争关系。【结果与结论】蓝圆鲹的饵料种类19种(属),以桡足类和小型鱼类为主,优势饵料生物为布氏半棱鳀(Encrasicholinapunctifer);竹筴鱼的饵料种类18种(属),以小型鱼类和浮游甲壳类为主,优势饵料为中国毛虾(Acetes chinensis)。两种鱼类均为游泳动物食性,均存在摄食转换,随着叉长的增长,蓝圆鲹的饵料生物由小型浮游动物为主转变为小型鱼类为主,竹筴鱼的饵料生物由小型鱼类为主转变为以樱虾类和较大鱼类为主。蓝圆鲹和竹筴鱼的空胃率、竹筴鱼的平均胃饱满指数均随个体生长呈显著变化(P<0.05),但蓝圆鲹的平均胃饱满指数随个体生长无显著变化(P>0.05)。蓝圆鲹和竹筴鱼的营养级分别为3.63和3.40,营养生态位宽度分别为1.70和1.24,生态位重叠系数0.56,表明两种鱼类之间存在一定的食物竞争。  相似文献   

The occurrence percentage and abundance of General Aerobic Hetero- trophic Bacteria (GAB) were determined by using the method of MPN for 182 sub- samples from 10 sediment cores taken from the Canadian basin and the Chukchi Sea at two different culturing temperatures. The results showed that the general occurrence percentage of GAB was quite high, average abundanees of GAB at cultured temperatares of 4℃ and 25℃ were 4.46 ×10^7 and 5.47×10^7 cells·g^-1(wt), respectively. The highest abundance of GAB occurred at 20 -22 cm section in the sediment. GAB abundances changed among the section of sediments, but there is a trend : the a-bundances at the middle or lower sections were lower than those at upper section. Cultivation at 25℃ could improve the occurrence percentage and abundances of GAB, which suggests that the increasing of temperature may change the living circum-stances of GAB. The differences of GAB among the latitudes areas indicated that occurrence percentage and abundances of GAB in middle latitude areas were higher than those in the higher or lower latitude areas, and were more obvious at 4℃ than those at 25℃. The GAB abundances in sediment under the shallower water seemed to be low- er than those in sediments under the deeper water and this status was more obvious at 25℃ than that at 4℃.  相似文献   

Si, Ti, Al, Fe, Mn, Ca, Mg, K, Na, P and Sr, Ba, Rb, Ga, V, Zr, Cr, Ni, Co, Cu, Zn, Pb,Nb, Y, Th, La in the core S01 were analyzed and the pattems of their enrichment are discussed.Enrichment of Na, Fe, Mn, Ba, Cu elements in the core indicates volcanic material are an importantsoarce of the sediments in the area. The enrichment frequently varying with the deposition processshows bottom volcanism is frequent in the area and that the studied area is a margin basin with distinctoceanic characteristics. The abnormal enrichment of Mn at the layers(0-15 cm and 665-670 cm) of the core could beclosely related to and so, indicate, the wide deposition hiatus that have occurred in the West PacificOcean and adjacent margin seas since Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

We evaluated the feeding ecology of largehead hairtail (Trichiurus lepturus) and hairtail (T. margarites). We collected specimens from fishing ports in the Beibu Gulf (Gulf of Tonkin) from October 2008 to September 2009 and analyzed their gut contents. We collected 857 T. lepturus and 666 T. margarites samples. The number of stomachs examined in this study was sufficient to describe the monthly and ontogenetic diet shifts for the two species, as indicated by the trophic diversity curves. T. lepturus was a general omnivore, feeding primarily on Bregmaceros rarisquamosu, Decapterus maruadsi, and Acetes chinensis. Conversely, T. margarites preyed primarily on D. maruadsi, B. rarisquamosus, B. nectabanus, and A. chinensis. Both species exhibited distinct ontogenetic diet shifts. Although the two hairtail specie fed on similar sources in the same habitat, the diet overlap was relatively low. Our results suggest that hairtail play an important role in controlling small pelagic and benthic fish populations in the gulf. This trophic correlation shall be used for developing a marine ecosystem model for the Beibu Gulf.  相似文献   

The vertical distributions and sources of PAHs in sediment of Xiamen Bay   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
INTRODUCTIONTheindustrialdevelopmentandrisingpopulationintheXiamencoastalzonearelikelytoresultinincreasingpollutantsloadingwhichcanaffecttheoceanicecosystemsenvironmentthereandthreatenhumanhealth .PAHs ,asgoodenvironmentpollutionindicators(Aizenshat,1 973 ;Randahl,1 983 ) ,arerela tivelystableinairandwater,andarewidelydistributedintheaquaticenvironmentasaresultofhumanactivities.ProposedprimarysourcesofPAHsincludecombustionofvariousfossilfuels,nat uralfires,roadrunoff streetdustaswellas…  相似文献   

Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) is a well-developed technique increaseingly used in petro-fabric determination. ItS application to two Mackereth cores JX91-2A and JX91-2B, taken from thesame site in the central Bohai Sea, revealed 3D magnetic fabrics of the sediments as expressed with susce-ptibility ellipsoids. The flat seafloor and the relatively quiet depositional environment in the semi-isolatedBohai Sea should asult in a primary fabric with horisontally obate susocptibility el1ipsoids. Mormwr,the inaxing downcore totaI anisotropy comprising mainly of magntic foliation nsulting fIrom sedimentcompaction should also lead to flat ellipsoids. Therefore, the off-pole meam dindions of minimurn axes ofaseptibility ellipsoids on stermnets must indicate that the two coas are ti]ted re1ative to the flat anfloor.Use of Fisher statisties showh the tilt angles to be 14° for JX91-2A and 23°for JX91 -2B from whichthe tna depths of the coas were dedded accordingly.  相似文献   

Spatial changes in grain size parameters (i. e. grain size trends) contain information on sediment transport patterns. An analytical procedure has been proposed to transform the grain size trends into an image of trend vectors, which may represent net sediment lransport pathways. A fundamental assumption for such an approach is that the frequency of occurrence of the trend adopted is much higher in the transport direction, than in any of other directions. Preliminary studies show agreement between this assumption and observations. However, further investigations into the physical processes and mechanisms for the formation of grain size trends are required to improve the technique, including flume experiments and numerical modeling. Moreover, attention should be paid to the trends associated with finegrained sediment, for the method of grain size trend analysis is so far designed for coarse-grained material only. The processes of flocculation during settling and the wash-load property must be considered. Appropriate interpretation of grain size data will improve our understanding of the physics of granular materials.  相似文献   

Nutrient and eutrophication characteristics of the Dongshan Bay,South China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We recorded NO 3-N, NO 2-N, NH 4-N, PO 4-P, SiO 3-Si, salinity, and temperature data at 10 stations in the Dongshan Bay in May, June, July, August, October, and November 2008, analyzing nutrient and eutrophication characteristics. The mean concentration of dissolved inorganic nitrogen(DIN) was 0.30–0.40 mg/dm 3; generally, NO 3-N was the main form in most areas. The mean concentrations of PO 4-P and SiO 3-Si were 0.040–0.060 mg/dm 3 and 1.00–1.50 mg/dm 3, respectively. We proved that the majority of the SiO 3-Si in the Dongshan Bay came from the Zhangjiang River, with some coming from the Bachimen Strait. DIN originated from both the Zhangjiang River and the Bachimen Strait. Most PO 4-P originated from the Bachimen Strait, and some came from the Zhangjiang River. We found that P was an overall limiting factor to the phytoplankton community in most of the Dongshan Bay, and that Si and N were in surplus. However, near the Bachimen Strait Si became a limiting factor, especially for diatoms, while P and N were in comparative surplus. We used a potential eutrophication assessment method to analyze eutrophication, and showed that the most serious eutrophication occurred near the Zhangjiang River estuary and near the Bachimen Strait. In 2008, DIN levels were four times higher than that in 1988; PO 4-P levels were threefold higher, while SiO 3-Si was approximately double. Dissolved nutrients increased between 1988 and 2008. DIN increased at the greatest rate comparing to PO 4-P and SiO 3-Si, thus the N/P and N/Si mol ratios increased. Further studies on the effects of high DIN concentrations on the phytoplankton communities and marine ecosystems of the Dongshan Bay are needed.  相似文献   

Examination of solvent-extractable lipids in sediments from Beibu Gulf, South China Sea by capillary gas chromatography (GC) and capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) resulted in the first identifications of β, γ-carotanes and their C19 to C31 homologs in the modern sediments from the China Seas. Distributional features of these (mainly triterpenoid and steroid hydrocarbons) biomarkers are discussed and the possibility of using these compounds as indicators of source of materials, diagenesis and depositional conditions is explored. It was found that the biomarkers in this region are mixtures of allochthonous (terrigenous and/or crude oil leak or pollution) and antochthonous (marine) organic components. The biomarders have proved to be of value for understanding sedimentation. Contribution No. 1888 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica. This research is partially funded by the Organic Geochemistry Laboratory, Institute of Geochemistry. Academia Sinica.  相似文献   

【目的】研究南海北部近海区域柱状沉积物多环芳烃组成及分布特征,讨论全新世早期火历史及气候变化。【方法】利用AMS 14C定年技术结合有机地球化学分析手段对全新世早期南海北部近海沉积物柱状样品中多环芳烃(PAHs)分布特征进行研究。【结果】南海北部近海沉积物中16种PAHs总浓度范围为8.58~17.48 ng/g,在约10000 a B.P.的全新世早期呈现先增大后减小波动变化,与TOC变化基本同步。【结论】沉积物中多环芳烃主要来源于南海北部近海陆源区域自然火灾产生的焦炭残渣。PAHs的沉积浓度变化间接指示了全新世早期东亚季风的强度变化。  相似文献   

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