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介绍了大冶有色金属有限责任公司铜冶炼烟气制酸装置尾气处理工序的改造及运行情况。采用"双氧水脱硫+臭氧脱硝"工艺,在原有双氧水脱硫的基础上,在脱硫塔内增设1层规整填料及配套的填料支撑提高脱硫效率,同时增加臭氧氧化脱硝处理流程,排放尾气中的SO_2、NO_x和硫酸雾浓度均低于黄石市要求的特别排放限值,实现了新环保形势下的尾气达标排放。  相似文献   

通过对上海石化2#硫磺装置、3#硫磺装置尾气脱硫改造项目的技术和运行情况分析,阐述了烟气杂质、硫磺装置运行状态等对脱硫装置的影响,首次提出甲烷对CEMS分析结果的干扰及解决方案,为同类型硫磺装置尾气的净化提供了技术、设计和运行参考。  相似文献   

海南硫磺回收装置原料气处理量增加后,尾气加热器设备压降增大,特别是壳体压降增大,成为装置处理能力增加的瓶颈。对设备进行核算分析,采用ф51x5换热管,排列方式为45°,换热管间距增大至72mm,折流板圆缺率提高至0.4,设备压降降至设计允许范围内。设备改造后,设备直径增加,通过设计优化与现场设备很好衔接。装置重新开工后,实测设备压降与计算值相符,改造圆满成功。  相似文献   

介绍了140 kt/a硫黄回收装置尾气焚烧炉后增设的烟气碱洗脱硫单元的工艺原理、工艺流程、技术特点及主要设备材质选型情况,重点介绍了该烟气碱洗脱硫单元的运行情况及在运行过程中出现的问题及改进措施。烟气碱洗脱硫单元投运近六年来,整体运行稳定,针对烟气碱洗塔压降上升、液位波动及含盐废水超标等问题,通过采取工艺优化、设备改进、操作调整等一系列措施,提升了烟气碱洗脱硫单元运行的可靠性,排放尾气的ρ(SO2)由碱洗前300 mg/m3降至15 mg/m3以下,环保效益显著。  相似文献   

正2017年8月24日,经过连续54 d的现场监测,由中国化学工程第四建设有限公司承建的镇海炼化硫磺回收装置尾气提标改造项目,自7月1日整体投运以来,脱硫后烟气二氧化硫质量浓度实测值始终低于25 mg/m~3,标志着浙江省首个硫磺回收装置二氧化硫排放标准升级技术取得成功应用,将持续改良镇海炼化周边的大气环境。降低二氧化硫排放是石油炼制过程中的焦点和难  相似文献   

通过分析影响硫磺回收装置尾气二氧化硫排放浓度的因素,系统研究了降低硫磺回收装置外排尾气SO2浓度的方法。外排尾气SO2浓度取决于净化尾气和液硫脱气废气中的总硫含量,胺液和催化剂性能是重要影响因素。采用新开发的液硫脱气及废气处理新工艺,可将外排尾气ρ(SO2)降至50~150 mg/m3。  相似文献   

本文介绍了催化裂化装置烟气脱硫主要工艺,对湿法脱硫工艺进行了分析和比较,认为催化裂化装置烟气的脱硫除尘宜采用德国GEABischoff公司开发的的EP-Absorber的烟气脱硫除尘技术.  相似文献   

天津某化工企业ABS树脂装置HRG单元絮凝线干燥尾气中含有甲苯、乙苯、苯乙烯和VOCs等污染物,装置现有的尾气治理设施无法稳定达到最新行业特别排放限值要求,企业通过改造现有治理措施增加低温催化氧化装置,确保HRG絮凝线干燥尾气达到《合成树脂工业污染物排放标准》(GB 31572-2015)大气污染物特别排放限值及其它最新标准限值,同时最大限度降低有组织排口臭气浓度,为行业企业开展废气治理提标改造及异味减排提供借鉴。  相似文献   

介绍了新型高效尾气脱硫系统的设计及运行情况。该系统能确保尾气二氧化硫排放小于292mg/m^3,钠法和钙法运行时脱硫效率分别达到98%和95%。运行中循环液pH值和脱硫洗涤器喷嘴压力是影响脱硫效率的主要因素。  相似文献   

李军 《河北化工》2012,35(3):44-46,64
叙述了硫磺回收尾气处理技术发展的概况,对不同尾气处理技术进行分析,并提出尾气低温加氢催化还原吸收工艺是目前炼厂硫磺回收装置的首选工艺。  相似文献   

何殿龙 《化肥设计》2007,45(5):49-51
介绍了硝酸尾气处理装置的工艺流程,分析了关键工艺设备——省煤器存在的管束堵塞等问题。从净化原料、在线清洗、定期排污入手,采取增设气液分离器、增加蒸汽喷淋喷头、选用低压蒸汽、末端管线扩径等技改措施,保证了省煤器及硝酸尾气装置长周期稳定运行。  相似文献   

Different grades of natural manganese ores were used to remove SO2 by dry flue gas desulfurization. The grades of the manganese ores were negatively correlated with the desulfurization performance. The produced MnSO4 enriched on the surface would block the gas diffusion channels during desulfurization. The better desulfurization properties of the low-grade manganese ores are ascribed to the highly active γ-MnO2, the porous structure, and the high specific surface area as well as the SiO2 bridge-like effects. This study supports the cooperative use of sulfur-containing flue gases and low-grade natural manganese oxides.  相似文献   

Optimization of the wet limestone (calcite) flue gas desulfurization (FGD) process is described, with the focus on the layout of subprocesses and equipment. The aim of optimization was to check the effectiveness and reliability of alternative layouts, involving intermediate product (gypsum) storage in the absorber make‐up tank, instant production of limestone slurry from powder in a wet screw conveyer and automatic gypsum dewatering line operation. Three alternatives, standard layout, optimized layout and optimized layout without reheating of treated gas, were designed and tested in a small industrial FGD plant. The comparison included evaluation of desulfurization efficiency, economical feasibility (considering a 125 MW power plant) and reliability of operation. The efficiency of the system was not affected by the layouts. Investment costs were reduced by 5 and 15 % for alternatives 1 and 2, respectively, compared to standard offers on the market. With respect to operating costs, variable operating and maintenance costs could be decreased by 0.5 up to 2.5 %, respectively. As shown by risk and reliability analysis, the availability of the system in both alternative layouts remained unchanged or was better with regard to the standard layout.  相似文献   

陈建兵  彭德强  孟凡飞 《当代化工》2014,(6):961-964,1029
硫元素广泛存在于整个能源化工领域,脱硫是当今最普遍存在的环保问题。针对我国每年处理大量高含硫原油和天然气脱硫产生的含硫化氢酸性气,对各个含硫化氢酸性气治理技术进行分析,包括克劳斯技术、LO-CAT技术、电解制氢和硫磺技术、光催化分解硫化氢技术、硫化氢制酸技术和超重力反应器选择性脱硫技术。介绍各技术的工艺以及流程,分析各技术的特点。  相似文献   

The effects of several influencing factors (CaO and H2O2 concentration, gas flow, solution temperature, NO, SO2, O2 and CO2 concentration) on the simultaneous removal of NO and SO2 from flue gas by using a UV/H2O2/CaO process were studied. In addition, the anions in the liquid phase were measured by ion chromatography and the material balances for NO and SO2 were calculated. It was found that, under all experimental conditions, this process achieved a SO2 removal efficiency of 100 %. With the increase in CaO concentration, NO removal efficiency first increased and then remained almost unchanged. With the increase in H2O2 concentration, NO removal efficiency increased but the changes gradually became smaller. NO removal efficiency greatly decreased with increasing gas flow, NO concentration and CO2 concentration. Slightly increasing the solution temperature and SO2 concentration reduced NO removal efficiency. Increasing O2 concentration can promote the removal of NO. The anions in the liquid phase were mainly SO42– and NO3. Most of the low valence nitrogen elements in NO and the low valence sulfur elements in SO2 transformed into the high valence nitrogen element in NO3 and the high sulfur element in SO42–.  相似文献   

王琨  何家鸿 《云南化工》2011,38(2):31-33
电炉法生产黄磷的过程中,会产生大量的磷炉尾气,主要成分有CO及其它十多种杂质。为掌握其组分组成,以便有效净化及合理利用磷炉尾气,本公司内部开展了磷炉尾气组分的分析检测工作,通过分析和比较,对碘量法测定磷炉尾气中SO2的方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

循环流化床烟气脱硫机理研究--物料平衡与脱硫效率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
祁宁  张悦  陆诗诣  王志强 《辽宁化工》2003,32(4):180-182
循环流化床烟气脱硫是一个开放式体系,床料随着时间的变化,其性质与化学成分在不断的变化;在一定的运行参数范围内,经过一段时间后,床内物料达到一动态平衡;此时,床内物料各组成成分,进、出人流化床的各组分,脱硫效率都达到平衡;由此建立一个物料平衡模型。此模型从脱硫试验数据出发,经过合理的假设,建立一系列物料衡算式,计算结果与试验数据基本相符。本文主要对CaO做脱硫剂进行物料平衡计算。  相似文献   

分析了抚顺石化公司腈纶化工厂腈纶纺丝组件清洗工序原有的硝酸尾气治理工艺方案,认为存在着较严重的硝酸损失及废气污染问题。根据试验方案,决定采用冷却器将硝酸蒸气从85℃冷却至35℃以下,再经过滤器使气液分离,回收硝酸,分离后的气体与各集气罩引出的气体一同进行碱洗、水洗,可以提高硝酸尾气回收率,改善工作环境。  相似文献   

针对硫磺回收及尾气处理Claus +SCOT装置存在的问题进行探讨 ,提出采用非在线加热炉并合理利用自身热源的新型简化流程。对新老流程进行了对比 ,指出了新流程设计中应考虑的问题。  相似文献   

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