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For the eradication of Helicobacter pylori in H.p.-positive patients with peptic ulcer, preference is presently being given worldwide to the modified triple therapy-comprising an acid suppressant and two antibiotics. This relatively new form of treatment is highly effective, relatively well tolerated, patient-friendly (5 to 6 tablets daily), and inexpensive. In 12 studies involving more than 600 patients, the new proton pump inhibitor, lansoprazole, has proved to be an effective component of this eradication regimen. In combination with clarithromycin and metronidazole or amoxicillin and clarithromycin, consistently high eradication rates of more than 85% are obtained, with treatment of only seven days duration. Since in terms of clinical efficacy 30 mg lansoprazole daily presumably correspond to 40 mg omeprazole daily, the new proton pump inhibitor represents a more economic alternative for H.p. eradication.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare in an open trial the efficacy of 2 x 500 mg clarithromycin + 2 x 1000 mg amoxicillin + 40 mg pantoprazole/day given for 7 days (I. group, 48 cases), with that of 2 x 500 mg clarithromycin + 2 x 400 mg ranitidine bismuth citrate/day given for 14 days (II. group, 51 cases). The diagnosis of peptic ulcer was established endoscopically. HP infection was confirmed the modified Giemsa stain and rapid urease test. After eradication all patients were given 2 x 150 mg ranitidine for one month. Controls were performed 4-6 weeks after eradication. Peptic ulcer healing was proven in the group I in 93.0% and in the group II in 91.6% (p > 0.05). On intention-to-treat basis, HP was eradicated in 80.3% (confidence interval, CI: 73-92.7%) in the I. and 80.3% (confidence interval: 76-95%) in the II. group (p > 0.05). Per protocol analysis revealed eradication rates of 88.3% (CI: 81-97.6%) and 85.4% (CI: 80-97%) (p > 0.05). Side effects were recorded in 9.5% and 14.5% of the cases. Both regimens were equally effective in the eradication of HP and healing of peptic ulcers.  相似文献   

A NIH Consensus Conference recommended Helicobacter pylori eradication to all ulcer patients, based mainly on information coming from countries with a low prevalence of infection in general population. The epidemiological situation is different in developing countries, where a pandemic of H. pylori goes unchecked, and most people become infected at young age. It is possible that response to eradication therapies and reinfection rate were to be included among the differences between developed and developing countries, raising doubts about the worldwide applicability of NIH recommendations. Limited published evidence and our experience suggest that eradication therapies have a lower efficacy and reinfection rate is significantly higher in developing compared to developed countries. In spite of this, the risk of ulcer recurrence after H. pylori eradication is substantially reduced compared to antisecretory therapy. Model analysis to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of H. pylori eradication, using figures that probably include the clinical and costs situation of developing countries, suggests that also from an economic perspective H. pylori eradication should be the standard treatment for peptic ulcer disease in developing countries. Local studies must determine the best eradication therapy for a particular geographical location, and longer follow-up of eradicated patients is needed to determine the true reinfection rate.  相似文献   

Eradication of Helicobacter pylori affects symptoms in non-ulcer dyspepsia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The efficient production of polyprotonated oligonucleotides, studied at n < or = 19, occurs from water/propan-2-ol solutions over an ammonium acetate concentration range between 2.5 and 40 mm and a pH range from 5 to 11. Average charge-state levels observed were approximately half of those found in mass spectra of polyanionic oligonucleotides, reflecting differences in sites of ionization: heterocyclic bases for protonation and phosphodiester backbone for deprotonation. Collision-induced dissociation mass spectra show three principal reaction paths: (1) release of protonated bases, with abundances dictated largely by base proton affinity; (2) phosphodiester chain cleavage at C3'-O3' indicative of sequence in the 3'-->5' direction; and (3) chain cleavage concomitant with base loss giving furan-type ions indicative of sequence in the 5'-->3' direction, analogous to reactions of polyanionic oligonucleotides. Thymine residues undergo very little protonation, resulting in characteristic absence of phosphodiester cleavage on the 3' side of T sites, producing mass-ladder gaps representing dinucleotides.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the efficacy and safety of combination therapy with amoxicillin (AMPC), lansoprazole, and plaunotol for the eradication of H. pylori in dialysis patients. The subjects consisted of 15 dialysis patients (10 men and 5 women, mean age of 56 +/- 2.4 years) in whom H. pylori was found in the stomach. H. pylori status was evaluated by histology, culture and rapid urease test with biopsy specimens of the gastric mucosa. The patients were treated with AMPC 500 mg once a day for 3 weeks, lansoprazole 30 mg once a day for 8 weeks and plaunotol 80 mg three times a day for 24 weeks. In addition, the concentrations of serum gastrin and gastric juice ammonia were measured. Fourteen patients completed the treatment schedule, while one discontinued treatment because of nausea and diarrhea. Among the 14 patients, H. pylori was eradicated in 11 without any side effects (eradication rate 78.6%). Concentrations of gastric juice ammonia and serum gastrin were reduced significantly in patients who became H. pylori-negative. The present study indicates that combination therapy with AMPC, lansoprazole and plaunotol is safe and efficient for the eradication of H. pylori in dialysis patients. The results also suggested that elevated concentrations of gastric juice ammonia and serum gastrin in dialysis patients can be attributed, at least in part, to H. pylori infection.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The combination of a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) such as omeprazole with amoxicillin and clarithromycin constitutes one of the most effective treatments for the eradication of Helicobacter pylori. Nevertheless, the mechanisms of interaction between these drugs remain unclear. It has been shown that minimal inhibitory concentration values of both antibiotics are considerably lower at neutral pH levels than in an acid environment. Further, omeprazole possesses bacteriostatic activity. To evaluate the significance of these mechanisms we replaced omeprazole with famotidine, a drug which only suppresses acid production, but has no intrinsic antimicrobial activity. METHODS: We evaluated the efficacy of a 1-week course of famotidine 80 mg b.i.d., amoxicillin 1000 mg b.i.d. and clarithromycin 500 mg b.i.d. in a pilot study (20 patients), and then confirmed our results in a larger replication study (87 patients). A total of 107 patients with H. pylori-associated duodenal ulcer (n = 54), gastric ulcer (n = 14) or non-ulcer dyspepsia (n = 39) were included. Endoscopy was performed at baseline and 4-6 weeks after discontinuation of treatment. H. pylori status was assessed by the urease test and histology. RESULTS: H. pylori was successfully eradicated in 94 of 104 patients who completed the study (90.4%; CI 95%, 83.0-95.3%). By intention-to-treat analysis, the eradication rate was 87.9% (CI 95%, 80.1-93.4%). Ulcer healing was observed in 98.1% of duodenal ulcers and 92.9% of gastric ulcers (based on per-protocol analysis). Mild side effects that did not require termination of treatment were reported by seven patients (6.7%). CONCLUSION: A 1-week course of famotidine, amoxicillin and clarithromycin is a highly effective, simple and safe eradication regimen. Our data indicate that acid suppression is the crucial mechanism by which the activity of amoxicillin and clarithromycin against H. pylori is enhanced, whereas additional antimicrobial activity or other specific effects of PPIs seem to be less important.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present review was to determine objectively the optimal treatment for the eradication of H. pylori amongst the currently used regimens. A comprehensive literature search provided a data-base relating to the following treatments: dual therapy with an anti-secretory drug plus either amoxycillin or clarithromycin; standard triple therapy, with or without additional anti-secretory drugs; proton pump inhibitor triple therapy; and H2-receptor antagonist triple therapy. Emphasis was placed on intention-to-treat analyses of eradication rates using all of the available evidence. The criteria used to select the optimal treatment were efficacy (eradication rates), frequency of side-effects, simplicity of the regimen (number of tablets per day and duration of treatment) and cost. The analysis showed that proton pump inhibitor triple therapy (that is, a proton pump inhibitor plus any two of amoxycillin, clarithromycin or a nitroimidazole) was the preferred treatment for the eradication of H. pylori. In particular, the 1-week, low-dose regimen with omeprazole plus clarithromycin plus tinidazole produced the highest eradication rates (> 90%) with the lowest frequency of side-effects and at only modest cost.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Proton pump inhibitor based combination therapy is one standard strategy for Helicobacter pylori eradication. AIM: To compare the eradication and duodenal ulcer healing efficacy of two 2-week, single dose, lansoprazole based combination therapies. METHODS: Healthy adult patients with endoscopically confirmed, H. pylori associated duodenal ulcer disease (3 mm > ulcer < 20 mm) were eligible for the study. All patients received a 14 day course of lansoprazole 30 mg o.m., and were randomized to receive either 7 or 14 days of amoxycillin 1 g b.d. and clarithromycin 500 mg b.d. Patients were endoscoped at entry and 14-17 days later. Symptomatic, unhealed patients received a further 14 days of therapy with lansoprazole 30 mg o.m. Eradication was confirmed a minimum of 28 days after cessation of all therapy by urease reaction and histological assessment of gastric body and antral biopsies (three biopsies each site). RESULTS: Sixty-two patients were randomized to a treatment arm, of which 58 could be included in an intention-to-treat and key-point-available analysis. H. pylori eradication rates were identical, at 93% (95% CI: 73-98% (1 week), 78-99% (2 week)). In the combined group, all but 13 ulcers were healed at 2 weeks; six required further therapy because of symptoms, while six of the seven asymptomatic patients went on to heal. CONCLUSION: An eradication regimen, based on a 2-week course of single dose lansoprazole with 1 week of antibiotic co-therapy, is effective in eradicating H. pylori, while the 2 weeks of acid suppression is usually effective in duodenal ulcer healing.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Data from large, multicenter, US studies determining the efficacy of triple therapy for the eradication of Helicobacter pylori are lacking, especially for a treatment duration of less than 14 days. METHODS: Patients with H pylori infection and active duodenal ulcer disease or a history of duodenal ulcer disease within the past year were randomized to receive 30 mg of lansoprazole, 1 g of amoxicillin, and 500 mg of clarithromycin twice daily for 10 or 14 days. The primary efficacy end point was the eradication of H pylori as confirmed by negative histological and culture results at 4 to 6 weeks after the completion of treatment. RESULTS: Of 284 patients enrolled in the study from 46 US sites, 236 met the entry criteria. At 4 to 6 weeks after the end of therapy, H pylori was eradicated in 85% (96/ 113) of the patients receiving 14-day triple therapy and in 84% (103/123) of those receiving 10-day triple therapy by per-protocol analysis (95% confidence interval for treatment group differences, -10.5 to 8.1; P>.05). There was also no significant difference between the 14- and 10-day treatment groups when analyzed by an intent-to-treat analysis of H pylori eradication. A similar proportion of patients in each treatment group reported an adverse event related to therapy (34% [46/136] vs 38% [56/148], respectively). CONCLUSIONS: In patients with an active or a recent history of duodenal ulcer, lansoprazole-based triple therapy for 10 or 14 days is highly effective in the eradication of H pylori. The duration of therapy may be reduced from 14 to 10 days without a significant effect on regimen efficacy.  相似文献   

60 male Nigerian prison inmates (30 with convicted status and 30 awaiting trial) and 210 male noninmates were administered the Tennessee Self-concept Scale to test the hypotheses that (1) inmates with convicted status would obtain higher self-concept scores than those with ?awaiting trial? status, and (2) the self-concept scores of prison inmates generally would be lower than those of noninmates. The two hypotheses were strongly supported for this sample. It was concluded that self-concept scores were not only related to delinquency by also to custodial status.  相似文献   

The members of the European Group for Breast Cancer Screening have considered the use of ultrasound in breast diagnosis and breast cancer screening. After wide consultation and a detailed literature review, the consensus of the Group on the role of ultrasound is as follows: current evidence indicates that ultrasound of the breast is an important adjunct to mammography and clinical examination in the further assessment of both palpable and impalpable breast abnormalities. However, the use of ultrasound in population screening of asymptomatic women is associated with unacceptably high rates of both false positive and false negative outcomes. At present there is little evidence to support the use of ultrasound in population breast cancer screening at any age.  相似文献   

The anti-ulcer drugs that act as covalent inhibitors of the gastric acid pump are targeted to the gastric H+/K+ ATPase by virtue of accumulation in acid and conversion to the active sulfenamide. This results in extremely effective inhibition of acid secretion. Appropriate dosage is able to optimize acid control therapy for reflux and peptic ulcer disease as compared to H2 receptor antagonists. However, clinical data on recurrence show that Helicobacter pylori eradication should accompany treatment of the lesion. These drugs have been found to synergize with many antibiotics for eradication. The survival of aerobes depends on their ability to maintain a driving force for protons across their inner membrane, the sum of a pH and potential difference gradient, the protonmotive force (pmf). The transmembrane flux of protons across the F1F0 ATPase, driven by the pmf, is coupled to the synthesis of ATP. The internal pH of H. pylori was measured using the fluorescent dye probe, BCECF, and the membrane potential defined by the uptake of the carbocyanine dye, DiSC3 [5] at different pHs to mimic the gastric environment. The protonmotive force at pH 7.0 was composed of a delta pH of 1.4 (-84mV) and a delta potential difference of -131mV, to give a pmf of -215 mV. The effect of variations in external pH on survival of the bacteria in the absence of urea correlated with the effect of external pH on the ability of the bacteria to maintain a pmf. The effect of the addition of 5 mM urea on the pmf was measured at different medium pH values. Urea restored the pmf at pH 3.0 or 3.5, but abolished the pmf at pH 7.0 or higher, due the production of the alkalinizing cation, NH3. Hence H. pylori is an acid-tolerant neutrophile due to urease activity, but urease activity also limits its survival to an acidic environment. These data help explain the occupation of the stomach by the organism and its distribution between fundus and antrum. This distribution and its alteration by proton pump inhibitors also explains the synergism of proton pump inhibition and antibiotics such as amoxicillin and clarithromycin in H. pylori eradication.  相似文献   

Lansoprazole, a potent antisecretory drug, possesses on an equimolar basis a 4-fold higher in vitro anti-Helicobacter pylori activity than omeprazole. In a prospective randomized study we compared lansoprazole 30 mg b.i.d. and amoxicillin 1 g b.i.d. with omeprazole 40 mg b.i.d. and amoxicillin 1 g b.i.d. for 14 days followed by lansoprazole 30 mg q.d. or omeprazole 20 mg q.d. for 14 additional days in 50 H. pylori positive duodenal ulcer patients (14f, 36m, age 27-83 [mean 43] years). H. pylori infection was diagnosed by histology (3 antral biopsies and 2 from gastric body, H & E- and Giemsa stain), rapid urease test (CLO) and culture in 39 patients, or by histology and rapid urease test in 11 patients. Control endoscopy was performed 4-6 weeks after the end of treatment. For eradication, a negative result in all 3 diagnostic modalities was required. The eradication rate was 43% (9/21 patients) in both treatment groups. 8 patients were lost to follow-up. The ulcer healing rate was 100% in both groups. Nonsmokers had a significantly higher (p = 0.026) eradication rate than smokers. No relevant adverse effects of the therapy occurred. 24 patients with persistent H. pylori infection were subsequently treated with lansoprazole 60 mg b.i.d. and amoxicillin 1 g b.i.d. for 14 days. Eradication was achieved in 5/22 (23%) patients (3/14 smokers, 2/8 nonsmokers), while 2 patients were lost to follow-up. 17 patients with persistent H. pylori infection after the second treatment received quadruple therapy consisting of metronidazole 500 mg t.i.d., tetracycline 500 mg q.i.d. bismuth-subcitrate 120 mg q.i.d. and lansoprazole 30 mg for 10 days. H. pylori eradication was achieved in 12/15 patients (80%). In conclusion, lansoprazole plus amoxicillin was equal to omeprazole plus amoxicillin in the treatment of H. pylori infected duodenal ulcer patients. Patients with eradication failure after dual therapy were successfully treated by quadruple therapy. In contrast, high dose lansoprazole and amoxicillin therapy was effective in only 23% of patients with persistent infection after standard dual therapy.  相似文献   

As our knowledge of dental caries and periodontal diseases has increased, our perspective has changed from viewing these diseases as ubiquitous to one which sees a variety of risk profiles in a population. Now, from a perspective of assigning risk, caries and periodontitis can be thought to be more like some of our common medical conditions, i.e., certain people or subgroups of the population are at higher risk than others and that prevention and intervention involve a combination of personal behaviors and professional practices. Research into risk assessment, however, is often hampered by confusing and ambiguous use of terminology. This commentary proposes some specific definitions for terms used in risk assessment in dentistry. These terms include risk factor, risk indicator, demographic risk factor, risk predictor (risk marker), prognostic factor, risk model, and prediction model.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Patients with duodenal ulcer (DU) have high basal (BAO) and peak (PAO) acid outputs. The effect of Helicobacter pylori eradication on these variables is unclear. AIM: To discover if gastric acid hypersecretion in patients with DU is caused by H pylori. PATIENTS AND METHODS: BAO, gastrin releasing peptide (GRP), and pentagastrin stimulated PAO in 10 H pylori negative controls, and in 10 H pylori positive patients with DU was measured before and six months after H pylori eradication. H pylori status was determined by histology, culture, and by the 13C-urea breath test. After collecting a 30 minute basal aspirate, GRP 40 pmol/kg/h was infused for 45 minutes, and after a 30 minute washout, pentagastrin 6 micrograms/kg was injected intramuscularly. RESULTS: Basal and stimulated acid output (PAOGRP and PAOPg) were significantly higher in H pylori positive DU than in H pylori negative controls. Six months after H pylori eradication, basal and stimulated acid outputs were all significantly lower than before H pylori eradication. CONCLUSIONS: This study has shown that BAO, PAOGRP, and PAOPg are higher in H pylori positive DU than in H pylori negative controls. All decreased significantly six months after H pylori eradication, to fall within the range of controls. These results are compatible with a hypothesis that acid hypersecretion in duodenal ulcer disease is caused by H pylori infection.  相似文献   

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