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The carbohydrate expression in the epithelium lining the oesophagus of the toadfish Halobatrachus didactylus was studied by means of conventional and lectin histochemistry. The stratified epithelium was constituted by basal cells, polymorphous cells in the intermediate layer, pyramidal and flattened cells in the outer layer and contained two types of large secretory cells: goblet cells and sacciform cells. PAS, Alcian blue pH 2.5 and pH 1.0 stained very strongly the goblet cells, weakly the surface of the other epithelial cells but did not stain the sacciform cells. The goblet cells cytoplasm contained oligosaccharides with terminal Galbeta1,3GalNAc, alpha/betaGalNAc, Galbeta1,4GlcNAc, alphaL-Fuc and internal betaGlcNAc residues (PNA, SBA, RCA120, UEA I, LTA and KOH-sialidase-WGA affinity). Galbeta1,4GlcNAc, alphaL-Fuc and internal betaGlcNAc were also found in the glycocalyx. The sacciform cells expressed sialyloligosaccharides terminating with Neu5Acalpha2,3Galbeta1,4GlcNac, Neu5Acbeta2,6Gal/GalNAc, Neu5AcForssman pentasaccharide (MAL II, SNA, KOH-sialidase-DBA staining) as well as asialo-glycoconjugates with terminal/internal alphaMan (Con A affinity) and with terminal Galbeta1,3GalNAc, Forssman pentasaccharide, Galbeta1,4GlcNAc, GalNAc (HPA and SBA reactivity), alphaGal (GSA I-B4 reactivity), D-GlcNAc (GSA II labelling), alphaL-Fuc. The basal cells cytoplasm exhibited terminal/internal alphaMan and terminal Neu5Acalpha2,6Gal/GalNAc, Galbeta1,4GlcNAc, alpha/betaGalNAc, alphaGal, GlcNAc, alphaL-Fuc. Intermediate cells showed oligosaccharides with terminal/internal alphaMan and/or terminating with Neu5Acalpha2,6Gal/GalNAc, Galbeta1,4GlcNAc in the cytoplasm and with Neu5Acalpha2,3Galbeta1,4GlcNac, alpha/betaGalNAc, alphaGal, GlcNAc, alphaL-Fuc in the glycocalyx. The pyramidal cells expressed terminal/internal alphaMan and terminal Neu5Acalpha2,6Gal/GalNAc, alpha/betaGalbeta1,4NAc, alphaGal, alphaL-Fuc in the entire cytoplasm, terminal Neu5Acalpha2,3Galbeta1,4GlcNac and Forssman pentasaccharide in the apical extension, internal betaGlcNAc and/or terminal alphaL-Fuc in the luminal surface, Neu5Acalpha2,3Galbeta1,4GlcNac, Neu5Acalpha2,6Gal/GalNAc, Galbeta1,4GlcNAc, alphaGal in the basolateral surface. The flattened cells displayed glycans with terminal/internal alphaMan and terminal Neu5Acalpha2,6Gal/GalNAc, alpha/betaGalNAc, alphaGal, D-GlcNAc in the entire cytoplasm, glycans terminating with Galbeta1,3GalNAc and/or internal betaGlcNAc in the sub-nuclear cytoplasm.  相似文献   

The proliferative activity of the pigment epithelium cells in the axolotl eyes was studied using 3H-thymidine in two types experiments: after the removal of lens, iris and retina and upon the cultivation of the pigment epithelium pieces in the cavity of lens-less eye. Irrespective of the operation type, the level of proliferation of the pigment epithelium cells changed regularly with respect to the time of observation. In the intact eye, the level of proliferation of the pigment epithelium cells was not high: the index of labelled nuclei equaled 0.5%, no mitoses were found. The highest values of the index of labelled nuclei (12.6-32.1%) and of the mitotic index (0.54-1.07%) were registered on the 10-20th days after the operation. After 40 days, the indices of proliferative activity of the pigment epithelium cells approached gradually those for the intact eye. The cultivation of the pigment epithelium cells in the cavity of a lens-less eye for 50 days did not result in their transdifferentiation into retina cells. The layered retina found in 7.7% of cases after the removal of lens, iris and retina could regenerate either from the cells of the retina growth zone localized in the region of embryonic split, or due to transdifferentiation of the pigment epithelium cells.  相似文献   

Although the primary biological function of retinal photoreceptors is to absorb light and provide visual information, extensive exposure to intense light could increase the risk of phototoxic reactions mediated by products of rhodopsin bleaching that might accumulate in photoreceptor outer segments (POS). The phototoxicity of POS, isolated from bovine retinas, was examined in cultured retinal pigment epithelium cells (ARPE-19) containing phagocytised POS and in selected model systems by determining POS ability to photogenerate singlet oxygen, and photoinduce oxidation of cholesterol and serum albumin. Bleaching of rhodopsin-rich POS with green light resulted in the formation of retinoid products exhibiting distinct absorption spectra in the near-UV. Irradiation of POS-fed ARPE-19 cells with blue light reduced their survival in a dose-dependent manner with the effect being stronger for cells containing prebleached POS. The specific and non-specific phagocytic activity of ARPE-19 cells was inhibited by sub-lethal photic stress mediated by phagocytised POS. The oxidising ability of POS photobleaching products was demonstrated both in a model system consisting of serum albumin and in ARPE-19 cells. Distinct photooxidation of proteins, mediated by POS, was observed using coumarin boronic acid as a sensitive probe of protein hydroperoxides. Irradiation of POS with blue light also induced oxidation of liposomal cholesterol as determined by HPLC-EC(Hg). Time-resolved singlet oxygen phosphorescence demonstrated the efficiency of retinoids, extracted from POS by chloroform-methanol treatment, to photogenerate singlet oxygen. The results indicate that photic stress mediated by POS photobleaching products could inhibit phagocytic efficiency of RPE cells and, ultimately, compromise their important biological functions.  相似文献   

The histological, ultrastructural and histochemical characteristics of the lingual epithelium of the rat snake (Elaphe climacophora) were investigated by light and transmission electron microscopy. The cells in the beta-layer of the epithelium of the bifurcated apex were filled with beta-keratin fibers and an amorphous matrix. Round projections covering the surface of the epithelial cells, namely, microfacets which contained pale granules, were clearly visible on the outer faces of Oberh?utchen cells on the epithelium, and they were identified as fine granules filled with lipid. These granules might play an important role as a coating on the surface of the bifurcated lingual apex. The lipid on the surface of the lingual apex might also serve to trap and retain odorant molecules. Keratohyalin-like granules were distributed within the a-layer of the epithelium of the bifurcated apex of the tongue in the resting phase and cellular interdigitation was well developed in this region. Evidence of a shedding line was apparent under the light microscope in the cleft between outer and inner epithelial generations. The epithelial surface of the body of the tongue appeared suitable for retention of odorant and other molecules.  相似文献   

As part of a comparative morphological study, the fine structure of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), the choriocapillaris and Bruch's membrane (complexus basalis) has been investigated by light and electron microscopy in the mallard (Anas platyrhynchos). In this species the RPE consists of a single layer of cuboidal cells which display numerous very deep basal (scleral) infoldings and extensive apical (vitreal) processes which enclose photoreceptor outer segments. The RPE cells are joined laterally by prominent basally-located tight junctions. Internally smooth endoplasmic reticulum is the most abundant cell organelle with only small amounts of rough endoplasmic reticulum present. Polysomes are abundant as are basally-located mitochondria which often displayed a ring-shaped profile. The cell nucleus is large and vesicular. Melanosomes are plentiful only within the apical processes of the RPE cells in the light-adapted state. Myeloid bodies are large and numerous and very often have ribosomes on their outer surface. Bruch's membrane (complexus basalis) shows a pentalaminate structure but with only a poorly represented central elastic lamina. Profiles of the choriocapillaris are relatively small and the endothelium of these capillaries while extremely thin facing the retinal epithelium is but minimally fenestrated.  相似文献   

Shroom family proteins have been implicated in the control of the actin cytoskeleton, but so far only a single family member has been studied in the context of developing embryos. Here, we show that the Shroom-family protein, Shroom2 (previously known as APXL) is both necessary and sufficient to govern the localization of pigment granules at the apical surface of epithelial cells. In Xenopus embryos that lack Shroom2 function, we observed defects in pigmentation of the eye that stem from failure of melanosomes to mature and to associate with the apical cell surface. Ectopic expression of Shroom2 in na?ve epithelial cells facilitates apical pigment accumulation, and this activity specifically requires the Rab27a GTPase. Most interestingly, we find that Shroom2, like Shroom3 (previously called Shroom), is sufficient to induce a dramatic apical accumulation of the microtubule-nucleating protein gamma-tubulin at the apical surfaces of na?ve epithelial cells. Together, our data identify Shroom2 as a central regulator of RPE pigmentation, and suggest that, despite their diverse biological roles, Shroom family proteins share a common activity. Finally, because the locus encoding human SHROOM2 lies within the critical region for two distinct forms of ocular albinism, it is possible that SHROOM2 mutations may be a contributing factor in these human visual system disorders.  相似文献   

Summary Myeloid bodies are believed to be differentiated areas of smooth endoplasmic reticulum membranes, and they are found within the retinal pigment epithelium in a number of lower vertebrates. Previous studies demonstrated a correlation between phagocytosis of outer segment disc membranes and myeloid body numbers in the retinal pigment epithelium of the newt. To test the hypothesis that myeloid bodies are directly involved in outer segment lipid metabolism and to further characterize the origin and functional significance of these organelles, we examined the effects on myeloid bodies of eliminating the source of outer segment membrane lipids (neural retina removal) and of the subsequent return of outer segments (retinal regeneration) in the newt Notophthalmus viridescens. Light- and electron-microscopic analysis demonstrated that myeloid bodies disappeared from the pigment epithelium within six days of neural retina removal. By week 6 of regeneration, rudimentary photoreceptor outer segments were present but myeloid bodies were still absent. However, at this time, the smooth endoplasmic reticulum in some areas of the retinal pigment epithelial cells had become flattened, giving rise to small (0.5 m long), two-to-four layer-thick lamellar units, which are myeloid body precursors. Small myeloid bodies were first observed one week later at week 7 of retinal regeneration. This study revealed that newt myeloid bodies are specialized areas of smooth endoplasmic reticulum. It also showed that a contact between functional photoreceptors and the retinal pigment epithelium is essential to the presence of myeloid bodies in the epithelial cells.  相似文献   

J I Perlman  J Piltz  G Korte  C Tsai 《Acta anatomica》1989,135(4):354-360
Endocytosis in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) of rats was studied using horseradish peroxidase, microperoxidase and ferritin tracers. Tracer uptake was mediated by coated pits and coated vesicles. Coated pits formed at two discrete regions at the RPE plasma membrane: that portion of basal membrane directly opposing Bruch's membrane, and at the bases of the apical lamellae and villi. Two populations of coated vesicles were identified and distinguished by size, location and function. Large coated vesicles (91.8 +/- 14.7 nm in diameter) were located near the cell surface and incorporated tracer. Small coated vesicles (64.5 +/- 15.7 nm diameter) located more deeply within the cell were not tracer-labeled, and were often fused with the endoplasmic reticulum or the Golgi apparatus. Observations of the endocytic pathway in rat RPE cells are presented. Tracer was also found in organelles of the lysosomal system, e.g. the multivesicular body, but was not identified in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum or Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

Summary The sequence of morphological changes in the retinal pigment epithelium during the metamorphic period of the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus L. has been investigated using electron microscopy. At early metamorphic stages (stages I and II), photoreceptors are present in a small zone of the retina. During these stages, the lateral surface of the epithelial cells shows zonulae occludentes and adhaerentes. The degree of cell differentiation varies throughout the retinal pigment epithelium. Cells covering the differentiated photoreceptors in the central retina have phagosomes, whereas pigment granules appear only in the retinal pigment epithelium dorsal to the optic nerve head. Most epithelial cells have myeloid bodies; their morphology is more complex around the optic nerve head. At stage III, when photoreceptors develop over the whole retina, the distribution of cytoplasmic organelles is almost homogeneous in the retinal pigment epithelium. Subsequently, the basal plasma membrane of the epithelial cells becomes progressively folded and their apical processes enlarged. In addition, extensive gap junctions develop between retinal pigment cells. In late metamorphic stages, noticeable growth of myeloid bodies occurs and consequently the retinal pigment epithelium resembles that of the adult. This study also describes, for the first time, the presence of wandering phagocytes in the retinal pigment epithelium of lampreys; their role in melanosome degradation is discussed.  相似文献   

Various neurotransmitter-related biochemical features of the separated pigment epithelium and neural retina of the cow have been examined. The pigment epithelium contains high affinity binding sites for several pharmacological agents thought to attach to neurotransmitter receptor sites with a high degree of specificity. Thus, serotonergic, adrenergic and opiate receptors appear to be present in the pigment epithelium. Serotonin has also been detected in this region.Several neuropeptides were found in the pigment epithelium. Relatively large amounts of neurotensin and met-enkephalin were present, but substance P was not detected.  相似文献   

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