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This diagenetic study (including fieldwork, petrographic, fluid inclusion, and stable isotope investigations) deals with the outcrop of Upper Permian–Lower Triassic carbonate rocks, which are equivalent to the Khuff Formation. The studied succession, which outcrops in the Ras Al Khaimah region, northern United Arab Emirates, comprises three formations, including the Bih, the Hagil, and the Ghail formations. The study focuses on unraveling the conditions and fluid compositions encountered during diagenesis of the succession. Emphasize is also made on linking diagenesis to major stratigraphic surfaces and to highlight reservoir property evolution and heterogeneity of the studied rocks. The evolution of fluids and related diagenetic products can be summarized as follows: (1) formation of near-surface to shallow burial, fine-crystalline dolomite (dolomite matrix) through pervasive dolomitization of carbonate sediments by modified marine pore waters; (2) formation of coarse-crystalline dolomite cement by highly evolved marine pore waters (13–23 wt.% NaCl eq.) at elevated temperatures (120–208°C), and (3) calcite cementation by highly saline fluid (20–23 wt.% NaCl eq.) at high temperature (170–212°C). A final calcite cement generation has been formed by the percolation of meteoric fluids during uplift. Fracture- and vug-filling diagenetic minerals are mainly restricted to the mid-Bih breccia marker level, suggesting preferential focused fluid flow through specific stratigraphic surfaces as well as along tectonic-related structures. Reservoir properties have been evolved as result of the interplay of the original sedimentary texture and the diagenetic evolution. Porosity is higher in the Bih Formation, which is dominated by dolomitized packstones and grainstones, than in the Hagil and Ghail formations, consisting mainly of dolomitized mudstones and wackestones. Image analyses were used to quantify the visual porosity in thin sections. The highest porosity values were measured in the Bih Formation, which is characterized by significant amounts of vug- and fracture-filling cements. This feature is attributed to the increase of porosity owing to substantial dissolution of abundant intergranular and vug-filling cements. In contrast, the Hagil and Ghail formations, which consist of finer-grained rock than the Bih Formation, were less cemented, and thus, the porosity enhancement by cement dissolution was insignificant.  相似文献   

The Burdigalian mixed siliciclastic–carbonate deposits of the Dam Formation are well-exposed in Al Lidam area, in the eastern province of Saudi Arabia. They represent a shallow part of the Arabian plate continental margin. The Dam Formation is correlatable to the Miocene reservoirs in both Iran and Iraq. Therefore, studying the Dam Formation lithologic heterogeneity in a small distance with high resolution could help in further work related to pattern prediction of the Miocene reservoir properties. High-resolution sedimentological investigation was carried out through six outcrops. The facies parameters (lithology, sedimentary structures, main fossils, paleocurrent patterns and geometries of the sedimentary bodies) were described. The results revealed 15 lithofacies that have been further grouped into 7 lithofacies associations 5 of which are carbonates and include (1) interbedded dolostone and evaporates, (2) microbialite buildup, (3) ooid-dominated grainstones, (4) burrowed skeletal peloidal wackestone–packstone and (5) mollusc-dominated wackestone–packstone. The remaining two associations are of siliciclastics and include (6) intertidal siliciclastics and (7) wave-dominated siliciclastics. These lithofacies were interpreted to reflect deposition in a mixed siliciclastic–carbonate ramp system that includes subtidal, shoreface, intertidal, foreshore, supratidal and estuarine deposits in a shallowing-upward succession. Each one of these lithofacies association has distinct geometry and architecture pattern. Oolites and heterozoan lithofacies occur as sheets and show great continuity along the strike direction. Oolites pass laterally in the dip direction into more skeletal- and peloid-dominated zones, whereas heterozoan lithofacies stay continuous in the dip directions and change from siliciclastic to carbonate heterozones. In contrast, microbialite lithofacies lack continuous beds and occur as localised bioherms and biostroms. Channelised lithofacies are restricted laterally into isolated channel bodies and vertically in the contact boundary between siliciclastic and carbonate lithofacies, whereas the interbedded dolostone and evaporite lithofacies form distinct, relatively thick continuous layers. With continuous exposures in both strike (1.2 km) and dip (0.15 km) directions, the outcrops in the Al Lidam area provide unique opportunity to study the heterogeneity among lithofacies of the mixed siliciclastic–carbonate system of the Dam Formation. Such study may provide insights to predict occurrence and distribution of lithofacies bodies in their equivalent reservoirs which are important for reservoir characterisation.  相似文献   

The groundwater of Wadi Na??man, located in the western Saudi Arabia, is subject to intense exploitation to accommodate all the water demands of this arid area. The groundwater of its shallow aquifer undergoes significant decline in water level, increasing salinity due to long time of aridity and irregular rainfall. A multivariate statistical technique, factor analysis, was used to identify and understand hydrochemical association and processes leading to the variability of groundwater quality without losing any information of input pattern and avoid limitations that are associated with classical methods. R- and Q-modes of factor analysis were applied to 63 groundwater samples and 21 variables. This analysis revealed that three factors accounted for 55.9% of the total data variability. Factor 1 was dominated by Ca2+, Mg+, Na+, Cl?, and SO 4 2? , as well as trace elements such as phosphorus and boron, suggesting effects from possible water?Csoil/rock interaction and agricultural activities. Factor 2 represented high aluminum loading as a result of the weathering of aluminum silicate minerals. Factor 3 revealed negative loading of dissolved CO3 and Zn, indicating long-term aridity. Plots of Factor 1 versus Factor 2 and Factor 3 demonstrated that the samples clustered into one group with good separation from outliers. In addition, assessment of the drinking quality suggested that salinity increases with SO 4 2? ?CCl??CCa2+.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional (3D) structural modeling of the Lower Cambrian–Upper Permian Yubei 3D area was performed to understand its structural evolution. This model reproduces the present-day structure of the basin and comprises 11 horizons within Lower Cambrian to Upper Permian rocks. The analysis is based on 3D depth views and faults. The results image salt movements due to tectonics and/or burial. From these observations, this paper deduces that salt structures are correlated to the main faults and tectonic events. From the model analysis, we interpret the timing and geometry of Tarim Basin tectonics. The fault geometry can be resolved based on the strike of the fault, the morphology of hanging wall strata, and the stratigraphic distribution. Emphasis is placed on gypsum rock detachment, considering its movements during the Middle Caledonian event and decoupling effects during tectonic evolution. Moreover, we point to the structural control of the Paleozoic basement and the crustal architecture (Yubei 3D Zone) on the geometry of the Tarim Basin.  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic Atud diamictite in Wadi Kareim and Wadi Mobarak in the Eastern Desert of Egypt and the Nuwaybah formation in NW Saudi Arabia consist of poorly sorted, polymictic breccia, with clasts up to 1 m of granitoid, quartz porphyry, quartzite, basalt, greywacke, marble, arkose, and microconglomerate in fine-grained matrix. Stratigraphic relations indicate that the diamictite was deposited in a marine environment. Integrated field investigation, petrographic study and U–Pb SHRIMP zircon ages demonstrate that the Atud and Nuwaybah are correlative. The distribution of zircon ages indicate that ~750 Ma ages are dominant with a significant component of older materials, characterized by minor Mesoproterozoic and more abundant Paleoproterozoic and Neoarchean ages. Some matrix and metasedimentary clast zircons yield ages that are a few 10s of Ma younger than the age of the youngest clast (754 ± 15 Ma), suggesting Atud/Nuwaybah diamictite deposition ~750 Ma or slightly later, broadly consistent with being deposited during the Sturtian glaciation (740–660 Ma). The Paleoproterozoic and Neoarchean clasts have no source within the ensimatic Arabian–Nubian Shield. The distribution of the pre-Neoproterozoic ages are similar to the distribution of the pre-Neoproterozoic ages in Yemen and Saharan Metacraton, suggesting that these clasts have been transported hundreds of kilometers, maybe by ice-rafting. The Atud diamictite may represent important evidence for Cryogenian “Snowball Earth” in the Arabian–Nubian Shield.  相似文献   

Flash flood forecasting of catchment systems is one of the challenges especially in the arid ungauged basins. This study is attempted to estimate the relationship between rainfall and runoff and also to provide flash flood hazard warnings for ungauged basins based on the hydrological characteristics using geographic information system (GIS). Morphometric characteristics of drainage basins provide a means for describing the hydrological behavior of a basin. The study examined the morphometric parameters of Wadi Rabigh with emphasis on its implication for hydrologic processes through the integration analysis between morphometric parameters and GIS techniques. Data for this study were obtained from ASTER data for digital elevation model (DEM) with 30-m resolution, topographic map (1:50,000), and geological maps (1,250,000) which were subject to field confirmation. About 36 morphometric parameters were measured and calculated, and interlinked to produce nine effective parameters for the evaluation of the flash flood hazard degree of the study area. Based on nine effective morphometric parameters that directly influence on the hydrologic behavior of the Wadi through time of concentration, the flash flood hazard of the Rabigh basin and its subbasins was identified and classified into three groups (High, medium, and low hazard degree). The present work proved that the physiographic features of drainage basin contribute to the possibility of a flash flood hazard evaluation for any particular drainage area. The study provides details on the flash flood prone subbasins and the mitigation measures. This study also helps to plan rainwater harvesting and watershed management in the flash flood alert zones. Based on two historical data events of rainfall and the corresponding maximum flow rate, morphometric parameters and Stormwater Management and Design Aid software (SMADA 6), it could be to generate the hydrograph of Wadi Rabigh basin. As a result of the model applied to Wadi Rabigh basin, a rainfall event of a total of 22 mm with a duration of 5 h at the station nearby the study area, which has an exceedance probability of 50 % and return period around 2 years, produces a discharge volume of 15.2?×?106 m3 at the delta, outlet of the basin, as 12.5 mm of the rainfall infiltrates (recharge).  相似文献   

The 100-km diameter Popigai impact crater (astrobleme), which formed 35.7?Ma ago as a result of the collision of an ordinary chondrite asteroid, was discovered in the 1970s. The impact site was studied in detail for nearly two decades, and various geological investigations were performed there. They included drilling of numerous wells (about 850), geophysical surveys, and investigations of impact breccias and impactites. This research was generally performed in connection with the identification of the unique resource of industrial impact diamonds, which were found in impact rocks for the first time in the world. The extensive research data acquired over 20–30 years include geological maps, collections of rock samples and thin sections, core samples, etc. All these materials are stored in the Russian Research Geological Institute in St Petersburg. Although a lot of data on the Popigai crater have already been published, the available materials and new analytical methods offer the opportunity to obtain some new data on mechanisms of rock-forming processes during an impact event, to improve existing geological models, and to compare in detail all these features to those established in other large craters on the Earth. Modelling of the physical processes of impact cratering has been extended and new data contribute significantly to the study of impact cratering and other problems of comparative planetology. In particular, many different hypotheses of rock-forming mechanisms are tested, especially those of impact melting of various target lithologies, homogenisation of huge volumes of melt products, and their mode of ejection, deposition, cooling, etc.  相似文献   

Experiments using laser-heated diamond anvil cells combined with synchrotron X-ray diffraction and SEM–EDS chemical analyses have confirmed the existence of a complete solid solution in the MgSiO3–MnSiO3 perovskite system at high pressure and high temperature. The (Mg, Mn)SiO3 perovskite produced is orthorhombic, and a linear relationship between the unit cell parameters of this perovskite and the proportion of MnSiO3 components incorporated seems to obey Vegard’s rule at about 50 GPa. The orthorhombic distortion, judged from the axial ratios of a/b and \( \sqrt{2}\,a/c, \) monotonically decreases from MgSiO3 to MnSiO3 perovskite at about 50 GPa. The orthorhombic distortion in (Mg0.5, Mn0.5)SiO3 perovskite is almost unchanged with increasing pressure from 30 to 50 GPa. On the other hand, that distortion in (Mg0.9, Mn0.1)SiO3 perovskite increases with pressure. (Mg, Mn)SiO3 perovskite incorporating less than 10 mol% of MnSiO3 component is quenchable. A value of the bulk modulus of 256(2) GPa with a fixed first pressure derivative of four is obtained for (Mg0.9, Mn0.1)SiO3. MnSiO3 is the first chemical component confirmed to form a complete solid solution with MgSiO3 perovskite at the PT conditions present in the lower mantle.  相似文献   

The Karkonosze–Izera Massif is a large tectonic unit located in the northern periphery of the Bohemian Massif. It includes the Variscan Karkonosze Granite (about 328–304 Ma) surrounded by the following four older units:
  • -Izera–Kowary (the Early Paleozoic continental crust of the Saxothuringian Basin),
  • -Ještĕd (the Middle Devonian to Lower Viséan sedimentary succession deposited on the NE passive margin of the Saxothuringian Terrane), out of the present study area,
  • -Southern Karkonosze (metamorphosed sediments and volcanics filling the Saxothuringian Basin), out of the present study area,
  • -Leszczyniec (Early Ordovician, obducted fragment of Saxothuringian Basin sea floor).
The authors present a genetic model of ore mineralization in the Karkonosze–Izera Massif, in which ore deposits and ore minerals occurrences are related to the successive episodes of the geological history of the Karkonosze–Izera Massif:
  • -formation of the Saxothuringian Basin and its passive continental margin (about 500–490 Ma)
  • -Variscan thermal events:
    • -regional metamorphism (360–340 Ma)
    • -Karkonosze Granite intrusion (328–304 Ma)
  • -Late Cretaceous and Neogene-to-Recent hypergenic processes.
The oldest ore deposits and ore minerals occurrences of the Karkonosze–Izera Massif are represented by pyrite and magnetite deposits hosted in the Leszczyniec Unit as well as by magnetite deposit and, presumably, by a small part of tin mineralization hosted in the Izera–Kowary Unit. All these deposits and occurrences were subjected to the pre-Variscan regional metamorphism.Most of the Karkonosze–Izera Massif ore deposits and occurrences are related to the Karkonosze Granite intrusion. This group includes a spatially diversified assemblage of small ore deposits and ore mineral occurrences of: Fe, Cu, Sn, As, U, Co, Au, Ag, Pb, Ni, Bi, Zn, Sb, Se, S, Th, REE, Mo, W and Hg located within the granite and in granite-related pegmatites, in the close contact aureole of the granite and within the metamorphic envelope, at various distances from the granite. Assuming world standards, all these deposits are now uneconomic. Various age determinations indicated that ore formation connected with the Karkonosze Granite might have taken place mostly between about 326 and 270 Ma.The last ore-forming episode in the Karkonosze–Izera Massif is related to hypergenic processes, particularly important in the northern part of the massif, in the Izera–Kowary Unit where some uranium deposits and occurrences resulted from the infiltration of ore solutions that originated from the weathering of pre-existing accumulations of uranium minerals. A separate problem is the presence of oxidation zones of ore deposits and occurrences, both the fossil and the recent.A full list of ore minerals identified in described deposits and occurrences of the Karkonosze–Izera Massif together with relevant, key references is presented in the form of an appendix.  相似文献   

Controversy has long surrounded the tectonic framework and evolution of the Mudanjiang Ocean between the Bureya–Jiamusi–Khanka Massif and Songnen–Zhangguangcai Range Massif, which are located in the easternmost segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. To address these issues, we present zircon U-Pb ages, geochemical data, and zircon Hf isotopic compositions of the Taipinggou amphibolite and metagabbro exposed along the boundary area of Bureya–Jiamusi Massif and Songnen–Zhangguangcai Range Massif. Magmatic zircons from the amphibolite and metagabbro yield 206Pb/238U ages of 267 ± 2 Ma and 264 ± 2 Ma, respectively, which are interpreted as protolith ages. The geochemical data of the amphibolite samples show transitional characteristics of calcalkaline to tholeiitic series, with high MgO concentrations (9.44–10.48 wt.%) and Mg-numbers (73–75). These samples are enriched in large ion lithophile elements (e.g. Rb, Ba, and K) and light rare earth elements and are depleted in high-field-strength elements (e.g. Nb, Ta, and Ti) and heavy rare earth elements, with εHf(t) values of ?6.63 to ?3.26. It is inferred that the parental magma originated from an enriched lithospheric mantle that had been metasomatized by fluids derived from subducted oceanic slab. During magma evolution, the magma that formed the amphibolite mainly experienced accumulation with a shallow-level evolutionary process involving fractional crystallization. The Taipinggou metagabbro samples are subalkaline series and also characterized by enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (e.g. Rb, Ba, and K) and light rare earth elements and by depletion in Nb–Ta–P–Ti, with εHf(t) values of ?3.09 to +1.16. The Taipinggou metagabbro and amphibolite have similar geochemical and Hf isotopic compositions, indicating a common parental magma source but with different degrees of magmatic differentiation. Based on the new geochronological and geochemical data presented in this study, we propose that both the Taipinggou metagabbro and amphibolite formed in a Middle Permian continental arc setting, closely related to eastward subduction beneath the Bureya–Jiamusi Massif. Combined with previous studies and regional geological observations, we suggest that a double-side subduction model is favoured for the Late Palaeozoic–Early Mesozoic geodynamic processes along the boundary area of Bureya–Jiamusi–Khanka Massif and Songnen–Zhangguangcai Range Massif.  相似文献   

The study reports new aeromagnetic and gravity data for the northern part of the Timok Magmatic Complex (TMC), East Serbia. The TMC is part of the Tethyan Eurasian metallogenic zone well known for hosting large copper and gold deposits. The complex formed by continuous volcanic activity 90–78 Ma ago, that developed in roughly three phases: Turonian andesites, Santonian–Campanian andesites/basaltic andesites (both mostly volcanic) and Campanian latites/monzonites (mostly shallow intrusive). The aeromagnetic measurements included acquiring total magnetic intensity data that were corrected for diurnal variations, leveling, microleveling, calculated normal field values, calculated anomaly values of total magnetic field intensity and reduction to the pole. The gravity measurements were carried out in an irregular grid with relative gravity values obtained using a Worden gravity meter. 2D modeling reveals that the subsurface extension of the Campanian Valja Str? pluton is ten times larger than it is indicated by its surface outcrops. This implies that the area south and southeast from the pluton can be interesting in terms of finding new porphyry systems. The model indicates that this intrusive body should not be considered as a deeply dissected pluton. This sheds new light onto its potential with respect to epithermal gold mineralization, as well. The model also suggests that there are larger non-exposed bodies of Santonian–Campanian volcanics and near-surface hydrothermally altered rocks than it is inferred from geological maps. The results of our study suggest that further interdisciplinary investigations in the TMC, in particular those integrating geophysics and geology, may have potential of advancing the existing exploration models.  相似文献   

The use of peat and sediment cores to reconstruct historical trends in levels of environmental contamination, or to provide palaeoclimatic information, depends critically on the development of accurate chronologies. Radionuclides have been exploited in th…  相似文献   

An unsolved problem of regional importance for both the evolution and structure of the Northwest German Basin is the existence or non-existence of the so-called Bramsche Massif. Explaining the nature of this massif and the cause of a related strong, positive Bouguer anomaly (Bramsche Anomaly) is critical. In the study described here, we tested an existing “intrusion model” against a newer “inversion model” in the southern Northwest German Basin. In the intrusion model, the strongly-positive Bouguer anomaly represents the gravity effect of an intrusion at depths between 6 and 10 km. More recent interpretations invoke tectonic inversion rather than intrusion to explain increased burial and the low level of hydrocarbon maturity found in boreholes. We tested these different interpretations by constructing 3D forward density models to 15 km depth. The intrusion model was updated and adjusted to incorporate recent data and we also modelled pre-Zechstein structures using different scenarios. The final model has a very good fit between measured and modelled gravity fields. Based on currently available seismic and structural models, as well as borehole density measurements, we show that the positive Bouguer anomaly cannot be modeled without a high-density, intrusive-like body at depth. However, further in-sight into the crustal structures of the Bramsche region requires more detailed investigations. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

It is known that ΛCDM cosmological models predict too many dark halos compared to the observed numbers. This excess is derived from the virialized mass in the Local Supercluster and its vicinity. Taking into account cosmological velocity fluctuations during the formation of the dark halo population makes it possible to eliminate this remaining contradiction in the ΛCDM model. Based on Press-Schechter formalism, a model describing the formation of the dark halo population is developed, taking into account kinematic effects in the dark matter. A quantitative explanation of the virialized-mass deficit in the local Universe is obtained in this model.  相似文献   

The results of bio- and lithostratigraphic studies of the Givetian-Frasnian rocks in the Tsil’ma River basin are reported. They suggest regularities in sedimentation: distinct rhythmicity and similar succession in the structure of formations. We have identified five palynocomplexes that characterize the formations and make it possible to accomplish a confident biostratigraphic subdivision of sections. Their correlation with coeval complexes in the adjacent areas has been accomplished. The results made it possible to unravel specific features of miospore assemblages formed in the continental and coastal-marine facies.  相似文献   

A three dimensional steady-state finite difference groundwater flow model is used to quantify the groundwater fluxes and analyze the subsurface hydrodynamics in the Akaki catchment by giving particular emphasis to the well field that supplies water to the city of Addis Ababa. The area is characterized by Tertiary volcanics covered with thick residual and alluvial soils. The model is calibrated using head observations from 131 wells. The simulation is made in a two layer unconfined aquifer with spatially variable recharge and hydraulic conductivities under well-defined boundary conditions. The calibrated model is used to forecast groundwater flow pattern, the interaction of groundwater and surface water, and the effect of pumping on the well field under different scenarios. The result indicates that the groundwater flows regionally to the south converging to the major well field. Reservoirs and rivers play an important role in recharging the aquifer. Simulations made under different pumping rate indicate that an increase in pumping rate results in substantial regional groundwater level decline, which will lead to the drying of springs and shallow hand dug wells. Also, it has implications of reversal of flow from contaminated rivers into productive aquifers close to main river courses. The scenario analysis shows that the groundwater potential is not enough to sustain the ever-growing water demand of the city of Addis Ababa. The sensitivity and scenario analysis provided important information on the data gaps and the specific sites to be selected for monitoring, and may be of great help for transient model development. This study has laid the foundation for developing detailed predictive groundwater model, which can be readily used for groundwater management practices.  相似文献   

The water and energy transfer of land surface is complex due to its large spatial and temporal variability. The modeling and simulation is an important means to study land water and energy transfer, but most selection and analysis of model parameters are empirical and qualitative. This paper has proposed a method of quantitatively identifying the most influential parameters of Common Land Model through Sobol?? sensitivity analysis. Considering sensible heat flux as the model output, the first order and total sensitivity indices of 25 model input parameters are estimated using an improved Sobol?? method. The simulated results are resampled using a bootstrapping method and the corresponding sensitivity indices are calculated. Confidence intervals for the bootstrapping sensitivity indices are estimated by using a percentile method. The results show that the parameters phi0 and porsl are the most important parameters, followed by ref(2,1), tran(2,1) and bsw. Five out of 25 parameters need to have an accurate evaluation, while the other parameters are fixed to a certain value. The sensitivity indices of parameters phi0 and porsl are decreasing after precipitation, while the sensitivity indices of parameters tran(2, 1) and ref(2, 1) are increasing after precipitation.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new numerical program able to model syntectonic sedimentation. The new model combines a discrete element model of the tectonic deformation of a sedimentary cover and a process-based model of sedimentation in a single framework. The integration of these two methods allows us to include the simulation of both sedimentation and deformation processes in a single and more effective model. The paper describes briefly the antecedents of the program, Simsafadim-Clastic and a discrete element model, in order to introduce the methodology used to merge both programs to create the new code. To illustrate the operation and application of the program, analysis of the evolution of syntectonic geometries in an extensional environment and also associated with thrust fault propagation is undertaken. Using the new code, much more complex and realistic depositional structures can be simulated together with a more complex analysis of the evolution of the deformation within the sedimentary cover, which is seen to be affected by the presence of the new syntectonic sediments.  相似文献   

In arid and semiarid areas, the only surface and groundwater recharge source is the runoff generated through flash floods. Lack of hydrological data in such areas makes runoff estimation extremely complicated. Flash floods are considered catastrophic phenomena posing a major hazardous threat to cities, villages, and their infrastructures. The objective of this study is to assess the flash flood hazard and runoff in Wadi Halyah and its sub-basins. Integration of morphometric parameters, geo-informatics, and hydrological models has been done to overcome the challenge of scarcity of data.Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection (ASTER) data was used to prepare a digital elevation model (DEM) with 30-m resolution, and geographical information system (GIS) was used in the evaluation of network, geometry, texture, and relief features of the morphometric parameters. Thirty-eight morphometric parameters were estimated and have been linked together for producing nine effective parameters for evaluation of the flash flood hazard in the study basin.Flash flood hazard in Wadi Halyah and its sub-basins was identified and grouped into three classes depending on nine effective parameters directly influencing the flood prone areas. Calculated runoff volume of Wadi Halyah ranges from 26.7 × 106 to 111.4 × 106 m3 with an inundation area of 15 and 27 km2 at return periods of 5 and 100 years, respectively. Mathematical relationships among rainfall depth, runoff volume, infiltration losses, and rainfall excess demonstrate a strong directly proportional relationships with correlation coefficient of about 0.99.  相似文献   

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