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目的 探讨髋关节内骨样骨瘤的临床、影像学特点及治疗方法。方法 总结经手术病理证实的髋关节内骨样骨瘤11例病人的症状、体征、影像学表现、手术方法及治疗结果。结果 术后所有病例疼痛消失,于1~3个月后恢复正常活动,随访3个月~5年,无复发,髋关节功能正常。结论 髋关节骨样骨瘤疼痛定位不确切,X线因遮挡显示不清,容易误诊,CT是最好的检查方法,手术切除瘤巢是治疗的关键,CT引导下手术是保证瘤巢切除彻底的有效方法。  相似文献   

小儿脊柱骨样骨瘤的诊治   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的 :探讨小儿脊柱骨样骨瘤的临床特点、诊断及治疗。方法 :对 3例小儿脊柱骨样骨瘤的临床特点进行分析。结果 :腰背部疼痛和代偿性脊柱侧凸是常见的临床表现 ,且服用非甾体抗炎药可缓解疼痛 ;CT检查可见典型的“牛眼征” ;3例均手术切除病灶 ,术后症状全部消失。结论 :小儿脊柱的骨样骨瘤可引起疼痛和代偿性脊柱侧凸 ;骨扫描结合CT检查是早期诊断的最好方法 ;早期手术切除病灶 ,症状可全部消失。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨脊柱骨样骨瘤伴脊柱侧凸的诊断及治疗方式的选择,并分析其治疗转归及疗效.[方法]回顾研究1997年2月~2006年12月收治脊柱骨样骨瘤9例,年龄8~21岁(平均15.2岁),其中胸段2例,胸腰段2例,腰段5例.所有病人均以脊柱侧凸为首诊,同时伴有脊柱区疼痛,Cobb's角为10°~30°(平均22°).1例因侧凸度数较大为30°,躯干倾斜明显,而当即行瘤巢切除术,1例8岁患者,因躯干倾斜明显,在CT证实后行手术切除.1例诊断不明者亦一期进行了手术治疗.6例病人接受了试验性口服阿斯匹林和非甾体类消炎镇痛药治疗,1个月后疼痛均明显缓解,其中3例轻度脊柱侧凸无明显进展,继续服用阿斯匹林和非甾体类消炎镇痛药后疼痛完全消失,停药后无复发,未予手术.另3例停止服药疼痛症状复发,予以手术切除瘤巢.[结果]所有手术患者术后均病理证实为骨样骨瘤.手术患者术后疼痛症状缓解;脊柱侧凸患者中5例侧凸消失或度数小于15°,4例侧凸成为结构性,在支具控制下,侧凸度数减轻.[结论]青少年腰背痛或者疼痛性脊柱侧凸需考虑脊柱骨样骨瘤的可能.薄层CT横扫是最有效和最有助于定位的方法.脊椎骨样骨瘤病人可先行药物治疗,严格随访,如有需要,再行手术切除.  相似文献   

目的:探讨骨样骨瘤的临床特点及手术方法。方法:9例经X线或CT检查诊断为骨样骨瘤,均采用手术切除治疗。结果:8例局部疼痛症状均消失;1例第1次手术未能切除瘤巢,局部疼痛症状不减,再次手术切除瘤巢后疼痛消失。结论:骨样骨瘤的术前诊断主要依靠影像学的检查,彻底切除瘤巢是有效手术治疗的关键。  相似文献   

目的探讨手部骨样骨瘤的临床特点及治疗方法。方法回顾性分析上海六院2009年1月至2015年1月收治的8例手部骨样骨瘤患者资料:男6例,女2例;年龄10~36岁,平均22.1岁;均行手术治疗,术后病理证实术前诊断。记录手术时间、术中出血量、术后并发症。结果术前测量瘤巢直径均小于10mm,平均7mm;术中精准定位瘤巢,手术时间短,平均50.3min;术中失血量少,平均31.9mL;术后病变部位疼痛均消失;所有病例随访12~18个月,平均随访15个月,术后无病理性骨折、无肿瘤复发等并发症。结论根据手部骨样骨瘤的典型临床特点及特征性影像学改变可明确诊断,确诊后手术治疗的疗效满意。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨应用尺骨骨痂延长术治疗尺骨远端遗传性多发性骨软骨瘤致前臂畸形的临床疗效.[方法]回顾性研究尺骨远端遗传性多发性骨软骨瘤导致前臂畸形患者17例19臂,采用尺骨骨痂延长术治疗.对手术前后的X线评价和功能评价进行统计学分析比较.[结果]17例患者均获随访,平均随访时间36个月(25~52个月),尺骨短缩、桡骨弯曲、桡骨远端骨骺尺侧倾斜及腕骨尺侧移位等畸形得到明显纠正,且前臂旋前、旋后和腕关节桡偏功能优于术前,通过Krimmer腕关节功能评分分析得出术后腕关节总体功能较术前明显改善.[结论]应用尺骨骨痂延长术治疗尺骨远端遗传性多发性骨软骨瘤致前臂畸形可以有效纠正其诸多外观畸形并改善前臂功能,临床疗效满意.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨应用尺骨截骨矫形术治疗桡骨小头陈旧性脱位的疗效.[方法]对11例应用尺骨截骨矫形术治疗的桡骨小头陈旧性脱位患者进行回顾性分析;年龄4~13岁,平均7岁;5例有明确外伤史,1例有脱位复位史.左肘5例,右肘6例;病例均无桡神经损伤,X线示无桡骨小头变形.[结果]术后随访时间5~24个月,平均16个月.无再次脱位病例,1例患者出现骨不连,再次手术植骨后愈合.1例患者屈曲活动度较前降低15°.X线检查复位良好、未发现桡骨小头坏死.[结论]此种方法,患者疼痛及活动度等均得到明显改善,且手术方法简单有效,术后并发症少,可在桡骨小头陈旧性脱位中应用.  相似文献   

背景:骨样骨瘤是于1935年由Jaffe首次报道的一种良性成骨性疾患,具有界限清晰的局限性病灶。最常见的部位为股骨、胫骨等长干骨,而足踝部的骨样骨瘤较为少见。目的:研究足踝部骨样骨瘤的临床特点以及外科治疗效果。方法:回顾性分析2010年1月至2013年10月在我院足踝中心确诊的7例足踝部骨样骨瘤的临床资料,其中男5例,女2例,平均发病年龄21.5岁。受累部位:距骨5例,跟骨2例。发病至确诊时间平均为16个月(8~25个月),症状为疼痛,服用非甾体抗炎药可缓解。2例发病之前有相关部位的外伤史。3例曾于我院或外院诊断为其他疾病,并行相关手术治疗。1例外院确诊骨样骨瘤,手术切除后1年复发。所有患者均接受肿瘤刮除+植骨治疗。结果:术后平均随访14个月(2~24个月),患者疼痛症状均消失,未见病灶复发,无植骨反应,无病理性骨折。结论:足踝部骨样骨瘤发病少见,其临床表现容易与其他疾病相混淆。所以,需要密切结合患病部位的临床表现、完善的影像学检查和准确的组织活检做出明确诊断,并给以相应治疗。  相似文献   

骨样骨瘤的病理机制与诊断治疗(附13例报告)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨骨样骨瘤的病因、发病机制、临床特点以及临床诊治方法。方法 总结1993-1999年收治的骨样骨瘤13例,其中男9例,女4例,平均21.5岁。发病部位为股骨颈3例、股骨5例、胫骨3例、肱骨1例、尺骨1例。全部病例均行病巢切除术。结果 全部病例术后均经病理证实为骨样骨瘤,术后症状即消失,随访1-6a无一例复发。结论 该瘤以疼痛尤其夜间痛为特征,其疼痛可能为瘤巢内前列腺素E2增高所致,彻底切除瘤巢是治疗的关键,提倡精确定位的微创手术。  相似文献   

[目的] 探讨侧前路钢板固定结合椎体成形术治疗骨质疏松性胸腰段多椎体压缩性骨折的效果.[方法] 对22例患有骨质疏松性多椎体压缩性骨折的病例,进行侧前路钢板固定结合注射性硫酸钙椎体成形术治疗.本组22例患者均有骨质疏松并胸腰段多椎体不同程度的压缩骨折,脊髓神经功能有不同程度损伤.术前常规行X线片、CT或MRI检查,术后X线片,观察脊柱稳定性、脊髓功能及慢性胸腰背痛恢复情况.[结果] 所有患者经术后随访植骨部位均达到骨性愈合,感觉、运动功能均有不同程度改善,胸背部疼痛或不适明显缓解,无复发,行椎体成形术的椎体无一渗漏,近期疗效均较满意.[结论] 侧前路钢板固定结合椎体成形术有利于同时解决胸腰椎后凸畸形对神经的压迫、脊柱的不稳定及骨质疏松椎体压缩骨折造成的顽固性胸腰背疼痛等问题.  相似文献   

Osteoid osteoma is a benign tumour in young adults. The clinical manifestations are generally typical nocturnal pain that prevents sleep and that is alleviated with aspirin. When the typical clinical and radiological features are present, diagnosis is not difficult. Problems in the differential diagnosis may arise in connection with an unusual location. We report on the clinical features, radiographic and histopathological findings, treatment, and results of four patients who were managed for an intra- or juxta-articular osteoid osteoma at our medical centre between 2000 and 2002 and in whom the initial diagnosis was erroneous and delayed from 1 to 10 years. In order to remove these lesions, we performed a CT-guided en block retrograde resection under arthroscopic control for juxta-articular osteoid osteomas (knee) and an arthroscopy-assisted en block antegrade resection in two cases of intra-articular osteoid osteoma (elbow and shoulder). None of the osteoid osteomas recurred in the follow-up period, and each patient got relief from pain.  相似文献   

李广学  郭卫  唐顺  李晓  齐典文 《中国骨伤》2010,23(8):629-631
目的:研究骨样骨瘤的临床特点以及外科治疗效果,提高诊治水平。方法:回顾性分析1997年1月至2009年10月确诊的35例骨样骨瘤的临床资料,其中男25例,女10例,平均发病年龄21岁(6~49岁)。最常见的部位为胫骨(13例)和股骨(7例)。发病至确诊时间平均为12个月(1~24个月),典型的症状为疼痛,夜间加重,服用非甾体抗炎药可缓解,影像学表现为一圆形或卵圆形的瘤巢。所有患者均经手术治疗:单纯肿瘤切除9例,肿瘤刮除或切除人工骨或自体骨植骨19例,肿瘤刮除或切除植骨固定7例。结果:术后平均随访49个月(2个月~12年),所有患者疼痛症状均消失,未见病灶复发。1例术后4个月出现胫骨病理性骨折,经钢板螺钉内固定后治愈。1例术后5年窦道形成,行窦道切除、髓内钉取出、清创术后治愈。结论:根据典型临床表现、影像学特点,骨样骨瘤的诊断并不困难,为缓解症状、提高生活质量、预防远期并发症,确诊后应尽早手术治疗。  相似文献   



To compare the clinical and radiological features of intra-/juxta-articular osteoid osteoma and extra-articular osteoid osteoma in skeletally immature patients, paying special attention to the skeletal complications.


Osteoid osteoma in 34 children (22 boys and 12 girls, mean age 10.4 years) was dichotomized according to the location of the nidus as intra-/juxta-articular (11 children) or extra-articular (23 children). The following features were compared: diagnostic delay, typical symptoms, synovitis and limited range of joint motion, response to treatment, typical radiographic findings, and skeletal complications.


Eight of the 11 children with intra-/juxta-articular osteoid osteoma presented with synovitis in the involved joint, which led to a delayed diagnosis for a median 9.5 months. Pain disappeared in all children with surgical or medical interventions, but at the mean 4.9-year follow-up evaluation, skeletal abnormalities around the joint were noted in 5 children (4 proximal femur and 1 distal humerus) with intra-/juxta-articular osteoid osteoma, 2 of whom required subsequent surgeries for limited hip motion caused by femoroacetabular impingement and limited range of elbow motion, respectively. In contrast, typical clinical and radiological features were observed more often in extra-articular osteoid osteoma, and only 1 child showed overgrowth of the tibia, which did not have clinical significance.


Intra-/juxta-articular osteoid osteomas in growing children exhibit different clinical and radiological features from extra-articular lesions. Skeletal abnormalities mainly develop in intra-/juxta-articular osteoid osteoma, and these may lead to permanent skeletal sequelae.  相似文献   

Osteoid osteoma is a painful benign bone neoplasm that is rarely described after trauma but should be suspected. A case of osteoid osteoma 19 years after a tibial fracture is presented. The patient had pain in the tibia for 6 years before the osteoid osteoma was confirmed. He had been operated on twice for suspected osteomyelitis although the clinical symptoms suggested an osteoid osteoma. The radiographic appearance as well as a bone scan confirmed the diagnosis. Removal of the nidus resulted in immediate pain relief. A precise preoperative diagnosis of the lesion based on clinical findings, standard radiographs, high-resolution CT, and bone scan is mandatory. It is important to recognize this uncommon entity to avoid morbidity associated with a prolonged delay in diagnosis.  相似文献   

Osteoid osteoma, a common bone lesion of benign nature, is more rarely seen in feet. It most commonly involves the talus yet rarely the cuboid. The atypical symptoms of foot involvement may delay the diagnosis. Differential diagnosis most commonly includes ankle sprain, monoarticular arthritis, anterior impingement syndrome, tarsal spur, osteomyelitis, stress fracture, eosinophilic granuloma. The delay in diagnosis and treatment of osteoid osteoma in the foot may be a cause of chronic foot pain. In this study, we present a 17-year-old boy with osteoid osteoma in his right cuboid bone. The patient was undiagnosed during the first year of his symptoms. After surgical removal of the tumor, his complaints were resolved. The pathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of osteoid osteoma. Osteoid osteoma is an unusual bone tumor of the foot. It should be included in the differential diagnosis of patients exhibiting foot pain. In speculative cases with no obvious radiographic findings, further imaging studies, such as CT, should be considered.  相似文献   

We describe a typical case of a phalangeal osteoid osteoma in the hand. The clinical (night pain with complete relief with aspirin, tender local swelling) and radiographic features (a zone of bone sclerosis surrounding a small area of translucency) were obvious. We performed an "en bloc" excision with histological confirmation of the diagnosis and complete relief of symptoms.  相似文献   

Osteoid osteoma is a benign bone tumor that causes localized pain that typically increases during the night and is relieved by NSAIDs [1]. It most commonly occurs in the femur and tibia. Only 8% of osteoid osteoma is found in the foot [2]. For that reason, if osteoid osteoma develops in the foot, there may be a delay in diagnosis as it often mimics other, more frequent pathologies. Moreover, if the patient has a history of injury, the initial diagnosis of osteoid ostoema is even more difficult to make [3] as it is natural for the physician to attribute the symptoms to the trauma.  相似文献   

Intraarticular osteoid osteomas can simulate several other traumatic or degenerative pathologies of the joint with delay in diagnosis. We report the clinical features, radiographic and histopathological findings, the technical aspects of arthroscopic excision, and results of surgery in a 28-year-old woman who had an intraarticular osteoid osteoma of her left ankle, in whom the initial diagnosis was erroneous and delayed 1 year. Arthroscopy allowed minimally invasive complete excision of the osteoid osteoma, with a short postoperative rehabilitation and excellent functional results.  相似文献   

Osteoid osteoma and osteoblastoma of the spine.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Eleven patients with spinal osteoid osteoma and six patients with spinal osteoblastoma treated between 1975 and 1990 were reviewed to characterize the tumors as they affect the spine and to define the important differences between the two tumors. All patients with cervical osteoid osteoma presented with pain, limited range of motion of the neck, and torticollis. Four osteoblastomas had soft-tissue components in the epidural space, necessitating dissection of the tumor from the dura. No soft-tissue component was found in any of the osteoid osteomas. Our results were similar to a metaanalysis of the clinical, radiographic, and surgical findings of all published cases of spinal osteoid osteoma and osteoblastoma. Important features that have not been emphasized in the literature are the high incidence of torticollis with cervical lesions and the frequent association of epidural invasion with osteoblastoma. Surgeons treating osteoblastoma of the spine should be prepared to dissect tumor from the dura.  相似文献   

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