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Minimizing the cost of manufacturing a plastic component is very important in the highly competitive plastic injection molding industry. The current approach of R&D work focuses on optimizing the dimensions of the plastic component, particularly in reducing the thickness of the component during product design, the first phase of manufacturing, in order to minimize the manufacturing cost. This approach treats the component dimensions established in the product design phase as the given input, and uses optimization techniques to reduce the manufacturing cost of mold design and molding for producing the component. In most cases, the current approach provides the correct solution for minimizing the manufacturing cost. However, when the approach is applied to a thin component, typically when miniaturizing products, it has problems finding the true minimum manufacturing cost. This paper analyses the shortcomings of the current approach for handling thin plastic components and proposes a method to overcome them. A worked example is used to illustrate the problems and compare the differences when using the current approach and the new method proposed in the paper.  相似文献   

浅析注射成型塑料件结构设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从注射成型塑料件结构设计的角度出发,结合材料本身特性及注塑生产的工艺特点,总结了注射成型塑料件结构设计上的一些要点和注意事项,列举了若干设计中经常采取的结构形式和改进方法,为注射成型塑料件的结构设计给出了参考。  相似文献   

以某公司的数码相机开发为实例,详细研究采用协同设计模式开发产品的结构、流程及关键技术。  相似文献   

数字化设计制造技术在塑窗锯铣加工设备中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以塑窗锯铣加工中心的开发设计为背景,分析了传统设计模式的弊端,阐述了企业对产品数字化设计制造技术的需求,提出了柔性塑窗加工中心利用3维数字化设计制造技术进行改型开发设计的构想。  相似文献   

提出一种零件信息场模型表达方法,介绍了虚拟零件空间和信息场的概念,以及虚拟零件信息场算法的实现。该算法是解决各类零件结构工艺性评判问题的有效方法。同时列举了算法的应用实例。  相似文献   

基于神经网络和遗传算法的薄壳件注塑成型工艺参数优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立基于神经网络和遗传算法并结合正交试验的薄壳件注塑成型工艺参数优化系统.正交试验法用来设计神经网络的训练样本,人工神经网络有效创建翘曲预测模型;遗传算法完成对影响薄壳塑件翘曲变形的工艺参数(模具温度、注射温度、注射压力、保压时间、保压压力和冷却时间等)的优化,并计算出其优化值.按该参数进行试验,效果良好,可以有效地减小薄壳塑件翘曲变形,其试验数值与计算数值基本相符,说明所提出的方法是可行的.  相似文献   

针对当前汽摩零部件企业迫切需要快速、有效且可靠地利用异地分散的服务资源来提高新产品开发能力的需求,结合云制造的思想,构建了一种汽摩零部件新产品开发云制造服务平台的总体框架,分析了其体系结构和运行服务模式,并对基于资源描述框架模式的汽摩零部件新产品开发云制造资源描述方法和基于P2P超级节点的云制造资源搜索策略等平台实现的关键技术进行了研究.结合重庆市汽摩产业的实际对该平台进行了初步应用实践.  相似文献   

基于特征的回转类零件CNC/CAD/CAM集成系统开发研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对回转类零件的结构及加工特点,建立了基于特征的全局统一数据模型及在该模型上实现的回转类零件CAD/CAM集成系统的系统结构,以及以该模型为基础的设计制造支持软件体系,构造了基于工业PC机的开放式数控系统的控制软件和应用软件体系框架,并实现了基于开放式数控系统的回转类零件的集成化制造。  相似文献   

为了快速设计和制造出满足客户个性化需求的产品,提出面向订单设计的零件库必须包含实物零件和零件族,以及对产品全生命周期提供支持的信息,包括几何、工艺、生产、成本、交货期等。提出了一个面向ETO的零件库系统框架,该框架由实物零件库及其管理与检索工具、零件族库及其建模与变型设计工具等构成,并给出统一的零件信息模型。最后介绍了面向ETO零件库系统的应用实例。  相似文献   

The existing technology of flow manufacturing, which is mainly appropriate for high volume and repetitive production, is proven difficult to be applied in high-mix/low-volume environments. To adapt lean production into the latter, a new type of flow manufacturing is proposed based on flow path management technology. This paper first describes the general operation framework of the proposed new mode. The main idea is the dynamic formation of adaptable virtual production lines (called flow paths) corresponding to different product families. The application of different theories of constraints/drum-buffer-rope (TOC/DBR) control policies depends on the differences in scope of variety and scale of demand for these product families. The overall architecture of the proposed mechanism of constraint management-based operation and control is introduced. For the implementation, a mathematical programming method is suggested for the dynamic planning of flow paths, and a TOC/DBR ‘path-specific’ mechanism with group scheduling is used for the control over each flow path.We also study other critical issues including the identification and management of resource bottlenecks, and the setting of the buffer size in the deployment of the TOC/DBR mechanism.  相似文献   

汽车覆盖件模具的设计水平决定了汽车覆盖件的质量,并影响着汽车的性能与外观.本研究在分析拉延模结构设计特点的基础上,提出一种汽车覆盖件数字化设计制造的思路和方法.现有的汽车覆盖件冲压成形工艺设计一般采用经验与计算机相结合的设计方珐,这在某种程度上满足了企业生产的需要,但其设计周期长、效率低、设计质量难于保证.为适应汽车工业的快速发展和市场竞争要求,在汽车模具生产中采用该方法综合利用逆向工程软件、CAD/CAM软件、材料成型分析软件和加工仿真软件的有效组合和数据集成,有效地解决了汽车覆盖件拉延模具快速设计与制造的过程.综合实例表明.该过程可以快速提高模具类产品的研制周期,提高产品的质量.  相似文献   

制造业企业两化融合评估指标体系构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了促进制造业企业提高信息化环境下的核心竞争能力,依据《工业企业“信息化和工业化融合”评估规范》的要求,基于全国35个制造业行业、6个省市、约3 000家企业的两化融合评估实践,提出一套覆盖制造业企业全局的两化融合评估体系和评价方法,从水平与能力评估、效能与效益评估两方面,以及产品、企业管理、价值链三个维度提出制造业企业两化融合评估框架,明确了评估指标体系的构建原则,并进一步构建形成通用评估指标体系.所提评估体系和方法在政府、行业、工业企业、IT服务商的相关工作中得到了广泛应用.  相似文献   

郭维  姚祥林  何军蔚 《广西机械》2013,(11):118-119,130
分别从批量标准件的使用、机加工过程中合理优化加工工艺和减少不必要工序、利用自制件替换较高成本的采购件的等效替换方法等角度,论述了降低汽车白车身焊装夹具加工制造成本的几个途径.拥有低成本特性的车身工装并投入使用,对于提高产品竞争力,降低成本有重要作用.  相似文献   

为分析云制造生态系统参与主体间竞争合作关系及其对个体发展的影响,了解系统平衡性和稳定性,提出一种基于生态位的个体竞争合作演化模型。根据云制造生态系统中参与者的角色和地位,定义了个体生态位的概念,讨论了生态位宽度和重叠度的计算方法;在此基础上,构建了个体间竞争合作关系演化发展的动力学模型。仿真分析表明:生态位宽度和重叠度对个体发展影响巨大,具备宽的生态位和低重叠度的个体具有更好的适应性和发展空间;初始状态对个体前期发展有重要影响,在后期则影响不明显;竞争环境的变化对新生个体具有显著影响,在一定程度的竞争环境下,具有不同竞争能力的个体能够共存;合作有利于个体间的共存,合作关系越强,个体获利越大。  相似文献   

针对一种塑制汽车离合器总泵的上下泵体在旋转摩擦焊接工艺中焊接参数难以确定的问题,提出了一种基于旋转摩擦焊接温度的焊接参数设计方法。通过二次正交回归试验设计,采用响应曲面法,建立了由主轴主轴转速、熔接压力和旋转圈数3个焊接参数在旋转焊接时摩擦面温度的预测模型;运用差示扫描量热法获得离合器泵体材料的熔点;在分析摩擦面温度与3个焊接工艺参数的二阶响应曲面图的基础上,结合摩擦面温度的预测模型,建立了焊接参数的关联耦合模型;依据该模型即可设计合理的焊接工艺参数。通过对焊接件焊接强度的评价,验证了焊接参数设计方法的合理性。离合器泵焊接量产的合格率达95%以上,证明了该焊接参数设计方法的可行性。  相似文献   

This paper reports the work of selecting suitable manufacturing processes and materials in concurrent design for manufacturing environment. In the paper, a fuzzy knowledge-based decision support method is proposed for multi-criteria decision-making in evaluating and selecting possible manufacturing process/material combinations in terms of the total production cost. Based on the proposed method, a prototype Web-based knowledge-intensive manufacturing consulting service system (WebMCSS) with the client-knowledge server architecture is developed to help designers/users find good processes and materials while still at the conceptual level of design. The system, as one of the important parts of an advanced design for manufacturing tool, is a concept level process and material selection tool that can be used as both a standalone application and a Java applet freely available via the Web. Interlinked with Web pages of tutorials, and reference pages explaining the facets, fabrication processes and material choices, the system performs reasoning and calculations using the process capability and material property data from the remote Web-based database and knowledge base that can be maintained and updated via the Internet. The use of the system is illustrated with an example.  相似文献   

孟繁斐  步敬 《光学精密工程》2017,25(8):2130-2138
针对目前微透镜设计与加工中存在的问题,本文提出了一种大尺寸、高填充率的微透镜阵列设计与加工方法,并成功应用于基于手机屏幕的三维集成成像显示系统。根据焦面模式下的集成成像原理,建立了透镜阵列参数与集成成像显示关键参数的关系,并设计了高填充率透镜阵列的孔径与焦距。采用超精密铣削方法加工出金属母板,通过纳米压印和图形转移复制的方法,在涂有UV固化胶的PET透明膜上得到了高填充率的微透镜阵列膜,并将其应用于基于手机显示屏的集成成像系统。测试结果表明,在5.7英寸全高清手机屏幕上,直接覆盖孔径为0.526mm、焦距为2mm、填充率为100%的透镜阵列,可以实现立体图像出屏距离达4cm、视场角为12.5°的集成成像显示效果。系统的设计与透镜阵列的制作完全满足集成成像要求,裸眼观看立体图像清晰、逼真,系统集成度高,使用方便。  相似文献   

基于穿梭车的货到人拣选系统中,伸缩货叉是穿梭车上物料搬运的执行机构,它的合理设计是保证穿梭车轻巧、快速、精准的关键。文中进行伸缩货叉的研发设计,通过总体规划设计,确定伸缩货叉的性能参数;通过分析常用结构形式的弊端,合理设计伸缩货叉各部件结构,使伸缩货叉具有较大行程、足够强度的同时,结构先进合理,简单紧凑,外形尺寸小,方便选材,成本低,传动平稳,定位精确,易于操作,更加具有市场竞争力。  相似文献   

针对云制造环境下复杂新产品开发项目的特点,提出了将过程管理技术应用于项目进度管理,即基于过程结构化分析和优化来控制项目的进度和成本,此技术将变传统的职能型项目进度管理为面向过程的进度管理,系统化地统一研发过程的合理设计技术和实用的、良好而成熟的项目管理方法,为云制造环境下复杂新产品研发项目提供一项更有效的进度管理技术。  相似文献   

The designer makes many maufacturing decisions that influence the production cost and the quality of the product. It is therefore important to ensure that the designer has a good foundation for these decisions. When talking DFM, it is important to realise that there are large differences between companies in how product design and production are carried out. The objective of the present research is to investigate and to improve the communication flow between design and production for a selected area: pressure die casting. This area is characterised by many subcontracting producers, and design and production are therefore often placed at different geographic locations. This makes an efficient communication flow even more important and it also makes the communication interface more visible. This paper discusses how manufacturing considerations are made in different design situations and how information supporting tools should be formed accordingly. Results from an investigation of DFM in a number of pressure diecasting companies and companies that design products for pressure die casting are presented. The investigation focuses on the type, the detailing level and the accessibility of the part information passing from design to production and on the manufacturing guidelines and suggestions coming from production to design.  相似文献   

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