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提出了一种基于OFDM协作中继的机会主义频谱共享协议。当主用户信道不好,不能达到其要求速率时,如果认知用户能够协作帮助主用户达到其要求速率,则该认知用户就可以以协作的方式接入主用户的频谱。在该接入方式中,认知用户利用接入频谱中的一部分子载波放大转发主用户的信息,帮助主用户达到其要求速率。然后可以利用剩余的子载波发送自己的信息。对这种接入方式中的资源分配进行了分析,利用对偶算法,提出了一种以最大化认知用户速率,保证主用户速率达到要求速率为原则的最优资源分配算法。如果认知用户不能够协作帮助主用户达到要求速率,为了有效地利用频谱资源,认知用户以非协作的方式接入主用户的频谱,利用接入的全部频谱来发送自己的信息。仿真结果验证了所提频谱共享协议的有效性,同时说明了主用户和认知用户都能够从该协议中获得好处。  相似文献   

张江梅 《电视技术》2015,39(11):142-146
在多用户认知无线电OFDM系统中,针对实时视频业务用户,本文提出一种计算复杂度低的资源分配方案。该方案采用鱼群算法分配子载波,并提出简单功率干扰(Simple Power Interference, SPI)约束功率分配算法。目标是在满足总功率预算并且保证不干扰主用户的前提下,最大化系统的下行系统容量。仿真分析表明,在视频业务用户场景中,本文所提算法能有效提高下行系统速率,性能接近最优且复杂度低。  相似文献   

在多用户正交频分复用(MU-OFDM)系统中,为了降低系统性能损失和最小化总发射功率,文中提出了一种改进的、具有自适应能力的高效子载波分配和功率分配算法。该算法具有更好的性能和近似于已有算法的计算复杂度,而且通过仿真结果得到了证明。  相似文献   

在多用户认知无线电OFDM系统中,针对实时视频业务用户,提出一种计算复杂度低的资源分配方案.该方案采用鱼群算法分配子载波,并提出简单功率干扰(Simple Power Interference,SPI)约束功率分配算法.目标是在满足总功率预算并且保证不干扰主用户的前提下,最大化系统的下行系统容量.仿真分析表明,在视频业务用户场景中,所提算法能有效提高下行系统速率,性能接近最优且复杂度低.  相似文献   

多天线双向中继系统中的中继处理与资源分配策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文在多天线放大转发双向中继系统中,根据最小和均方误差(MSMSE)准则,以较小的复杂度得到了MSE最优的中继处理矩阵的闭合表达式。为综合利用空域和频域分集,探讨了OFDM双向中继系统的资源分配策略,提出了实现复杂度低的分层子载波配对策略和功率优化分配策略。仿真结果显示,所设计的中继处理策略在系统和速率和误码率性能上均明显优于其他双向中继策略,且性能随着中继天线数的增加而提升;结合功率分配的分层子载波配对策略能明显提升系统和速率,性能接近最优策略。  相似文献   

该文研究了衰落信道条件下的无线资源分配问题。提出了一种适用于多用户OFDM系统中的多业务间子载波借调的自适应资源分配机制。该机制能够联合考虑信道衰落情况和业务的服务质量要求,在不同的业务间调整和借用子载波分配来最大化系统的容量和性能。仿真结果表明,该文提出的分配机制能改善OFDM系统的性能。  相似文献   

针对多用户协作中继系统中的功率最小化问题,提出了一种基于联合子载波配对及分配的资源分配算法。首先根据不同用户的目标速率要求及平均信道增益进行子载波数目的分配;然后以信道条件最佳为准则,提出了一种联合子载波配对及分配的多用户迭代算法,以实现对每个用户的中继链路和直传链路分别进行子载波配对及虚拟配对;最后利用注水算法对子载波进行功率分配,从而保证各用户以最小功率进行传输。仿真结果表明,该算法在满足用户目标速率的情况下,能够进行有效的子载波配对及分配,从而最小化系统的发射功率。  相似文献   

针对正交频分复用(OFDM)多用户系统中一些智能算法存在收敛速度较慢且精度不高的问题,研究了把差分进化算法的变异与交叉行为引入人工鱼群算法中,以改进其随机行为。在此基础上,提出了一种改进的OFDM自适应资源分配算法。该算法先在公平度门限下分配子载波,再通过改进的人工鱼群算法进行功率分配。仿真结果表明,所提算法达到最优解时迭代次数有较大减少,同时搜索精度有所提高,在保证用户公平度的同时,提高了系统容量。  相似文献   

OFDM中继系统的中继子载波对选择和功率分配   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中继传输能够有效地提高系统功率效率以及传输容量。该文研究宽带OFDM中继系统的最优中继子载波对选择和功率分配。首先分别针对再生中继和非再生中继两种模式,提出中继子载波对的等效信道增益;然后利用匈牙利算法进行中继子载波对选择;最后在选择出的中继子载波对上利用注水法进行功率分配,从而达到最大化传输容量的目的。仿真结果表明,相对于随机中继子载波选择以及平均功率分配,该文算法与其它几种方法相比中继系统容量有较大提高。  相似文献   

主要针对OFDM解码转发中继系统中资源分配问题进行了研究。考虑到联合子载波配对和功率分配属于混合整形规划的问题,很难求解,因此,本文提出一种次优的资源分配方法。利用等效的系统模型,在总功率限制的条件下,以最大化系统吞吐量为目标。首先利用匈牙利算法进行子载波配对,然后运用注水算法进行功率分配。仿真结果表明,所提的子载波配对方法能有效提高系统吞吐量,并通过功率分配进一步提高了系统的吞吐量。  相似文献   

放大转发OFDM协同中继系统多业务资源分配机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈书平  王文博  张兴  付雷 《通信学报》2010,31(4):116-121
提出了点到点多载波协同中继系统多业务资源分配框架,并给出了一种最优化自适应功率、载波和比特分配算法;为了降低算法复杂度,又提出了一种次优搜索算法,该算法依据信道特性,在满足业务QoS基础上使业务占用资源最小.仿真结果表明:提出的最优算法在保障多媒体业务QoS的基础上能够有效改善频谱效率,对比于传统算法有1~2bit/(s·Hz)的性能提升;而提出的次优搜索能够取得接近最优算法的性能(差别在0.6 bit/(s·Hz)左右),并且实现复杂度由指数级别降至线性.  相似文献   

By integrating the concept of effective capacity, we propose the resource allocation schemes for subcarrier‐pair based OFDM decode‐and‐forward and amplify‐and‐forward relay systems for quality‐of‐service (QoS) guarantees. The objective is to maximize the system throughput subject to a given statistical delay QoS constraint. First, we pair the subcarriers over the source‐relay channel and the relay‐destination channel by the descending order of the subcarriers' channel gains. Second, by making use of the derived equivalent end‐to‐end channel gains of the subcarrier pairs, we apply joint water‐filling power allocation over the subcarrier pairs and then partition the power of the subcarrier pairs between the source and the relay. We prove that as the equivalent end‐to‐end channel gains of the subcarrier pairs are given, the combination of sorted subcarrier pairing and joint water‐filling power allocation is jointly optimal to maximize the effective capacity. The simulation results show that our proposed schemes achieve the highest effective capacity for OFDM decode‐and‐forward and amplify‐and‐forward relay systems as compared with other existing schemes. The results also verify that our proposed schemes can efficiently provide different levels of delay QoS guarantees, even if under the stringent delay QoS constraints. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文从时域、频域、时频域三方面综合考虑多用户OFDM的功率分配方式,推出了各种情况下的最优功率分配方式。最后得出最优功率分配具有统一的water—filling形式,只是不同的分配方式,其Lagrange因子的取值不同。对多用户OFDM系统,其最大容量与子载波数目无关,每个子载波具有相同的平均功率分配。而对于每个用户而言,其平均功率分配方式与其经历的信道特性相关,当具有相同的信道特性时,每个用户分配的平均功率也相同。本文还提出了一种关于Lagrange因子的简单的迭代算法。同时根据上面分析的情况,提出了几种简单实用的功率分配算法。理论结果表明在多用户情况下,频域等功率分配算法接近于最优。  相似文献   

针对OFDM中继信道,本文提出了一种基于选择性子载波的无线资源分配算法.文中通过选择信道条件最好的部分子载波进行平均功率分配,并对中继子载波进行优化分配.仿真结果表明,该算法不仅能够提高系统可获取的传输速率,而且可以降低运算复杂度.  相似文献   

A joint optimization scheme for power allocation and subcarrier pairing under high SNR in two-way multi-relay OFDM system was proposed.Unlike those schemes in which relays use subcarriers separately,all the relays were allowed to forward signal on each subcarrier pair for providing much space diversity.With the constraint of total system power,the proposed scheme firstly allocated each relay power with Cauchy inequality with the assuming that the total relay power was fixed.Then the dichotomy was used to calculate the power allocation between the source node and the relay node by maximizing the equivalent channel gain for different subcarrier pairs.Lastly,the power of different subcarrier pairs was allocated by convex programming,and the subcarriers were paired by Hungarian algorithm to obtain the maximum system capacity.There was no optimal power allocation method with low complexity because of the complexity of the power allocation algorithm in two-way multi-relay networks.This algorithm greatly reduces the complexity of power allocation and simulation results show that the proposed scheme outperforms the relay selection scheme and the relays use subcarriers separately scheme.  相似文献   

在基于放大转发( AF)和译码转发( DF)的混合中继转发机制模型下,为了使系统获得最大和速率,提出了相应的资源分配方案,在子载波对混合中继协议的判断选择和最优功率分配算法的基础上讨论了等效信道增益模型和非等效信道增益模型。在非等效信道增益模型中,为了降低计算复杂度提出了一种次优算法。在该机制模型下,系统自适应地选择AF或者DF转发,既克服了两种单一转发模式存在的弊端,又能获得更大的和速率,从而提高了资源利用率。仿真结果表明,当系统功率等因素变化时,该分配方案下的混合中继转发模型与传统的AF和DF模型相比系统和速率分别提高了60%和8%以上,充分说明了该系统的优越性。  相似文献   

This article investigates resource allocation in multi-hop orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system with amplifying-and-forwarding relaying to maximize the end-to-end capacity. Most existing methods for multi-hop system focus on power allocation or subcarrier selection separately, but joint resource allocation is rarely considered due to the absence of effective interaction schemes. In this work, a novel joint resource allocation methodology is proposed based on Partheno genetic algorithm (PGA), which produces excellent subcarrier allocation set (referred to as individual in PGA) with higher capacity by evolution operator generation by generation. In addition, an adaptive power allocation is also designed to evaluate the fitness of PGA and further enhance the system capacity. Both theoretical analysis and simulated results show the effectiveness of the proposed joint strategy. It outperforms the traditional method by as much as 40% capacity improvement for 3-hop relaying system when system power is high, and obtains much more capacity enhancement percent under conditions of low system power.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the quality‐of‐service (QoS) driven subcarrier pairing and power allocation for two‐hop amplify‐and‐forward OFDM relay systems. By integrating the concept of effective capacity, our goal is to maximize the system throughput subject to a given delay QoS constraint. We propose a jointly optimal subcarrier pairing and power allocation scheme, which can be implemented with two separate steps. First, pair the subcarriers over the source‐relay channel and relay‐destination channel by the descending order of the subcarriers’ channel gains. Second, by making use of the derived equivalent end‐to‐end channel gains of the subcarrier pairs, optimally allocate power over the subcarrier pairs, and then optimally partition the power of the subcarrier pairs between the source and the relay. The simulation results show that our proposed scheme can efficiently provide different levels of delay QoS guarantees, even if under stringent delay QoS constraints. The simulation results also verify that our proposed scheme shows significant superiorities over the other existing schemes. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There has been a lot of research works considering the resource allocation of the downlink multihop orthogonal frequency division multiplexing systems. However, due to the distributed nature of the uplink power constraints, the resource allocation in the uplink multihop systems, where multiple mobile stations transmit to one base station with the aid of one or many relay stations, has much difference and has not been well investigated so far. In this paper, we originally study the joint subcarrier and power allocation problem for the uplink dual‐hop transmission with the aim to maximize the system transmit rate. The resource allocation problem is approximated to be a concave maximization problem. By using mathematical decomposition techniques, the problem is first decoupled and solved by the proposed near‐optimal method, which has low‐computation complexity. Then, our algorithm is extended to the case with subcarrier matching on the dual hops. Numerical results show that our proposed algorithm improves the system transmission rate. Compared with the equal power allocation schemes, our algorithm can achieve significant gain in system transmit rate. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

朱联祥  古昌金 《电视技术》2012,36(21):113-115,119
针对功率分配对于多中继系统的重要性,对混合转发多中继合作系统的功率分配进行了研究,提出了基于等效信噪比最大化的最优功率分配方案。仿真结果表明:合作伙伴的增加对于系统等效信噪比有积极的影响,但不是随着中继数目的增加无限地改善。在多中继混合转发合作系统中,最优的功率分配对于多中继合作系统的性能有很大的改善。  相似文献   

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