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The effects of storm-induced sea surface temperature (SST) cooling on hurricane intensity are investigated using a 5-day cloud-resolving simulation of Hurricane Bonnie (1998). Two sensitivity simulations are performed in which the storm-induced cooling is either ignored or shifted close to the modeled storm track. Results show marked sensitivity of the model-simulated storm intensity to the magnitude and relative position with respect to the hurricane track. It is shown that incorporation of the storm-induced cooling, with an average value of 1.3℃, causes a 25-hPa weakening of the hurricane, which is about 20 hPa per 1℃ change in SST. Shifting the SST cooling close to the storm track generates the weakest storm, accounting for about 47% reduction in the storm intensity. It is found that the storm intensity changes are well correlated with the air-sea temperature difference. The results have important implications for the use of coupled hurricane-ocean models for numerical prediction of tropical cyclones.  相似文献   

Three experiments for the simulation of typhoon Sinlaku (2002) over the western North Pacific are performed in this study by using the Canadian Mesoscale Compressible Community (MC2) atmospheric model. The objective of these simulations is to investigate the air-sea interaction during extreme weather conditions, and to determine the sensitivity of the typhoon evolution to the sea surface temperature (SST)cooling induced by the typhoon. It is shown from the three experiments that the surface heat fluxes have a substantial influence on the slow-moving cyclone over its lifetime. When the SST in the East China coastal ocean becomes 1℃ cooler in the simulation, less latent heat and sensible heat fluxes from the underlying ocean to the cyclone tend to reduce the typhoon intensity. The cyclone is weakened by 7 hPa at the time of its peak intensity. The SST cooling also has impacts on the vertical structure of the typhoon by weakening the warm core and drying the eye wall. With a finer horizontal resolution of (1/6)°×(1/6)°, the model produces higher surface wind, and therefore more surface heat fluxes are emitted from the ocean surface to the cyclone, in the finer-resolution MC2 grid compared with the relatively lower resolution of 0.25°×0.25°MC2 grid.  相似文献   

将海洋飞沫参数化引入到高分辨率、非静力中尺度模式中,并对0908号台风"Morakot"进行了数值模拟,研究了海洋飞沫对台风"Morakot"结构和强度的影响。结果表明:(1)不论是否考虑海洋飞沫作用,模式均能较好地模拟出台风"Morakot"的移动路径,说明海洋飞沫对其移动路径影响不大;(2)引入海洋飞沫参数化后,台风眼墙区域的切向风速、径向风速、垂直速度、涡度、云水混合比、雨水混合比等物理量均增强,表明飞沫对台风结构变化的影响明显;(3)海洋飞沫对台风"Morakot"演变的直接影响是在对流层低层,低层风速明显增大,大风速区的影响尤为显著;(4)飞沫的蒸发使台风范围内的潜热和感热通量明显增强,尤其是潜热通量,其大值区对应着台风中心附近的最大风速区。由于水汽和热量输送的增强,使台风眼壁附近的云水量与雨水量增多,因此降水强度明显增加。  相似文献   

Typhoon Rananim (2004) was one of the severest typhoons landfalling the Chinese mainland from 1996 to 2004. It brought serious damage and induced prodigious economical loss. Using a new generation of mesoscale model, named the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) modeling system, with 1.667 km grid horizontal spacing on the finest nested mesh, Rananim was successfully simulated in terms of track, intensity, eye, eyewall, and spiral rainbands. We compared the structures of Rananim to those of hurricanes in previous studies and observations to assess the validity of simulation. The three-dimensional (3D) dynamic and thermal structures of eye and eyewall were studied based on the simulated results. The focus was investigation of the characteristics of the vortex Rossby waves in the inner-core region. We found that the Rossby vortex waves propagate azimuthally upwind against the azimuthal mean tangential flow around the eyewall, and their period was longer than that of an air parcel moving within the azimuthal mean tangential flow. They also propagated outward against the boundary layer inflow of the azimuthal mean vortex. Futhermore, we studied the connection between the spiral potential vorticity (PV) bands and spiral rainbands, and found that the vortex Rossby waves played an important role in the formation process of spiral rainbands.  相似文献   

The mesoscale orographic effects on typhoon Aere's precipitation are simulated using an Advanced Regional Eta-coordinate Model (AREM) version 3.0. In particular, the effects of the latent heat release are studied by two comparable experiments: with and without condensational heating. The results show that the typhoon rainfall is tripled by the southeastern China mesoscale terrain, and the condensational heating is responsible for at least half of the increase. One role of the latent heat release is to warm the atmosphere, leading to a depression of the surface pressure, which then causes a larger pressure difference in the zonal direction. This pressure gradient guides the water vapour to flow into the foothills, which in turn amplifies the water vapour flux divergence amplified, causing the typhoon rainfall to increase eventually. The other role of the latent heat release is to make the convection more organized, resulting in a relatively smaller rain area and stronger precipitation.  相似文献   

The effects of environmental vertical wind shear(VWS)on the intensity and rainfall asymmetries in Tropical Storm(TS)Bilis(2006)have been analyzed based on TRMM/TMI-estimated surface rainfall data,QuikSCAT wind fields,850-and 200-hPa winds of the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis,precipitation data at 5-min intervals from automatic weather stations over mainland China,and the best track data of TS Bilis(2006). The results show that the simultaneous and 6-hour-lagged correlation coeffcients between VWS and storm intensity(the minimum central sea level pressure)are 0.59145 and 0.57438(P0.01),respectively.The averaged VWS was found to be about 11 m s-1 and thus suppressed the intensification of Bilis(2006). Distribution of precipitation in Bilis(2006)was highly asymmetric.The azimuthally-averaged rainfall rate in the partial eyewall,however,was smaller than that in a major outer rainband.As the storm intensified,the major rainband showed an unusual outward propagation.The VWS had a great impact on the asymmetric distribution of precipitation.Consistent with previous modeling studies,heavy rainfall generally occurred downshear to downshear-left of the VWS vector both near and outside the eyewall,showing a strong wavenumber-one asymmetry,which was amplified as the VWS increased.  相似文献   

Cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning data,storm intensity and track data,and the data from a Doppler radar and the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite,are used to analyze the temporal and spatial characteristics of lightning activity in Typhoon Molave (0906) during different periods of its landfall (pre-landfall,landfall,and post-landfall).Parameters retrieved from the radar and the satellite are used to compare precipitation structures of the inner and outer rainbands of the typhoon,and to investigate possible causes of the different lightning characteristics.The results indicate that lightning activity was stronger in the outer rainbands than in the eyewall and inner rainbands.Lightning mainly occurred to the left (rather than "right" as in previous studies of US cases) of the moving typhoon,indicating a significant spatial asymmetry.The maximum lightning frequency in the tropical cyclone (TC) eyewall region was ahead of that in the whole TC region,and the outbreaks of eyewall lightning might indicate deepening of the cyclone.Stronger lightning in the outer rainbands is found to be associated with stronger updraft,higher concentrations of rain droplets and large ice particles at elevated mixed-phase levels,and the higher and broader convective clouds in the outer rainbands.Due to the contribution of large cloud nuclei,lightning intensity in the outer rainbands has a strong positive correlation with radar reflectivity.The ratio of positive CG lightning in the outer rainbands reached its maximum 1 h prior to occurrence of the maximum typhoon intensity at 2000 Beijing Time (BT) 18 July 2009.During the pre-landfall period (0300 BT 18 July-0050 BT 19 July),the typhoon gradually weakened,but strong lightning still appeared.After the typhoon made landfall at 0050 BT 19 July,CG lightning density rapidly decreased,but the ratio of positive lightning increased.Notably,after the landfall of the outer rainbands at 2325 BT 18 July (approximately 1.5 h prior to the landfall of the TC),significantly higher ice particle density derived from the TRMM data was observed in the outer rainbands,which,together with strengthened convection resulted from the local surface roughness effect,might have caused the enhanced lightning in the outer rainbands around the landfall of Molave.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors used the Weather Research and Forecast model to investigate the sensitivity of tropical cyclone Bilis' total precipitation to ambient water vapor content. The tropical cycl...  相似文献   

In this study, an approach combining dynamical initialization and large-scale spectral nudging is proposed to achieve improved numerical simulations of tropical cyclones (TCs), including track, structure, intensity, and their changes, based on the Advanced Weather Research and Forecasting (ARW-WRF) model. The effectiveness of the approach has been demonstrated with a case study of Typhoon Megi (2010). The ARW-WRF model with the proposed approach realistically reproduced many aspects of Typhoon Megi in a 7-day-long simulation. In particular, the model simulated quite well not only the storm track and intensity changes but also the structure changes before, during, and after its landfall over the Luzon Island in the northern Philippines, as well as after it reentered the ocean over the South China Sea (SCS). The results from several sensitivity experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach is quite effective and ideal for achieving realistic simulations of real TCs, and thus is useful for understanding the TC inner-core dynamics, and structure and intensity changes.  相似文献   

利用一个海气耦合模式对台风Krovanh的模拟   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
采用中尺度大气模式MM5和区域海洋模式POM构造了中尺度海气耦合模式, 模拟了Krovanh (0312) 台风过程中台风-海洋相互作用, 分析了台风引起的海面降温影响台风强度的机制和海洋对台风响应的特征。试验结果显示: 考虑台风引起的海面降温使台风强度模拟有了较大改进, 模拟的台风中心气压和近中心最大风速均与实况较符合。POM模拟的海表面温度与TRMM/TMI观测的海表面温度也较为一致, 台风Krovanh在其路径右侧95 km处引起较大的海面降温, 最大降温幅度达5.8℃。与海表面温度降低相对应的是混合层深度的增加, 较大的海面降温对应较大的混合层加深, 表明大风夹卷在海表面温度的降低中起主要作用。分析表明, 台风引起的海面降温降低海洋向大气输送的潜热通量和感热通量, 特别是在台风内核区, 平均总热通量减少了32.1%。热通量的减少使得湿静力能及湿静力能径向梯度减小, 削弱了台风强度。  相似文献   

中尺度海-气耦合模式GRAPES_OMLM对台风珍珠的模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用全球/区域同化与预报系统GRAPES(Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediction System)和改进的Mellor-Yamada型海洋混合层模式OMLM(Ocean Mixed Layer Model),建立了一个新的中尺度海-气耦合模式GRAPES_OMLM,并利用该模式对发生于南海的台风珍珠(0601)进行了模拟研究,检验了GRAPES_OMLM对台风的模拟性能,并分析了局地海-气相互作用对台风的影响。结果表明,GRAPES_OMLM基本能模拟出台风天气过程中的主要物理过程。考虑了海-气相互作用的耦合试验所模拟出的台风强度、近台风中心最大风速以及台风后期移动路径,相对于两组控制试验(单独大气模式)的模拟结果都有较大的改进。而且,采用逐日变化海表温度作为下边界条件的控制试验2的模拟结果相对于SST不变的控制试验1更接近观测。耦合模式GRAPES_OMLM能较好地模拟出台风过境海表温度的变化,台风珍珠在其路径右侧有超过4.0℃的降温。SST的变化和海表风应力的变化呈反相关系,风应力的增大伴随着海洋近表层湍流动能(TKE)的加强,大风动力作用是SST降低的主要原因。SST的降低致使海洋向台风输送的热通量减少,进而削弱了台风的强度并改变台风环流结构,同时通过改变位势涡度趋势的一波结构(WN-1)来影响台风的移动路径。  相似文献   

The high-resolution Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model is coupled to the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) to investigate the effect of air-sea interaction during Typhoon Kaemi that formed in the Northwest Pacific at 0000 UTC 19 July 2006. The coupled model can reasonably reproduce the major features of ocean response to the moving tropical cyclone (TC) forcing, including the deepening of ocean mixed layer (ML), cooling of sea surface temperature (SST), and decaying of typhoon.  相似文献   

The Impact of Air-Sea Interactions on Typhoon Structure   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this work,the results of a coupled experiment and an uncoupled experiment conducted in one of our former works are used to analyze the impact of air-sea interactions on the structure of typhoons.Results reveal that typhoon-induced SST decreases to reduce the latent heat fluxes transporting from the ocean to the atmosphere and cause the flux of sensible heat to transfer downward from the atmosphere to the ocean.Such SST reduction also has remarkable impacts on the typhoon structure by making the typhoon more axisymmetric,especially in the middle and high levels.This study also analyzes the basic characteristics of symmetric typhoon structure.  相似文献   

基于2 km分辨率的ARW-WRF数值模拟资料,讨论了台风"珍珠"(2006)螺旋雨带中对流单体及内雨带的发展机制。结果表明:模式很好地再现了台风的路径和强度。作为雨带中仅仅存在于眼壁外侧的内雨带,其传播机制与重力波、涡旋Rossby波及混合波没有联系,其可能发展机制仅与低层出流、水平风场和变形场有关。低层出流使得内雨带径向向外运动,而低层的水平风场和变形场使其形成螺旋结构。同时,就螺旋雨带中精细对流单体的发展而言,涡度收支方程定量分析表明,其主要通过两种方式获得垂直涡度:水平涡度倾斜为垂直涡度;上升运动拉伸垂直涡度。随着平流输送,对流单体在眼壁附近合并和汇聚。  相似文献   

利用2014年7月10日00:00—19日18:00(世界时)热带降水测量(TRMM)卫星3B42降水估测数据以及ERA5再分析数据,结合傅里叶变换以及Liang-Kleeman信息流等方法,分析台风威马逊(1409)强度与降水变化的相互作用。结果表明:台风威马逊(1409)降水具有明显的非对称性,降水主要位于台风中心偏西一侧,在该区域台风强度与降水相互影响。相较于台风强度对降水的影响,由降水到台风强度的信息流减小接近1个量级,表明在两者的相互作用中,台风强度变化的影响占主导。在水汽条件上,台风强度的增强(减弱)导致台风中心西南侧水汽通量辐合(辐散)的增强,进而与该区域的降水建立联系。此外,台风威马逊(1409)移动过程中随着强度变化,南海以及西太平洋水汽通道均存在明显响应。在动力条件上,中低层垂直螺旋度强值中心主要位于台风中心西侧,台风强度的增强(减弱),导致台风中心西侧的垂直螺旋度绝对值增大(减小),一定程度促进(抑制)了该区域上升运动的发展,造成更多(更少)的水汽凝结致雨。  相似文献   

Typhoon Hato (2017) went through a rapid intensification (RI) process before making landfall in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, as the observational data shows. Within 24 hours, its minimum sea level pressure deepened by 35hPa and its maximum sustained wind speed increased by 20m s-1. According to satellite observations, Hato encountered a large area of warm water and two warm core rings before the RI process, and the average sea surface temperature cooling (SSTC) induced by Hato was only around 0.73℃. Air-sea coupled simulations were implemented to investigate the specific impact of the warm water on its RI process. The results showed that the warm water played an important role by facilitating the RI process by around 20%. Sea surface temperature budget analysis showed that the SSTC induced by mixing mechanism was not obvious due to the warm water. Besides, the cold advection hardly caused any SSTC, either. Therefore, the SSTC induced by Hato was much weaker compared with that in general cases. The negative feedback between ocean and Hato was restrained and abundant heat and moisture were sufficiently supplied to Hato. The warm water helped heat flux increase by around 20%, too. Therefore, the warm water influenced the structure and the intensity of Hato. Although there might be other factors that also participated in the RI process, this study focused on air-sea interaction in tropical cyclone forecast and discussed the impact of warm water on the intensity and structure of a tropical cyclone.  相似文献   

海温变化对台风路径的影响   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
在台风模式中采用周平均海温和多年的月平均海温,对一些台风个例进行了比较,分析了数值模式中影响台风路径的海温因子变化对台风移动路径的影响。  相似文献   

超强台风“桑美”(2006)近海急剧增强特征及机理分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对超强台风“桑美”(2006)在中国近海急剧增强的特征及机理进行分析。结果表明, “桑美”台风强度变化与南亚高压、副热带高压的强度变化呈反相变化关系;介于-4~4 m/s弱的200 hPa和850 hPa高低层环境风垂直切变是“桑美”台风急剧增强的必要条件;台风中心附近对流层高层辐散的增强、中心附近正涡度的增大和正涡度柱向对流层中上层伸展导致“桑美”台风急剧增强,对流层中层辐散和涡度的增大与台风的减弱密切相关;“桑美”台风急剧增强过程中,对流层高层动能的下传是对流层低层动能补充的重要途径之一;“桑美”台风近海急剧增强具有前兆性,急剧增强对风垂直切变、850 hPa角动量和动能区域平均值变化的响应时间大约为18 h,这些可为提前预测我国近海台风的强度急剧变化提供参考。  相似文献   

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