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Although we recently clarified sex-based differences in mouse kidney morphology, the developmental processes responsible for these gender differences during maturation remain unclear. The present study analyzed the morphometry of kidneys from 20-, 30-, 50-, 60-, 70-, 90-, 120- and 150-day-old DBA/2Cr mice. Total kidney weight and ratio of kidney weight to body weight were larger in males than females beginning at 50 days of age. The percentage of renal corpuscles exhibiting a cuboidal parietal layer was higher in males than in females in the 70-day and older mice. The diameter of cortical renal corpuscles was larger in males than in females beginning on day 90. The number of proximal convoluted tubular cell nuclei was higher in females than in males from day 90 onward. Vacuolar structures in the proximal convoluted tubular epithelium became prominent in 70-day-old males. PAS-positive granules in the proximal straight tubular epithelium became prominent in females on day 50. This paper is the first to describe the development of gender differences in mouse kidney morphology.  相似文献   

An 8-month-old PML/RARalpha knock-in female mouse developed a promyelocytic-like myeloid leukemia with an expected latency. At necropsy, besides the typical findings associated with myeloid leukemia, a severe unilateral hydronephrosis was observed. By histopathologic examination, 2 polypoid adenomas arising from the transitional epithelium of the renal pelvis and ureter were detected. The epithelial cells of the polypoid adenomas showed accumulation of hyaline eosinophilic material within the cytoplasm. Large amounts of extracellular eosinophilic crystals were also associated with the transitional cell adenomas. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that the eosinophilic intracytoplasmic material and the extracellular eosinophilic crystals were composed of Ym proteins. A unilateral hyaline droplet tubular nephropathy was associated with the myeloid leukemia. Expression of Ym proteins characterized both the neoplastic myeloid infiltrates and the tubular hyaline droplets. In the present PML/RARalpha knock-in female mouse, the accumulation of Ym proteins associated with the myeloid leukemia and with the polypoid adenomas of the transitional epithelium underlies 2 distinct pathogenetic mechanisms.  相似文献   

A radial growth precipitation test is described for measuring antibody to Mycoplasma agalactiae subsp. bovis. The test is quantitative and appears to depend on the production of soluble antigen by growing organisms. When compared with indirect haemagglutination, complement fixation and inhibition of film production, for measuring antibody to M. agalactiae subsp. bovis in bovine sera, it was found to have a sensitivity comparable to that of the complement fixation test.  相似文献   

In investigations with 30 young cows (twin cattle) the applicability of straw materials as sole roughage was tested during the first half of their second year of life (183 feeding days). In the course of the experiment sole feed pellets (I) and partly pelleted rations of dried feed (straw pellets plus loose wheat and loose wheat straw resp.; II) were used. Approximately 72% of the dry matter intake was provided from straw materials in both groups and on an average of the test period. Weight gain and feed expenditure were ascertained and at the end of the test period also the parameters of rumen fermentation and of the concentration of some metabolism parameters in the blood serum. With feed supply being restrictive (2.2 kg dry matter/100 kg live weight), a high dry matter intake from straw (1.6 kg/100 kg live weight or 4.8 kg/animal and day resp.) and average weight gains of between 574 (I) and 582 g (II) were achieved. The standard expenditure of energy (kEFUcattle) and protein stated in the GDR feed evaluation system for this period of development was undercut by 27 (II) and 29 (I)% and 12 (II) and 18 (I)% resp. On average the expenditure of kEFUcattle/kg weight gain was 4.75 (I) and 4.98 (II) and that of digestible crude protein/kg weight gain 679 (I) and 733 g (II). Compared to standard values the expenditure of energy and feed expenditure from concentrates was 80%. Rumen fermentation conditions corresponded to those of a high cellulolytic activity (C2: C3 ratio of greater than 4: 1). The only significant differences between the groups at the time of sampling were to be observed in the total concentration of volatile fatty acids and in the pH-value in the rumen. The absolute (1/animal) and relative (1/kg dry matter intake) volume of rumen fluid varied between 65 and 70 and between 10.5 and 12.5 1. The ascertained concentration of selected metabolism parameters were within the physiologic standard range.  相似文献   

A biological engineering approach to induce puberty in 125 young female fattening pigs aged 190 days was undertaken on the basis of a mixture of 500 IU PMS (Prolosanserum, Dessau) with 250 IU HCG (Gonabion, Dresden). The injections were made subcutaneously. Pronounced oestrus symptoms were recorded from the external genital organs of 80% of the probands up to ten days after injection, associated with toleration in 52.8% of them. Toleration usually started on the fourth to sixth days after injection. Cycles began to develop in 57.1% up to the next oestrus period. Animals with -/x weight increase per die of 400 g exhibited lower responses. Results in terms of heat and ovulation were lower along with shorter intervals, when oestric synchronisation was undertaken 53, 32, and 17 days after the induction of puberty (20 days Suisynchron, Bernburg; 750 IU PMS).  相似文献   

Virus isolation, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), immunohistochemistry, and in situ hybridization were compared for the detection of porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2) and porcine parvovirus (PPV) from experimentally and naturally coinfected pigs. All coinfected pigs developed postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS), characterized by sudden onset of depression and anorexia. Microscopically, granulomatous inflammation with intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies was present in lymph node from all coinfected pigs at 32 days postinoculation. Of the 200 tissues from 20 experimentally coinfected pigs evaluated, 99 and 58 tissues were positive for PCV2 and PPV, respectively, by 4 techniques. Virus isolation, PCR, immunohistochemistry, and in situ hybridization identified PCV2 infection in 137, 148, 103, and 129 tissues and PPV infection in 107, 132, 59, and 94 tissues. Of the 200 tissues from 20 naturally coinfected pigs evaluated, 109 and 45 tissues were positive for PCV2 and PPV, respectively, by 4 techniques. Virus isolation, PCR, immunohistochemistry, and in situ hybridization identified PCV2 infection in 144, 155, 113, and 139 tissues and PPV infection in 93, 109, 45, and 82 tissues. Because the characteristic microscopic lesions are important criteria for the diagnosis of clinical PMWS, immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization for the detection of PCV2 and PPV in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues provide confirmation of a histopathological diagnosis of PMWS.  相似文献   

Production of bile lgA and serum lgG antibody responses against whole worm antigens and worm metabolic product antigens occurred by 7 to 14 days after a single infection with N. brasiliensis and was similar in adult rats, lactating rats and baby rats. Production of bile lgA antibodies against phosphorylcholine was greater in adult rats, 7 days after infection, than in baby rats or lactating rats. lgA antibody production by baby rats may be affected by immaturity of the intestinal lgA system, and diversion to the mammary gland of lgA-plasma cell precursors may occur in lactating rats. Such effects may be involved in the failure of baby rats and lactating rats to expel parasites by day 21 at which time in adult rats expulsion was complete.  相似文献   

Amplification of the 16S-23S rDNA spacer region by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used for the rapid detection of Clostridium chauvoei and C septicum. To assess its specificity, PCR was performed with total DNA from 42 strains of clostridia and three strains of other genera. PCR products specific to C chauvoei or to C septicum were generated from homologous cultures only. Clostridium chauvoer-specific or C septicum-specific amplicons were also generated from tissues of cows experimentally infected with C chauvoei or C septicum and in DNA samples from cows clinically diagnosed as having blackleg or malignant oedema. These results suggest that a species-specific PCR may be useful for the rapid and direct detection of C chauvoei and C septicum in clinical specimens.  相似文献   

Plasma fibrinogen is widely used in horse practice as an unspecific positive marker of inflammatory diseases; it is also lowered in disseminated intravascular coagulation. Three fibrinogen measurement methods--Millar's heat-denaturation in a microhaematocrit tube, automated reader for heat-denaturation, and chronometric measurement of clot formation after addition of excess thrombin-were compared by means of Passing-Bablock's regression and Bland-Altman difference plots, in blood plasma of 30 clinically healthy and 57 diseased horses. Correlations between the three techniques were excellent (r >0.92). The two heat-denaturation techniques correlated very closely up to 6 g l(-1), above which the results obtained by Millar's technique started to fall below those obtained by the automatic reader. There was proportional bias between Millar's technique and the chronometric technique, with the latter producing results some 30% lower, indicating that reference intervals and decision limits should be adapted accordingly.  相似文献   

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