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华北陆块北缘中段广泛分布太古宙绿岩带,同时也是我国中生代岩浆活动最发育的地区。中生代强烈的陆内造山运动,对区内早期的绿岩带和其中的金及金矿床进行强烈的活化改造,形成壳源深熔花岗岩和有关的再生型金矿床。文中详细论述了区内与壳源深熔花岗岩有关的绿岩带再生型金矿床的地质特征,花岗岩和金矿床与太古宙绿岩带密切的空间分布和成因关系,并讨论了金矿的成矿模式。与成矿有关的花岗岩是造山带的产物,岩石富碱质、属钙碱性系列,形成深度较浅,塑性流变弱,常具似斑状结构,岩体常为多期次侵入,岩性多样,分异好,岩脉发育。硫、铅同位素组成显示花岗岩、金矿床和绿岩带具有亲缘关系。成矿流体富氯和富硫,盐度变化较大。金矿床形成在燕山早、中期。  相似文献   

华北克拉通南缘在中生代发生了大规模的成矿作用,主要的矿床类型有脉状金矿床(石英脉型、构造蚀变岩型)、斑岩型钼矿床、脉状银铅锌矿床.对于这些矿床的成因和成矿动力学背景,目前还存在不少争议.但近年来越来越多的成矿年代学证据表明,这些矿床均主要形成于早白垩世,且与区域上广泛发育的岩浆活动具有高度的时空一致性.在归纳总结华北克拉通南缘主要矿床类型地质特征和时空分布的基础上,简述各类矿床的成矿物质来源以及它们之间的成因联系,指出这些不同类型的矿床组成了一个巨型的岩浆-热液成矿系统.华北克拉通南缘成矿作用与其邻近的东秦岭-大别成矿带的成矿作用具有一致性,均受中国东部早白垩世大规模伸展作用控制,是统一的地球动力学背景下的产物.结合地球物理的资料认为,早白垩世岩石圈伸展及其导致的岩浆作用最可能与晚中生代古太平洋板块向东亚大陆边缘俯冲作用有关.上涌的岩浆热液在合适的构造体制下,与上地壳的岩石和流体发生交代和流体混合,最终在浅部形成大规模的岩浆-热液成矿系统.   相似文献   

华北克拉通南缘在中生代发生了大规模的成矿作用,主要的矿床类型有脉状金矿床(石英脉型、构造蚀变岩型)、斑岩型钼矿床、脉状银铅锌矿床.对于这些矿床的成因和成矿动力学背景,目前还存在不少争议.但近年来越来越多的成矿年代学证据表明,这些矿床均主要形成于早白垩世,且与区域上广泛发育的岩浆活动具有高度的时空一致性.在归纳总结华北克拉通南缘主要矿床类型地质特征和时空分布的基础上,简述各类矿床的成矿物质来源以及它们之间的成因联系,指出这些不同类型的矿床组成了一个巨型的岩浆-热液成矿系统.华北克拉通南缘成矿作用与其邻近的东秦岭-大别成矿带的成矿作用具有一致性,均受中国东部早白垩世大规模伸展作用控制,是统一的地球动力学背景下的产物.结合地球物理的资料认为,早白垩世岩石圈伸展及其导致的岩浆作用最可能与晚中生代古太平洋板块向东亚大陆边缘俯冲作用有关.上涌的岩浆热液在合适的构造体制下,与上地壳的岩石和流体发生交代和流体混合,最终在浅部形成大规模的岩浆-热液成矿系统.  相似文献   

华北陆台太古宙绿岩带金矿的成矿特征   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
华北陆台大多数的金矿床均产在绿岩带及与之有成因联系的岩浆岩中。绿岩带金矿可划分为原生金矿床和再生金矿床两类。原生金矿床可细分为层控金矿床和脉状金矿床,再生金矿床主要为与交代重熔岩浆作用有关的热液金矿。地层岩性、构造和岩体是绿岩带金矿的主要控矿因素。绿岩带金矿成矿物质主要来自深部,成矿流体为富含CO_2的多成因混合热水溶液。成矿作用常是多期、多阶段。华北陆台绿岩带金矿同世界绿岩带金矿相比,既有相似性,又有独特性。  相似文献   

加拿大阿大提比亚省主要的两种金矿类型;一种是常见的石英脉型,另一种是较稀少的硫化物。变形作用在这两类矿床中起着重要作用,它与主要的断裂带有关。  相似文献   

绿岩带型金矿研究的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了近年来国外绿岩型带金矿在成矿模式,构造控制,成矿物化条件研究方向的某些进展,我国绿岩带与国外经典绿岩带有一定的差异,因而表现在成矿作用上也独树一帜,初步提出我国绿岩带型金矿研究中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

1. IntroductionThe gold deposits in Archean greenstone belts are the most important gold resources in the world, and their wall rocks are low-grade metamorphic greenstones (greenschist facies or sub-greenschist facies metamorphism). The ore bodies always appear very large in scale. The Sino-Korean Archean craton was not so stable as in Canada, South Africa, Australia and Russia, and its Archean greenstone belts are much smaller and with high grade metamorphism, where the gold deposits are …  相似文献   

Abstract. Intrusion‐related gold deposits are widely distributed within the North China craton or along its marginal fold belts. Presently, about 200 individual intrusion‐related gold deposits (prospects) have been discovered, among which Yuerya, Anjia‐yingzi, Linglong, Jiaojia, Chenjiazhangzi, Qiyugou, Jinjiazhuang, Dongping, Hougou, Huangtuliang, Guilaizhuang, Wulashan and Donghuofang are the most important ones. In general, the intrusion‐related gold deposits can be classified into three major groups according to their host rocks: (1) hosted by or related to felsic intrusions, including (la) calc‐alkaline granitoid intrusions and (lb) cryptoexplosion breccia pipes; (2) related to ultramafic intrusions, and (3) hosted by or related to alkaline intrusions. The first group contains the Yuerya, Anjiayingzi, Linglong, Jiaojia, Chenjiazhangzi and Qiyugou gold deposits. Gold mineralization at these deposits occurs within Mesozoic Yanshanian calc‐alkaline granitoid intrusions or cryptoexplosion breccia pipes as gold‐bearing quartz veins and replacement bodies. Pyrite, galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, native gold and electrum are major metallic minerals. The Jinjiazhuang deposit belongs to the second group, and occurs within Hercynian diopsidite and peridotite as quartz veins and replacement bodies. Pyrite, marcasite, arsenopyrite, native gold and electrum are identified. The third group includes the Dongping, Hougou, Huangtuliang, Guilaizhuang, Wulashan and Donghuofang deposits. Gold mineralization at these deposits occurs predominantly within the Hercynian alkaline intrusive complexes as K‐feldspar‐quartz veins and replacement bodies. Major metal minerals are pyrite, galena, chalcopyrite, tellurides, native gold and electrum. All these pyrite separates from Hercynian and Yanshanian intrusions or cryptoexplosion pipes associated with the gold deposits show a broad range in δ34S value, which is overall higher than those Precambrian rocks and their hosted gold deposits. For the alkaline intrusion‐related gold deposits, the δ34S values of the sulfides (pyrite, galena and chalcopyrite) from the deposits increase systematically from orebodies to the alkaline intrusions. All of these intrusion‐related gold deposits show relatively radiogenic lead isotopic compositions compared to mantle or lower crust curves. Most lead isotope data of sulfides from the gold ores plot in between the fields of the intrusions and Precambrian metamorphic rocks. Data are interpreted as indicative of a mixing of sulfur and lead from magma with those from Precambrian metamorphic rocks. Isotopic age data, geological and geochemical evidences suggest that the ore‐forming materials for the intrusion‐related gold deposits were generated during the emplacement of the Hercynian or Yanshanian intrusion. The calc‐alkaline or alkaline magma may provide heat, volatiles and metals for the intrusion‐related gold deposits. Evolved meteoric water, which circulated the wall rocks, was also progressively involved in the magmatic hydrothermal system, and may have dominated the ore fluids during late stage of ore‐forming processes. Therefore, the ore fluid may have resulted from the mixing of calc‐alkaline or alkaline magmatic fluids and evolved meteoric water. All these intrusion‐related gold deposits are believed to be products of Hercynian or Yanshanian calc‐alkaline and alkaline igneous processes along deep‐seated fault zones within the North China craton or along its marginal belts.  相似文献   

华北地台北缘中段是我国重要的金矿化集中区。文中采用石英的4 0 Ar - 39Ar法和单颗粒锆石的U -Pb测年法 ,结合前人资料 ,提出本区绿岩带初生型金矿床的成矿时代为古元古代—新太古代 ,其中辽西排山楼金矿的成矿时代为 (2 10 5 .2± 10 .4)Ma ,金厂峪金矿的成矿时代为 (2 5 39± 2 3)Ma ,小营盘金矿的成矿时代为180 0Ma左右。构造期后再生型金矿床的成矿时代为燕山晚期—华力西中期 ,其中东坪金矿床的成矿时代为(35 0 .9± 0 .9)Ma ,冀东头道门子沟金矿的成矿时代为 (2 17.32± 2 .0 4)Ma ,峪耳崖金矿床的成矿时代为燕山早期 ,金厂沟梁和二道沟金矿的成矿时代为燕山晚期。  相似文献   

鲁西泰山岩群是我国典型的新太古代绿岩带,发育并保存了良好的科马提岩,对其地质认识已基本趋于一致,但对鲁西地区绿岩带型金矿的认识还不够深入和全面.以往仅对韧性剪切带型金矿有所了解,对绿岩带层控型金矿很少重视,对矿源层的理解也较为模糊,笼统地将泰山岩群作为后期各种金矿成矿的矿源层.本文对鲁西绿岩带韧性剪切带型和层控型金矿做了系统介绍,认为绿岩带层控型金矿具有原生层状特征和矿源层意义,受绿岩带某特定层位控制十分明显,是超基性岩—基性火山岩—碎屑沉积岩建造旋回过程中发展到一定阶段的产物.对鲁西地区金矿源层成生发育机制进行了探讨,认为绿岩带中金初始沉积矿化层位十分狭窄,厚度一般仅1至十几米,但横向分布较广泛,一般长达5~10 km以上,初始沉积金品位一般在10×10-9~0.5×10-6,其金质来源于海底火山喷流(热液和喷气)作用.阐述了金矿源层与条带状硅铁建造(BIF)往往密切伴生的成因联系,并与硅铁矿层一样,也具有多旋回性沉积特点.韧性剪切带型金矿受矿源层内在控制,产于矿源层内或附近.  相似文献   

The Wutai greenstone belt in central North China Craton(NCC) hosts a number of Precambrian gold deposits and ore occurrences. Based on the host rock association, these can be divided into Banded Iron Formation(BIF), meta-volcano-sedimentary and meta-conglomerate types. The two former types formed during ~2.5-2.3 Ga and the third one at ~1.85 Ga. The characteristics of these Precambrian gold deposits are broadly similar with those of the orogenic gold deposits. Based on available geochronological data, here we reconstruct the major tectonic events and their relationship with gold mineralization in the Wutai-Hengshan-Fuping region during Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic as follows.(1)~2.6-2.5 Ga: widespread intrusion of tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite(TTG) magmas in the Hengshan terrane and Fuping continental arc, formation of the Wutai volcanic arc in the southern margin of Hengshan terrane with granitoids emplacement, and the Hengshan-Wutai intra-oceanic arc accretion to the Fuping arc at the end of Neoarchean.(2) ~ 2.5-2.3 Ga: the subduction of Hengshan arc from north leading to persistent magmatism and orogenic gold mineralization.(3)~2.2-2.1 Ga:extension leading to the formation of graben structure in the Wutai and Fuping region, deposition of the Hutuo and Wanzi Group sediments, formation of placer gold through erosion of the orogenic gold deposits.(4)~2.2-2.0 Ga: widespread magmatism in the Wutai-Hengshan-Fuping region.(5)~1.95-1.8 Ga: regional metamorphism associated with collision of the Western and Eastern Blocks of the NCC and associated orogenic gold deposits. The multiple subduction-accretion-collision history and subsequent deep erosion has significantly affected most of the Precambrian gold deposits in the Wutai greenstone belt.  相似文献   

华北克拉通北缘及邻区印支期岩浆活动与钼和金成矿作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对华北克拉通北缘及邻区19处钼矿床和5处金矿床的产出环境、形成时代和成矿机理及其与印支期侵入岩的关系进行了讨论。尽管各个矿床所处的地理位置不同,但是它们大都在前寒武纪或早古生代地层中产出,并且与印支期侵入岩具有密切的时空分布关系。印支期钼矿床的形成作用可以从早三叠世一直持续到晚三叠世,大规模成矿作用高峰期为230~220 Ma。相比之下,金矿床的形成时间明显早于钼矿床,同位素年龄数据集中分布在245~239 Ma。研究结果表明,自早三叠世开始,华北克拉通北缘及邻区曾发生过多期大规模伸展构造作用,并且形成若干条近东西向展布的裂陷带。张裂构造作用所诱发的富碱性岩浆作用及相关流体活动为钼或金矿床的形成提供了动力和物质来源,因此,印支期侵入岩发育区是寻找隐伏钼或金矿床的有利地区。  相似文献   

A large-scale high-pressure granulite belt (HPGB), more than 700 km long, is recognized within the metamorphic basement of the North China craton. In the regional tectonic framework, the Hengshan-Chengde HPGB is located in the central collision belt between the western block and eastern block, and represents the deep crustal structural level. The typical high-pressure granulite (HPG) outcrops are distributed in the Hengshan and Chengde areas. HPGs commonly occur as mafic xenoliths within ductile shear zones, and underwent multipile deformations. To the south, the Hengshan-Chengde HPGB is juxtaposed with the Wutai greenstone belt by several strike-slip shear zones. Preliminary isotopic age dating indicates that HPGs from North China were mainly generated at the end of the Neoarchaean, assocaited with tectonic assembly of the western and eastern blocks.  相似文献   

华北陆块南缘金矿成矿动力学探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱嘉伟  赵盼舒  李锋 《地球学报》2008,29(4):525-532
通过对华北陆块南缘小秦岭-熊耳山地区金矿与花岗岩体、控矿构造的时、空关系分析,对金矿成矿动力学过程进行了探讨,认为造山晚期伸展构造环境下的花岗岩浆活动不仅为金矿成矿作用提供了部分成矿物质,更重要的是为金矿成矿作用提供了巨大的热动力,成矿流体的形成、演化伴随着岩浆形成演化、上升侵位的全过程,具有多源性;建立了造山晚期伸展构造环境下岩浆热动力成矿模式.对区内金矿找矿方向的确定具有指导意义.  相似文献   

华北克拉通的形成以及早期板块构造   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
翟明国 《地质学报》2012,86(9):1335-1349
地球上最早的地壳岩石是高钠的花岗质(TTG)岩石,但是否有更老的洋壳存在过、以及陆壳是怎样形成的,涉及到地球动力学几乎所有的问题。其中板块构造是在什么时候开始的,就是个延续了数十年热度不减的前沿科学问题。流行的说法是板块构造始于新元古代,也有一些学者认为在新太古代就已经开始,或者认为自从地球上有了水的记录,就开始有板块构造。在众多的判别板块构造的标志中,蛇绿岩残片和古老的高压变质岩无疑是两个最具影响力的问题。前者可以确定有远古的古老洋壳存在过并成为缝合带中的残片,后者可以指示曾有地表的岩石单元被俯冲到深部,是俯冲、消减与碰撞的岩石学证据。本文在讨论和比较了太古宙绿岩带与蛇绿岩,以及早前寒武纪高温高压(HTHP)麻粒岩/高温—超高温(HT-UHT)麻粒岩与造山带高压变质带之后,认为尚不能作为板块构造的证据。本文还对华北的新太古代末的稳定大陆形成以及古元古代活动带的裂谷-俯冲-碰撞进行了论述。提出华北克拉通在新太古代末的绿岩带-高级区格局可能标志着热体制下有限的横向活动构造,微陆块被火山-沉积岩系焊接,随后发生变质作用和花岗岩化,完成稳定大陆的克拉通化过程。其构造机制可能是适度规模且多发的地幔柱构造控制下小尺度的横向构造运动的机制。华北克拉通的古元古代活动带有与绿岩带-高级区不同的构造样式,表壳岩带状分布,经受了强烈的变形以及中级变质作用,伴随花岗岩的侵入,虽然没有蛇绿岩和高压变质带,但已表现出板块构造的雏形特征。  相似文献   

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