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材料硬化模式对弯曲回弹模拟精度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回弹的模拟精度低,是几乎所有软件在计算大型复杂件的回弹时都存在的缺点,因此提高回弹模拟精度成为回弹仿真研究的重点和难点,利用自主开发的二维弹塑性有限元程序,分别采用线性硬化模型和弹塑性幂次硬化模型对V型自由弯曲的回弹进行模拟,探讨材料硬化模式对回弹模拟精度的影响,特别对于硬化模型中代表弹性变形阶段的重要参数一弹性模量,考虑了其随塑性变形进行而发生的变化,结果表明:材料的硬化模式直接影响回弹模拟精度,而采用的硬化模式越能真实地反映材料变形规律,回弹模拟的精度就越高,尤其是采用随塑性变形而发生变化的弹性模量,使模拟精度进一步提高。  相似文献   

Yoshida-Uemori随动硬化材料模型能够准确描述应变路径发生变化时材料性能的改变,从而较好地反映复杂加载情况下材料的各向异性.本文基于JSTAMP件分别采用Yoshida-Uemori随动硬化材料模型和各向同性硬化材料模型对汽车高强钢结构件的冲压成形进行了仿真分析与回弹预测,研究了不同材料硬化模型对回弹预测精度...  相似文献   

为校验考虑屈服阶段的本构模型和Lode相关断裂准则的有效性,在一级轻气炮上开展了直径为5.95 mm的平头钢性弹侵彻4 mm厚Q355B钢靶板试验,获得了弹体贯穿靶板的断裂行为和弹道极限。并开展了平面应变和扭转试验,标定了Lode无关MJC断裂准则和Lode相关ASCE断裂准则参数。在ABAQUS软件中对打靶试验建立三维有限元模型,对靶板的断裂行为进行研究,验证了考虑屈服阶段MxJ-C-Q本构模型和ASCE断裂准则的有效性,并探讨了Lode参数对Q355B钢的变形和断裂的影响。结果表明,采用MJC断裂准则预报高估了断裂应变其弹道极限比试验值高约38.36%;而采用Lode相关ASCE断裂准则预报的弹道极限、剩余速度以及断裂行为,与试验结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

为确定适合描述高强度热轧钢板变形行为的屈服准则,采用Hollomon流动应力方程和三种屈服准则对几类高强度热轧钢板在不同应变路径下达到成形极限的成形过程进行了模拟.比较了Barlat(1989)、Hill(1948)、Barlat六参数3种屈服准则,对热轧酸洗板QStE340TM、SAPH370和热轧镀锌板ZStE260P在单向拉伸、平面应变和双向等拉3种应变路径下的变形过程进行了比较.结果表明,Barlat(1989)屈服准则能较好地描述单元的变形行为,且在平面应变路径下的模拟结果最符合实验结果.  相似文献   

通过XRD衍射及不同方向单向拉伸试验验证,经过多道次拉拔生产出的304奥氏体不锈钢管材存在有明显的各向异性现象.采用Mises各向同性、Hill1948和Barlat1991各向异性屈服准则对不锈钢弯管过程进行有限元模拟,分析弯曲后管材内外侧壁厚分布、弯曲角度及管坯截面椭圆度的变化规律,通过模拟与实验结果对比发现,当实验数据较少时,采用Hill1948各向异性屈服准则,能够很好预测304奥氏体不锈钢管材弯曲成形过程,而Barlat1991各向异性屈服准则中的一些参数经过近似后,对成形行为的预测精度明显降低.  相似文献   

广义双剪应力屈服准则的取值分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李书岐 《工程力学》1998,15(2):104-108
本文在文[1]的基础上,通过对广义双剪应力屈服准则的取值分析,导出根据τs/σs比值,选择加权系数b和取值公式,以及能够作为Mises屈服准则线性代替的加权系数b的取值范围。  相似文献   

胡启  陈军 《精密成形工程》2024,16(3):138-144
目的 研究解析Poly6-I屈服准则预测具有高各向异性的3104-H19铝合金本构关系的能力,并将其应用于有限元仿真分析中,以实现对3104-H19铝合金拉深制耳的精确预测。方法 分析解析Poly6-I屈服准则的表达形式,减少计算参数所需的试验个数,并与经典的Yld2004-18p屈服准则进行对比,验证它对高各向异性力学性能预测的能力,将其嵌入到有限元软件中进行杯型件拉深制耳模拟,验证模型的精确性和有效性。结果 对于高各向异性材料,解析Poly6-I屈服准则所使用的试验个数可以减少到11,它预测的3104-H19铝合金屈服轨迹的各向异性系数曲线和单向拉伸曲线与Yld2004-18p屈服准则预测的结果基本相同,杯型件拉深有限元模拟结果与试验结果基本一致。结论 与Yld2004-18p屈服准则相比,考虑高各向异性特性的解析Poly6-I屈服准则所使用的试验数据更少,且无须使用优化软件求取参数,更为方便。解析Poly6-I屈服准则能精确地预测3104-H19铝合金材料在杯型件拉深试验中的制耳个数及杯型件杯壁的成形高度。  相似文献   

利用ANSYS/LS-DYNA非线性动力有限元程序的显式-隐式连续求解功能,模拟了板料成形过程与卸载后板料回弹变形的全过程,得到了成形过程中任一时刻各处的应力和应变值及卸载后板料的回弹结果.  相似文献   

板材屈服准则与塑性失稳模型是精准描述高性能构件成形或服役过程的基础与前提。在板材塑性成形过程中,试样几何尺寸、材料晶粒大小、自由表面粗化和织构分布等都会对材料的塑性变形行为产生不可忽略的影响,导致单一尺度下的本构模型和断裂准则不能有效预测微观尺度下的材料变形行为和各种缺陷,大大限制了合金板材在航空、航天、汽车、医疗等工业上的应用。对现有屈服准则的研究进展进行了较为全面的回顾,从Hill、Hershey-Hosford和Drucker这3个系列出发,分别进行了对比分析,并总结了目前国内外用于验证屈服准则的金属板材双向拉伸实验机发展状况。基于不同的破裂失稳机理,将失稳模型分为宏观失稳准则、韧性断裂准则和耦合材料损伤演化的韧性断裂准则,并分别进行了归纳和阐述。此外,随着微成形技术的逐步推广,也对宏观塑性成形理论在微尺度下的应用进展进行了说明,指出了宏观屈服准则和失稳模型在微尺度下的不足和缺陷。最后讨论了宏观屈服准则和失稳模型今后的发展趋势以及宏观塑性成形理论在微尺度下的应用前景。  相似文献   

以金属玻璃切削过程中的屈服形变为研究对象,引入源于岩土领域的M-C屈服准则来解决传统Treaca准则及Mises准则不能反映金属玻璃的应力敏感性问题。另外鉴于金属玻璃的温度敏感特性以及切削加工时较高的切削温升,将经过温度修正的改进型M-C屈服准则应用于金属玻璃的切削模型之中。切削力实验表明,基于传统屈服准则、不含温度项的M-C屈服准则以及经过温度修正的M-C屈服准则所建立的切削力模型中,后者的解析解与切削力实测值相比误差最小(平均误差8.92%),说明经过温度修正的M-C屈服准则可以较好地反映金属玻璃切削加载的切削力及材料形变过程,为后续金属玻璃切削机理的深入研究奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

An analytical model for predicting sheet springback after U-bending is proposed in this paper based on Hill48 yielding criterion and plane strain condition. The model takes into account of the effects of deformation history, thickness thinning and neutral surface shift on the sheet springback of U-bending. Three rules for material hardening – kinematic, isotropic and combined hardening – have been used to consider the effect of complex deformation history that has undergone stretching, bending, and unbending deformations on the sheet springback. The model is applied to the benchmark of NUMISHEET’93 2-D draw bending problem. It indicates that the springback is overestimated when isotropic hardening is applied, while is underestimated when kinematic hardening is applied. For reverse loading problem, the combined hardening is a good approach to the practical material. In addition to that, the effects of blank holding force, friction coefficient between sheet and tools, sheet thickness and anisotropy have been investigated. When the shifting distance of neutral surface exceeds one-fourth of sheet thickness, the springback can be reduced effectively by increasing the blank holding force and friction between sheet and die. And the springback increases with anisotropy and friction between sheet and punch, and decreases with the sheet thickness.  相似文献   

为了研究模具圆角半径及凸模最大力对树脂复合钢板V型折弯回弹的影响,通过拉伸和搭接剪切试验获得了树脂复合钢板各层的力学性能数据,进行了树脂复合钢板的90°V型折弯回弹实验.对折弯回弹进行了有限元数值模拟,并与试验结果进行对比验证了90°V型折弯回弹有限元模型的可靠性,进一步分析了凸模圆角半径及其下行量对复合钢板折弯回弹角的影响规律,并由此预测出一组最优折弯工艺参数.结果表明:随着凸模下压量的增加,不同凸模圆角半径条件下,折弯回弹后角度大小先几乎直线下降而后有少量回升;将其转化为以凸模最大力为变量时,表现出类似的趋势.  相似文献   

为了研究回弹量及回弹补偿对冲压件成形的影响,以某车型中央通道为研究对象,针对其型面复杂、模型边界高、成形曲度大的特点,采用有限元分析软件Dynaform5.7.1对其进行成形分析、回弹模拟分析和回弹补偿模拟分析.利用截面法对成形及回弹后的零件进行分析,获得边缘回弹量和角度回弹量;经两次反向修模补偿,得到优化的模具型面;利用优化后的模具型面进行模具设计,并对中央通道进行实际生产验证,结果表明,采用截面法和模具型面补偿法能够使最终生产出的零件的回弹量减小,且成形效果更好.  相似文献   

通过带法兰边的U型弯曲成形实验研究,考察了树脂复合减振钢板在不同压边力下的回弹特性.实验结果表明:压边力对树脂复合减振钢板回弹特性影响显著.较大的压边力有利于减小回弹缺陷.其次,考虑树脂层的粘弹性特性,采用非线性粘弹性模型来描述树脂层的力学变形行为,并采用Cohesive单元和固体壳单元分别对树脂层和表层钢板进行离散,进行了树脂复合减振钢板在不同压边力下的U型弯曲有限元数值模拟研究.和实验结果比较表明,所建立的有限元模型能够较好的模拟U型弯曲成形过程.最后,基于建立的有限元模型,考查了成形速度,树脂层厚度和表层钢板初始屈服应力对回弹的影响.参数分析结果表明:这三个参数对回弹角的影响显著.该研究对树脂复合减振钢板冲压工艺设计具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

Individual grains in a polycrystal rotate during plastic deformation. This leads to a change in the crystallographic texture, and results in an increase or decrease of the macroscopic flow stress of the material. Such a change of strength as a result of grain rotations is called geometrical or texture hardening/softening. In the present study, for textured aluminum alloy sheets, the geometrical hardening/softening effect in the in-plane plane-strain stretching mode is numerically investigated using a generalized Taylor-type polycrystalline model. It is found that the cube texture () exhibits significant geometrical hardening when the major stretching direction is inclined at 45° relative to the orthotropic axes, and that a cube texture rotated about the normal direction (ND) shows a notable degree of geometrical hardening for any in-plane orientation of the sheet. Using the Marciniak-Kuczyński-type approach, forming limits for these textured sheets are analyzed. It is found that geometrical hardening definitely enhances the formability. It is, therefore, strongly suggested that texture control guided by the present results may be highly effective in producing aluminum alloy sheets with higher formability.  相似文献   

针对板料成形回弹数值难以精确测量、实际误差无法全面估计等问题,采用近景摄影测量系统和面扫描系统相结合的测量方法对板料的成形过程回弹进行了研究,提出了一种精确获得板料成形空间回弹量的新方法,研究了该方法的原理、程序和步骤.结合本方法定义了板料回弹评价的新指标S,该指标用空间回弹值和x、y、z三个方向回弹值组成的向量来表示,以某型号冰箱门外壳为实例进行了成形回弹量的检测和评价.结果表明:对于冰箱门外壳大表面,三维空间回弹数值的影响主要来自z方向,x方向回弹数值为0,y方向影响较小,三维空间回弹数值大小和方向与z方向回弹值的大小和方向保持完全一致.  相似文献   

6061 aluminum alloy has been widely utilized in modern automobile industries with the advantages of low density, good formability and nice machinability. However, the springback phenomena and cross-section deformation problems still remain unsolved. Accordingly, the effect of artificial aging time on the aforementioned bending properties of 6061 aluminum sheet at room temperature were investigated based on the three-point bending test. The mechanical properties of 6061 aluminum alloy was significantly changed by artificial aging treatment, and the bearing capacity of T6-8 h specimen is 2.11 times that of solution heat treatment state specimen when the deflection is the same. With the finite element model verified by experiments, the variation laws of equivalent stress and effective plastic strain of 6061 aluminum sheets in different states were analyzed, and the influence of work hardening exponent n and strength coefficient K on the springback and cross-section deformation were also obtained. The springback increases when the work hardening exponent n decreases gradually, and the uneven deformation increases with the increase of strength coefficient K. With the increase of strength coefficient K, the warpage and the thinning rate increases gradually. As the artificial aging time extends, the springback and cross-section deformation increase.  相似文献   

A mixed hardening model has been implemented based on Lemaitre and Chaboche non-linear kinematic hardening theory to consider cyclic behavior and the Bauschinger effect. The Chaboche isotropic hardening theory is incorporated into the non-linear kinematic hardening model to introduce a surface of nonhardening in the plastic strain space. The bending and reverse bending case study has verified the effectiveness of the mixed hardening model by comparison with the proposed experiment results. Barlat’89 yielding criterion is adopted for it does not has any limitation while Hill’s non-quadratic yield criterion is for the case that the principal axes of anisotropy coincides with principal stress direction. The Backward–Euler return mapping algorithm was applied to calculate the stress and strain increment. The mixed hardening model is implemented using ABAQUS user subroutine (UMAT). The comparisons with linear kinematic hardening model and isotropic hardening model in NUMISHEET’93 benchmark show that the mixed hardening model coupled with Barlat’89 yield criteria can well reflect stress and strain distributions and give a more favorable springback angle prediction.  相似文献   

基于VPF工艺的铝合金覆盖件回弹研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究VPF工艺对铝合金覆盖件成形过程中回弹的影响,对VPF工艺成形过程中铝合金双曲率覆盖件的回弹特征进行了数值模拟和实验研究,并且与传统刚模成形零件的回弹特征进行了对比.研究结果表明:VPF工艺成形的铝合金双曲率覆盖件的回弹过程中同时存在正、负回弹现象,而传统刚模成形的零件回弹过程中只存在正回弹,并且VPF工艺成形的铝合金双曲率覆盖件大部分区域的回弹量小于传统刚模成形的零件;随着成形深度的增加,VPF工艺成形的铝合金双曲率覆盖件正回弹降低,负回弹量增加.  相似文献   

Springback is an inevitable phenomenon due to elastic redistribution of internal stresses occurring in sheet metal forming operations. Most of the research reported in this area has been concerned with the components formed from single metal. This article deals with the analytical solution for prediction of springback in bending of bimetallic sheets. A mathematical model is derived based on Woo and Marshall's constitutive equation, considering logarithmic strain (nonlinear) distribution across the thickness and thickness change during bending. Analytical modeling, based on logarithmic strain distribution across the thickness, can be used for accurate springback predictions in the case of smaller bend radius to the thickness ratio. The results of the springback and thickness change are validated using experimental results for the aluminum sheet layered with steel. Further, springback variation in bimetallic sheets is studied, with a change in material properties and thickness of each layer.  相似文献   

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