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The South African government has named the transition towards a greener economy one of its priorities. Meanwhile it has developed a new multilevel integrated planning process, and announced a massive public infrastructure investment plan. The converging point of these three dynamics should be the integration of green infrastructure principles into the different plans as the foundation of the green transition. This paper uses a policy integration analytical framework to assess whether this convergence is in fact taking shape. It analyses the level of integration of green infrastructure principles into the different plans and suggests options to move the green infrastructure agenda forward.  相似文献   

With the formation of the Conservative–Liberal Democrat coalition government in 2010, the funding of local government in the UK changed fundamentally. Through an austerity approach to development, local planning authorities (LPAs) have been required to make significant budgetary savings, raising questions over what services are legally and morally dispensable. One service severely impacted has been green space (green infrastructure) management. In many locations, this has generated negative responses, as the proposed cuts are perceived as decreasing the liveability of urban areas. In response, LPAs are engaging in an examination of how they can manage development to more effectively fund green infrastructure provision. Such debates draw on a range of options from public, private and community funding sources, creating further complexity within LPA financing. To explore these options, this paper discusses the appropriateness of different funding mechanisms proposing a multi-option approach for the long-term management of green infrastructure.  相似文献   

The population of Japan peaked in 2010 and has since entered a depopulation period. On the other hand, there are many bridges that were constructed in the past, especially during the period of high economic growth. Their deteriorating state is becoming increasingly evident. It is expected that maintenance and management costs of the development and maintenance of urban infrastructure for bridges will increase. It is necessary to respond to the ageing of the national land stock. This study verifies urban infrastructure methodology to develop and maintenance using a road network of a municipality whose population actually decreases. This methodology makes use of the basic data held by the municipality such as the population and the length of the road. More specific, the authors propose a methodology for applying the triage to the decision-making processes involving bridges such as road bridges, similar to how it is applied when providing medical care to those with injuries caused by large-scale disasters. The proposed methodology is useful for municipal bridge management strategy and can be applied to other countries around the world that may face decreasing population and/or rising debt in the future.  相似文献   

邓毛颖  蒋万芳 《山西建筑》2007,33(36):334-336
介绍了城市道路的绿化类型与布置形式,以广州市为例,对城市道路绿化存在的一些问题进行了分析,针对存在的问题,提出了相应的道路绿化规划建设的建议,从而对改善城市气候、保护环境、丰富城市艺术和城市面貌、组织城市交通等方面都有着积极的意义。  相似文献   

赵样平  欧龙艳 《建筑节能》2016,(10):122-128
由于政府最近在实施房地产市场的去库存战略,新开工项目数量在降低,市场竞争加剧。如何在现有的市场中占有优势并保证一定的利润成为施工企业转型需求,绿色施工成为考验建筑施工企业综合实力的标准之一。但现有的绿色施工管理理念不清,策划实施不明朗,收集的数据不系统。基于这一现状,依托电子商务中心项目,四局在绿色施工策划与实施、数据收集等方面进行了系统的研究,希望对项目管理人员有所帮助。  相似文献   

Climate change presents one of the greatest challenges in urban development planning, yet leadership from planning can help society grapple with this challenge. Success in planning is especially important in coastal cities, where urbanization is heavily influenced by the coastline, and development planning processes have to take into consideration the socio-economic as well as ecological reasons why cities were located at the coast. This paper investigates the possibilities of and impediments to an integrated city-level planning framework that is responsive to climate change, using the case of the East African coastal city of Mombasa. It contends that both the principle of subsidiarity as well as the established law give the municipal government the necessary jurisdiction over the baseline issues underlying city management, which through stakeholder engagement, can be leveraged to facilitate an integrated climate change-responsive planning.  相似文献   

The evolution of Green Infrastructure (GI) planning has varied dramatically between nations. Although a grounded set of principles are recognized globally, there is increasing variance in how these are implemented at a national and sub-national level. To investigate this the following paper presents an evaluation of how green infrastructure has been planned for in England and Germany illustrating how national policy structures facilitate variance in application. Adopting an evaluative framework linked to the identification of GI, its development and monitoring/feedback the paper questions the impacts on delivery of intersecting factors including terminology, spatial distribution and functionality on effective GI investment. This process reviews how changing policy structures have influenced the framing of green infrastructure policy, and subsequent impact this has on the delivery of green infrastructure projects.  相似文献   

Four underground resources have been seen as having a long-term potential to support sustainable urban development: underground space, groundwater, geomaterials and geothermal energy. Utilization of these resources proposes a new paradigm of economic development: underground urbanism. The new management approach named “Deep City Method” is put forward to aid decision-makers to integrate global potential of the urban underground into city-scale strategic planning. The research output will be presented in form of two papers each with a different focus. Part 1 aims to introduce the concept, process and initial application in Switzerland; Part 2 is devoted to show methodological insight for a new zoning policy in China and investment scenarios for project cost viability.This Part 1 paper will begin by presenting the fundamental concept of the Deep City Method, followed by a proposition for a trans-institutional planning process. The application is firstly based on a rating system to identify cities having a potential for underground development. The city of Geneva is selected for conceptual application and strategic level study. Further operational steps are required in order to generalize the concept to other cities around the world.  相似文献   

The recent flooding in the North–East of Scotland has highlighted issues around climate change due to significant changes in duration, severity and volume of precipitation events. The Planning (PA) and Flood Authorities (FA) often do not have the capacity or resources to review and check the accuracy and robustness of the SUD schemes nor the calculations submitted by developers. This study demonstrates the development and application of an Independent Hydrology Audit (IHA) service aimed at auditing and reviewing ‘in principle’ planning applications from the aspect of flooding risk to the wider community the development is located within. The output of this service is to establish a more accurate representation of surface water impact from developments through the use of adequate green/blue infrastructure, provide a greater assurance to the communities at risk of flooding, and help the PA and FA meet their statutory obligations at the initial stage of planning.  相似文献   

阐述了迎宾道滨水景观带设计思路,并对设计中景观带规划的各个要素进行了分析,旨在打造出一条鹤岗市新兴的景观生态廊道,塑造鹤岗市的全新形象。  相似文献   


Australian cities have observed a “consensus turn” expressed as broad public support of greater accessibility and public transport provision as revealed in metropolitan strategic plans. In contrast large-scale road projects proposed to traverse the inner-city of three major Australian cities reveals an ongoing and deep-seated attachment by some to car-based travel in Australian urban transport planning. Comparative case studies of these three road projects in Melbourne, Sydney and Perth explores the impact that an antagonistic relationship between the state and community has on the culture of transport planning. Through observational insights, policy and media analysis and interviews with community groups, we show that this antagonistic planning culture arises when there is a fracture between metropolitan strategic plan-making and project planning, and when clear channels of communication and deliberation are undermined.  相似文献   

The research explored the approaches used by government agencies (as client organizations) to drive occupational health and safety (OHS) performance improvements in publicly funded infrastructure construction projects in Australia. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 32 representatives of clients and contractors with direct and recent experience of delivering large public infrastructure projects. Interviews explored the procurement approaches taken, and the use of incentives and performance measurement. Data was subjected to inductive analysis to identify emergent concepts and themes relating to the way that New Public Management (NPM) influences the commercial management of infrastructure construction projects, with particular reference to OHS impacts. The concept of institutional logics was utilised as a theoretical frame to understand clients’ behaviour in the commercial management of infrastructure projects. Client behaviour was consistent with elements of NPM and reflected a managerialist logic in the pursuit of efficiency, the use of targets, incentives and performance measurement. However, a strong professional service logic was also found to drive active client behaviour in relation to the management of OHS. Understanding the institutional logics driving client OHS practices is an important theoretical development that can stimulate reflexive practice which may create an impetus for change.  相似文献   

控规编制(调整)过程中公众参与制度是贯彻和谐社会理念、实现规划决策的公平和正义的重要举措。该制度的可持续性、有效性以及发展路径等问题都是值得深入研究的课题。本文以新制度经济学中的演化理论为工具,将理论论证及经验研究相结合,采用定性及定量等多种方法对控规编制(调整)过程中公众参与制度的演进、绩效进行了研究,并根据研究结果提出相关政策建议,为我国控规编制(调整)过程中公众参与制度的改进提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

基于新工科建设背景,提出地方高校城乡规划专业毕业设计应体现"四位一体"综合创用能力的课程目标。将"多主体协同育人"模式应用于全国城乡规划专业"7+1"联合毕业设计教学实践,从校际协同、校内协同及校政企等多个层面阐述了毕业设计教学改革实施措施,提出新工科建设背景下城乡规划专业本科联合毕业设计改进策略,以期为地方高校毕业设计教学改革提供新思路,助推新工科建设下城乡规划教育改革与创新。  相似文献   

The creation of a protected area network is used as an example to demonstrate the potential effects of uncertainty and error in geographic information systems (GIS) data on our ability to make reliable land planning decisions. A graph-based model of the landscape was employed where nodes represent habitat patches, edges represent inter-node paths, and inter-node distance is measured as the least-cost path according to a resistance surface. Optimal reserve networks were generated by considering the trade-offs between area and connectivity, as measured according to correlation length. A “base case” network was first created and then varied according to the land cover categorical definitions used to extract the patch map, the resistance surface, and the cell size used to represent the raster patch and resistance surfaces. The largest recommended network was over 101% larger than the smallest recommended network. The identity of the small patches predicted to be critical stepping stones and the projected effectiveness of the alternative network configurations was widely disparate. Our results support the need for a precautionary approach to compensate for data uncertainties. Through sensitivity analysis, alternative scenarios can be created for decision-makers that highlight the most conservative options and emphasize the potential uncertainties surrounding the outputs.  相似文献   

结合贵州大学城乡规划专业三年级公园设计课程教学改革,分析该课程教学存在问题,探讨教学改革的方法和过程,通过观察、访谈和问卷调查等手段对教学改革效果进行研究,并就如何深化改革提出建议。实践证明,公园设计课程教学改革对构建城乡规划专业风景园林学知识体系,提高设计课教学质量,培养城乡规划专业新型人才具有积极作用。  相似文献   

针对城镇化发展的新常态对城乡规划专业人才的需要,以及城乡规划一级学科教育的目标,文章分析了当前城乡规划专业本科教育面临的发展机会和挑战,并以天津大学城乡规划专业本科培养方案的修订为例,探讨城乡规划专业本科教育改革。通过对原版培养方案的解析,对比介绍了新版培养方案的改革思路、办学思想、培养目标等概况,重点阐述了新版培养方案在教学安排、课程组织和教学方法上的探索与尝试。  相似文献   

文章以湖北民族学院城乡规划专业教学为例,分析了当前湖北民族学院城乡规划专业教学中存在的问题,提出在城乡规划学一级学科的背景下,湖北民族学院城乡规划专业办学思路,即构建科学的学科体系,营造地方专业特色,实施有效的教学方法,创建开放的办学环境。  相似文献   

文章结合贵州大学城乡规划专业三年级公园设计课教学改革的初步实践活动,分析了课程现存问题,探讨了教学改革的方法和过程,运用观察、访谈和问卷调查等手段对教学改革的效果进行了研究,并对如何深化改革提出了建议。实践证明,公园设计课教学改革对构建城乡规划专业的风景园林学知识体系、提高设计课教学质量、培养城乡规划专业新型人才具有积极作用。  相似文献   

施邦兴  陈秉钊 《华中建筑》2009,27(10):28-31
以规划之实施可行为前题,藉由台湾现行"促进民间参与公共建设"("促参法")之法令、制度架构,深论"公私部门合作开发城市公共建设"之议题,探讨其公私合作运作机制,并就运作机制之重点,即规划与协商为主轴加以分析,建构规划之开展与收敛作业流程,并衍生出规划与协商互动模式。  相似文献   

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