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The aim of this investigation was to test the hypothesis that sub-chronic whole-body exposure to GSM-900 microwaves had an effect on tumor promotion and progression. Mammary tumors were induced by ingestion of a single 10-mg dose of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) in female Sprague-Dawley rats (Ico:OFA-SD; IOPS Caw). In two independent experiments, DMBA-treated animals were divided into four groups: sham-exposed (16) and exposed (three groups of 16 animals). The specific absorption rates (SARs), averaged over the whole body, were 3.5, 2.2 and 1.4 W/kg in the first experiment (May-July) and 1.4, 0.7 and 0.1 W/kg in the second experiment (September-November). Exposure started 10 days after DMBA treatment and lasted 2 h/day, 5 days/week for 9 weeks. Animals were exposed to plane waves with the electric field parallel to the long axis of the animals. Body weight and the number, location and size of the tumors were recorded at regular intervals. Rats were killed humanely 3 weeks after the end of exposure. The results are negative in terms of latency, multiplicity and tumor volume. With regard to tumor incidence, in the first experiment there was an increase in the rate of incidence at 1.4 W/kg but less at 2.2 W/kg and none at 3.5 W/kg. Overall, these results, which are rather inconsistent, do not bring new evidence of a co-promoting effect of exposure to GSM-900 signals using the DMBA rat model.  相似文献   

Findings from prior studies of possible health and physiological effects from mobile phone use have been inconsistent. Exposure periods in provocation studies have been rather short and personal characteristics of the participants poorly defined. We studied the effect of radiofrequency field (RF) on self-reported symptoms and detection of fields after a prolonged exposure time and with a well defined study group including subjects reporting symptoms attributed to mobile phone use. The design was a double blind, cross-over provocation study testing a 3-h long GSM handset exposure versus sham. The study group was 71 subjects age 18-45, including 38 subjects reporting headache or vertigo in relation to mobile phone use (symptom group) and 33 non-symptomatic subjects. Symptoms were scored on a 7-point Likert scale before, after 1(1/2) and 2(3/4) h of exposure. Subjects reported their belief of actual exposure status. The results showed that headache was more commonly reported after RF exposure than sham, mainly due to an increase in the non-symptom group. Neither group could detect RF exposure better than by chance. A belief that the RF exposure had been active was associated with skin symptoms. The higher prevalence of headache in the non-symptom group towards the end of RF exposure justifies further investigation of possible physiological correlates. The current study indicates a need to better characterize study participants in mobile phone exposure studies and differences between symptom and non-symptom groups.  相似文献   

Patched1 heterozygous knockout mice (Ptc1+/-), an animal model of multiorgan tumorigenesis in which ionizing radiation dramatically accelerates tumor development, were used to study the potential tumorigenic effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on neonatal mice. Two hundred Ptc1+/- mice and their wild-type siblings were enrolled in this study. Newborn mice were exposed to 900 MHz radiofrequency radiation (average SAR: 0.4 W/kg for 5 days, 0.5 h twice a day) or were sham exposed. We found that RF EMFs simulating the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) did not affect the survival of the mice, because no statistically significant differences in survival were found between exposed and sham-exposed animals. Also, no effects attributable to radiofrequency radiation were observed on the incidence and histology of Ptc1-associated cerebellar tumors. Moreover, the skin phenotype was analyzed to look for proliferative effects of RF EMFs on the epidermal basal layer and for acceleration of preneoplastic lesions typical of the basal cell carcinoma phenotype of this model. We found no evidence of proliferative or promotional effects in the skin from neonatal exposure to radiofrequency radiation. Furthermore, no difference in Ptc1-associated rhabdomyosarcomas was detected between sham-exposed and exposed mice. Thus, under the experimental conditions tested, there was no evidence of life shortening or tumorigenic effects of neonatal exposure to GSM RF radiation in a highly tumor-susceptible mouse model.  相似文献   

An increasing number of studies find that pulsed Radio Frequency (RF), electromagnetic radiation of both systems of digital mobile telephony, established and commonly used in Europe during the last years, GSM 900 MHz (Global System for Mobile telecommunications) and DCS 1800 MHz (Digital Cellular System), exert intense biological action on different organisms and cells (Hardell et al., 2006; Hyland, 2000; Kundi, 2004; Panagopoulos et al., 2004, 2007). The two types of cellular telephony radiation use different carrier frequencies and give different frequency spectra, but they usually also differ in intensity, as GSM 900 MHz antennas operate at about double the power output than the corresponding DCS 1800 MHz ones. In our present experiments, we used a model biological system, the reproductive capacity of Drosophila melanogaster, to compare the biological activity between the two systems of cellular mobile telephony radiation. Both types of radiation were found to decrease significantly and non thermally the insect's reproductive capacity, but GSM 900 MHz seems to be even more bioactive than DCS 1800 MHz. The difference seems to be dependent mostly on field intensity and less on carrier frequency.  相似文献   

Estradiol plays a vital role in the growth and development of mammary glands. It is a potent stimulator of metabolic processes in normal and carcinoma breast. A critical factor in determining mammary glandular morphology is the stroma. Collagen is a predominant component of the extracellular matrix and cell-collagen interactions are essential carcinogenesis. The present investigation explored the influence of estradiol on collagen solubility and metabolism in mammary tumors during tumor progression and regression. A single injection of 20 mg of 9,10-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene was given to rats at 7 weeks of age. With the appearance of the first palpable mammary tumor, the rats were treated with 0.5 microg estradiol or 50 microg tamoxifen daily for 30 days. The rats were sacrificed 24 h after 30 days of treatment. Estradiol appears to stimulate the synthesis of new collagens and thus contributes to the enlargement of the mammary tumors. This might have created a potential microenvironment by increasing the synthesis of suitable matrix that sustains the growth of the mammary tumors. In short, the present findings emphasize a definite mediatory role for collagen in estradiol promoted mammary tumor growth.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic effects of 900 MHz (GSM) microwaves on human lymphocytes   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The cytogenetic effects of 900 MHz radiofrequency fields were investigated with the chromosome aberration and sister chromatid exchange frequency methods. Three different modes of exposure (continuous, pseudo-random and dummy burst) were studied for different power outputs (0, 2, 8, 15, 25, 50 W). The specific absorption rates varied between 0 and 10 W/kg. We investigated the possible effects of the 900 MHz radiation alone as well as of combined exposure to the chemical or physical mutagens mitomycin C and X-rays. Overall, no indication was found of a mutagenic, and/or co-mutagenic/synergistic effect of this kind of nonionizing radiation.  相似文献   

Employing phosphatidylinositol as the substrate, phospholipase C (PLC) activity was measured in various cellular fractions derived from DMBA-induced rat mammary tumors and mammary tissues from 12-14 day pregnant rats. In the 2,000g pellet, 10,000g pellet, 100,000g pellet and 100,000g supernatant fractions, PLC activity was more than 5 fold higher in the fractions derived from the neoplastic tissues. This was true whether PLC activity was expressed on the basis of protein content or 5' nucleotidase activities.  相似文献   

The antitumor effect of exemestane (FCE 24304), an irreversible aromatase inhibitor, given alone or in combination with tamoxifen, was investigated in rats with 7, 12-dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA)-induced mammary tumors. The compounds were given once daily, 6 days a week for 4 weeks. Exemestane, given at the dose of 20 mg/kg/day s.c., induced 26% complete (CR) and 18% partial (PR) tumor regressions, compared to 0% CR and 6% PR observed in controls. Tamoxifen, given at 1 mg/kg/day p.o., induced 16% CR and 13% PR. The combined treatment caused 41% CR and 16% PR, thus resulting in a higher antitumor effect than either single treatment. The apperance of new tumors was reduced by each single treatment and almost totally prevented by the combined treatment. Serum prolactin (PRL) levels, assayed 4 h after the last dose, were unchanged in the group treated with the combination, whereas tamoxifen alone caused a slight increase of serum PRL. These results indicate that estrogen deprivation through aromatase inhibition and estrogen receptor antagonism causes a better inhibition of DMBA-induced mammary tumors than either treatment modality alone.  相似文献   

In an earlier study we reported that G(o) phase peripheral blood mononulclear cells (PBMC) exposed to low-level (SAR = 0.18 W/kg) pulse-modulated 1300 MHz microwaves and subsequently cultured, demonstrate changed immune activity (Dabrowski et al., 2003). We investigated whether cultured immune cells induced into the active phases of cell cycle (G(1), S) and then exposed to microwaves will also be sensitive to electromagnetic field. An anechoic chamber of our design containing a microplate with cultured cells and an antenna emitting microwaves (900 MHz simulated GSM signal, 27 V/m, SAR 0.024 W/kg) was placed inside the ASSAB incubator. The microcultures of PBMC exposed to microwaves demonstrated significantly higher response to mitogens and higher immunogenic activity of monocytes (LM index) than control cultures. LM index, described in detail elsewhere (Dabrowski et al., 2001), represents the monokine influence on lymphocyte mitogenic response. The results suggest that immune activity of responding lymphocytes and monocytes can be additionally intensified by 900 MHz microwaves.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study using a total of 1170 B6C3F1 mice was to detect and evaluate possible carcinogenic effects in mice exposed to radio-frequency-radiation (RFR) from Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) and Digital Personal Communications System (DCS) handsets as emitted by handsets operating in the center of the communication band, that is, at 902 MHz (GSM) and 1747 MHz (DCS). Restrained mice were exposed for 2 h per day, 5 days per week over a period of 2 years to three different whole-body averaged specific absorption rate (SAR) levels of 0.4, 1.3, 4.0 mW/g bw (SAR), or were sham exposed. Regarding the organ-related tumor incidence, pairwise Fisher's test did not show any significant increase in the incidence of any particular tumor type in the RF exposed groups as compared to the sham exposed group. Interestingly, while the incidences of hepatocellular carcinomas were similar in EMF and sham exposed groups, in both studies the incidences of liver adenomas in males decreased with increasing dose levels; the incidences in the high dose groups were statistically significantly different from those in the sham exposed groups. Comparison to published tumor rates in untreated mice revealed that the observed tumor rates were within the range of historical control data. In conclusion, the present study produced no evidence that the exposure of male and female B6C3F1 mice to wireless GSM and DCS radio frequency signals at a whole body absorption rate of up to 4.0 W/kg resulted in any adverse health effect or had any cumulative influence on the incidence or severity of neoplastic and non-neoplastic background lesions, and thus the study did not provide any evidence of RF possessing a carcinogenic potential.  相似文献   

A total of 1170 rats comprised of 65 male and 65 female Han Wistar rats per group were exposed for 2 h/day, 5 days/ week for up to 104 weeks to GSM or DCS wireless communication signals at three nominal SARs of 0.44, 1.33 and 4.0 W/kg. A preliminary study confirmed that the highest exposure level was below that which was capable of causing a measurable increase in the core temperature of the rat. Additional groups for each modulation were sham exposed, and there was also an unrestrained, unexposed (cage) control group. Fifteen male and 15 female rats per group were killed after 52 weeks. From the remaining 50 male and 50 female rats per group, surviving animals were killed after 104 weeks. Evaluations during the study included mortality rate, clinical signs, recording of palpable masses, body weight, food consumption, ophthalmoscopic examination, and clinical pathological investigations. Terminal investigations included organ weight measurement and macroscopic and microscopic pathology examinations. There was no adverse response to the wireless communication signals. In particular, there were no significant differences in the incidence of primary neoplasms, the number of rats with more than one primary neoplasm, the multiplicity and latency of neoplasms, the number of rats with metastases, and the number of benign and malignant neoplasms between the rats exposed to wireless communication signals and rats that were sham exposed.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of DMBA-induced breast tumors in Sprague-Dawley rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The present study aimed to investigate the possible effect of pulse-modulated radiofrequency radiation (RFR) on rat skin hydroxyproline content, since skin is the first target of external electromagnetic fields. Skin hydroxyproline content was measured using liquid chromatography mass spectrometer method. Two months old male wistar rats were exposed to a 900 MHz pulse-modulated RFR at an average whole body specific absorption rate (SAR) of 1.35 W/kg for 20 min/day for 3 weeks. The radiofrequency (RF) signals were pulse modulated by rectangular pulses with a repetition frequency of 217 Hz and a duty cycle of 1:8 (pulse width 0.576 ms). A skin biopsy was taken at the upper part of the abdominal costa after the exposure. The data indicated that whole body exposure to a pulse-modulated RF radiation that is similar to that emitted by the global system for mobile communications (GSM) mobile phones caused a statistically significant increase in the skin hydroxyproline level (p = 0.049, Mann–Whitney U test). Under our experimental conditions, at a SAR less than the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection safety limit recommendation, there was evidence that GSM signals could alter hydroxyproline concentration in the rat skin.  相似文献   

Mobile phones communicate with base stations using 900 MHz microwaves. The current study was aimed to survey the effects of long-term 900 MHz microwave exposure of mice on experimentally induced cutaneous candidiasis. Forty inbred, male, BALB/c mice were randomly divided into four groups. Cutaneous lesions with Candida albicans were experimentally induced on the lateral-back skin of the 20 mice. One group of the diseased mice were exposed (6 h per day and 7 d per week) to 900 MHz microwave radiation, while the other groups were not exposed. Two unexposed control groups were also included. The skin lesions were regularly monitored and the live candida cell density was enumerated using the colony-forming unit (CFU) assay. The process was repeated after a one week resting interval. One week later, all mice were challenged through intra tail veins using LD90 dose of C. albicans. Mortality of the mice was recorded and the candida load of the kidney homogenates from died animals was counted. 900 MHz microwave exposed mice had 1.5 day and 3.7 day delays on wound healing in stages two. Live Candida inoculated Wave exposed (LCW) mice also showed higher yeast loads in skin lesions at days 5, 7 and 9 post inoculation. Survival analysis of live candida challenged mice showed the radiation exposed group is prone to death induced by systemic infection and candida enumeration from the kidney homogenates showed radiation exposed animals have had significantly higher yeast load in the tissue. In collection, long-term 900 MHz radiation exposure of mice led to longevity of skin wounds and susceptibility of the animals to systemic challenge and higher incidences of microorganisms in internal tissues.  相似文献   

The article presents a study of the influence of radio frequency (RF) fields emitted by mobile phones on human cerebral activity. Our work was based on the study of Auditory Evoked Potentials (AEPs) recorded on the scalp of healthy humans and epileptic patients. The protocol allowed us to compare AEPs recorded with or without exposure to RFs. To get a reference, a control session was also introduced. In this study, the correlation coefficients computed between AEPs, as well as the correlation coefficients between spectra of AEPs were investigated to detect a possible difference due to RFs. A difference in the correlation coefficients computed in control and experimental sessions was observed, but it was difficult to deduce the effect of RFs on human health.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was a dosimetrical analysis of the setup used in the exposure of the heads of domestic pigs to GSM-modulated radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) at 900 MHz. The heads of pigs were irradiated with a half wave dipole using three different exposure routines; short bursts of 1-3 s at two different exposure levels and a continuous 10-min exposure. The electroencephalogram (EEG) was registered continuously during the exposures to search for RF-EMF originated changes. The dosimetry was based on simulations with the anatomical heterogeneous numerical model of the pig head. The simulation results were validated by experimental measurements with the exposure dipole and a homogeneous liquid phantom resembling the pig head. The specific absorption rate (SAR), defined as a maximum average over 10 g tissue mass (SAR(10g)), was 7.3 W/kg for the first set of short bursts and 31 W/kg for the second set of short bursts. The SAR(10g) in the continuous 10-min exposure was 31 W/kg. The estimated uncertainty for the dosimetry was +/-25% (K = 2).  相似文献   

Ejaculated, density purified, human spermatozoa were exposed to pulsed 900 MHz GSM mobile phone radiation at two specific absorption rate levels (SAR 2.0 and 5.7 W/kg) and compared with controls over time. Change in sperm mitochondrial membrane potential was analysed using flow cytometry. Sperm motility was determined by computer assisted sperm analysis (CASA). There was no effect of pulsed 900 MHz GSM radiation on mitochondrial membrane potential. This was also the case for all kinematic parameters assessed at a SAR of 2.0 W/kg. However, over time, the two kinematic parameters straight line velocity (VSL) and beat-cross frequency (BCF) were significantly impaired (P < 0.05) after the exposure at SAR 5.7 W/kg and no exposure by time interaction was present. This result should not be ascribed to thermal effects, due to the cooling methods employed in the RF chamber and temperature control within the incubator.  相似文献   

Objective: To study the impacts of exposure to electromagnetic radiation(EMR) on liver function in rats. Methods: Twenty adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into normal group and radiated group. The rats in normal group were not radiated, those in radiated group were exposed to EMR 4 h/d for 18 consecutive days. Rats were sacrificed immediately after the end of the experiment. The serum levels of alanine aminotransferase(ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase(AST), and those of malondialdehyde(MDA) and glutathione(GSH) in liver tissue were evaluated by colorimetric method. The liver histopathological changes were observed by hematoxylin and eosin staining and the protein expression of bax and bcl-2 in liver tissue were detected by immunohistochemical method. Terminal-deoxynucleotidyl transferase mediated nick and labelling(TUNEL) method was used for analysis of apoptosis in liver. Results: Compared with the normal rats, the serum levels of ALT and AST in the radiated group had no obvious changes(P0.05), while the contents of MDA increased(P0.01) and those of GSH decreased(P0.01) in liver tissues. The histopathology examination showed diffuse hepatocyte swelling and vacuolation, small pieces and focal necrosis. The immunohistochemical results displayed that the expression of the bax protein was higher and that of bcl-2 protein was lower in radiated group. The hepatocyte apoptosis rates in radiated group was higher than that in normal group(all P0.01). Conclusion: The exposure to 900 MHz mobile phone 4 h/d for 18 days could induce the liver histological changes, which may be partly due to the apoptosis and oxidative stress induced in liver tissue by electromagnetic radiation.  相似文献   

A V Capuco  M T Tseng 《Steroids》1981,37(6):649-662
Study of hormone binding in intact cells enables one to examine binding under conditions which elicit a biological response. Cells from 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA)-induced mammary tumors of the rat were enzymatically dispersed. More than 80% of these cells excluded trypan blue and were used to study binding of [3H] estradiol-17 beta. Specific binding was determined by subtracting the amount of [3H]estradiol bound in the absence and presence of 200-fold excess unlabeled estradiol. Specific binding at 37 degrees was maximal after 15 min. Steroid competition studies indicated that [3H]estradiol binding sites were relatively specific for estrogens, although there was a 9-18% inhibition of binding by androgens and progestins when present at 150-fold molar excess. Scatchard analyses of [3H]estradiol (0.15-5.0 nM) binding by whole cells suggest a single, high-affinity binding site (Kd = 7.5 x 10-10M) of low capacity (6.1 fmol/10(6) cells). More [3H]estradiol was translocated to the nucleus after 1 hr at 37 degrees than at 0 degrees. Preliminary studies indicated that incubations at 37 degrees result in appreciable metabolism of [3H]estradiol to other steroids and/or conjugates when examined by silica gel thin layer chromatography.  相似文献   

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