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PeriodcomponentsinthemonthlymeansealevelvariationsinthePacificOcean¥TianSuzhen;MaJirui;ZhengWenzhen;ChaiXinminandZhangQin(Rec...  相似文献   

Researchonthespectralanalysisandtestmethodofperiodsignalsinmonthlymeansealevel¥MaJirui;TianSuzhen;ZhengWenzhenandChaiXinmin(R...  相似文献   

本文选取ECMWF ORAS4再分析数据对1959-2015年热带太平洋海平面的低频变化进行了分析。热带太平洋海平面年际变化第一模态反映了ENSO爆发阶段的海平面变化,热带东、西太平洋变化反相,其时间序列与Niño3.4指数高度相关。海平面第二模态则体现了El Niño爆发前后热带太平洋暖水的输运过程。El Niño爆发前热带西太平洋暖水聚集的位置,以及爆发后暖水向赤道外输运的位置在两类El Niño事件中均有所不同。此外,ENSO的周期在近半个世纪发生了显著的年代际变化,这一变化与热带太平洋的年代际变化有关。热带太平洋的年代际变化对海平面趋势变化也有着显著的影响。卫星高度计观测到的近20年海平面的快速上升(下降)正是由20世纪90年代后热带太平洋频繁的位相转换引起的。  相似文献   

An attempt is made to infer the global mean sea level(GMSL) from a global tide gauge network and frame the problem in terms of the limitations of the network. The network,owing to its limited number of gauges and poor geographical distribution complicated further by unknown vertical land movements,is ill suited for measuring the GMSL. Yet it remains the only available source for deciphering the sea level rise over the last 100 a. The poor sampling characteristics of the tide gauge network have necessitated the usage of statistical inference. A linear optimal estimator based on the Gauss-Markov theorem seems well suited for the job. This still leaves a great deal of freedom in choosing the estimator. GMSL is poorly correlated with tide gauge measurements because the small uniform rise and fall of sea level are masked by the far larger regional signals. On the other hand,a regional mean sea level(RMSL) is much better correlated with the corresponding regional tide gauge measurements. Since the GMSL is simply the sum of RMSLs,the problem is transformed to one of estimating the RMSLs from regional tide gauge measurements. Specifically for the annual heating and cooling cycle,we separate the global ocean into 10-latitude bands and compute for each 10-latitude band the estimator that predicts its RMSL from tide gauges within. In the future,the statistical correlations are to be computed using satellite altimetry. However,as a first attempt,we have used numerical model outputs instead to isolate the problem so as not to get distracted by altimetry or tide gauge errors. That is,model outputs for sea level at tide gauge locations of the GLOSS network are taken as tide gauge measurements,and the RMSLs are computed from the model outputs. The results show an estimation error of approximately 2 mm versus an error of 2.7 cm if we simply average the tide gauge measurements to estimate the GMSL,caused by the much larger regional seasonal cycle and mesoscale variation plaguing the individual tide gauges. The numerical model,Los Alamos POP model Run 11 lasting 3 1/4 a,is one of the best eddy-resolving models and does a good job simulating the annual heating and cooling cycle,but it has no global or regional trend. Thus it has basically succeeded in estimating the seasonal cycle of the GMSL. This is still going to be the case even if we use the altimetry data because the RMSLs are dominated by the seasonal cycle in relatively short periods. For estimating the GMSL trend,longer records and low-pass filtering to isolate the statistical relations that are of interest. Here we have managed to avoid the much larger regional seasonal cycle plaguing individual tide gauges to get a fairly accurate estimate of the much smaller seasonal cycle in the GMSL so as to enhance the prospect of an accurate estimate of GMSL trend in short periods. One should reasonably expect to be able to do the same for longer periods during which tide gauges are plagued by much larger regional interannual(e. g.,ENSO events) and decadal sea level variations. In the future,with the availability of the satellite altimeter data,we could use the same approach adopted here to estimate the seasonal variations of GMSL and RMSL accurately and remove these seasonal variations accordingly so as to get a more accurate statistical inference between the tide gauge data and the RMSLs(therefore the GMSL) at periods longer than 1 a,i. e.,the long-term trend.  相似文献   

The rise or fall trend of the sea level along the coast of East Asia is estimated with different computational methods based on sea‐level data of longer time series collected from 45 tide gauge stations there. The results show that the relative sea level, on average, has been rising along the coast of the whole of East Asia from the early 1950s to the early 1990s. The regional change of sea‐level rise or fall is greater. The sea level along the coast of China, except along the Shandong Peninsula, is rising; the sea level along the coast of the southern islands of Japan and the southern Korean peninsula, as estimated by several methods, is mostly rising, but the rate of rise is very small. The difference between the results estimated in this study and the corresponding results of Barnett along the coast of East Asia is significant. This is mainly because the number of the stations selected by Barnett is relatively small, and the selected stations are concentrated at the southern and northern ends of the region, without data in the middle of the region. The effect of the estimating methods is smaller.  相似文献   

高超  查芊郁  阮甜  杨茹 《海洋科学》2019,43(2):97-107
采用文献分析法对ISI Web of Science (institute for scientific information, ISI)核心合集数据库中关于海平面上升文献综合探究,得出结论:(1)海平面上升的发文量从1993—2016年整体呈上升趋势,尤其在2010年后产量大增。(2)发表越久的文献被引次数越高。文献作者数量逐年增多,引用参考文献数量也逐年增加,文献之间联系越来越紧密。(3)美国主导海平面上升研究。对于发文量较多的国家,该国独立发文量和其与他国合作文献量基本持平;对于发文量较少的国家,大部分文献为与他国合作完成。(4)不同机构之间合作是为常态,机构间合作明显多于国家间的合作。(5)关于海平面上升文献发文量最高的期刊刊登文献数占本研究总文献的近6%;期刊研究领域所属学科种类均与geology和environmental sciencesecology以及physical geography等相关。(6)通过关键词研究发现,除气候变化外,盐沼、风暴潮等是近期海平面上升的研究主流。希望通过对目前已出版文献的梳理为后续的研究提供指引及借鉴的依据,并通过对文献分析法的运用,能够使研究者更有针对性地将该方法运用到相关学术领域。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to highlight, on the basis of statistical tests, the significant long-term changes of the Mediterranean Sea level, through the analysis of historical tide gauge records. In this framework, 14 tide gauge monthly series selected from the Permanent Service of the Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) database were used. The search for the presence or not of trends within these series, that have a temporal coverage from 59 to 142 years, was carried out using the Mann-Kendall test and the Sen''s slope estimator. The obtained results show that the Split Rt Marjana series are the only ones which does not exhibit a significant trend. The other 13 series show significant increasing trends. This result seems sufficient to suppose the presence, in the past century, of a new climatic phase on the scale of the Mediterranean basin, where the rising sea level is one of the consequences.  相似文献   

天津近海潮汐特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对塘沽海洋环境监测站从1950年-2008年,59年的潮汐资料进行调和分析,分析了其分潮调和常数的变化曲线,并利用FFT谱分析方法对其调和常数的变化周期和原因进行了分析;之后应用FFT谱分析方法对去除天文潮后的余水位进行分解,分析了近50多年来年平均余水位的多层次周期分布,进而利用最小二乘法进行线性分析,分析了天津近海...  相似文献   

本研究基于非平稳序列极值理论,定量分析极端水位事件年超越概率受海平面上升的影响;以工程设计使用年限内极端水位发生概率作为控制条件,构建考虑海平面上升的极值水位计算方法;结合平均海平面的长期变化过程,推算海平面上升下的极值水位。基于全球10个验潮站历史水位观测资料,验证历史平均海平面长期变化与高、低水位耿贝尔分布位置参数变化的一致性以及构建方法的合理性。结合政府间气候变化专门委员会对海平面上升的预测,推算和对比分析不同海平面上升情景下的极值水位,并评估相应极值水位在当前极值分布中的重现期。  相似文献   

赤道外北太平洋冬夏海温场的EOF分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用较高分辨率的SODA资料,对赤道外北太平洋海洋上层各层的海温,特别是对中纬度北太平洋海温明显异常的海域(其被定义为关键区)做了海温的EOF分析,得到以下结论:北太平洋第一模态空间场上,冬、夏在中纬度北太平洋中西部均有较强正值带出现。在关键区第一模态空间场上,冬、夏两季近表层在日本本州岛的东、西面海域均分别有较强正值区,而次表层则仅存前者;这表明近表层海温(前者)受辐射、蒸发等影响明显,而次表层海温(后者)则其主要受流场垂直运动的影响,前者属海温的热力变化而后者则属海温的动力变化,两者性质不同。北太平洋和关键区的第一模态冬、夏海温变化的趋势均相近,两者在年尺度上均有持续性;两者的年际变化冬、夏均不明显,但均有明显的约20年的年代际变化;两者时间系数的演变均与太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)中的冷、暖位相期有较好的对应;这两个模态均可称为PDO模态。  相似文献   

The impact of climate change on sea level has received a great deal of attention by scientists worldwide. In this context, the problem of sea levels on global and regional scales have been analyzed in a number of studies based on tide gauges observations and satellite altimetry measurements. This study focuses on trend estimates from 18 high-quality tide gauge stations along the Mediterranean Sea coast. The seasonal Mann-Kendall test was run at a 5% significance level for each of the 18 stations for the period of 1993-2015 (satellite altimetry era). The results of this test indicate that the trends for 17 stations were statistically significant and showed an increase (no significant trend was observed only at one station). The rates of sea level change for the 17 stations that exhibit significant trends, estimated using seasonal Sen's approach, range after correction for Vertical Land Motion (VLM) from 1.48 to 8.72 mm/a for the period 1993-2015. Furthermore, the magnitude of change at the location of each tide gauge station was estimated using the satellite altimetry measurements. Thus, the results obtained agree with those from the tide-gauge data analysis.  相似文献   

To better monitor the vertical crustal movements and sea level changes around Greenland, multiple data sources were used in this paper, including global positioning system(GPS), tide gauge, satellite gravimetry, satellite altimetry, glacial isostatic adjustment(GIA). First, the observations of more than 50 GPS stations from the international GNSS service(IGS) and Greenland network(GNET) in 2007–2018 were processed and the common mode error(CME) was eliminated with using the principal component a...  相似文献   

利用1992~2001年Topex/Poseidon卫星高度计遥感资料分析了太平洋东南海域 (5°~55°S ,70°~110°W)海面高度的季节及年际变化特征。研究结果表明 ,海区海面高度的季节变化总体上受太阳辐射季节变化的影响 ,南半球夏季 (1~3月 )和秋季 (4~6月 )大致为正距平 ,而冬季 (7~9月 )和春季 (10~12月 )大致为负距平 ,1996~1998年除外 ;同时 ,受季节性风场、海区罗斯贝波等的影响 ,海面高度变化的区域特征性很强。海面高度的年际变化在低纬处和沿岸还受ElNino影响。  相似文献   

气候变化背景下海平面上升、强台风和风暴潮对我国东南沿海地区的洪涝灾害影响日益严重,为应对气候变化的影响,本文以位于我国东南沿海的厦门地区为例,应用多种海洋大气观测资料和数理统计及模拟方法,分析了历史上9914号和1614号两次台风对厦门海域极端海面高度(极值水位)的影响,预估了未来海平面上升情景下厦门海域极值水位的变化及其危险性。结果表明:(1) 9914号台风期间,天文大潮、风暴增水和强降水的同时出现造成了厦门沿海地区超警戒极值水位(732 cm)的出现;(2) 风(向岸强风)、雨(强降水)、浪(巨浪)、潮(高潮位)、流(急流)等多致灾因子的共同作用是厦门沿海地区发生严重灾情的重要原因;(3) 在温室气体中等和高排放(RCP4.5和RCP8.5)情景下,到2050年(2100年),当前百年一遇的极值水位将分别变为30年(2年)一遇(RCP4.5)和25年(低于1年)一遇(RCP8.5)的频繁极端事件。这表明未来厦门沿海极值水位的危险性将显著上升,应采取充分的适应措施降低洪涝灾害风险。  相似文献   

Sea level rise is a slow-onset disaster.We collected information about the natural and ecological environments,tides and sea levels,and socio-economic aspects to investigate the distribution and zoning of the risks from sea level rise across Shandong Province.The trends in sea level in different counties of Shandong Province were predicted using moving averages and a random dynamic analysis forecasting model,and the model outputs and socio-economic indicators were combined to assess the risks.The results show that the risks of sea level rise along the western coast of Bohai Bay and Laizhou Bay in Shandong Province were sufficiently large to warrant attention.  相似文献   

应用海湾和半封闭矩形海域改进的Taylor问题的解研究海平面上升对M2分潮旋转潮波系统及沿岸潮差的变化.将南黄海概化为一等深矩形海域,初步研究在海平面上升3 m和5 m条件下该海域旋转潮波系统的演化趋势,继而分析沿岸潮差变化特征.初步分析研究表明:随着海平面上升,该海域M2分潮的无潮点有向东南方向偏移的趋势,受此影响,沿岸潮差呈现不同的变化特征,靠近无潮点的左侧及湾顶海岸变化明显,而远离无潮点的右侧及湾顶海岸则变化不大.  相似文献   

太平洋海浪场时空特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了深入了解太平洋海浪场特别是涌浪场的时空分布特征,利用44 a(1958~2001年)ERA-40海浪再分析资料对南、北太平洋风浪和涌浪的波高和波向进行了统计分析,结果表明:北太平洋海浪场比南太平洋具有更明显的季节变化特征,四季中南太平洋涌浪均有明显的越赤道北传过程.南、北半球西风带海浪波高随时间呈线性增长趋势,且涌浪分别存在2.4~3.7 a 和2.9 a 左右的显著周期,风浪和混合浪波高存在6.5 a 和5.2 a 的共同周期  相似文献   

用Non-Boussinesq POP模式和1960—1999年NCEP的1 000hPa大气温度和风场资料,模拟了最近40a太平洋海面高度和热容量的变化,通过与实际观测结果比较,得出模拟结果可信的结论,并且得到了如下有意义的结果。1960—1999年由热膨胀引起的太平洋海面高度平均以0.5mm.a-1的速度上升,如果在此之后假设全球气温不再升高,由于海洋特别是深海还没有达到平衡,在未来282a太平洋深海继续增温导致平均海面高度还将以0.15mm.a-1的速度上升。1960—1999年太平洋海面高度平均变化率的水平分布显示,最大的下降率在热带中西太平洋,为7mm.a-1;最大的上升率在热带东太平洋,为8mm.a-1左右;中纬度太平洋中部海面高度是下降的,下降率1mm.a-1左右;另外在南半球的中太平洋南部海面高度也是下降的,下降率小于1mm.a-1,而在太平洋沿岸则基本上是上升区域;中国沿海海面高度的上升率为1.0mm.a-1左右,它相对于东太平洋沿岸的上升率要小很多。太平洋热容量从海表向下传播的速度是由快变慢的,到170m再由慢变快,到500m达到最快,在500m深度以下又逐渐变慢;在大多数情况下,El Ni o年份整个太平洋的热容量是比较高的,而La Ni a年份的热容量则比较低。  相似文献   

西北太平洋多源微波辐射计海表温度数据交叉比对分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
海表温度产品是研究全球海洋大气系统的重要数据源,在海洋相关领域的研究和应用方面具有重要价值。以西北太平洋海域为研究区域,本文对2013年和2014年3个微波辐射计海表温度产品(AMSR-2,TMI和WindSat)的产品特性和Argo浮标进行了真实性检验,并对3个传感器数据进行了交叉比对分析,具体涉及海表温度分布、温度梯度分布、观测点分布、匹配点分布、平均偏差分布、均方根误差分布、统计分析结果的逐月演变和海表温度误差棒分析。结果表明,3个微波辐射计在空间尺度上都能比较一致地反映西北太平洋海域的海表温度变化趋势。但遥感数据与浮标数据却存在季节性变化和昼夜差异,其中冬季微波数据与浮标数据的平均偏差和均方根误差较小,降轨数据与浮标数据的结果更接近。AMSR-2的海表温度数据质量比TMI和WindSat的海表温度数据更接近Argo数据。相比于WindSat和TMI,AMSR-2和TMI的海表温度数据质量更为接近,但是由于受到近岸陆地信号干扰,AMSR-2和TMI离岸100 km以内海域的数据应当慎用。  相似文献   

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