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《Ocean & Coastal Management》1999,42(6-7):591-601
The intertidal zone around the Suva Peninsula, Fiji, supports separate finfish and invertebrate subsistence fisheries. This important source of fresh marine food for many low-income families around metropolitan Suva is under threat from foreshore reclamation projects and from anthropogenic biochemical pollution. Damage to or loss of this invertebrate intertidal fishery would remove a significant area where urban dwellers can pursue this traditional (non-cash) means of seafood acquisition. In 1996, Suva Peninsula was considered for the development of a marina, hotel, aquarium, roads, walls, and other structures. There is also increasing evidence of a serious anthropogenic TBT (tributyltin) pollution threat to the local invertebrate fishery. Although this substance is well known to have ecologically deleterious effects, its use is unregulated in Fiji. The inputs are likely to be large commercial vessels, and in particular the shipyards around the west side of Suva Harbour, where TBT antifouling coatings are both applied and removed, the old paint debris being allowed to wash into the harbour. Inputs from small boats are probably less important as there are relatively few (<150 boats) but uses of TBT, as a wood treatment chemical, for example, may lead to other inputs (but these have not been investigated). Samples of Anadara antiquata and Gafarium tumidum contained high levels of TBT ranging from <50 ng TBT gm−1 to 240 ng TBT gm−1. Samples of the edible bivalve G. tumidum taken from the Lami Dump intertidal zone had accumulated 10,500 ng TBT gm−1. The values of TBT in Suva Harbour and Laucala Bay sediments have reached levels that are among the highest in the world and indicate that these sediments are functioning as geochemical sinks for this toxic organotin substance.  相似文献   

Bivalve shellfish such as oysters and mussels can concentrate human pathogens when grown in areas impacted by municipal wastewater. Under EU regulation this risk to consumers is controlled by determining the sanitary quality of bivalve shellfish production areas based on the concentration of Escherichia coli present in shellfish flesh. The authors present a modelling approach to simulate an uptake of E. coli from seawater and subsequent depuration by Mytilus edulis. The model that dynamically predicts E. coli concentration in the mussel tissue is embedded within a 3-D numerical modelling system comprising hydrodynamic, biogeochemical, shellfish ecophysiological and the newly proposed microbial modules. The microbial module has two state variables, namely, the concentrations of E. coli in water and in the mussel tissue. Novel formulations to calculate the filtration rates by mussels and the resulting uptake of bacteria are proposed; these rates are updated at every computational time step. Concentrations of E. coli in seawater are also updated accordingly taking into account the amounts ingested by mussels. The model has been applied to Bantry Bay in the south-west of Ireland. The results indicate that the model is capable of reproducing the official classification of shellfish waters in the bay based on monthly sampling at several stations. The predicted filtration rates and ratios of E. coli in water and mussels also compare well with the literature. The model thus forms a tool that may be used to assist in the classification of shellfish waters at much greater spatial and temporal detail than that offered by a field monitoring programme. Moreover, it can also aid in designing an efficient monitoring programme. The model can also be utilised to determine the contribution of individual point sources of pollution on the microbial loading in mussels and, when incorporated into an operational framework, it can provide a short-term forecasting of microbial contamination in a shellfishery. Also, the model can be easily extended to include other shellfish and pathogen species.  相似文献   

Several immune parameters were evaluated in two species of mussels (Mytilus californianus and M. galloprovincialis/M. trossulus) as bioindicators of contaminant effects. The mussels were deployed in San Francisco Bay Estuary and a control site at Bodega Marine Laboratory. Assays for phagocytosis and phagocytic index (average number of particles engulfed per hemocyte) were conducted with hemocytes in their own hemolymph-the "Serum" method. The responses were compared with contaminant concentrations in those mussels. For both species, the contaminated South Bay Dumbarton Bridge and Redwood Creek sites had elevated phagocytosis relative to the Bodega control site, indicating contaminant stress. The results also showed that M. californianus had higher percentages of phagocytosis (74%) and a higher phagocytic index (4.6 particles per cell) than those of M. galloprovincialis/M. trossulus (60% phagocytosis and 3.5 particles per cell). As there is a difference in immune response to contaminants, it is suggested that future San Francisco Estuary monitoring should be conducted with endemic M. galloprovincialis/M. trossulus rather than with the currently utilized M. californianus, which is not found in the estuary.  相似文献   

Concentrations of tributyltin (TBT), dibutyltin (DBT), inorganic and total tin have been measured in water, sediments and deposit feeding clams, Scrobicularia plana, from 25 estuarine locations in England and Wales, in order to compare the bioavailability of different forms of the element. Abnormally high tin values in Scrobicularia from harbours and areas of high boating activity testify to the high bioaccumulation potential of organotins, notably TBT derived from anti-fouling paints, relative to inorganic tin.Infaunal deposit-feeding bivalves consistently contain higher concentrations of TBT than other benthic organisms indicating that sediments may be an important route for uptake. Significant correlations between sediment TBT values and residues in clams such as S. plana (r = 0·81, p < 0·001) support this hypothesis. Direct evidence of the bioaccumulation of sediment-bound TBT is provided from laboratory experiments in which Scrobicularia were exposed to TBT in water and in sediments, either separately or in combination. The results of these experiments clearly demonstrate a predominantly particulate component for TBT uptake in clams.The kinetics of TBT accumulation and elimination were studied in Scrobicularia exposed to sediments containing 0·3 and 1·0 μg/g TBT (as tin). Equilibrium concentrations in tissue are approached after 40 days.Sediments containing 10 μg/g TBT are acutely toxic to S. plana, although such concentrations are only likely to occur close to dockyards and large marinas. Preliminary laboratory and field observations suggest however, that clam populations could be affected at TBT concentrations in sediments of 0·3 μg/g and possibly lower.  相似文献   

The environmental and the economic importance of shellfish stimulated a great deal of studies on their physiology over the last decades, with many attempts to model their growth. The first models developed to simulate bivalve growth were predominantly based on the Scope For Growth (SFG) paradigm. In the last years there has been a shift towards the Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) paradigm. The general objective of this work is contributing to the evaluation of different approaches to simulate bivalve growth in low seston waters by: (i) implementing a model to simulate mussel growth in low suspended matter ecosystems based on the DEB theory (Kooijman, S.A.L.M., 2000. Dynamic and energy mass budgets in biological systems, Cambridge University Press); (ii) comparing and discussing different approaches to simulate feeding processes, in the light of recently published works both on experimental physiology and physiology modeling; (iii) comparing and discussing results obtained with a model based on EMMY (Scholten and Smaal, 1998). The model implemented allowed to successfully simulate mussel feeding and shell length growth in two different Galician Rias. Obtained results together with literature data suggest that modeling of bivalve feeding should incorporate physiologic feed-backs related with food digestibility. In spite of considerable advances in bivalve modeling a number of issues is yet to be resolved, with emphasis on the way food sources are represented and feeding processes formulated.  相似文献   

《Progress in Oceanography》2007,72(2-3):164-194
This paper presents an updated review of our knowledge about Centropages typicus development and growth based on a synthesis of all data found in the literature on stage durations, development rates, size, weight, and C:N ratios. Developmental and growth characteristics have been recorded during field time series and cruises, as well as in controlled laboratory experiments. A few laboratory studies have contributed to an understanding of the impact of food quantity, food quality and temperature on growth and development.C. typicus has a sigmoidal development pattern when the contribution of the different stages to total development time is considered, CIV and CV having much longer durations than preceding stages. The development times of this species are closely related to temperature with a nearly equiproportional development. In turn, food conditions, both in quantity and quality, have less effect on development than on growth rate, leading to large variations in weight within stage, even larger than those predicted from changes in length and biovolume. Actual measurements of weight and biochemical composition are required to better understand the growth of C. typicus in relation to food composition. As a consequence, our review shows that weight–length relationships obtained in particular environmental conditions may be inadequate for others.The combination of a temperature-dependent development rate and a food-dependent growth rate may explain why shelf regions are a more favourable environment for C. typicus as compared to offshore regions, as they support large females, production of more and better quality eggs, and probably better survival of the offspring.  相似文献   

Lugworms (Abarenicola pacifica) were exposed to sediment containing 250 to 1000 ppm Prudhoe Bay crude oil. At concentrations of 500 and 1000 ppm the rate of feeding, as measured by faecal production, was reduced by 70%. Smaller control animals turned over more sediment in proportion to their body size than larger ones. Exposure to oil at high levels abolished this difference by greater depression of the rate of faecal production by smaller individuals.  相似文献   

温度对杂色鲍不同群体生长率与存活率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在16、20、24和28℃这4个设定的水温下,以杂色鲍(Haliotisdiversicolor)日本群体、台湾群体、越南群体和“东优1号”为材料,进行为期40d的养殖试验,对4个杂色鲍群体在不同温度下的壳长日增长率(LGR)和体重日增长率(WGR)进行比较.结果表明,“东优l号”杂色鲍群体在28℃时的LGR和WGR值分别达到162.23±15.79lxm/d和46.52±6.89mg/d,在4个温度下的LGR和WGR值都优于其他3个群体,台湾群体在较高温度(24和28℃)条件下的LGR和WGR值要高于日本群体,而日本群体在较低温度(16和20℃)时的值则高于台湾群体.双因素方差分析的结果进一步表明,温度对杂色鲍不同群体的生长率指标具有显著影响.  相似文献   

Most investigations of the responses of marine organisms to xenobiotics have concentrated on single contaminants and little is known of possible interactive effects of different classes of xenobiotics. As these latter seldom occur in environmental isolation, it is important to understand any interactions (synergistic or antagonistic) which may occur. This problem has been approached in the mussel Mytilus edulis by exposing estuarine mussels to copper (20 μg litre−1) and phenanthrene (100 μg litre−1) both individually and in combination, and measuring cytochemical subcellular and physiological responses after 3 days exposure and 3 days and 12 days recovery period. Results showed that mussels accumulated both xenobiotics during 3 days exposure. Depuration of copper was complete in 3 days recovery period, while loss of phenanthrene ranged from 30% to 70% of the concentration reached after 3 days exposure. There were no interactive effects on depuration.Both copper and phenanthrene reduced lysosomal hydrolase latency in digestive cells, and copper appeared to have a synergistic effect in preventing recovery of latency of lysosomal N-acetyl-β-hexosaminidase during the recovery period. There was evidence, in the digestive cells, of an antagonistic effect of copper on stimulation of activity of the microsomal respiratory chain (measured as NADPH-neotetrazolium reductase) by phenanthrene. Stimulation of this system by phenanthrene persisted after 12 days recovery period. There was a synergistic interaction of copper and phenanthrene on elevation of oxygen consumption and ammonium excretion. Clearance rates and scope for growth (physiological condition) were depressed by copper but not by phenanthrene after 3 days exposure.These findings are discussed in terms of known effects of copper and phenanthrene and the interactions are considered in terms of environmental effects measurements.  相似文献   

三丁基锡(TBT)对牡蛎细胞基因组DNA影响的RAPD分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以僧帽牡蛎(Saccuostrea cucullata)为材料,取其鳃进行组织培养,同时对其进行7个浓度0,0.02,0.2,2,20,200,2000μg/L的三丁基锡(TBT)处理,提取鳃细胞基因组DAN。从38个随机引物中筛选出4个引物,对上述DNA样品进行利用RAPD-PCR扩增分析。结果表明。TBT处理的基因组DNA与对照组样品比较有一定差异,扩增条带总数均有所减少,随TBT处理浓度的不同,条带缺失或者条带深浅变化呈明显差异性,表明不同浓度TBT处理会对DNA造成不同程度的损伤。  相似文献   

Commercial fishermen in many parts of the world perceive marine mammals as competitors for a scarce resource: fish. The importance of predation by marine mammals can be evaluated crudely by considering the marine mammal as a rival fishery whose operation is constrained by physiology and energetic requirements, rather than by catch limits and gear restrictions. Evidence collected from grey seals Halichoerus grypus in the United Kingdom, southern elephant seals Mirounga leonina and beluga whales Delphinapterus leucas shows that published information on distribution, based on the location of breeding sites and sightings in shallow water, may give an unrealistic picture of foraging distribution. Studies of diet and distribution can give an impression of the static nature of the inter-action between a marine mammal and the fishery. However, it is the dynamics of the interaction which are important. A critical question to be posed is how will the consumption of a particular prey species vary with its availability to the predator?  相似文献   

海洋环境中平台钢腐蚀速率的三层BP 神经网络预测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用三层BP神经网络预测海洋环境因素对材料的腐蚀速率的影响。结合实测的pH值、温度、溶解氧、盐度、生物附着等影响因素,分析了上述环境因素对平台钢腐蚀的影响,建立环境因素与腐蚀速率之间的映射关系,预测了平台钢在海洋环境中的腐蚀速率。结果表明,全浸区腐蚀速率预测误差为6.95%,潮差带腐蚀速率预测误差为4.2%,预测精度较高。说明利用三层BP神经网络预测钢在海水中腐蚀速率技术可行,具有较高的预测精度和应用价值。  相似文献   

In order to evaluate effects of contaminants at high latitudes, the effects on scope for growth (SFG) were evaluated for both transplanted and resident blue mussel (Mytilus edulis L.) near large and small harbours in Iceland. Low SFG values were found for mussels at the mouth and in the inner part of the large Reykjavík harbour, which could be attributed to elevated levels of organotins and polyaromatic hydrocarbons. Mussels in smaller and/or less polluted harbours and sites off Reykjavík harbour only showed a slight reduction in SFG. No major effects were found at sites >3 km from the large harbour of Reykjavík. SFG provides valuable information on the effects of harbour pollutants in Iceland, in particular in areas of extensive shipping activity. The use of this biomarker on high latitude organisms is highly relevant due to extended oil exploration at higher latitudes.  相似文献   

Bivalves feed on a combination of phytoplankton and zooplankton and have the potential to impact considerably the planktonic biomass, especially when they occur in high densities, such as in oyster and mussel beds. The brackwater mussel Brachidontes virgiliae is numerically dominant during wet phases within Africa’s largest estuarine lake, St Lucia, in the iSimangaliso Wetland Park on the east coast of South Africa. The ingestion rates and potential grazing impact of this small mussel (maximum shell length = 2.5 cm) were estimated for both the wet and dry seasons using an in situ gut fluorescence technique. Ingestion rates were higher during the wet season (5.78 µg pigment ind.?1 d?1) than during the dry season (4.44 µg pigment ind.?1 d?1). This might be explained by the increased water temperature and food availability during the wet season. Because of the patchy distribution of mussel populations, there could be higher localised grazing impact near mussel aggregations. Results showed a potential grazing impact of up to 20 times the available phytoplankton biomass at specific sites. These high grazing impacts have the potential to deplete phytoplankton stocks in the lake, especially during wet phases in the northern reaches, where mussel densities are highest. This needs to be factored into ecological models of Lake St Lucia, because the system might function differently during increased flood events.  相似文献   

2个凡纳滨对虾全同胞家系在不同盐度下的生长比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在1‰-40‰盐度范围内,设置9个盐度梯度(1‰、5‰、10‰、15‰、20‰、25‰、30‰、35‰、40‰),比较不同盐度对2个具有不同遗传背景凡纳滨对虾Litopenaeus vannamei全同胞家系的影响.结果表明,盐度对2个凡纳滨对虾家系的影响存在较大差异.对虾家系B03在10‰-40‰盐度范围内,体长、体重差异不明显,成活率较高;对虾家系B08在1‰-40‰盐度范围内,体长、体重、增长率具有明显的变化规律,从盐度1‰到15‰逐渐升高,15‰以后逐渐减小.对虾家系B03的成活率整体高于B08的成活率,2个家系均难以适应盐度为1‰和5‰的水体.研究为凡纳滨对虾的家系选育提供一定的数据支持.  相似文献   

方军  李磊  陈琛  曾国权 《台湾海峡》2011,30(1):86-91
2008~2009年,在浙江省海洋水产养殖研究所永兴基地研究了底质、饵料、温度和盐度对平均壳长为32.28±3.98mm的尖刀蛏(Cultelles scalprum)幼贝存活率和生长率的影响.结果表明:尖刀蛏幼贝以软泥底质最佳,实验条件下存活率达到76.7%,其次为沙底质,存活率为71.7%,最差为硬泥底质,存活率仅为60.0%;几种易于大规模培养的微藻中,最适宜的饵料为牟氏角毛藻,实验条件下存活率达到90.0%,生长率达到25.9%,其次为球等鞭金藻和亚心形扁藻;尖刀蛏幼贝存活的适宜温度为10~30℃,最适生长温度为26~30℃;存活的适宜盐度为18~26,最适生长盐度为22.尖刀蛏与其他大多数沿岸贝类一样属于广温广盐性品种,其幼贝更适宜于在盐度较低的环境中生存.  相似文献   

In this paper, the effects of unequal injection rates and different hopping rates on the asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) with a 2-input 1-output junction are studied by using a simple mean-field approach and extensive computer simulations. The steady-state particle currents, the density profiles, and the phase diagrams are obtained. It is shown that with unequal injection rates and different hopping rates, the phase diagram structure is qualitatively changed. The theoretical calculations are in good agreement with Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

Light is an important parameter in algal culturing.In this work,the effects of different light qualities on growth of the marine diatom Chaetoceros gracilis are evaluated.The cells were cultured under light quantum flux density of 60μmol photons/(m2·s)with nine light qualities:LED red light(LR),LED blue light(LB),LED red plus LED blue light(LR+LB),LED white light(LW),fluorescent white light(FW),and combinations of LW and FW lights with increased proportions of red or blue light(FW+LR,FW+LB,LW+LR,and LW+LB).Blue light promoted the growth of C.gracilis largely.Three light qualities,FW+LR,LW+LR,and LR,resulted in the lowest growth rate.Both chlorophyll and carotenoids reached the highest level under LB and the lowest level under LR among monochromatic light sources;however,increasing of the proportion of blue or red light in the white light induced an increase of the chlorophyll and carotenoid concentrations.Light absorption ability of microalgae was critical for the growth of these organisms,as we observed a positive correlation between the extinction coefficient at different wavelengths and the specific growth rate.These findings are of importance to improve the culturing of this alga in bioreactors.  相似文献   

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