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The geochemical data of Hualalai tholeiitic basalts allow extension of the temporal variations established at Mauna Loa back in time, and provide important information for the long-term temporal variation of the Hawaiian lavas. We report new Hf, Pb, Nd, and Sr isotope compositions for 32 Hualalai tholeiitic basalts collected from deep submarine portions of the North Kona region. The samples were collected from the lower section of the North Kona bench (dives K218 and K219), a submarine stratigraphic section at Hualalai volcano's northwest rift zone (dive S690), and an elongate ridge outboard of the central section of the bench (dive S692), during two JAMSTEC Hawaii cruises in 2001 and 2002. The Hualalai shield-stage tholeiitic basalts have magma source isotopic signatures similar to Mauna Loa. The new data shows temporal Pb and Sr isotope trends that correspond to the long-term temporal variations in Loa-trend lavas, and the Hualalai–Mauna Loa lavas seem to show inter-shield geochemical excursions. Variation in Pb and Sr isotopes at Hualalai appears to take place over a longer time scale than at Mauna Loa. The merged Hualalai–Mauna Loa isotopic trends support models where heterogeneous material in the plume conduit is distributed chaotically, with variable cross-sectional density and length scale.  相似文献   

The chemical composition and D/H, and ratios have been determined for the acid hot waters and volcanic gases discharging from Zaō volcano in Japan. The thermal springs in Zaō volcano issue acid sulfate-chloride type waters (Zaō) and acid sulfate type waters (Kamoshika). Gases emitted at Kamoshika fumaroles are rich in CO2, SO2 and N2, exclusive of H2O. Chloride concentrations and oxygen isotope data indicate that the Zaō thermal waters issue a fluid mixture from an acid thermal reservoir and meteoric waters from shallow aquifers. The waters in the Zaō volcanic system have slight isotopic shifts from the respective local meteoric values. The isotopic evidence indicates that most of the water in the system is meteoric in origin. Sulfates in Zaō acid sulfate-chloride waters with δ34S values of around +15‰, are enriched in 34S compared to Zaō H2S, while the acid sulfate waters at Kamoshika contain supergene light sulfate (δ34S = + 4‰) derived from volcanic sulfur dioxide from the volcanic exhalations. The sulfur species in Zaō acid waters are lighter in δ34S than those of other volcanic areas, reflecting the difference in total pressure.  相似文献   

Seepage driving effect on deformations of San Fernando dams   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the process of flow deformation of an earth dam, the seepage force inside the dam plays a role as a driving force. The seepage force acts just like the gravitational force in terms of pushing soils away from their original locations after liquefaction is triggered. This paper draws attention to this seepage driving effect by presenting a set of fully coupled finite element analyses on the well-known San Fernando dams, with the objective of evaluating the impact of this seepage effect. The results indicate that while this effect is always there, its practical significance depends on a number of factors. In the case of the upper San Fernando dam, which experienced a significant, but restricted, downstream movement during the 1971 earthquake, the seepage driving effect was indeed significant. On the contrary, for the lower dam, which failed and slid into the upstream reservoir during the same earthquake, this seepage effect was relatively less pronounced. The detailed results of the analyses reveal the likely mechanisms of failure and deformation of the two dams and the likely cause behind the difference between their responses during the earthquake.  相似文献   

The KII Building was subjected to the San Fernando earthquake on 9 February 1971 without suffering any damage. During the earthquake, strong motion accelerations were recorded at the base, middle and top of the building. The simulation analysis of the building was carried out taking into account the interaction between the building and the soil. The internal viscous damping theory considering the different damping coefficients for the building and the soil was adopted. Comparison of the calculated and observed acceleration time histories as well as the floor response spectra showed satisfactory agreement. On the basis of the response spectrum values, the fact that no damage was observed in this building is justified theoretically.  相似文献   

During the 9 February, 1971 San Fernando earthquake, Building 41 of the Veterans Administration Hospital was in an area of very strong snaking; being directly over a portion of the causative fault; it is estimated that the building experienced a maximum base shear of 60 to 130 per cent of the weight of the structure. It survived with very minor structural damage, although designed with a lateral force coefficient of only 10 per cent. The study attempts to reconcile these facts by analysis of the transverse response of the building. A code-oriented, lateral force analysis is only partially successful in this reconciliation in that it indicates first yield at lateral loads of 15–20 per cent of the weight of the structure, with a capacity of 35–45 per cent if redistribution of loads among the walls is permitted. The capacity against static overturning is 45–50 per cent. A dynamic analysis of a fixed-base three-dimensional linear model of the structure gives essentially the same results. A third study of a two-dimensional, dynamic model incorporating partial uplift and soil yielding indicates that the successful response of the building is attributable to the large strength built into the structure and the beneficial effects of non-linear soil-structure interaction.  相似文献   

An orthogonal set of principal axes is defined for earthquake ground motions. These principal axes are obtained such that the corresponding variances of motion have maximum, minimum and intermediate values and the covariances equal zero. This indicates that the corresponding components of motion along the principal axes are uncorrelated with respect to each other. Since real earthquake accelerograms are assumed to be reasonably well represented by Gaussian random processes, the three components of motion along the principal axes are statistically independent of each other. Using these principal axes and applying the moving-window technique to the ground accelerograms recorded during the San Fernando earthquake of 9 February 1971, time-dependent characteristics of three-dimensional ground motions along principal axes are determined. Results of the analysis indicate significant correlation between directions of principal axes and directions from the recording stations to the fault slip zone. It is concluded that three components of ground motion can be generated stochastically with statistical independence being maintained, provided they are assumed to be directed along principal axes.  相似文献   

Power spectral density which describes frequency content is considered one of the most significant properties to be taken into account when generating ground motions through the use of stochastic processes. Using a smoothed and normalized Fourier amplitude spectrum, frequency content for components of motion along a set of principal axes is estimated. Fourier amplitude spectra obtained by this moving-window technique are presented which show the time dependency of frequency content for motions produced by the San Fernando earthquake of 9 February 1971. A mathematical model to simulate ground motion processes is proposed for which both the intensity and frequency content are non-stationary. Using this mathematical model with parameter characteristics along principal axes similar to those of the motions recorded during the San Fernando earthquake, three-dimensional ground motions are synthetically generated. The properties of the simulated motions show general characteristics similar to the characteristics observed in real accelerograms. The suggested model is considered adequate for engineering purposes.  相似文献   

Studies of the geology, geochemistry of thermal waters, and of one exploratory geothermal well show that two related hot spring systems discharge in Canõn de San Diego at Soda Dam (48°C) and Jemez Springs (72°C). The hot springs discharge from separate strands of the Jemez fault zone which trends northeastward towards the center of Valles Caldera. Exploration drilling to Precambrian basement beneath Jemez Springs encountered a hot aquifer (68°C) at the top of Paleozoic limestone of appropriate temperature and composition to be the local source of the fluids in the surface hot springs at Jemez Springs. Comparisons of the soluble elements Na, Li, Cl, and B, arguments based on isotopic evidence, and chemical geothermometry indicate that the hot spring fluids are derivatives of the deep geothermal fluid within Valles Caldera. No hot aquifer was discovered in or on top of Precambrian basement. It appears that low- to moderate-temperature geothermal reservoirs (< 100°C) of small volume are localized along the Jemez fault zone between Jemez Springs and the margin of Valles Caldera.  相似文献   

The annular (6–8 km diameter) Golda Zuelva and Mboutou anorogenic complexes of North Cameroun are composed of a suite of alkaline plutonic rocks ranging from olivine gabbro to amphibole and biotite granite. For the Mboutou complex there are two overlapping centres. In the Golda Zuelva complex the plutonic rocks are associated with a later hawaiite to rhyolite volcanic suite. A Rb/Sr whole rock isochron gives an age of 66±3 Ma for the Golda Zuelva granites, with initial87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7020, and demonstrates that plutonism and volcanism were essentially contemporaneous and probably cogenetic. For Golda Zuelva and the north Mboutou centre18O/16O (5.6–6.2),87Sr/86Sr (0.7030–0.7045) and Pb isotopic ratios (207Pb/204Pb: 15.60–15.64) support a mantle origin for the initial magmas. Unlike Sr isotopes, the O isotopic ratios of the granitic end members at Golda Zuelva (~7.5) indicate crustal contamination. Post-magmatic alteration was not significant.For the younger south Mboutou centre the O-, Sr- and Pb-isotopic data indicate more extensive magma-crust interaction and in a different (higher level?) crustal environment with δ18O granite=3.3‰,87Sr/86Sr ratios up to 0.706 and Pb isotopic ratios more markedly displaced from the oceanic volcanic field. The low-18O granites probably record, at least in part, a magmatic process with subsequent minor post-magmatic alteration effects. The major and trace element systematics between the north and south Mboutou centres are directly comparable. The evolution of the magmas were dominated by fractional crystallisation and progressive crustal contamination processes.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of lead was determined for two carbonaceous, two H, and two L chondrites. All are falls. The206Pb/204Pb ratios cover a range from 9.45 to 37.33; the207Pb/204Pb ratios range from 10.39 to 26.10. The isotopic data define a207Pb/206Pb age of 4.635 AE. Uranium and lead concentration data indicate that the isotopic lead ages for the Bruderheim chondrite are concordant within approximately 20%. This contrasts with lead data in the literature for chondrites, which consistently indicate discordant isotopic lead ages due to large excesses of radiogenic lead by factors of two or more. The isotopic lead ages for Pultusk may be concordant; those for a sample of Richardton are not. The lack of concordance for Richardton is not due to the analytical procedures, rather it is likely a result of the handling history of the chondrite prior to analysis.The L-3 chondrite, Mezo-Madaras contains such a high concentration of lead - 5.27 PPM - that accurate ratios for primordial lead can be obtained. These are 206Pb/204Pb= 9.310;207Pb/204Pb= 10.296, values which are in close agreement with a recently reported measurement on lead in troilite from the Canyon Diablo iron meteorite.  相似文献   

Isotopic mapping of groundwater perchlorate plumes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Analyses of stable isotope ratios of chlorine and oxygen in perchlorate can, in some cases, be used for mapping and source identification of groundwater perchlorate plumes. This is demonstrated here for large, intersecting perchlorate plumes in groundwater from a region having extensive groundwater perchlorate contamination and a large population dependent on groundwater resources. The region contains both synthetic perchlorate derived from rocket fuel manufacturing and testing activities and agricultural perchlorate derived predominantly from imported Chilean (Atacama) nitrate fertilizer, along with a likely component of indigenous natural background perchlorate from local wet and dry atmospheric deposition. Most samples within each plume reflect either a predominantly synthetic or a predominantly agricultural perchlorate source and there is apparently a minor contribution from the indigenous natural background perchlorate. The existence of isotopically distinct perchlorate plumes in this area is consistent with other lines of evidence, including groundwater levels and flow paths as well as the historical land use and areal distribution of potential perchlorate sources.  相似文献   

Tektites are terrestrial natural glasses produced during a hypervelocity impact of an extraterrestrial projectile onto the Earth's surface. The similarity between the chemical and isotopic compositions of tektites and terrestrial upper continental crust implies that the tektites formed by fusion of such target rock. Tektites are among the driest rocks on Earth. Although volatilization at high temperature may have caused this extreme dryness, the exact mechanism of the water loss and the behavior of other volatile species during tektite formation are still debated. Volatilization can fractionate isotopes, therefore, comparing the isotope composition of volatile elements in tektites with that of their source rocks may help to understand the physical conditions during tektite formation.For this study, we have measured the Zn isotopic composition of 20 tektites from four different strewn fields. Almost all samples are enriched in heavy isotopes of Zn compared to the upper continental crust. On average, the different groups of tektites are isotopically distinct (listed from the isotopically lightest to the heaviest): Muong-Nong type indochinites (δ66/64Zn = 0.61 ± 0.30‰); North American bediasites (δ66/64Zn = 1.61 ± 0.49‰); Ivory Coast tektites (δ66/64Zn = 1.66 ± 0.18‰); the Australasian tektites (others than the Muong Nong-type indochinites) (δ66/64Zn = 1.84 ± 0.42‰); and Central European moldavites (δ66/64Zn = 2.04 ± 0.19‰). These results are contrasted with a narrow range of δ66/64Zn = 0–0.7‰ for a diverse spectrum of upper continental crust materials.The elemental abundance of Zn is negatively correlated with δ66/64Zn, which may reflect that isotopic fractionation occurred by evaporation during the heating event upon tektite formation. Simple Rayleigh distillation predicts isotopic fractionations much larger than what is actually observed, therefore, such a model cannot account for the observed Zn isotope fractionation in tektites. We have developed a more realistic model of evaporation of Zn from a molten sphere: during its hypervelocity trajectory, the molten surface of the tektite will be entrained by viscous coupling with air that will then induce a velocity field inside the molten sphere. This velocity field induces significant radial chemical mixing within the tektite that accelerates the evaporation process. Our model, albeit parameter dependent, shows that both the isotopic composition and the chemical abundances measured in tektites can be produced by evaporation in a diffusion-limited regime.  相似文献   

Nickel has been measured on four Geosecs profiles from the Atlantic and Pacific. The resulting distribution is oceanographically consistent: the concentration levels are over a factor of five lower than any previously reported. Values range from as low as 3 nmoles/kg in surface waters to 12 nmoles/kg in the deep North Pacific. The form of the Pacific profiles indicates that nickel is involved in the biogeochemical cycle and is regenerated both at shallow depths, like phosphate and in the deep waters like silicate. The oceanic residence time is ca. 10,000 years. While ferromanganese phases may be the ultimate sink for nickel they do not control its distribution in the water column.  相似文献   

This paper presents a simple dynamical model for melting and trace element distribution in the Hawaiian mantle plume. I model the plume as a partially molten stagnation point flow against the oceanic lithosphere, and obtain solutions for the temperature, melt migration rate, and trace element concentration within it. Trace element concentrations in the melt exceed simple batch melting predictions by up to 70%. The magnitude of this effect depends strongly on the solid-melt partition coefficientK. Trace elements with differentK therefore experience a “dynamical fractionation” within the plume, and incompatible trace element ratios such asLa/Ce always exceed the batch melting predictions. I suggest a simple model for plume-lithosphere interaction in which melts from these two sources mix in proportions determined by thermodynamic constraints. The model can explain the composition of basalts from Haleakala if the degree of melting of the lithosphereF1 decreases with time from roughly 10% for tholeiites to 2% for alkalic basalts. These values are considerably higher than previous estimates ofF1 < 1%, and imply correspondingly smaller and more realistic values ( 10 km) for the thickness of the melted part of the lithosphere. Partial melting of additional depleted sources such as the asthenosphere is therefore not required by the Haleakala data. Estimates ofF1 are highly sensitive to the values chosen for the partition coefficients, however, and should therefore be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   

Trace element geochemistry of some continental tholeiites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Continental tholeiites from four regions (Late Cretaceous to Early Eocene Deccan Trap lavas of central India, Early Mesozoic tholeiites from the Atlantic margins of Northwest Africa-Morocco, and northeastern North America-Nova Scotia, Canada and Precambrian Coppermine River basalts from Northwest Territories, Canada) differ from MORB by higher concentrations of K, Rb, Ba and Th and to a lesser degree light REE. Their chondrite-normalized trace element patterns show negative Nb anomalies. The distribution and variation of trace elements indicate that the rocks from all the areas studied were affected by interaction with the continental crust. It is suggested that continental tholeiites have been generated from a similar source as oceanic tholeiites and many of their geochemical differences are related to crustal contamination.  相似文献   

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