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作为权力腐败的一种,行政自由裁量权腐败因其具有外部欺骗性,并未引起应有的关注。另一方面,由于行政自由裁量权腐败具有严重的危害性以及近年来该类腐败正呈日增趋势,我们必须对其加强研究并采取相应的实际措施。文章分析了行政自由裁量权腐败的内涵、成囚和危害,并对该类腐败的治理与治理难点进行了探讨。  相似文献   

蓝杭 《中国科技博览》2011,(36):603-603
在中国经济快速发展,政治经济体制改革不断深化的情势下,地方政府官员寻租性腐败现象屡禁不止。从党的十五大开始,中央政府一次又一次强调和加大反腐力度,希望以严惩的法律来规范地方政府官员的行为。近年因此而落马的地方政府官员不计其数。但我国监督机制不够健全、监管不到位等原因,致使我国反腐呈现“力度不小,但都滞后”等的特点。本文拟通过分析诱发地方政府官员寻租性腐败的因素和国外反腐的经验教训,阐述在我国构建一种“权力制约”反腐模式的必要性。  相似文献   

张彦 《中国科技博览》2011,(20):181-181
在现代社会,行政权力已经成为公共行政的主要特征之一,完全渗透到行政管理领域的每一个角落,从而构成了现代政府权力的最核心部分。本文在分析行政权力失范的涵义基础上,重点探讨了行政权力失范的表现及其危害,并旨在从多元视角对行政权力加以制约,从而保证行政权力的正当行使。  相似文献   

孙彬 《中国科技博览》2011,(32):185-185
高校预防腐败的实质是防止权力滥用,对权力加以制衡、牵制、约束,实行有效制约是防止权力滥用的关键。因此,高校应建立“加强思想教育——以道德制约权力”、“落实‘三重一大’制度——以权力制约权力”、“推进民主公开——以权利制约权力”、“完善规章制度——以制度制约权力”四位一体的制约体系,从根本上预防腐败的发生。  相似文献   

黄芳  张帅  文雯 《中国科技博览》2010,(33):193-193
寻租是当前中国政治、经济领域存在的一种腐败现象,本文以社会转型为切入点,分析中国由于转型带来的问题而导致的政府寻租现象,并结合中国在转型时期出现的寻租现象及相关案例,从政府规模、产权界定、软政权这三个方面来探究中国转型时期寻租问题的成因。  相似文献   

廖洪辉 《包装工程》2020,(6):330-330
设计说明:反腐是一个当前社会关注度极高的话题。如果权利缺乏有效监督,极易滋生腐败,而腐败的发生又伴随着金钱和权力的交易。此作品以权钱交易为主题,通过将体现权力的公章和代表金钱的铜钱结合,表达了权力是人民赋予,不允许权力成为个人敛财工具的思路。  相似文献   

行政区划改革属于政府行政体制改革的一个组成部分,因其涉及区域政治权力、经济利益、社会资源的再分配,涉及地域文化的包容与整合,涉及区域中长期发展等敏感话题,历来被认为是行政体制改革的一大难题。为了破解这一难题,我们不妨通过对其与历史上的改土归流举措进行对比分析,或许可以从中得出一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

大学是培养高级专门人才的教育和学术机构,大学存在和发展的基本依据是通过发展学术培养高级专门人才。大学内部行政管理原本就是服务于教学与科研活动的,然而,随着大学的发展而日益扩大的大学内部行政服务组织逐渐异化为大学内部的行政衙门,使大学学术权力让位于行政权力,大学官本位盛行。中国大学内部管理的异化阻碍了大学管理的有效实施,影响了大学的发展。因此大学内部行政组织要树立服务理念,建设服务体系,回归服务本位,这是解决中国大学内部管理问题的关键。  相似文献   

叶颖 《中国科技博览》2009,(25):222-222
一直以来人们对于寻租的关注主要集中在企业和政府之间,然而我们现在发现企业家的寻租行为也会给企业和社会带来巨大危害,因此本文从经济租出发,讨论了租的概念、寻租理论的内涵和外延,还有企业家理论,进而分析了企业家寻租行为的类型和产生的机制,最后提出了一些对策。  相似文献   

寻租是当前中国政治、经济领域存在的一种腐败现象,本文以社会转型为切入点,并结合中国在转型时期出现的寻租现象及相关案例,从缩小政府职能、深化产权改革、完善法律制度三个方面提出解决寻租问题的对策。  相似文献   

空调换热器制冷铜管在安装数月后出现开裂泄漏制冷剂现象。对开裂的管材进行化学成分、力学性能、断口及金相检验分析。结果表明,Al-Cu渗蚀导致铜管底壁变薄,装配、运转应力导致开裂。追踪生产过程,发现火焰自动钎焊工艺中存在的Al-Cu渗蚀现象为铜管底壁变薄主要原因,据此提出相应的有效解决方案。  相似文献   

提高行政服务质量,提升行政服务效能,构建权力阳光运行、简便运行、高效运行的服务型政府是我国行政体制改革的方向。行政服务机构标准化管理为进一步提高行政服务质量、提升行政效能、建设服务型政府提供了新的思路。在分析福建省大力推进全省行政服务中心标准化建设所得成效的基础上,文中进一步总结分析了福建省内各个行政服务中心标准化建设的特色经验。最后针对福建省开展行政服务标准化建设过程中存在的问题提出了全面推进等方面建议。  相似文献   

We develop new expressions for power fading and average power fading that are induced by first-order polarization mode dispersion, polarization-dependent chromatic dispersion, chromatic dispersion, and chirp under both (i) carrier suppressed modulation and (ii) odd-order optical sideband and carrier suppression. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the theoretical analysis. Further, based on the expressions, we propose a technique for optically compensating the polarization mode dispersion-induced power fading in carrier suppressed modulation.  相似文献   

Ning G  Shum P  Aditya S  Liu N  Gong YD 《Applied optics》2006,45(12):2781-2785
We have developed new expressions for power fading and average power fading owing to polarization mode dispersion (PMD) and chromatic dispersion in terms of the angle of precession of the output state of polarization about the PMD vector. Based on these expressions, a simple and novel pilot-tone-based technique for simultaneous monitoring of chromatic dispersion and PMD is proposed. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique; these results agree well with the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

提出了一种实现有功功率和真无功功率双栖测量的方法,对测量方法的原理进行了数学证明,并根据数学公式提出了实现其测量方法的各部分电路原理及其实现方法。对影响测量准确度的关键电路,即功率测量电路的测量非线性度进行了动态分析,提出了电路测量线性度的计算公式,并就影响测量误差线性度的电路关键参数进行了计算机仿真研究。  相似文献   

The ways in which privatization improves labour and productivity across different sectors of the economy are well known. However, how the country's corruption effects productivity - where corruption is not just an indicator of the misuse of public office, but also a measure of poor governance - remains unclear. To examine this issue, panel data analysis was applied to a set of 62 European telecommunication companies between 2012 and 2019 in order to examine the relationship of corruption and the fraction of private ownership on their productivity … This research hypothesized that higher levels of perceived corruption would present a negative relationship with company's productivity and that a higher percentage of private ownership would have a positive relationship with company's productivity. The results confirmed that the association between corruption and telecommunication companies was negative, while the fraction of private ownership had positive association with productivity.  相似文献   

We develop analytical expressions for two frequency-related errors encountered in noise parameter measurements of devices with high-reflection coefficients such as GaAs FET's and HEMT's. The first error is caused by a discrepancy between the measurement frequency of the noise-measuring receiver and the frequency of the reflection coefficient-measuring apparatus. The second is caused by variation of the noise power spectral density across the bandwidth of the noise-measuring receiver. A noise power measurement on a cooled GaAs FET is presented as a demonstration, in which the noise power level exhibits narrow peaks which rise about 10 dB above the general level at regular frequency intervals. It is shown that the severity of both of the frequency-related errors is related to the shape of these peaks. Simple expressions are derived which allow the severity of these two types of errors to be estimated when values are available for the reflection coefficient magnitudes and transmission line lengths in a system. Expressions are also derived which give the variation with frequency of the measured noise power and also of the two error terms, if the noise parameters of the device under test are also available. This analysis accounts successfully for the main features of the experimental noise power observation  相似文献   

There has been increased development in e-government initiatives in countries across Africa and these initiatives have been linked to reduced corruption levels. Although some studies provide evidence of how e-government development contributes to reduced corruption, few studies have analyzed the mediating effects of ICT development and institutional quality on the e-government development—corruption linkage. Relying on secondary data from multiple sources, we used a hypothesized model and Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) to empirically examine the mediating role of these two factors on e-government development on corruption. Our results show that a significant relationship exists between e-government development and ICT development, e-government development and institutional quality as well as ICT development and corruption. Whilst these were all supported in confirming the effects of ICT development on corruption. The findings demonstrate the significant role ICT development and institutional quality play as mediators of e-government effects on corruption. However, the study's direct effects of e-government on corruption was not significant. The research suggests that the ICT development of countries be strengthened. Furthermore, there is the need for an improved quality of a country's institutions as measures to ensure stronger effects of e-government on corruption.  相似文献   

李直  黎胜  刘彦森 《声学技术》2014,33(4):317-321
由于水中结构的振动声辐射要考虑流体加载效应,因此水中结构声辐射的模态分析也与空气中的有所不同。基于辐射声功率的二次型表达式,采用有限元和Rayleigh积分耦合方法,对板结构的水下声功率模态进行了计算分析研究,通过辐射效率、模态振型和辐射声功率等探讨了其特点。结果表明以激励力为变量、考虑了结构阻抗的水下声功率模态具有各阶模态声辐射独立、低频时前几阶模态(特别是第1阶模态)的声辐射占主导地位、模态辐射效率峰值和模态振型物理意义清楚等特点,在水下结构振动声辐射的分析和控制方面有一定实用价值。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role of host-country corruption in private participation projects in emerging markets. Privatization activities, especially in infrastructure development, were traditionally inaccessible to multinational enterprises, but they are nowadays encouraged in many countries. Prior literature on corruption finds two contradictory (“grease” and “sand”) results when examining the consequences of corruption on investments. Drawing on a sample of 1185 projects from 1997 to 2013 in 18 Central and Eastern European Countries, our results show that higher levels of host-country corruption are associated with greater probabilities of failure. Our results also show that including local investors in the ownership structure of the project weakens the negative effect of corruption by reducing the liability of foreignness. In contrast, being a publicly traded project has no moderating effect in the effect of corruption in this region. Therefore, our results highlight that not all common strategies to deal with corruption are equally effective in this region.  相似文献   

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