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红地球葡萄花序拉长剂应用研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
利用改良型葡萄花序拉长剂稀释液单纯浸沾花序和全株喷施,两种方法均能有效的拉长花序,降低坐果率,从而使葡萄果穗较为疏散,果粒充分发育。花序拉长剂使用必需与综合栽培管理技术结合才能形成最佳的效果。  相似文献   

葡萄花序拉长剂--赤霉素的效果和使用技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赤霉素在美国、日本和我国已普遍使用,为扩展它的应用领域,笔者于2001年和2003年在实验园用赤霉素进行葡萄花序拉长试验,探索到一些规律,并逐步在生产上应用.现将试验情况和应用中应掌握的技术介绍给果农,使这项技术发挥应用的作用.  相似文献   

GA3与GA4 7采用2种不同浓度,在花前10d、ld和蛊花期对巨峰(Kyoho)葡萄进行无核处理,花后10d以GA3和CCPU以3种浓度组配进行膨大处理。各处理都使巨峰葡萄的无核率大幅度提高。用GA3处理比用GA4 7处理更有利于巨峰葡萄产生无核果。GA3花前1d处理对其产生的无核效应明显大于花前10d和蛊花期的处理;以花前1dGA312.5mgL^-1 盛花后10dGA3 12.5mgL^-1效果最好,其无核率可达90.91%。GA4 7对提高巨峰葡萄的座果效果比较显著,以花前1dGA4 725mgL^-1 蛊花期GA3 25mgL^-1 CPPU20mgL^-1效果比较好,座果为对照的123.1%。在巨峰葡萄上,用GA3进行处理的果实有变长的趋势,而用GA4 7进行处理的则使果实有变圆的趋势。  相似文献   

沙城产区是中国十大葡萄产区之一,自然条件得天独厚,非常适合葡萄的生长。但是由于各方面的因素,近年来葡萄病虫害发生有增加的趋势,给葡萄生产造成影响,对葡萄产业的发展不利,应该引起高度重视。  相似文献   

GA3在葡萄生产上的应用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
现有的有核或无核品种,使用植物生长调节剂进行调控是十分有效的方法。而赤霉素是与葡萄生长发育最密切相关的生长调节剂,在葡萄生产上被广泛地应用。1 GA3对葡萄无核化处理50年代国外就已经对应用植物生长调节剂诱导有籽葡萄形成无籽果进行了研究。Weaver andMccume(1959)和Stewart(1958)  相似文献   

红地球葡萄因坐果率高,果穗生长紧密,常常产生挤压变形,甚至在果穗中间挤烂、霉变,严重影响红地球葡萄的商品性.通过花序整形、疏化疏果,可以显著改进果穗与果粒的外观和质量,提高果实品质.  相似文献   

以‘美乐’‘马瑟兰’‘西拉’‘黑比诺’为试材,调查倾斜式单干水平蔓(SS)与倾斜式单干双水平蔓(SD)树形对不同葡萄品种果实产量、基础理化指标、酚类物质以及香气物质的影响。结果表明,相比于SS树形,SD树形可显著提高4个葡萄品种的果实产量,可显著提高‘黑比诺’果实糖类物质含量,提高‘美乐’‘马瑟兰’总酚、类黄酮、黄烷三醇、单宁、总花色苷等物质总含量以及‘美乐’‘黑比诺’香气物质含量;可显著降低‘美乐’‘马瑟兰’‘西拉’糖类物质含量,‘西拉’‘黑比诺’总酚、类黄酮、黄烷三醇、单宁、总花色苷等物质总含量以及‘马瑟兰’‘西拉’香气物质含量。以上结果表明,两种树形对不同葡萄品种的基础理化指标、酚类物质以及香气物质影响不一,糖酸、酚类物质以及香气物质含量不仅受树形影响,还与品种有关。  相似文献   

沙城产区酿酒葡萄病虫害综合防治技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
沙城产区是中国十大葡萄产区之一,自然条件得天独厚,非常适合葡萄的生长.但是由于各方面的因素,近年来葡萄病虫害发生有增加的趋势,给葡萄生产造成影响,对葡萄产业的发展不利,应该引起高度重视.  相似文献   

生态因素对酿酒葡萄和葡萄酒品质的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
温度、光照、土壤和水是主要的生态因素,影响产量,浆果成分(花色苷浓度、糖含量、pH、柠檬酸含量和果皮种子的多酚含量)、葡萄酒品质参数(酒精度、苹果酸浓度、柠檬酸浓度、花青苷、总酚、色度、颜色稳定性和口感),并且这些生态因素之间是互相联系的。气候和土壤对葡萄品质的影响可通过葡萄树体含水状况的影响来调节。本综述还阐述了法国著名葡萄酒产区的生态特征,并提出了我国葡萄酒产业在产区和生态建设方面应重视的几个方面。  相似文献   

赤霉素对魏可葡萄无核果实的诱导效果及对品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以二倍体欧亚种葡萄品种魏可为试验材料,在浆果开始生长期用不同浓度的赤霉素处理果穗,研究赤霉素对诱导魏可葡萄无核果实的影响,并对无核果实的性状进行分析。结果表明,在赤霉素为25~125mg/L的处理浓度下均能诱导魏可葡萄产生无核果实,而且随着赤霉素浓度的提高,无核果实数量明显增加,当赤霉素浓度为125mg/L时,果实无核率达到最高,平均为98.5%。当赤霉素浓度为100~125mg/L时无核果实的平均单果重显著高于对照,当赤霉素浓度为125mg/L时无核果实的果型指数和可溶性固形物含量发生了变化,果型指数显著高于对照,而可溶性固形物含量有所下降。  相似文献   

1993 ̄1996年,用GA3,KT30(CPPU)等激素对藤稔葡萄花后10日进行增大处理,以KT30的效果为好,GA3有增大作用,同时可提早上色。生产用KT30 5-10ppm+GA325ppm进行一次增大处理即可。  相似文献   

A brief review of the reproductive system of the grapevine is presented. Phases discussed include floral induction and initiation during early spring, inflorescence primordium growth during summer to dormancy, flower formation at budburst in the subsequent growing season, and finally flowering and berry development. Difficulties in clearly defining and describing some of these developmental stages will be outlined, especially the complex bud system, the morphology of buds at budburst, and the course of flowering. The course of floral development during dormancy and at the time of budburst requires further attention, especially the reported effect that low temperature at budburst leads to increased numbers of flowers. Also, the recent finding that 'intercarpellar' floral organs can be induced by applying auxin is of particular interest and will be described. Case studies from Burgundy vineyards with Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Gamay ovaries and berries will be included.
A detailed analysis of what constitutes a grape bunch will be presented from observations of Chardonnay inflorescences and bunches collected at random after set and at harvest in two seasons from spur-pruned, cane-pruned and hedged vines growing on two sites varying in climate and productivity (Adelaide Hills and Southern Vales of South Australia). This analysis covered variability in numbers of branches and flowers and in per cent berry set, as well as relationships between branch numbers and flower numbers. Relationships between flower numbers and per cent set, per cent set and berry size along the inflorescence, and berry size and seed complement are outlined. Likely implications of inter-bunch and intra-bunch variability for bunch compactness, berry composition and yield components are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of solar radiation on the quercetin and kaempferol contents in the inflorescence of three broccoli cultivars (‘Lord’, ‘Marathon’ and ‘Fiesta’) was investigated from 1999 to 2001. Great differences in the contents of both flavonols, dependent on growing time and cultivar, were found. Quercetin and kaempferol contents varied from 14.3 to 81.0 mg kg−1 f.w. and from 35.9 to 213 mg kg−1 f.w., respectively. Inflorescences of the cultivar ‘Lord’ were characterised by the highest mean content of quercetin and those of cultivar ‘Fiesta’ of kaempferol. The contents of both flavonols were highly positively correlated with total solar radiation in the period from planting to the harvest of broccoli inflorescences.  相似文献   

Opaque boxes were applied to bunches of Shiraz grapes prior to flowering to determine the effect of sunlight on berry development and accumulation of flavonoids. The boxes were designed to maintain airflow while excluding light and thus to minimise changes in temperature and humidity. There was no significant effect of shading on sugar accumulation and in two of the three seasons studied there was no effect on berry weight. Chlorophyll concentration was much lower in the shaded fruit, which appeared pale yellow until veraison. The fruit coloured normally in the shaded bunches and in two of the three seasons there was no significant change in anthocyanin content. Expression of the gene encoding UDP-glucose flavonoid-3-O-glucosyl transferase (UFGT), a key gene in anthocyanin synthesis, increased after veraison and was similar in both shaded and exposed fruit. Anthocyanin composition was altered in the shaded fruit, which had a greater proportion of the dioxygenated anthocyanins, the glucosides of cyanidin and peonidin. Shading had no significant effect on the levels of condensed tannins in the skin or seeds of ripe fruit. Shading significantly reduced the levels of flavonols in the grape skin. In the exposed fruit, flavonol concentration was highest around flowering then declined as the berries grew, but there was an increase in flavonols per berry during ripening. When the boxes were applied before flowering, shaded fruit had much lower levels of flavonols throughout berry development and at harvest the level of flavonols were less than 10% of that in exposed fruit. A gene encoding flavonol synthase (FLS) was expressed at flowering and during ripening in exposed grapes but its expression was greatly reduced in shaded fruit. The results indicate that shading had little effect on berry development and ripening, including accumulation of anthocyanins and tannins, but significantly decreased flavonol synthesis.  相似文献   

赤霉素和链霉素处理对里扎马特葡萄无核化的效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以里扎马特葡萄为试材,研究在葡萄花前7~10d、初花期、盛花期用赤霉素(GA3)和链霉素(SM)处理对里扎马特无核率、单粒重和含糖量的影响。结果表明:盛花期采用25mg/LGA3 100mg/LSM处理果穗,在无核率、单粒重和含糖量方面均可取得良好的效果,其无核率为76%。在初花期采用50mg/LGA3 200mg/LSM处理果穗,无核率高达80.8%,但单粒重和含糖量与对照比较没有明显差异。  相似文献   

GA3和CPPU对凉玉葡萄果实品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本试验以凉玉葡萄为材料,于盛花期使用不同浓度(25mg/L,50mg/L)的赤霉素处理,结合盛花后11d用50mg/L GA3+5mg/L CPPU处理,研究了不同组合处理对凉玉葡萄无核率和果实品质的影响.结果表明,盛花期用50mg/L GA3结合盛花后11d用50mg/L GA3+5mg/L CPPU处理的无核率最高,达100%;且单果最重,为5.05g;果形指数是1.59;但果实可溶性固形物含量最低,仅为15.78%.而盛花期25mg/L GA3结合盛花后11d清水处理的可溶性固形物含量最高,为18.45%.但从GA3和CPPU对凉玉葡萄处理后的综合性状看来,以盛花期50mg/L GA3且盛花后11d 50mg/L GA3+5mg/L CPPU的处理效果较适宜.  相似文献   

Due to the importance of banana consumption in developing countries and producing zinc-rich foods, the objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of banana bunch sprays and bunch stalk feeding with Zn aiming to biofortify this fruit. Zn sprays were carried out with a dose of 80 g ha−1 using ZnCl2 and ZnCl2 combined with a chelating agent in two banana cultivars (‘Maravilha’ and ‘FHIA 18’). Bunch stalk feeding with Zn was carried out by fixing plastic bags on the stem end containing solutions of ZnSO4 (0, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 g L−1) in two banana cultivars (‘Williams’ and ‘Prata Anã’). Both strategies resulted in a maximum fruit Zn content of 0.14 mg 100 g−1. Although it was possible to increase the Zn content in banana fruit from ‘FHIA 18’ and ‘Prata Anã’ cultivars, both strategies did not result in biofortified banana fruit with a Zn level which would fulfil the Zn dietary reference intake (DRI) of 2 mg dia−1 for children. Banana bunch sprays with Zn did not affect the fruit quality, but bunch stalk feeding with Zn resulted in fruits with lower ratio, pH and ascorbic acid content.  相似文献   

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