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Wireless Personal Communications - This paper aims to investigate the identification of sectors of stock exchange that were positively or negatively driven by fundamental monetary tools. A Bayesian...  相似文献   

Terrestrial digital video broadcasting (DVB-T) network planning is the main interest of this article, along with a case study for Greece. The basic principles and the guidelines of the DVB-T planning process are presented, in conjunction with their application to the establishment of the Greek DVB-T allotment plan. The procedures described in this article were followed by the authors during the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) DVB-T planning project that concluded with the ITU's Regional Radiocommunication Conference 2006 (RRC-06), and the Geneva (GE-06) frequency plan for terrestrial digital radio broadcasting.  相似文献   

互联网技术与电信网技术研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
互联网的高速发展,互联网的用户群体的巨大改变,互联网外部环境的巨大变化,使原有的互联网技术和互联网的设计理念已难于适应发展的需要。互联网向何处去已引起世界各国的高度关注,互联网处于发展的十字路口;互联网技术对电信网的强烈冲击使得电信界处于相当被动的局面,电信界在寻找发展方向,寻找技术的突破口,以便自己重新立于主动地位,但至今没有找到,电信网也处于发展的十字路口。电信网和互联网的发展导致下一代网技术的发展。下一代网的关键技术是什么,这些关键技术问题能不能解决,是否可能在近期得到解决并用于商用系统,都是必须重视和研究的问题。  相似文献   

泛在/物联网是信息通信技术发展的趋势之一,它将带动信息产业的整体发展,成为中国经济社会发展的新兴战略性产业.文章基于对传感器网、物联网及泛在网的定位分析,明确了泛在/物联网的内涵,指出泛在/物联网在给中国带来机遇的同时也面临标准化程度不高、关键技术力量薄弱等挑战.文章认为中国必须抓住泛在/物联网发展的战略机遇期,采取切实行动,前瞻性地抢占信息通信技术发展的制高点.  相似文献   

1 Introduction MobileIP[1~3] isanetworklayersolutiontonodemobilityintheInternet.ItmeansthatMobileIPaccomplishesitstaskbysettinguptheroutingtablesinappropriatenodes,suchthatIPpacketscanbesenttomobilenodesnotconnectedtotheirhomenetworklinks. AlthoughMobileIPissuitedformacro mobility ,itfailstosupportmicro mobilityefficiently[4~5] .MobileIPrequirestheMobileNode (MN)toregis terwiththeHomeAgent (HA)andtheCorrespon dentNode (CN)whenitchangesitspointofattach mentintheInternet.Therefor…  相似文献   

介绍了河南省驻马店地区证券公司的网上交易系统的结构及网络系统和数据传输系统的安全问题;最后对该系统的优点进行了分析。  相似文献   

采用分级光交换的全光网络成本分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用分级光交换的WDM全光网,考虑其端H需求和成本,分类分析了网络业务模式和结构形式,进而提出一般数学模型。由计算得出:采用分级光交换结构的网络可以减少对设备端H数的需求,从而大幅度降低整个网络的成本,如有19个节点的环网可节省65%左右。该模型不仅适用于环网,也适用于环带链、多环以及格状网等结构;不仅可用于集中型、分布型业务模式,还可以延伸到任意的业务模式情况。  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - The secret key swap over protocol is developed using a Whale Optimization-guided Three Layer Neural Networks coordination mechanism in this article. An adversary...  相似文献   

在互联网和OTT业务对传统电信业造成冲击的背景下,国际运营商纷纷进行互联网化转型探索。文章对AT&T、T-Mobile、NTT DOCOMO、LG U+等主流运营商互联网化转型实践进行分析研究,通过阐述典型运营商在公司战略、市场策略、管理机制等方面的互联网化转型举措,总结经验,以期为国内运营商转型发展提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

The existing Internet technologies and the original Internet design concept cannot meet the requirement of development, due to the fast development of the Internet, great changes of the Internet user groups and the tremendous transformation of the Internet external environment. The Internet is at a development crossroad; and its direction of development has attracted great attention from the world. On the other hand, the telecom industry is in a rather passive position as the result of the great impact the Internet technology has posted on it. The telecom industry has failed in defining its own developing direction and technology breakthrough; therefore, it is also at a crossroad. The development of both the Internet and the telecom networks will lead to the development of Next Generation Network (NGN) technologies. Industrial attention and research should be focused on the key NGN technologies, solutions to problems in the development of these technologies, and their commercialization in a short term.  相似文献   

This paper is based on a study made by the author in 1972-1973. The cost information corresponds to 1970. Although wealth and population density vary somewhat between Latin American countries, the region can be considered, as a group, better off than the other underdeveloped regions of the world. The network studied is probably among the best in the region. The paper is addressed to the issue of service-related cost allocation in the actual telephone network of Costa Pica. Although it is theoretically impossible to determine univocally average costs for the different services (due to joint costs), computations are made on the basis of hopefully reasonable assumptions. Marginal costs can be computed univocally, and are computed for long distance links on a dynamic framework, and for urban networks on a comparative-statics framework. Pricing policies are a natural outcome of this study. However, the only price structure that can be computed using only the information included is efficient pricing. Efficient pricing under financial or other constraints requires an understanding of consumer behavior. Among the findings worth mentioning is the interdependence of the cost structure and technological changes. Examples of this are the lesser importance of holding time in common control exchanges vis-à-vis step-by-step, the lesser importance of distance in long-distance traffic in mircowave links vis-à-vis physical pairs. The notable disparity between cost and rates in modern longdistance links, resulting in cross-subsidization from long-distance to urban networks, is a very important issue in most telephone networks.  相似文献   

网络编码能极大地提高网络吞吐量和传输可靠性.编码机会易受到数据包数量不公平性的影响,提出一个具有最小延迟代价的网络编码方法(MDCNC).首先找到一条固定路由并确定该路由所经过的每一节点的编码能力,然后根据数据流在不同节点处以及不同时隙的可编码情况,灵活地应用该延迟发送策略,以牺牲较小的端到端延迟时间换取更多的编码机会.仿真结果表明,MDCNC能够带来更多的编码机会,进而使网络拥有更高的吞吐量.  相似文献   

介绍了目前接入网同本地交换机之间的接口技术,分析了它们的优缺点。  相似文献   

石文华  杜瑜  张晓航 《中国通信》2012,9(12):153-163
Performance indicators play some impor-tant roles in enterprise operation. Both researchers and managers have recently pointed out that the identification of correlation between different per-formance indicators may lead to a better under-standing of business. However, it is becoming more and more difficult to measure and analyze these in-dicators since the fast growing number of perform-ance indicators and the complex relationships be-tween them. The existing categories failed to reflect these changes in an adequate way, and the quantita-tive analysis methods for identifying the characters of those performance indicators are still worthy of investigation. The main objective of this paper is to propose a practical methodology for managing and analyzing performance indicators in enterprises, which focuses on building up a performance indica-tor system and discovering the characters of those performance indicators by applying complex net-work methods. The empirical results of a telecom-munication enterprise show that the proposed meth-od can be effective in understanding the correlations between performance indicators.  相似文献   

车载物联网技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于车载无线通信技术的新进展,文章讨论了未来车载网络中不同网络协议层面临的挑战;信息传播是车载网络研究中最重要的研究课题之一,文章围绕信息这一中心元素,讨论了宏观和微观信息传播过程中面临的挑战;文章还介绍了美国和欧洲几个典型的车载网络应用案例。  相似文献   

The evolution of wireless networks has motivated the expansion of the static business environment to a mobile and wireless one. However, current and forthcoming wireless technologies are characterized by different attributes, regarding coverage area, offered bandwidth and delay. The transparent conjunction of various wireless technologies into a single mobile terminal can further boost the wireless explosion. This paper presents the Wireless Convergence Architecture (WCA) that incorporates different wireless interfaces under the same mobile terminal. Depending on the location and the availability of the underlying wireless network, automatic and seamless switching is performed to the most appropriate wireless network interface. Special care is taken to maintain continuous connectivity at the transport layer (TCP). WCA introduces software components both at the terminal and network side. A specific implementation is presented, based on two complementary wireless technologies – in terms of coverage area – an IEEE 802.11-compliant in the short local and a GSM in the wide area. To demonstrate the operational correctness of the architecture, experiments were performed using standard and proprietary networking applications.  相似文献   

IKE是 IETF制定的 Internet环境下的密钥交换协议。从 IKE的安全机制入手,针对IKE可能遭到的攻击和协商模式两方面讨论其安全性能。对IKE安全性能进行改进的最新进展。  相似文献   

邢小良 《中国新通信》2002,4(1):117-117
1Internet上网卡的管理现状Internet上网卡在Internet发展过程中曾经起了一定的作用。特别是Internet业务的促销中,起了相当大的作用。在和联想等合作伙伴进行联合推动用户上网的过程中,已经起了并正在起着积极的作用。但是我们也应该看到,目前Internet上网卡的管理办法并不是很合理。目前,我省的163上网卡是由163网的后台计费系统中独立的一个子系统进行管理和计费的。它只能对上网的信息费进行计费,而不能对上网的电话费进行计费。有时用户可能需要两张卡来上网,一张用于电话费;另一张用于上网费。这不仅对用户的使用造成…  相似文献   

移动互联网业务能力开放研究   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
移动互联网业务是通信领域最具发展潜力的业务,通过构建移动互联网业务能力开放环境,将移动网络特有元素通过API形式开放,可促进移动、互联网元素的融合,构建具有差异化的移动互联网业务。本文对移动业务能力开放关键特征和要素进行了分析,提出基于Mashup技术实现移动、互联网元素融合的业务能力开放平台,并结合能力开放平台通过移动互联网差异化应用案例进行验证分析。  相似文献   

The Internet has been growing tremendously in the recent years and applications like web browsing are becoming increasingly popular. In a collective effort to provide seamless access to the Internet, wireless equipment manufacturers and service providers are developing 3G wireless systems that efficiently support current and future Internet applications. In this paper, we evaluate the performance and capacity of a 3G wireless data system based on IS-2000 standard. We consider web browsing as the common application for all users and evaluate the system performance for single and parallel web browsing sessions. We perform this study through a detailed simulation of web traffic model described by distributions of number of objects per page, object size, page request size and page reading time. The simulation includes HTTP and TCP/IP protocols, link level recovery, radio resource management, mobility, channel model and, delays in the Internet and the radio access network. We quantify important system attributes like average page download times and system throughput (Kb/s per carrier per sector). We also evaluate normalized object download time, normalized page download time, penalty in performance due to link errors, link layer buffer sizes needed, channel holding time, average power used and distribution of the power used in the system.  相似文献   

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