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目的 探讨成人难治性癫痫的临床特点.方法 采用回顾性分析与现场调查相结合的方法,对35例难治性癫痫患者与34例数药物治疗有效的癫痫患者的临床资料进行分析、比较.结果 与药物有效癫痫组相比,难治性癫痫组病程长、儿童期发病比例高、发作次数多、多种发作类型并存、女性月经期癫痫、抑郁状态发生几率明显增高;脑电图和CT或MRI异常的几率增高.结论 早期诊断并采用合适的方法治疗将在一定程度上改善难治性癫痫的预后.  相似文献   

发笑性癫痫(Gelastic seizure,GS)是一种不合时宜的以爆发性发笑为主要临床特点,伴或不伴其他癫痫性发作事件的癫痫发作类型,按症状出现时间、有无情绪改变及意识障碍情况分为单纯性和非单纯性发笑发作。笑的产生的神经通路主要分为情感和意志两大通路,其神经网络涉及了额叶、岛叶、边缘叶、颞叶、脑干等相关神经结构。GS最常见的病因为下丘脑错构瘤,立体定向脑电图可以记录到病变本身的放电,手术切除下丘脑错构瘤可以使大多数患者GS发作立即消失,少数患者症状得到部分改善其头皮脑电图仍可监测到癫痫样放电,尽早手术治疗可能改善预后。非下丘脑源性GS,影像学检查无明显异常者,脑电图多为局灶性放电并且对抗癫痫发作药物治疗效果较好,而影像学提示结构异常的患者多为多灶性放电且对药物治疗效果较差,少数药物难治性非下丘脑源性的GS手术治疗可以有效控制症状。本文对GS这一个较为少见的癫痫发作类型的病因、涉及的神经网络、脑电特点、治疗选择进行综述,以期提高对该病的认识。  相似文献   

目的 探讨小儿颞叶癫痫的临床特征及脑电图特点。方法收集16例颞叶癫痫患儿,对其发作的临床特点及脑电图资料进行分析,对比难治性癫痫的脑电图变化规律。结果患儿的癫痫发作形式主要表现为单纯部分性发作、复杂部分性发作、继发全面性发作。单纯部分发作频率高而持续时间短,复杂部分发作持续时间长但发作频率低并常见发作后朦胧状态。颞叶癫痫的脑电图特点:背景正常者约占62.5%(10/16);背景异常约占37.5%(6/16);异常放电及部位:颞叶棘波或慢波放电,表现为单侧或双侧同步或不同步放电。结论小儿颞叶癫痫是一组部分性症状性癫痫综合征,多表现为复杂部分发作,临床发作及同步脑电图特点可为临床诊治提供帮助。  相似文献   

目的 探索癫痫患者易演变为难治性癫痫(refractory epilepsy,RE)的早期预测因素,为临床尽早处理RE提供理论依据。方法 收集173例诊断明确、治疗合理的癫痫患者,分为药物难治性癫痫(drug non-responsive epilepsy,DNR-EP)组(106例)和药物有效性癫痫(drug-responsiveepilepsy,DR-EP)组(67例)。通过观察癫痫患者早期临床特点,采用多因素Logistic回归分析,探索癫痫患者易发展为RE的预测因素。结果 多因素Logistic回归分析显示:初次治疗前>10次发作(OR =4.46,95% CI 1.60~12.40,P=0.004)、早期伴智能障碍(OR=19.87,95% CI 3.60~ 109.78,P=0.001)、治疗后脑电图仍有癫痫波样异常(OR=7.57,95% CI 2.54~22.56,P<0.01)是癫痫患者易发展为RE的预测因素;而初次使用抗癫痫药物(AEDs)治疗效果良好是RE的保护因素(OR=0.05,95% CI 0.018 ~0.139,P<0.01)。结论 初次治疗前发作次数多、早期伴智能障碍、治疗后脑电图仍有癫痫波样异常、初次AEDs治疗效果差的癫痫患者易发展为RE。  相似文献   

目的 调查新诊断癫痫患者中难治性癫痫(Refractory Epilepsy,RE)的发生率,探索早期预测RE的危险因素.方法 以2009年RE新定义为标准,将新诊断癫痫患者分为RE组和非RE组,观察其RE的发生比例;通过单因素和多因素logistic回归分析,比较两组患者的临床特点,探索癫痫患者易发展为RE的预测因素.结果 本研究共收集156例诊断明确、治疗合理的癫痫患者,平均随访5年,其中22例为RE患者,RE发生率为14.10%.单因素1ogistic回归分析显示:部分性发作、多种癫痫发作类型、病程中发作类型改变与RE有关;未发现性别、初次发病年龄、治疗前发作次数、睡眠中发作、隐源性或症状性癫痫、家族史、围产期危险因素史、热性惊厥史、既往脑损伤史、早期智能障碍、脑影像学异常、治疗前及治疗早期EEG异常与RE有关;多因素logistic回归分析显示:部分性癫痫发作(OR=4.13,95%CI 1.54~11.08,P=0.005)、病程中发作类型改变(OR=7.04,95%CI 1.19~41.66,P=0.031)是癫痫患者易发展为RE的预测因素.结论 新诊断癫痫患者演变为RE的机率较低,部分性癫痫发作、病程中发作类型改变的癫痫患者易发展为RE.  相似文献   

目的研究颞叶癫痫患者病史、脑电图、头颅影像学资料等与其预后的关系。方法回顾分析我院确诊的99例颞叶癫痫患者病史、头颅影像学资料、发作间期脑电图资料、药物疗效,依据药物疗效分为难治性癫痫组46例,非难治性癫痫组53例,比较两组间差异。结果比较两组间差异发现:头颅MRI异常(χ2=7.55,P<0.01)、发作间期脑电图(electroencephalogram,EEG)反复异常(χ2=8.21,P<0.01)、初发年龄小(Z=-3.81,P<0.01)、病程长(Z=-4.41,P<0.01)与难治性颞叶癫痫有关。结论头颅MRI异常、发作间期EEG反复异常、初发年龄小、病程长为颞叶癫痫预后的不良因素。  相似文献   

额叶癫痫发作录像脑电图特点分析   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
目的通过录像脑电图观察额叶癫痫的临床特征、发作期及发作间歇期的脑电图特点。方法使用录像脑电图(videoEEG,VEEG)对50例确诊为额叶癫痫的患者进行常规及长时间记录,对其中17例(20次)癫痫发作的临床表现及脑电图所见进行分析。结果额叶癫痫常见的发作形式有:姿势性发作,具有额叶癫痫特点的自动症;复杂部分性发作时伴发声、偏转或表情的变化,有时出现发作性情绪改变或强迫思维等少见症状。其发作特点为:持续时间短,发作相对较频繁,无明显发作后意识障碍。发作间歇期脑电图有时可无阳性所见,典型的临床发作及发作时VEEG记录到的额部爆发性节律有助于诊断。本组9例儿童期起病的额叶癫痫患者,以夜间频繁的躯体自动症发作为主,检查均未发现相应的脑器质性病变。脑电图睡眠描记可见频繁的额部导联癫痫样放电。临床治疗观察预后良好,提示可能为一组儿童原发性部分发作型癫痫综合征。结论额叶癫痫是一组较为特征性的癫痫综合征,临床并不少见,及时而正确的诊断有助于治疗。  相似文献   

目的通过5例热性感染相关性癫痫综合征(Febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome,FIRES)患儿的诊治分析并文献复习,探讨生酮饮食(Ketogenic diet,KD)的治疗效果。方法回顾性分析2016年8月—2019年9月四川大学华西第二医院小儿神经科收治的5例KD治疗FIRES患儿的临床情况,结合文献资料,总结其疾病特点、预后和KD治疗效果。结果 5例FIRES患儿年龄(5.8±2.0)岁,男女比例2∶3,均为发热诱导继之出现药物难以控制的癫痫持续状态,发热至首次抽搐发作间隔4~7天,前驱症状为上呼吸道感染、头晕呕吐、乏力、精神萎靡、食欲不振等,抽搐表现为局灶、局灶继发全身或全面性发作,脑电图呈背景节律慢化、多灶性痫性放电改变,病程早期头部影像学检查基本正常,随着病程进展,逐步出现脑萎缩改变,额、顶、枕叶、脑室旁可见异常信号影。多种抗癫痫药物、激素、丙种球蛋白、血浆置换等治疗效果差,认知损害严重。启动KD治疗后2周内起效,抽搐情况减少,其中1例得到完全控制,认知功能基本恢复正常,仅伴轻度学习障碍;2例抽搐减少50%以上,遗留轻中度认知损害,另2例长期治疗效果差,遗留难治性癫痫发作和重度智力障碍。结论 FIRES是一种严重的癫痫性脑病,绝大多数可遗留严重的认知功能损害和难治性癫痫发作,药物治疗及预后差,KD治疗有益于控制急性期FIRES患儿癫痫发作。  相似文献   

目的观察发作性运动诱发性肌张力障碍(PKD)的临床表现、脑电图特征,提高对本病的认识及选择有效的治疗药物。方法回顾性分析12例PKD患者的临床资料、脑电及影像学改变,并结合文献进行总结分析。结果临床症状表现为发作性运动诱发性手足扭转、肢体僵直、舞蹈手足徐动征等,有明确的运动诱发因素,同步脑电记录无异常,正确选择抗癫痫药物可有效控制其发作。结论 PKD是一种少见的运动障碍疾病,应与癫痫、假性发作、TIA、部分性发作等相鉴别。对抗癫痫药物敏感,早期诊断早期治疗预后较好。  相似文献   

目的 探讨经司法精神病鉴定为生精神病障碍者的脑电图(EEG)改变特点,及与精神障碍表现、临床发作类型、案件类型的关系。方法 对52例经司法精神病鉴定为癫痫性精神障碍患者的EEG资料进行回顾性分析。结果 常规EEG异常率为58%。广泛异常22例,其中轻度11例,中度9例,重度2例;局灶性异常8例。智能障碍、人格改变并智能障碍异常率均较高,且大多为广泛异常。伤害罪、抢劫罪、纵火罪、杀人罪及被奸淫案异常  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to find out the profile of intractable epilepsy (IE) in a tertiary referral centre. 100 patients (males 67; females 33) with IE attending the epilepsy clinic were evaluated. Detailed history, examination, investigations like EEG and CT scan and details regarding pharmacotherapy were analysed. The age of the patients ranged from 5 to 70 yrs (mean=23.2 yrs). Mean duration of seizures was 11.44 years. Commonest seizure type was partial seizures (74%). Amongst patients with generalised seizures (26%), 14% had multiple seizure types. The seizure frequency was 12.39 +/- 21.57 (mean +/- SD) per month. Fifty seven patients were in the symptomatic group with CNS infections being the leading cause (19%) of epilepsy. Fifty patients had one or more abnormal predictors of IE. There was no difference in the severity of epilepsy in patients with no abnormal feature when compared with patients having abnormal features. EEG was abnormal in 69% cases with background abnormality in 20% and focal abnormality in 36% cases. CT scan was abnormal in 41% cases with commonest abnormality being neurocysticercosis (11%) followed by gliosis (9%) and chronic infarct (9%). Sixty patients were receiving a combination of two drugs, 32 patients 3 drugs and 8 patients were on 4 drugs. There was no difference in seizure control in patients who were on 2 drugs or more than 2 drugs. Partial seizures were the commonest seizure type leading to IE; CNS infection being the leading aetiological factor. The presence or absence of predictors of intractability does not predict severity of epilepsy. Addition of third primary drug to existing combination only increases adverse effects without better control of seizures.  相似文献   

Lu Y  Yang L  Worrell GA  He B 《Clinical neurophysiology》2012,123(7):1275-1283
ObjectiveTo investigate the usage of a high-density EEG recording system and source imaging technique for localizing seizure activity in patients with medically intractable partial epilepsy.MethodsHigh-density, 76-channel scalp EEG signals were recorded in 10 patients with partial epilepsy. The patients underwent routine clinical pre-surgical evaluation and all had resective surgery with seizure free outcome. After applying a FINE (first principle vectors) spatio–temporal source localization and DTF (directed transfer function) connectivity analysis approach, ictal sources were imaged. Effects of number of scalp EEG electrodes on the seizure localization were also assessed using 76, 64, 48, 32, and 21 electrodes, respectively.ResultsSurgical resections were used to assess the source imaging results. Results from the 76-channel EEG in the 10 patients showed high correlation with the surgically resected brain regions. The localization of seizure onset zone from 76-channel EEG showed improved source detection accuracy compared to other EEG configurations with fewer electrodes.ConclusionsFINE together with DTF was able to localize seizure onset zones of partial epilepsy patients. High-density EEG recording can help achieve improved seizure source imaging.SignificanceThe present results suggest the promise of high-density EEG and electrical source imaging for noninvasively localizing seizure onset zones.  相似文献   

Most children who are seizure free on antiepilepsy drugs for 2 or more years remain seizure free when taken off antiepilepsy drugs. We studied 27 children with well-controlled epilepsy in whom seizures unexpectedly recurred after antiepilepsy drug withdrawal. Seizures were focal in 20 of 27 cases (74%). In 11 of the 20 cases (55%), there was also a late onset of seizures (after 2 years) and an abnormal electroencephalogram (EEG) at antiepilepsy drug withdrawal. Of the remaining 9 patients with focal seizures, 3 (15%) had only a late seizure onset, 3 (15%) had only an abnormal EEG, and 3 (15%) had neither a late onset of seizures nor an abnormal EEG. In the 7 patients without focal seizures, 6 of 7 (86%) had a late seizure onset and/or an abnormal EEG. Our study suggests that partial seizures can be the most important predictor of unanticipated seizure recurrence when antiepilepsy drugs are withdrawn, particularly with late onset of seizures and an abnormal EEG at antiepilepsy drug withdrawal. A large, multicenter, prospective study looking at these and other potential risk factors for seizure recurrence is needed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hemispheric brain lesions are commonly associated with early onset of catastrophic epilepsies and multiple seizure types. Hemispheric surgery is indicated for patients with unilateral intractable epilepsy. Although described more than 50 years ago, several new techniques for hemispherectomy have only recently been proposed aiming to reduce operatory risks and morbidity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We present the clinical characteristics, presurgical workup, and postoperative outcome of a series of pediatric patients who underwent hemispherectomy for medically intractable epileptic seizures. Thirty-nine patients with medically intractable epilepsy underwent surgery from 1996 to 2005. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: We analyzed demographic data, interictal and ictal EEG findings, age at surgery, surgical technique and complications, and postsurgical seizure outcome. There were 74.4% males. Tonic and focal motor seizures occurred in 30.8 and 20.5% of the patients. Most frequent etiologies were Rasmussen encephalitis (30.8%) and malformation of cortical development (23.1%). Postsurgical outcomes were Engel classes I and II for 61.5% of the patients. In general, 89.5% of the patients exhibited at least a 90% reduction in seizure frequency. All patients had acute worsening of hemiparesis after surgery. Basically, two surgical techniques have been employed, both with similar results, although a trend has been noted toward one of the procedures which produced consistently complete disconnection. Patients with hemispheric brain lesions usually have abnormal neurological development and intractable epilepsy. When video-EEG monitoring and magnetic resonance imaging show unilateral disease, the patient may evolve with a good surgical outcome. We showed that a marked reduction in seizure frequency may be achieved, with acceptable neurological impairments.  相似文献   

Summary: Purpose: This retrospective study reports the long-term surgical outcome of patients with medically refractory epilepsy and vascular malformations who were treated with lesionectomy. A detailed analysis of surgical failures had been performed in an attempt to define predictors of surgical success and failure.
Methods: Fifteen patients with medically intractable epilepsy and angiographically occult vascular malformations (AOVMs) were treated surgically with lesionectomy at Duke University Medical Center. Lesionectomy consisted of removal of the AOVM and surrounding hemosiderin-stained brain only, without the use of electrocorticography (ECoG) to guide resection.
Results: Eleven (73%) patients are seizure free after lesionectomy. Three showed no significant improvement, and one patient died, presumably after a seizure. Age of onset, duration of seizures, age at resection, and gender did not affect outcome. All patients with neocortical AOVMs in whom EEG findings correlated with the site of the lesion were seizure free after lesional resection. Treatment failures were associated with the presence of multiple intracranial lesions, poorly localized or diffuse EEG findings, discordant positron emission tomography (PET) imaging, or with a lesion in close proximity to the limbic system.
Conclusions: Lesionectomy, with removal of surrounding hemosiderin-stained brain, can be considered the procedure of choice in carefully selected patients with epilepsy with occult vascular malformations.  相似文献   

We describe a syndrome of medically intractable occipitotemporal epilepsy of nontumoral developmental origin and its treatment by surgery. From our epilepsy surgery database of 1988 to 1996, we selected all patients without neoplasm who had at least two characteristics localizing to the occipital lobe (clinical symptoms, interictal focus, ictal onset, or a lesion on magnetic resonance imaging scanning) and one to the temporal lobe (interictal spikes or seizure onset). We discuss seizure characteristics, electroencephalographic (EEG), magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomographic, and single-photon emission computed tomographic findings, pathological findings, surgical approach, outcome from resective surgery, and implications for pathophysiology. Sixty-nine percent of our 16 patients with occipitotemporal syndrome had neuronal migration disorder, suggesting a developmental etiology of this entity. Initial signs or symptoms suggested occipital lobe seizure onset in 13 of 16 patients. On scalp EEG, interictal spikes were localized to the temporal lobe in 9 and to the occipital lobe in 1; seizure onset was poorly localized. Intracranial EEG localized seizure onset to the area of temporo-occipital junction in 77% of patients. Positron emission tomography and single-photon emission computed tomography showed occipital and temporal or widespread deficits, and neuropsychological performance was diffusely abnormal. Surgical results were best with occipital and temporal resections, but sometimes satisfactory after occipital resection even with temporal (ipsilateral) EEG findings. Temporal resection with hippocampectomy uniformly failed to control seizures. An often refractory, probably developmental epileptic syndrome with regional occipitotemporal distribution can be diagnosed by a specific constellation of findings, which has implications for treatment and pathophysiology.  相似文献   

Clinical predictors of intractable childhood epilepsy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine the clinical, electroencephalographic, and radiological factors associated with medically intractable seizures in children in the Al Ain Medical District in the United Arab Emirates. METHODS: This work used a prospective case-control study of children referred to pediatric neurology and neurodevelopmental clinics at Tawam and Al Ain University Hospitals. RESULTS: There were 55 children with intractable epilepsy; their data were compared with 50 children who responded well to antiepileptic drugs and who were seizure-free for at least 2 years. Onset <1 year of age, a high seizure frequency at onset, positive history of neonatal seizures, developmental delay and status epilepticus, neurological deficits, and abnormal brain imaging results were found to be significantly more common in the study group. Symptomatic localization-related epilepsy was more common in children in this group than in the control group. CONCLUSION: Our study suggests that children who present with idiopathic localization-related and generalized epilepsy syndromes with few seizures at onset and with no neurological deficits tend to have a relatively good prognosis.  相似文献   

Ictal magnetoencephalography in temporal and extratemporal lobe epilepsy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
PURPOSE: We evaluated visual patterns and source localization of ictal magnetoencephalography (MEG) in patients with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and extratemporal epilepsy (ETE). METHODS: We performed spike and seizure recording simultaneously with EEG and MEG on two patients with TLE and five patients with ETE. Scalp EEG was recorded from 21 channels (10-20 international system), whereas MEG was recorded from two 37-channel sensors. We compared ictal EEG and MEG onset, frequency, and evolution and performed MEG dipole source localization of interictal spikes and early ictal discharges and co-registered dipoles to brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We correlated dipole characteristics with intracranial EEG, surgical resection, and outcome. RESULTS: Ictal MEG lateralized seizure onset in both TLE patients and demonstrated ictal onset, frequency, and evolution in accordance with EEG. Ictal MEG source analysis revealed tangential vertical dipoles in the anterolateral angle in one patient, and anterior dipoles with anteroposterior orientation in the other. Intracranial EEG revealed regional entorhinal seizure onset in the first patient. Both patients became seizure free after temporal lobectomy. In ETE, ictal MEG demonstrated visual patterns similar to ictal EEG and had concordant localization with interictal MEG in all five patients. Two patients underwent surgery. Ictal MEG localization was concordant with intracranial EEG in both cases. One patient had successful outcome after surgery. The second patient did not improve after limited resection and multiple subpial transections. CONCLUSIONS: Ictal MEG can demonstrate ictal onset frequency and evolution and provide useful localizing information before epilepsy surgery.  相似文献   



To investigate the feasibility of using noninvasive EEG source imaging approach to image continuous seizure activity in pediatric epilepsy patients.


Nine pediatric patients with medically intractable epilepsy were included in this study. Eight of the patients had extratemporal lobe epilepsy and one had temporal lobe epilepsy. All of the patients underwent resective surgery and seven of them underwent intracranial EEG (iEEG) monitoring. The ictal EEG was analyzed using a noninvasive dynamic seizure imaging (DSI) approach. The DSI approach separates scalp EEGs into independent components and extracts the spatio-temporal ictal features to achieve dynamic imaging of seizure sources. Surgical resection and intracranial recordings were used to validate the noninvasive imaging results.


The DSI determined seizure onset zones (SOZs) in these patients were localized within or in close vicinity to the surgically resected region. In the seven patients with intracranial monitoring, the estimated seizure onset sources were concordant with the seizure onset zones of iEEG. The DSI also localized the multiple foci involved in the later seizure propagation, which were confirmed by the iEEG recordings.


Dynamic seizure imaging can noninvasively image the seizure activations in pediatric patients with both temporal and extratemporal lobe epilepsy.


EEG seizure imaging can potentially be used to noninvasively image the SOZs and aid the pre-surgical planning in pediatric epilepsy patients.  相似文献   

Hessen E  Lossius MI  Reinvang I  Gjerstad L 《Epilepsia》2006,47(11):1870-1878
Persons with epilepsy are at increased risk of cognitive deficits as a result of various factors like etiology, structural brain lesions, seizure frequency, seizure type, age at onset of epilepsy, hereditary factors, psychosocial factors, and possible adverse effects of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). Despite the fact that the majority of epilepsy patients are seizure-free, previous studies on the relationship between epilepsy-related variables and cognitive function have mainly been conducted on patients with persisting seizures. In this study 158 adults with epilepsy on AED monotherapy and without epileptic seizures for at least 2 years were investigated with a neuropsychological test battery in addition to a neurological examination, MRI and EEG. The major findings were that the group had education and employment status similar to the population mean and neuropsychological function in the normal range. In the patient group without idiopathic generalized epilepsy known cerebral etiology was found to be a highly significant predictor of neuropsychological deficit. For patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsy, early seizure debut at < or =18 years was a powerful predictor of neuropsychological impairment.  相似文献   

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