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采用Lanczos数值计算方法研究了具有Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya(DM)相互作用和Kaplan-She khtman-Entin-Wohlman-Aharony(KSEA)相互作用的一维spin-Peierls(s-P)系统的基态 行为.计算结果发现KSEA相互作用总是不利于系统二聚化,并且它还影响DM相互作用对系统 二聚化的贡献,甚至可以抵消其作用;在某些特定条件下, KSEA和DM的共同作用可以破坏系 统的二聚化基态而转化为均匀基态. 关键词: DM相互作用 KSEA相互作用 二聚化  相似文献   

We study the thermal output entanglement and teleportation in a two qubit Heisenberg XXZ chain with different Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interactions. The analytical expressions of the output entanglement and the average fidelity are obtained for this model. We find the entanglement of replica states will be induced by some large value of Dz and the output entanglement exists for the case of Jz < − 1. The influences of the different DM interactions on the fidelity of teleportation are studied. We show that by introducing the x-component DM interaction, the average fidelity FA can reach its maximum value 1.  相似文献   

With the introduction of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction, dynamics of the remote entanglement in one-dimensional Ising chains is investigated. It is found that the DM interaction can excite the remote entanglement from an initial Néel state. For a given strength of DM interaction, the concurrence between the end spins oscillates and decreases simultaneously with the increase of the chain’s length, and drops to zero at a critical length. For the chains with two and three spins, it is very interesting that the dynamics of the staggered magnetization (or the chiral parameter) can be used to qualitatively estimate the evolution of the remote concurrence between the end spins. At last, we discuss the generation of W state from the Ising chain with DM interactions, and it is obtained that W state can only be prepared in the three-qubit and four-qubit chains with a specific strength of DM interaction.  相似文献   

刘圣鑫  李莎莎  孔祥木 《物理学报》2011,60(3):30303-030303
研究了Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya(DM)相互作用对混合自旋(1/2,3/2)XY链以及自旋为1的XY链热纠缠的影响.通过计算两粒子之间的纠缠,发现它不仅能够增强纠缠,而且能使两粒子之间的纠缠度达到一稳定值;当温度较高时,要使热纠缠达到稳定值需要更强的这种相互作用.在相同的条件下,自旋s=1的两粒子之间的纠缠要小于混合自旋两粒子之间的纠缠.粒子之间的交换耦合相互作用有助于加强粒子之间的热纠缠,因此可以与DM相互作用一起调节纠缠度.当交换耦合相互作用比 关键词: 量子纠缠 XY 模型')" href="#">XY 模型 negativity Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya相互作用  相似文献   

研究了一维随机量子XY自旋链中中心两量子位的纠缠特性,在该系统中引入了自旋间的交换耦合杂质、磁杂质和Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya相互作用,并且杂质满足高斯分布关系.通过数值计算,求出了自旋的关联函数和平均磁化强度,给出了Concurrence的解析表达式.结果表明:高斯分布和Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya相互作用对两量子位的纠缠有重要的影响,选择合适的交换耦合、外界磁场和Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya相互作用参数,可以控制和提高中心两量子位的纠缠. 关键词: 纠缠 XY模型')" href="#">随机量子XY模型 高斯分布 Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya相互作用  相似文献   

The effects of the Dzyaloshinski-Moriya (DM) interaction on the ground-state properties of the anisotropic XY chain in a transverse field have been studied by means of correlation functions and entanglement. Different from the case without the DM interaction, the excitation spectra εk of this model are not symmetrical in the momentum space and are not always positive. As a result, besides the ferromagnetic (FM) and the paramagnetic (PM) phases, a gapless chiral phase is induced. In the chiral phase, the von Neumann entropy is proportional to log2L (L is the length of a subchain) with the coefficient A ≈ 1/3, which is the same as that of the XY chain in a transverse field without the DM interaction for γ = 0 and 0 h ≤ 1. And in the vicinity of the critical point between the chiral phase and the FM (or PM) phase, the behaviors of the nearest-neighbor concurrence and its derivative are like those for the anisotropy transition.  相似文献   

采用Lanczos数值计算方法研究了具有链间海森堡相互作用和链间Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya(DM)相互作用spin-Peierls梯子模型的基态行为.分析了链间海森堡相互作用和链间DM相互作用对系统二聚化的影响.结果发现,这两种链间作用都不利于系统的二聚化,会造成系统基态二聚化的减小,这说明随着系统维度的增大,系统的各向相互作用会限制系统的二聚化,甚至会破坏系统的二聚化相. 关键词: spin-Peierls模型 海森堡相互作用 DM相互作用 二聚化  相似文献   

蔡卓  陆文彬  刘拥军 《物理学报》2008,57(11):7267-7273
主要研究了具有交错Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya(DM)相互作用的反铁磁Heisenberg链的纠缠.基于 density-matrix renormalization group(DMRG)的数值计算表明,交错DM相互作用消除了系统在外磁场H=2处的二级量子相变,从而量子纠缠反常行为也随之消失;同时纠缠范围的发散也被消除,意味着该模型因子化点的消失.交错DM相互作用导致系统在任意强场下也不会达到铁磁饱和状态,从而保持着自旋纠缠.交错DM相互作用有利于通过外场调控纠缠程度和纠缠范 关键词: Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya相互作用 量子纠缠 量子相变 纠缠范围  相似文献   

The effects of the different Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction on thermal entanglement of a two-qutrit Heisenberg XX spin chain in a nonuniform magnetic field are investigated. Our results imply that the x-component DM interaction plays a central role in enhancing quantum entanglement and it has a higher critical temperature than the z-component DM interaction. The entanglement can be tunable controlled by changing the multiple of the magnetic fields B1 and B2. Also we found that different DM interaction are competitive to each other in some conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper,the effects of random variables on the dynamics of the s = 1/2 XY model with the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction are studied.By means of the recurrence relation method in the high-temperature limit,we calculate the spin autocorrelation functions as well as the corresponding spectral densities for the cases that the exchange couplings between spins or external magnetic fields satisfy the double-Gaussian distribution.It is found that when the standard deviation of random exchange coupling δJ(or the standard deviation of random external field δB) is small,the dynamics of the system undergoes a crossover from a collective-mode behavior to a central-peak one.However,when δJ(or δB) is large,the crossover vanishes,and the system shows a central-peak behavior or the most disordered one.We also analyze the cases in which the exchange couplings or the external fields satisfy the bimodal and the Gaussian distributions.Our results show that for all the cases considered,the dynamics of the above system is similar to that of the one-dimensional random XY model.  相似文献   

The effects of the different Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction on thermal entanglement of a two-qutrit Heisenberg XX spin chain in a nonuniform magnetic field are investigated. Our results imply that the x-component DM interaction plays a central role in enhancing quantum entanglement and it has a higher critical temperature than the z-component DM interaction. The entanglement can be tunable controlled by changing the multiple of the magnetic fields B1 and B2 . Also we found that different DM interaction are competitive to each other in some conditions.  相似文献   

丛美艳  杨晶  黄燕霞 《物理学报》2016,65(17):170301-170301
研究了存在内禀退相干时,对于不同的系统初态,具有DM相互作用和各向异性的三粒子XXZ海森伯模型的对纠缠动力学特性.得出了一些结论:系统的对纠缠度与各向异性参数?无关,但内禀退相干对系统的纠缠有明显的抑制作用;在内禀退相干存在时,若系统初态为纠缠态,选择合适的DM相互作用的参数,系统的对纠缠有一个非零的稳定值;系统初态为分离态时,系统的对纠缠会随时间震荡衰减,并且每次震荡会出现纠缠突然死亡现象,系统的对纠缠最终达到解纠缠状态.因此,选择合适的系统初态和DM相互作用参数可以有效地控制系统的对纠缠.  相似文献   

根据Milburn理论,研究了考虑内禀退相干情况下,三粒子XXZ海森堡系统在DzyaloshinskiiMoriya(DM)相互作用和各向异性参数的影响下的量子纠缠演化特性.分析了不同DM相互作用和內禀退相干因子等参数对量子对纠缠度的影响.研究表明:系统的对纠缠度与各向异性参数Δ无关,但DM相互作用和內禀退相干都对系统的对纠缠都有明显的影响.当无DM相互作用只存在內禀退相干时,系统的三对对纠缠度各不相同;引入DM相互作用后,系统的对纠缠度的稳定值将改变;选择合适的DM相互作用参数时,系统的对纠缠度随时间做震荡,随着时间的延长,震荡减弱至一个非零的稳定值;并且系统的对纠缠随內禀退相干增大,震荡幅度变小,震荡时间变短.因此,在內禀退相干存在时,合适的DM相互作用参数可以有效的控制对纠缠.  相似文献   

The Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) vectors arising from a fabrication induced perpendicular strain gradient in a film of bcc Fe are calculated by a combination of the ab initio density functional electron theory with a micromagnetic model. It is shown that even for large strain gradients the absolute values of the DM vectors are 1-2 orders of magnitude smaller than those calculated recently for a Fe bilayer on W(1 1 0). The breaking of the symmetry of the static and dynamic properties of a magnetic vortex with respect to its polarization is discussed for systems with DM interactions.  相似文献   

殳蕾  陈宇光  陈鸿 《物理学报》2002,51(4):902-907
在平均场理论基础上,研究了具有DzyaloshinskiiMoriya(缩写为DM)相互作用的二维spinPeierls模型以及DM相互作用对二聚化的影响.研究表明,随模型参量的不同,DM相互作用能加强或削弱二聚化位移.另外,发现DM相互作用对二聚化位移的依赖程度参量λ存在一个特殊点λc,当λ=λc时,DM相互作用对二聚化没有影响.随晶格弹性系数的增加,λc将增大,而链间耦合将使λc减小 关键词: 二维spinPeierls模型 DM相互作用  相似文献   

张英丽  周斌 《物理学报》2011,60(12):120301-120301
研究四量子比特海森堡XXZ模型中配对纠缠的性质,在该系统中引入了Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM)相互作用,通过求解配对纠缠度来讨论最近邻和次近邻两量子比特之间的热纠缠性质. 研究结果表明:对于铁磁和反铁磁两种情形而言,次近邻两量子比特之间不存在配对热纠缠;但在最近邻两量子比特情况时,DM相互作用和各向异性参数Δ对配对热纠缠和临界温度Tc都具有重要的影响,且随着温度T的增加,配对纠缠度逐渐减小直至消失. 因此,选择和调整合适的DM相互作用和各向异性参数,可以有效地控制和提高配对热纠缠. 关键词: 配对纠缠 XXZ模型')" href="#">XXZ模型 Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya相互作用  相似文献   

Ground state entanglement and thermal entanglement of a two-qubit Heisenberg XXZ chain in the presence of the different Dzyaloshinski-Moriya interaction and inhomogeneous magnetic field are investigated.By the concept of concurrence, we find that the inhomogeneity of the magnetic field may make entanglement last for a long time and the critical temperature is dependent on Jz and b. The entanglement can be increased by increasing the temperature in some cases. We also find that the x-component parameter Dx has a higher critical temperature and more entanglement for a certain condition than the z-component parameter Dz.  相似文献   

秦猛  李延标  白忠  林上金  刘卫 《中国物理 C》2010,34(11):1693-1695
Ground state entanglement and thermal entanglement of a two-qubit Heisenberg XXZ chain in the presence of the different Dzyaloshinski-Moriya interaction and inhomogeneous magnetic field are investigated.By the concept of concurrence,we find that the inhomogeneity of the magnetic field may make entanglement last for a long time and the critical temperature is dependent on Jz and b.The entanglement can be increased by increasing the temperature in some cases.We also find that the x-component parameter Dx has a higher critical temperature and more entanglement for a certain condition than the z-component parameter Dz.  相似文献   

根据Milburn理论, 研究了考虑内禀退相干情况下, 三粒子XXZ海森堡系统在Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya(DM)相互作用和各向异性参数的影响下的量子纠缠演化特性。 分析了不同DM相互作用和內禀退相干因子等参数对量子对纠缠度的影响。 研究表明: 系统的对纠缠度与各向异性参数Δ无关, 但DM相互作用和內禀退相干都对系统的对纠缠都有明显的影响。 当无DM相互作用只存在內禀退相干时, 系统的三对对纠缠度各不相同; 引入DM相互作用后, 系统的对纠缠度的稳定值将改变; 选择合适的DM相互作用参数时, 系统的对纠缠度随时间做震荡, 随着时间的延长, 震荡减弱至一个非零的稳定值; 并且系统的对纠缠随內禀退相干增大, 震荡幅度变小, 震荡时间变短。 因此, 在內禀退相干存在时, 合适的DM相互作用参数可以有效的控制对纠缠。  相似文献   

利用张量网络表示的无限矩阵乘积态算法研究了含有Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM)相互作用的键交替海森伯模型的量子相变和临界标度行为.基于矩阵乘积态的基态波函数计算了系统的量子纠缠熵及非局域拓扑序.数据表明,随着键交替强度变化,系统从拓扑有序的Haldane相转变为局域有序的二聚化相.同时DM相互作用抑制了系统的二聚化,并最终打破系统的完全二聚化.另外,通过对相变点附近二聚化序的一阶导数和长程弦序的数值拟合,分别得到了此模型相变的特征临界指数a和b的值.结果表明,随着DM相互作用强度的增强, a逐渐减小,同时b逐渐增大. DM相互作用强度影响着此模型的临界行为.针对此模型的临界性质的研究,揭示了量子自旋相互作用的彼此竞争机制,对今后研究含有DM相互作用的自旋多体系统中拓扑量子相变临界行为提供一定的借鉴与参考.  相似文献   

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