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beta-Tubulin subunits isolated from chicken brain tissue and erythrocytes are distinguishable as unique biochemical species by electrophoretic and peptide mapping procedures. 1) The subunits of beta-tubulin exhibit major differences in electrophoretic mobility on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels that vary according to the pH and ionic strength of the gel. 2) The isoelectric points of urea-denatured beta subunits from brain tissue and erythrocytes are pH 5.1 and 5.4, respectively, whereas those of both alpha subunits are approximately pH 5.2.3) Two-dimensional peptide maps prepared with alpha-chymotrypsin or V8 protease show that alpha-tubulin peptides are indistinguishable, whereas beta-tubulin peptides are very different. Only one-third of the 15 major tyrosine-containing beta-tubulin peptides prepared with alpha-chymotrypsin are common to both beta-tubulin species. The data indicate that the beta-tubulin subunits of brain tissue and erythrocytes are biochemically distinct and may be different gene products. The presence of tubulin variants in brain tissue and erythrocytes may indicate special requirements for microtubule assembly and function in different cell types.  相似文献   

The marginal band is a bundle of microtubules residing at the periphery of nucleated erythrocytes of nonmammalian vertebrates and some invertebrates. Marginal bands from erythrocytes of the newt (Notopthalmus viridescens) were isolated from the cells as intact structures by treatment with detergent and either mild protease or high salt. Isolated bands were subjected to mechanical testing by stretching the band between a glass microhook and a calibrated glass fiber. The deflection of the fiber provided a measure of the force on the band. The flexural rigidity of the band was determined from measurements of the band deformation as a function of applied force. Bands isolated with either of two proteases (pepsin or elastase) or with high salt exhibited elastic behavior with a flexural rigidity of approximately 9.0 X 10(-12) dyn.cm2. Treatment of bands with chymopapain caused an increase in band rigidity and inelastic behavior. Estimates of the contribution of the band to cellular rigidity are made based on the measurements of the structural properties of the isolated band. The band provides the cell with a large resistance to indentations at the rim and to large extensions, while maintaining a high degree of flexibility in small extensions or flexure.  相似文献   

A phase-contrast microscopic procedure of evaluation, measurement and classification which can be simply performed on erythrocyte marginal zones (ERZ) of particularly prepared and coloured smears is described. Classification is made with the help of a classification table and a picture series table after measuring the erythrocyte marginal zones with an ocular measuring plate or with a measuring screw ocular respectively. The same preparing and colouring technique also enables erythrocyte marginal zones to be evaluated with an automatic picture analysis and with the scanning electron microscope. With the help of this technique, which can be applied in human erythrocytes as well as in those of dogs, rats and fish, changes of erythrocyte margin zones which may be caused by haematological, immunological and toxicological processes may be determined in quantity. The mode of action of this preparation technique is dealt with in the discussion.  相似文献   

E. P. Eleftheriou 《Planta》1985,163(2):175-182
Root tip procambial cells of Triticum speltoides, T. tauschii, T. turgidum and T. aestivum have been investigated ultrastructurally for the detection of preprophase microtubule bands (PMBs) and to estimate the number of microtubules comprising the bands. The species selected are phylogenetically related but differ in the ploidy level. It was found that all species develop well-defined PMBs prior to mitosis. Estimations of microtubule abundance in the PMBs was carried out in midpreprophase cells, a stage judged by a feature of the nucleus in which electron-transparent canals are formed around the initial condensations of the chromatin material and the nucleoli. Triticum speltoides bears the smaller average number of microtubules per PMB and T. aestivum the greater. The results indicate that the increase follows the upgrade of the number of chromosome sets. It is suggested that the average number of microtubules of PMBs is related to the ploidy level.Abbreviation PMB preprophase microtubule band  相似文献   

Dynamics of interphase microtubules in Schizosaccharomyces pombe   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
BACKGROUND: Microtubules in interphase Schizosaccharomyces pombe are essential for maintaining the linear growth habit of these cells. The dynamics of assembly and disassembly of these microtubules are so far uncharacterised. RESULTS: Live cell confocal imaging of alpha1 tubulin tagged with enhanced green fluorescent protein revealed longitudinally oriented, dynamically unstable interphase microtubule assemblies (IMAs). The IMAs were uniformly bright along their length apart from a zone of approximately doubly intense fluorescence commonly present close to their centres. The ends of each IMA switched from growth ( approximately 3.0 microm/min) to shrinkage ( approximately 4.5 microm/min) at 1.0 events per minute and from shrinkage to growth at 1.9 events per minute, and the two ends were equivalently dynamic, suggesting equivalent structure. We accordingly propose a symmetrical model for microtubule packing within the IMAs, in which microtubules are plus ends out and overlap close to the equator of the cell. IMAs may contain multiple copies of this motif; if so, then within each IMA end, the microtubule ends must synchronise catastrophe and rescue. When both ends of an IMA lodge in the hemispherical cell ends, the IMAs start to bend under compression and their overall growth rate is inhibited about twofold. Similar microtubule dynamics were observed in cells ranging in size from half to twice normal length. Patterned photobleaching indicated no detectable treadmilling or microtubule sliding during interphase. CONCLUSIONS: The consequence of the mechanisms described is continuous recruitment of microtubule ends to the ends of growing cells, supporting microtubule-based transport into the cell ends and qualitatively accounting for the essential role for microtubules in directing linear cell growth in S. pombe.  相似文献   

Shamina NV 《Tsitologiia》2003,45(7):650-654
A planar meridional perinuclear band of microtubules was observed at the late meiotic prophase I in a range of higher plant species. A distinct high-organized structure and a long time of existence allow to consider it as a new class of MTs dependent on the cell cycle in plant meiosis. MTs of the perinuclear band convert into meiotic spindle through a complex process of spatial rearrangements.  相似文献   

The erythrocytes of blood clams (arcidae) are flattened, elliptical, and nucleated. They contain elliptical marginal bands (MBs) of microtubules, each physically associated with a pair of centrioles marginal bands (MBs) of microtubles, each physically associated with a pair of centrioles (Cohen, W., and I. Nemhauser, 1980, J. Cell Biol., 86:286-291). The MBs were found to be cold labile in living cells, disappearing within 1-2 h at 0 degrees C. After the cells had been rewarmed for 1-2 h, continuous MBs with associated centrioles were once again present. Time-course studies utilizing phase contrast, antitubulin immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy of cytoskeletons prepared during rewarming revealed structural evidence of centriole participation in MB reassembly. At the earliest stage of reassembly, a continuous MB was not present. Instead, relatively short and straight microtubules focused on a pointed centriolar “pole,” and none were present elsewhere in the cytoskeleton. Thin continuous MBs then formed, still pointed in the centriolar region. Subsequently, the MBs regained ellipticity, with their thickness gradually increasing but not reaching that of controls even after several hours of rewarming. At these later time points, microtubules still radiated from the centrioles and joined the MBs some distance away. In the presence of 0.1 mM colchicines, MB reassembly was arrested at the pointed stage. Electron microscopic observations indicate that pericentriolar material is involved in microtubule nucleation in this system, rather than the centriolar triplets directly. The results suggest a model in which the centrioles and associated material nucleate assembly and growth of microtubules in diverging directions around the cell periphery. Microtubules of opposite polarity would then pass each other at the end of the cell distal to the centrioles, with continued elongation eventually closing the MB ellipse behind the centriole pair.  相似文献   

In living cells microtubules (MTs) continuously grow and shorten. This feature of MTs was discovered in vitro and named dynamic instability. Comparison of dynamic instability of MTs in vitro and in vivo shows a number of differences. MTs in vivo rapidly grow (up to 20 microns/min), duration of their shortening is small (on average 15-20 s), and pauses are prominent. In different animal cells MTs grow from the centrosome and form a radial array. In such cells growth of MTs is persistent, i.e. undergo without interruptions until plus end of a MT reaches cell margin. Analysis of literature and original data shows that interconvertion between phases of growth, shortening and pause is asymmetric: growth often converts into pause, while shortening always converts into growth without pause. We suggest dynamic instability described near the cell margin in numerous publications results not only from intrinsic properties of MTs, but also because of the external obstacles for their growth. MT behavior in the cells with radial array of long MTs could be treated as dynamic instability with boundary conditions. One boundary is the centrosome responsible for rapid initiation of MT growth. Another boundary is cell margin limiting MT elongation. MT growth occurs with constant mean velocity, and potential duration of growth phase might exceed cell radius. MT shortening is usually smaller than MT length however velocity of shortening increases with time. Random episodes of rapid shortening are sufficient for the exchange of MTs in 10-20 min in the cells not more than 40-50 microns in diameter. Experimental data show that similar rate of exchange of MTs is in the large cells. This is achieved employing another mechanism, namely release of MTs and depolymerization from the minus end. In the minus end pathway time required for the exchange of MTs does not depend on cell radius and is determined primarily by the frequency of releases. Thus a small number of free MTs with metastable minus ends significantly reduce time required for the renovation of the radial MT array. Summarizing all experimental data we suggest the life cycle scheme for the MT in a cell. MT is initiated at the centrosome and grows rapidly until it reaches cell margin. At the margin the plus end oscillates, and finally MT depolimerizes. MT "death" comes from a random catastrophe (shortening from the plus end) in small cells or from release and depolymerization of the minus end in large cells.  相似文献   

The early prometaphase and initial stages of meiotic spindle formation in higher plant PMCs were studied by means of a new approach worked out by the authors: a morphological dissection that consists in the analysis of various abnormalities of the process under study. Wide cereal hybrids F1 were used as a source of such abnormalities: phenotypes with C-, S-shaped and combined spindle, with spindles surrounded by microtubule (MT) ring and phenotypes with chaotic circular MT system in M1. Three stages of early prometaphase not described before (disintegration of perinuclear MT band, straightening of its bundles, and their translocation throughout the cytoplasm) were revealed.  相似文献   

R H Himes  H W Detrich 《Biochemistry》1989,28(12):5089-5095
The tubulins of Antarctic fishes, purified from brain tissue and depleted of microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs), polymerized efficiently in vitro to yield microtubules at near-physiological and supraphysiological temperatures (5, 10, and 20 degrees C). The dynamics of the microtubules at these temperatures were examined through the use of labeled guanosine 5'-triphosphate (GTP) as a marker for the incorporation, retention, and loss of tubulin dimers. Following attainment of a steady state in microtubule mass at 20 degrees C, the rate of incorporation of [3H]GTP (i.e., tubulin dimers) during pulses of constant duration decreased asymptotically toward a constant, nonzero value as the interval prior to label addition to the microtubule solution increased. Concomitant with the decreasing rate of label incorporation, the average length of the microtubules increased, and the number concentration of microtubules decreased. Thus, redistribution of microtubule lengths (probably via dynamic instability and/or microtubule annealing) appears to be responsible for the time-dependent decrease in the rate of tubulin uptake. When the microtubules had attained both a steady state in mass and a constant length distribution, linear incorporation of labeled tubulin dimers over time occurred at rates of 1.45 s-1 at 5 degrees C, 0.48 s-1 at 10 degrees C, and 0.18 s-1 at 20 degrees C. Thus, the microtubules displayed greater rates of subunit flux, or treadmilling, at lower, near-physiological temperatures. At each temperature, most of the incorporated label was retained by the microtubules during a subsequent chase with excess unlabeled GTP.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Analyses of correspondent meiotic abnormalities is a good tool for studying cytoskeletal rearrangements during plant cell division. The paper reports on the wheat x wheatgrass F1 hybrids, showing various abnormalities during organization of the prophase perinuclear band of microtubules (PNB) in male meiosis. Based on these data, it may be concluded that the perinuclear system of microtubules (MT) in higher plant meiosis is formed from fibrils of the radial system as a result of their translocation in the cell cytoplasm space. According to our data, at this stage the radial MT arrays pass through the following consequence of events: separating from the nuclear envelope, 2) approaching, 3) tangential orientation to the nuclear surface, 4) bending, 5) co-orientation, lateral interaction. As a result, a flat ring of well organized concentric bent MT bundles encircling the nucleus meridionally is organized.  相似文献   

D. H. Simmonds 《Planta》1986,167(4):469-472
Circumnuclear bands of microtubules (MT) have been found in the prophase of mitoses in cultured protoplasts of Vicia hajastana. The timing of the appearance and disappearance of the prophase band of MT (PB) relative to the stage of mitosis was studied using simultaneous staining of MT by immunofluorescence and DNA by Hoechst 33258. These protoplasts regenerate into unorganized tissue. Pre-prophase bands of MT have previously been found only in highly organized tissues of higher plants. The role of PB in cell division is discussed.Abbreviations MT microtubule(s) - PB prophase band(s) - FPB pre-prophase band(s) - PNF perinuclear fluorescence  相似文献   

The process of blood oxygenation in vitro was described theoretically. It was established that the dynamics of the oxygenation degree of different blood samples can be obtained from the certain universal time function by a change of the time scale. A special device was created for experimental investigation of oxygenation dynamics. The experimental data are in agreement with the theory.  相似文献   

Summary The formative divisions of protophloem mother cells in roots of the grassAegilops comosa var.thessalica have been investigated by means of light and electron microscopy. Two successive differential divisions create protophloem poles consisting of a protophloem sieve element and two companion cells. Pre-prophase bands of microtubules appear in premitotic cells anticipating the plane of orientation of the cell plate and indicating the site where the daughter wall will join the parent one. Evidence is accumulated that the site previously occupied by pre-prophase band is bisected by the new wall. Structural asymmetries that could express polarity, like organelle displacement, were not observed in premitotic cells. A working hypothesis is proposed integrating the conclusions of the present study in a diagram correlating pre-prophase bands of microtubules and differential divisions.  相似文献   

Specific associations of spectrin with Bands 2.1 and 4.1 have been examined by measuring the binding of purified 125I-Band 2.1 and 125I-Band 4.1 to [32P]spectrin in solution. Binding of Bands 2.1 and 4.1 to spectrin was measured as 125I radioactivity precipitated by an anti-spectrin.Staphylococcus aureus complex. The association between spectrin and Band 2.1 is characterized by relatively high affinity (Kd congruent to 10(-7) M at pH 7.6) and saturation of available binding sites at a molar ratio of 1:1 (Band 2.1/spectrin heterodimer). Band 4.1 binding to spectrin is characterized by a similar affinity (Kd congruent to 10(-7) M at pH 7.6) with saturation of available sites occurring at a stoichiometric ration of 2:1 (Band 4.1/spectrin heterodimer). Scatchard plots of Band 4.1 binding to spectrin are curvilinear and consistent with a positively cooperative interation. Bands 2.1 and 4.1 bind to different sites on the spectrin molecule: unlabeled Band 4.1 does not competitively displace 125 I-Band 2.1 from spectrin in solution, and low angle rotary-shadowed platinum-carbon replicas of these polypeptides reveal two discrete binding sites.  相似文献   

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